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Fliege con ruồi Kleine Tiere

OXF3000D: bay fly Fliege

ENDE: fly Fliege

like: Fliege
die Fliege ruồi
fliegen bay
mit einem Heißluftballon fliegen bay trên khinh khí cầu

Fliege 苍蝇 cāng ying
fliegen fēi

Er fragt die Frau, die am Ticketschalter arbeitet, nach dem günstigsten Weg zu fliegen. Anh ấy hỏi người phụ nữ đang làm việc ở quầy bán vé về đường bay rẻ nhất. (Lektion 20, Nr. 231)
An welchem Datum möchten Sie fliegen? Vậy anh muốn bay ngày nào? (Lektion 20, Nr. 235)

He swatted a fly that was annoying him. annoy
an air base base
We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily. between
She brushed the fly away. brush
It costs a fortune to fly first class. cost
Flying makes enormous demands on pilots. demand
discover sth: I've just discovered hang-gliding! discover
to fly economy (class) (= by the cheapest class of air travel) economy
It's late—I must fly. fly
Several people were hit by flying glass. fly
to fly at the speed of sound fly
fly (from...) (to...): I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow. fly
We're flying KLM. fly
a pilot trained to fly large passenger planes fly
children flying kites fly
He's learning to fly. fly
A fly was buzzing against the window. fly
Flies rose in thick black swarms. fly
I'm terrified of flying. flying
We're flying at 35 000 feet. foot
guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. guarantee
You can get there just as cheaply by plane. just
We made the journey by land, though flying would have been cheaper. land
A fly landed on his nose. land
flying at low altitude low
a plane flying low over the town low
low-flying aircraft low
If I don't leave now I'll miss my plane. miss
The next best thing to flying is gliding. next
Flying is quite the best way to travel. quite
settle sth: It's all settled—we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane. settle
I'm going to France for a short break. short
birds flying to the south for the winter south
suppose (that)...: Suppose flights are fully booked on that day—which other day could we go? suppose
He breaks out in a sweat just at the thought of flying. sweat