Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP curse

3000TH: ด่า daaL to curse, scold
5000FR: sort fate, curse
GBENDE: 诅咒 curse Fluch

ENDE: curse Fluch

We were very afraid when he told us about his curse, although we knew that Chúng tôi đã rất sợ khi anh ấy nói chochúng tôi về lời nguyền của anh ấymặc dù chúng tôi đã biết đó  Paranormality

like: Curse
to curse loudly chửi bới um sùm
to curse at, revile chửi rủa
(1)to swear, curse
(2) to bounce out, slip out
chửi thề
(1) to curse
(2) to manage, plan; plan
to dig, excavate, turn over (earth); to call somebody names, curse and swear đào bới

sort le sort de la pièce était entre mes mains