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fight đấu đá

EVP fight
EVP fight
EVP fighter
EVP fighting
EVP firefighter
Streit cuộc cãi lộn (đánh lộn tranh đấu) Gefühle
Kampf trận đánh Militär

OXF3000ZH: 打仗(架) fight
OXF3000ZH: 战斗的 fighting
3000TH: สู้ suuF to fight, vie, oppose
5000FR: lutte struggle, fight, conflict
5000FR: lutter to struggle, fight
5000FR: combat fight, combat
5000FR: combattre to fight
5000FR: combattant fighter
5000FR: chasseur hunter, fighter, page, messenger
5000FR: pompier fireman, firefighter
5000FR: résistant robust, sturdy, resistance fighter
OXF3000N đấu tranh chiến đấu sự đấu tranh cuộc chiến đấu fight
OXF3000N sự chiến đấu sự đấu tranh fighting
GBENDE: 搏斗 fight Kampf
GBENDE: 会战 fight Schlacht
GBENDE: 争吵 fight Streit
CORE: fight + + + + + + +
NGLS: fight + act of trying to hurt someone by hitting them
WNS: (n.) [fight] fighting, combat
WNS: (n.) [firefighter] fireman
WNS: (v.) [fight] struggle

ENDE: fight Kampf
ENDE: fight Schlacht
ENDE: fight Streit
FN: fight n Hostile_encounter
FN: fight n Quarreling
FN: fight v Hostile_encounter
FN: fight v Quarreling
FN: fight v Firefighting

I do not want to fight. Tôi không muốn chiến đấu. History
fight chiến đấu History
I will fight against you. Tôi sẽ chiến đấu chống lại bạn. History

like: Fight
to fight a war chinh chiến
to fight with, struggle with chiến đấu với
to fight or extinguish fire, get fire under control chữa cháy
to fight a fire chữa lửa
to fight over something, scramble for something, struggle for something dành giật
deal riposte at, fight back giáng trả
to pick a fight with someone gây gỗ với ai
to challenge, provoke to a fight or war khiêu chiến
to fight for the throne tranh bá đồ vương
to dispute, contend, fight over, struggle for tranh giành
to fight for supremacy tranh hùng
to fight with somebody over power tranh quyền
to fight for one’s life tranh sống
to fight for; to make use of tranh thủ
a violent fight, a fight to the finish trận ác chiến
to fight dishonest people trừ gian
to fight violently, fight fiercely; fierce battle, violent struggle ác chiến
beat back, fight off đánh lui
to fight for money (as opposed to honor, e.g.) đánh nhau vì tiền
give a boxing demonstration-box, fight a boxing-match đánh võ
to fight for đấu tranh cho
to fight for democracy đấu tranh cho dân chủ

Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
the fight against terrorism against
fighter/transport/military aircraft aircraft
to fight an uphill battle against prejudice battle
She died after a brave fight against cancer. brave
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. break out
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
fighting for the Republican cause cause
claim sth: Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. claim
Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. competitive
Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion. confusion
He vowed to continue fighting. continue
Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze. control
the fight against crime crime
The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights. defeat
Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life. desperate
to fight an election election
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
to fight racism/corruption/poverty, etc. fight
Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory. fight
The fire crews had problems fighting the blaze. fight
We will fight for as long as it takes. fight
fight sb/sth (for sth): to fight an election/a campaign fight
fight for sth: She's fighting for a place in the national team. fight
My little brothers are always fighting. fight
She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. fight
soldiers trained to fight fight
fight against sb: My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain. fight
fight sb/sth: to fight a war/battle fight
They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army. fight
Fighting broke out in three districts of the city last night. fighting
outbreaks of street fighting fighting
prize fighting (= fighting in boxing matches for money) fighting
Did you have a fight with him? fight
We had a fight over money. fight
fight (against sth): the fight against crime fight
fight (for sth): a fight for survival fight
fight (to do sth): Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies. fight
fight (with sb/sth): He got into a fight with a man in the bar. fight
I had a fight with the ticket machine, which was being temperamental. fight
a street/gang fight fight
fight (between A and B): A fight broke out between rival groups of fans. fight
a world title fight (= fighting as a sport, especially boxing ) fight
I feel really fighting fit (= very healthy and full of energy). fit
soldiers fighting for their country for
to get into a fight get into sth
They gave up without a fight. give up
They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground. ground
ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea) ground
There was heavy fighting in the capital last night. heavy
We need new measures to help (to) fight terrorism. help
Firefighters formed a human chain (= a line of people) to carry the children to safety. human
investigate (sth): Scientists are investigating the effects of diet on fighting cancer. investigate
Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn't want to get involved. involved
leave of sth: They are fighting to save what is left of their business. leave
He broke his nose in the fight. nose
opposition forces (= people who are arguing, fighting, etc. with another group) opposition
order sb + adv./prep.: They were ordered out of the class for fighting. order
to take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration take part (in sth)
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
a fighter pilot pilot
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. protect
Firefighters soon put the fire out. put sth out
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
fighting between rival groups rival
Firefighters were on the scene immediately. scene
Firefighters searched the buildings for survivors. search
separate sb/sth: Police tried to separate the two men who were fighting. separate
Show a little fighting spirit. spirit
They had no stomach for a fight. have no stomach for sth
When is this fighting going to stop? stop
Who struck the first blow (= started the fight)? strike
Firefighters tackled a blaze in a garage last night. tackle
unite in doing sth: We will unite in fighting crime. unite
He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.). violent
the theatre of war (= the area in which fighting takes place) war
Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. weapon
He had no wish to start a fight. wish
to fight with sb with
Let them do their worst—we'll fight them every inch of the way. do your worst
He'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it. get the worst of it
The fight was started by a gang of youths. youth

lutte tu as mené une lutte acharnée
lutter je me préoccupe de lutter contre la pauvreté
combat nous devons nous préparer pour le grand combat
combattre nous avons combattu pour chaque détail
combattant vous êtes les combattants les mieux entrainés
chasseur je suis un chasseur qui ne tue pas sans hésiter
pompier les pompiers restaient pessimistes
résistant les bactéries résistantes disparaissent en quelques jours