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OXF3000D: ủi iron Eisen

ENDE: iron Eisen

like: Eisen
Papier abreißen xé giấy
kreisen lượn vòng
abreisen khởi hành, xuất phát
beißen cắn
auf etwas hinweisen dẫn giải
zerreißen xé rách, cẩt đứt
beweisen chứng minh
abreißen Đánh đổ
das Bügeleisen bàn là (nv), bàn ủi (sv)
hinreißend ngây ngất, say đắm
zuweisen phân phối, chỉ định
Geld überweisen chuyển khoản
das verrostete Eisen sắt bị gỉ
entgleisen trật đường ray
scheißen đi ngoài, đại tiện

abreißen 撕开 sī kāi
Papier abreißen 撕开一张纸 sī kāi yì zhāng zhǐ
kreisen 环绕 huán rào
abreisen 出发 chū fā
beißen yǎo
auf etwas hinweisen 指明某事 zhǐ míng mǒu shì
zerreißen 撕烂 sī làn
beweisen 证明 zhèng míng
abreißen 折断 zhé duàn
Bügeleisen 熨斗 yòn dǒu
hinreißend 有魅力的 yǒu mèi lì de
zuweisen 分派, 分配 fēnpài, fēnpèi
Geld überweisen 汇款 huìkuǎn
verrostete Eisen 锈铁 xiùtiě
entgleisen 脱轨 tuōguǐ
scheißen 大便, 拉屎 dàbiàn, lāshǐ

Sie eröffnen ein gemeinsames Konto, um ihre Miete jeden Monat überweisen zu können. Họ mở chung một tài khoản, để họ có thể mỗi tháng chuyển tiền nhà. (Lektion 44, Nr. 629)
Für unsere Gäste nehmen wir das schöne Besteck, die weißen Servietten und die neuen Weingläser. Chúng ta dùng bộ dao nĩa thật đẹp cho khách, những giấy ăn trắng và những ly để uống rượu vang thật mới. (Lektion 48, Nr. 689)
Sie steigen in ihr Auto und reisen ab. Họ lên xe và khởi hành. (Lektion 51, Nr. 717)
Wo ist das Bügeleisen? Cái bàn là ở đâu rồi? (Lektion 73, Nr. 1043)
Sie reisen gerne und sind praktisch veranlagt. Rất thích du lich và thiên về thực tiễn. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1135)
Können Sie mir bitte ein Angebot basierend auf Preisen ab Werk machen? Anh / Chị có thể khuyến mại cho tôi theo giá xuất xưởng được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1567)
Anbei finden Sie eine Liste mit unseren aktuellen Preisen. Tôi xin gửi quý khách bảng giá hiện thời của chúng tôi: (Lektion 98, Nr. 1571)
Sie sollten ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaft vorweisen können. Anh / Chị cần phải chứng minh được việc tốt nghiệp đại học với chuyên ngành kinh tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1777)
Wir bitten Sie den Betrag umgehend zu überweisen. Chúng tôi đề nghị ông / bà / quý vị chuyển khoản ngay số tiền cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2535)
Wir bitten höflich darum, den Betrag bis zum 15.05. auf unser Konto zu überweisen. Chúng tôi đề nghị ông / bà / quý vị hãy chuyển số tiền chậm nhất đến ngày 15.05. vào tài khoản của chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2536)
Wenn Sie den Rechnungsbetrag nicht innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage an uns überweisen, müssen wir unsere Forderung gerichtlich geltend machen. Nếu ông / bà / quý vị không chuyển khoản cho chúng tôi số tiền trong vòng 10 ngày tới, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ đến sự can thiệp của luật pháp. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2542)
Wir werden den Betrag sofort überweisen. Chúng tôi sẽ chuyển khoản số tiền ngay. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2548)

her adventures travelling in Africa adventure
advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. advise
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. alarmed
approve of sb/sth: Do you approve of my idea? approve
He smashed the window with an iron bar. bar
a long soak in a hot bath bath
to study learned behaviours behaviour
There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath. better
Most European spiders don't bite. bite
bite sb: We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. bite
bite into/through sth: She bit into a ripe juicy pear. bite
bite sb/sth: She was bitten by the family dog. bite
Stop biting your nails! bite
bite off sth/sth off: He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. bite
The music builds up to a rousing climax. build up (to sth)
to travel by day/night by
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
Electric buses are a clean, environmentally friendly way to travel. clean
a railway coach coach
Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria. cold
She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when she is travelling. company
comparison of A and B: a comparison of the rail systems in Britain and France comparison
a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop) competitive
The book explores contrasting views of the poet's early work. contrasting
Her voice was cool and dismissive. cool
At least give him credit for trying (= praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed). credit
the cry of gulls circling overhead cry
They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. direct
They were selling everything at a discount (= at reduced prices). discount
a discount shop (= one that regularly sells goods at reduced prices) discount
dismiss sb/sth: I think we can safely dismiss their objections. dismiss
dismiss sb/sth from sth: He dismissed her from his mind. dismiss
The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. beyond (any) doubt
to fly economy (class) (= by the cheapest class of air travel) economy
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
the even distribution of food even
The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year. exhibit
an experienced traveller (= sb who has travelled a lot) experienced
my fellow passengers on the train fellow
She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died. fever
Sam had lit a fire to welcome us home. fire
EU citizens can now travel freely between member states. freely
He looked fresh and neat in a clean white shirt. fresh
Steel is made from iron. from
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. go through sth
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. habit
While travelling she missed the comforts of home. home
Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour. honour
hot spicy food hot
I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). hot
Cook in a very hot oven. hot
It's impossible to prove. impossible
indicate sth: A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. indicate
He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa. intention
The job involves my travelling all over the country. involve
a steam iron iron
iron ore (= rock containing iron) iron
patients with iron deficiency (= not enough iron in their blood) iron
iron tablets (= containing iron prepared as a medicine) iron
The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer. land
Jill wants to travel and see life for herself. life
I try to eat lightly (= not to eat heavy or greasy food). lightly
The male of the species has a white tail. male
The body is that of a white male aged about 40. male
Have you any means of identification? means
meet with sb: The President met with senior White House aides. meet
The President met with senior White House aides. meet with sb
They had to leave at midnight. midnight
The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups). minority
Rub the cream in with a circular motion. motion
to pull/tear/strain a muscle muscle
Stop biting your nails! nail
What's your name? name
a rail/road/canal network network
We want this government out. out
a cool/hot/moderate oven oven
He's just saying that to prove a point (= to show his idea is right). point
point (at/to/towards sb/sth): 'What's your name?' he asked, pointing at the child with his pen. point
She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
point that...: I should point out that not one of these paintings is original. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
popular (with sb): These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters. popular
port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country) port
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. possession
lumps of chalk crushed to (a) fine white powder powder
Cool, loose-fitting clothes are practical in a hot climate. practical
praise sb/sth as sth: Critics praised the work as highly original. praise
food preparation preparation
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. prove
His lack of experience may prove a problem in a crisis. prove
prove to be sth: The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. prove
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
Are you just doing this to prove a point? prove
What are you trying to prove? prove
I certainly don't have anything to prove—my record speaks for itself. prove
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
prove (that)...: This proves (that) I was right. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself + adj./noun: She was determined to prove everyone wrong. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself to be/have sth: You've just proved yourself to be a liar. prove
prove what, how, etc...: This just proves what I have been saying for some time. prove
beaches of pure white sand pure
to put the garbage/trash out put sth out
We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices. quality
She was quick (= too quick) to point out the mistakes I'd made. quick
Flying is quite the best way to travel. quite
to travel by rail rail
This town got a lot bigger when the railroad came in the 1860s. railroad
a disused railway railway
Her father worked on the railways. railway
a model railway railway
The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. reasonable
We sell good quality food at reasonable prices. reasonable
receive sth from sb: We received a warm welcome from our hosts. receive
The book is full of references to growing up in India. reference
request sth (from sb): She requested permission to film at the White House. request
iron-rich rocks rich
risk doing sth: We've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions. risk
That's not to say it's a bad movie (= it is good but it is not without faults). say
to travel by sea sea
Police searched for clues in the area. search
search sth for sth/sb: Police searched the area for clues. search
In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified. sense
sensitive to sth: My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. sensitive
set sb/yourself to do sth: I've set myself to finish the job by the end of the month. set
The end-of-year accounts show a loss. show
show yourself to be/have sth: He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises. show
'I don't agree,' he said in a small (= quiet) voice. small
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
travelling at the speed of light/sound speed
a list of difficult spellings spelling
She was wearing a black skirt with white spots. spot
the iron and steel industry steel
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
a story about time travel story
Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking). stove
a cool/hot/wet summer summer
Not surprisingly on such a hot day, the beach was crowded. surprisingly
Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding. take sth down
taste (for sth): That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. taste
tear (sth) (+ adv./prep.): I tore my jeans on the fence. tear
tear sth + adj.: I tore the package open. tear
According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. theory
The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere. tip up/over, tip sth up/over
Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place. to
a railway/railroad tunnel tunnel
a fitted kitchen with white units unit
The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues. turn sth upside down
This information could prove useful. useful
This advice was to prove valuable. valuable
Spinach is a valuable source of iron. valuable
to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice voice
welcome sb to sth: It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home. welcome
Is she well enough to travel? well
His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. which
She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city. white
I was grateful for her wise counsel. wise
I can't prove it—you'll have to take my word for it (= believe me). word
travelling (all over) the world world
write (about sth): I wanted to travel and then write about it. write
feminist/travel, etc. writing writing
She would prove him wrong (= prove that he was wrong) whatever happened. wrong
She regrets that she spent her youth travelling and not studying. youth