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Formel công thức Bildung

OXF3000D: công thức formula Formel

ENDE: formula Formel

like: Formel
die Formel công thức

Formel 公式, 方程式 gōngshì, fāngchéngshì

a formula for approximating the weight of a horse approximate
calculate sth: Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container. calculate
a formal complaint complaint
The dinner was a formal affair. formal
He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. formal
formal legal processes formal
to make a formal apology/complaint/request formal
This formula is used to calculate the area of a circle. formula
CO is the formula for carbon monoxide. formula
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. formula
All the patients were interviewed according to a standard formula. formula
formula for sth/for doing sth: There's no magic formula for a perfect marriage. formula
A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required. inform
Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. informal
The aim of the trip was to make informal contact with potential customers. informal
an informal expression informal
There is no magic formula for passing exams—only hard work. magic
a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement statement
Street sport is informal and based on whatever people want to play. street