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OXF3000D: hiệu ứng effect Effekt

ENDE: effect Effekt

like: Effekt

Candidates must be able to communicate effectively. communicate
the car's contribution to the greenhouse effect contribution
The medicine did not achieve the desired effect. desire
dramatic/long-term effects effect
Add a scarf for a casual effect. effect
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings. effective
Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of (= has the same effect as) smoking ten cigarettes a day. equivalent
For maximum effect do the exercises every day. maximum
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
method (of sth): a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis method
noticeable in sb/sth: This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients. noticeable
She tried calming him down but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. opposite
When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the overall effect. overall
The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended. reverse
to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced) scale
a secondary effect secondary
In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. should
The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick. thick
the effectiveness of interest rates as an economic tool tool