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1945 政 chính phủ chính sách . hành chính . .
1945 正 chính đáng chính nghĩa . chân chính . .
main, principle, chief; self, own; exactly, just, precisely chính
隐私 yin3si1 secrets; private business; privacy Chính
重大 zhong4da4 great; important; major; significant Chính
主要 zhu3yao4 main; principal; major; primary Chính
主流 zhu3liu2 main stream (of a river); fig. the essential point; main viewpoint of a matter; mainstream (culture etc) Chính
初级 chu1ji2 junior; primary Chính
首要 shou3yao4 the most important; of chief importance Chính

OXF3000: chính approval
OXF3000: chính major
OXF3000N đúng đắn chính xác xác đáng accurate
OXF3000N đúng đắn chính xác accurately
OXF3000N sửa lại cho đúng điều chỉnh adjust
OXF3000N thủ đô tiền vốn chủ yếu chính yếu cơ bản capital
OXF3000N thiếu chính xác không chắc chắn uncertain
OXF3000N trọng yếu chính yếu thủ lĩnh lãnh tụ người đứng đầu sếp chief
OXF3000N đúng chính xác sửa sửa chữa correct
OXF3000N đúng chính xác correctly
OXF3000N chính xác đúng exact
OXF3000N chính xác đúng đắn exactly
OXF3000N tài chính tài trợ cấp vốn finance
OXF3000N thuộc (tài chính) financial
OXF3000N chính phủ nội các sự cai trị government
OXF3000N đại sảnh tòa (thị chính) hội trường hall
OXF3000N không chính thức không nghi thức informal
OXF3000N chính chủ yếu trọng yếu nhất main
OXF3000N chính chủ yếu phần lớn mainly
OXF3000N (thuộcchính quyền văn phòng viên chức công chức official
OXF3000N một cách trịnh trọng một cách chính thứ officially
OXF3000N pro của chính mình tự mình nhận nhìn nhận own
OXF3000N chính sách cách xử sự điều khoản hợp đồng policy
OXF3000N về chính trị về chính phủ có tính chính trị political
OXF3000N về mặt chính trị khôn ngoan thận trọng politically
OXF3000N nhà chính trị chính khách politician
OXF3000N họat động chính trị đời sống chính trị quan điểm chính trị politics
OXF3000N rõ ràng chính xác tỉ mỉ kỹ tính precise
OXF3000N đúng chính xác cần thận precisely
OXF3000N sự điều chỉnh điều lệ quy tắc regulation
OXF3000N sửa chữa chỉnh tu sự sửa chữa sự chỉnh tu repair
OXF3000N sự viết chính tả spelling
OXF3000N nhà nước quốc gia chính quyền (thuộc) nhà nước phát biểu state
OXF3000N không chắc chắn khôn biết rõ ràng uncertain
OXF3000N pro tự anh tự chị chính anh chính mày tự mày yourself
OXF3000D: chính approval Billigung
OXF3000D: chính approval Genehmigung
OXF3000D: chính major grösste
OXF3000D: chính major wichtig

When do they go to the headquarters of the bank? Khi nào họ đi đến trụ sở chính của ngân hàng? Places
You must return to the headquarters immediately. Bạn phải trở lại trụ sở chính ngay lập tức! Places
headquarters trụ sở chính Places
Why does the government need taxes? Tại sao chính phủ cần thuế? Politics
government chính phủ Politics
I receive a scholarship, because my father is a politician. Tôi nhận được học bổng vì bố của tôi là một chính trị gia. Politics
politician chính trị gia Politics
They vote,although they do not understand politics. Họ bỏ phiếu mặc dù họ không hiểu chính trị. Politics
politics chính trị Politics
They demand that the government must have a strategy to protect the enviro Họ yêu cầu chính phủ phải có chiến lược để bảo vệ môi trường. Politics
The American government has many economic development plans. Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. Politics
We do not support the policy of the mayor. Chúng tôi không ủng hộ chính sách của thị trưởng. Politics
policy chính sách Politics
The wealth of that politician is the result of corruption. Sự giàu có của chính trị gia đó là kết quả của tham nhũng. Politics
The government has a new policy to develop social welfare. Chính phủ có một chính sách mới để phát triển phúc lợi xã hội. Politics
You are officially mine. Bạn chính thức là của tôi. Adjectives 3
official chính thức Adjectives 3
The main color of nature is green. Màu chính của thiên nhiên là màu xanh lá cây. Adjectives 3
main chính Adjectives 3
Jealousy is the main cause. Sự ghen tị là nguyên nhân chính. Adjectives 3
Buddhism or other religions should not be influenced by politics. Đạo Phật hay những tôn giáo khác không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi chính trị. History
We are not against the government. Chúng tôi không chống chính phủ. Military
The government mobilized many armored cars. Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. Military

like: Chính
formal relations bang giao chính thức
semiofficial bán chính thức
government-run press báo chí chính thống của nhà nước
political commentary, criticism bình luận chính trị
controlled map bản đồ chính xác
to be politicized bị chính trị hóa
political situation bối cảnh chính trị
Ministry of Politics bộ chính trị
to intervene on behalf of political prisoners can thiệp cho tù nhân chính trị
political struggle chiến chính trị
political strategy chiến lưực chính trị
to unofficially report cho biết không chính thức
for oneself cho chính mình
to criticize a policy chỉ trích chính sách
to oppose the government chống lại chính quyền
exact number con số chính xác
government officials các viên chức chính quyền
government official cán bộ viên chức chính phủ
to be political, have a political nature có tính chất chính trị
to drive or pursue a policy có động cơ chính trị
government organization, agency cơ quan chính phủ
political reform cải cách về chính trị
level of accuracy cấp chính xác
political advisor cố vấn chính trị
to cooperate with the government cộng tác với chính quyền
made by X himself do chính X tự lập
to maintain a policy duy trì chính sách
political life dời sống chính trị
political dogma giáo điều chính trị
(government) administration, bureaucracy guồng máy chính quyền
political machinery guồng máy chính trị
to meet with the Pope himself gặp chính Đức Giáo Hoàng
political activity hoạt động chính trị
precise synchronization system hệ thống hòa đồng bộ chính xác
official exchange range hối xuất chính thức
an unofficial conference hội đàm không chính thức
cabinet council hội đồng chính phủ
unofficial không chính thức
without good reason, proper justification không có lý do chính đáng
political crisis khủng hoảng chính trị
to check spelling, spell check kiểm lỗi chính tả
official result kết quả chính thức
intergovernmental liên chính phủ
(to make an) official announcement loan báo chính thức
in the area of politics lãnh vực chính trị
political leadership lãnh đạo chính trị
to steer, head up the government lèo lái chính phủ
to recognize, voice recognition (of) lên tiếng chính thức
to voice opposition to the government lên tiếng chống chính quyền
to overthrow the government lật đổ chính quyền
spelling error lỗi chính tả
government force(s) lực lượng chính phủ
an official report, statement một bản tin chính thức
official news sources nguồn tin chính thức
legal holiday ngày lễ chính thức
political activities người hoạt động chính trị
politician nhà chính trị
government worker, employee nhân chiên chính phủ
government worker nhân viên chính quyền
political group nhóm chính trị
to yield power, authority nhường chính quyền
unjust phi chính nghĩa
non-governmental phi chính phủ
apolitical phi chính trị
political movement phong trào chính trị
government spokesperson phát ngôn viên chính phủ
to oppose a policy phản đối chính trị
to revise an essay phủ chính bài văn
government official quan chức chính quyền
political power quyền lực chính trị
political activity, political life sinh hoạt chính trị
cracks in the government sự rạn nứt trong chính phủ
to take part, play a role in the government, administration tham gia chính quyền
to consult with the government tham khảo với chính phủ
to change a policy thay đổi chính sách
according to official numbers theo con số chính thức
according to official news sources theo nguồn tin chính thức
according to official statistics theo thống kê chính thức
to discuss the political situation thảo luận về tình hình chính trị
real political power thực quyền chính trị
to continue a policy tiếp tục chính sách
US government bonds trái phiếu chính phủ Mỹ
on the political (battle)front trên mặt trân chính trị
to return to government trở lại chính quyền
to return to politics trở lại chính trị
government assistance, welfare trợ cấp chính phủ
government assistance trợ cấp của chính phủ
to amend the constitution tu chính hiến pháp
amendment tu chính án
official statement tuyên bố chính thức
to obey, follow a policy tuân theo chính sách
political situation tình hình chính trị
an unstable political situation tình trạng bất ổn chính trị
this situation is a result of a policy tình trạng này là hậu quả của chính sách
political prisoner tù nhân chính trị
political refugee tị nạn chính trị
political organization tổ chức chính trị
non-governmental organization (NGO), private organization tổ chức phi chính phủ
politicide tội ác chính trị
political refugee tỵ nạn chính trị
the role of the government vai trò của chính phủ
government official viên chức chính phủ
political support việc ủng hộ chính trị
for political reasons vì những lý do chính trị
anarchic, anarchical; anarchy, anarchist vô chính phủ
official document văn kiện chính thức
in the area, field of politics về mặt chính trị
whose main purpose, function is với cơ năng chính là
to request political asylum xin tị nạn chính trị
political factor yếu tố chính trị
political meaning, significance ý nghĩa chính trị
to play a political role đóng vai trò chính trị
to issue, put out official number đưa ra những con số chính thức
official policy đường lối chính thức
authorized dealer (of a product) đại diện chính thức
political party đảng phái chính trị
political struggle đấu tranh chính trị
to set up a government, administration đặt chính quyền
geopolitics địa chính trị
political institution định chế chính trị
political change đổi thay chính trị
degree of accuracy độ chính xác
political motive động cơ chính trị
to be outside of the government đứng ngoài chính phủ
political influence ảnh hưởng chính trị
at the highest level of government ở cấp cao nhất trong chính phủ
to announce a new policy công bố chính sách mới
political freedom tự do chính trị
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính 真正的 zhēnzhèng de
exakt chính xác 准确的 zhǔnquè de
berechtigt hợp lý, chính đáng 合理的 hé lǐ de
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi 没有错误的 méi yǒu cuò wù de
offiziell chính thức 官方的 guān fāng de
diktieren viết chính tả 给 ... 听写 gěi ..... tīng xiě
erobern chinh phục 征服 zhēng fú
amtlich chính thức 官方的 guān fāng de
politisch chính trị 政治的 zhèng zhì de
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm 廉正的 liánzhèng de
finanziell tài chính 金融的 jīnróng de
anständig nghiêm chỉnh 体面的 tǐmiàn de
ketzerisch dị giáo, không chính thống 异教的 yìjiào de
die Hauptstraße đường phố chính
der Hauptgang cống chính, lối đi chính
die Hauptsaison mùa chính
echt thực sự, xác thực, chân chính
exakt chính xác
berechtigt hợp lý, chính đáng
der Haupteingang lối vào chính
die Hauptstraße Đường phố chính
die Rechtschreibung phép chính tả
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi
offiziell chính thức
das Diktat chính tả
diktieren viết chính tả
erobern chinh phục
amtlich chính thức
die Politik chính trị
der Politiker chính trị gia
die Regierung chính phủ
das Ministerium nội các chính phủ
politisch chính trị
das Rathaus tòa thị chính
der Hauptsatz câu chính
der Kurierdienst ngành bưu chính
unbestechlich liêm chính, thanh liêm
die Bilanz bảng cân đối tài chính
finanziell tài chính
die Spindel cây, trục chính
der Schiedsrichter trọng tài chính
anständig nghiêm chỉnh
die Chirurgie khoa phẫu thuật chỉnh hình
ketzerisch dị giáo, không chính thống

Nach dem Salat bringt der Kellner das Hauptgericht. Sau món salat người bồi bàn bưng món chính ra. (Lektion 12, Nr. 118)
Für das Hauptgericht: Kräuter, Lamm, Geflügel, Huhn, Rindfleisch, Steak, Gemüse, gebackene Bohnen. Cho món chính: rau thơm, thịt cừu, thịt gia cầm, thịt gà, thịt bò,beaf steak, rau xanh, đậu phộng rang. (Lektion 14, Nr. 145)
Ja, meine Tante hat sie aufgebaut. Dạ đúng, chính cô em đã xây nó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 185)
Genau. Sonst muss ich zu hohe Zinsen bezahlen. Chính xác. Nếu không anh sẽ phải trả lãi xuất cao. (Lektion 44, Nr. 639)
Ohne Fernbedienung aber kann ich keine Programme einstellen. Nhưng tôi không thể điều chỉnh các chương trình mà không có cái điều khiển từ xa. (Lektion 47, Nr. 672)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Als sie in die Gegend der Hütte kommen, verlassen sie die Hauptstraße und fahren auf der Landstraße weiter. Khi họ tới địa hạt của nhà gỗ, họ rời đường phố chính và tiếp tục đi vào con đường làng. (Lektion 51, Nr. 718)
Die genaue Anzahl liegt noch nicht vor. Con số chính xác vẫn chưa được công bố. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1037)
Stimmt, wir haben gleich festgestellt, dass wir viele gemeinsame Interessen haben. Chính xác, chúng ta khẳng định ngay rằng chúng ta có chung nhiều sở thích. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1062)
Alle Medien berichten über die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen liberalen und konservativen Politikern. Tất cả phương tiện thông tin đều nói đến sự tranh luận giữa những nhà chính trị theo đảng tự do và những người theo đảng bảo thủ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1156)
Du meldest uns bei einem Portal mit Stellenangeboten im Internet an. Anh đăng ký tại cửa chính với trang cung cấp việc làm trên mạng. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1176)
Das mache ich, wenn ich das Schließfach in der Bank ausgeleert und mich im Rathaus abgemeldet habe. Anh sẽ làm việc đó, sau khi anh rút hết mọi thứ trong tủ an toàn ở nhà băng và đăng ký tạm vắng tại tòa thị chính xong. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1200)
Ich schreibe gerade an meiner Doktorarbeit zum Thema Energiepolitik in Japan. Tôi đang viết luận văn tiến sĩ về đề tài: „Chính sách năng lượng ở Nhật Bản“ (Lektion 94, Nr. 1433)
Leider kam Ihre Bestellung als unzustellbar an uns zurück. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre korrekte Lieferadresse mit. Rất tiếc hàng bị chuyển lại chỗ chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi địa chỉ giao hàng chính xác của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1597)
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob diese Informationen richtig sind. Tôi không dám chắc những thông tin trên là chính xác. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1608)
Hier bin ich nicht sicher, ob deine Übersetzung korrekt ist. Tôi không chắc phần dịch này của anh / chị là chính xác. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1613)
Ich brauche mehr Informationen über die Finanzkrise in Frankreich. Tôi cần thêm thông tin về cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tại Pháp. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1615)
Ich suche nach Literatur zum Thema Energiepolitik. Tôi đang tìm một số tài liệu viết về vấn đề „chính sách năng lượng“. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1617)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Ich habe hier alles Wesentliche zu diesem Thema zusammengefasst. Tôi đã tóm lược những nội dung chính về vấn đề này ở đây. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1630)
Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehört die Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung von Analysen im Bereich Finanzierung. Công việc của anh / chị bao gồm làm dự thảo, thực hiện và đánh giá các phân tích trong lĩnh vực tài chính. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1781)
Sind Sie ein politischer Mensch? Anh / Chị là người có tính chính trị phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1923)
Ich interessiere mich für Politik und verfolge die Nachrichten täglich. Aber ich möchte mich nicht in einer Partei engagieren. Tôi quan tâm đến chính trị và theo dõi tin tức hàng ngày. Nhưng tôi không muốn tham gia vào đảng phái nào. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1940)
Ich arbeite für eine Nichtregierungsorganisation. Tôi làm việc cho một tổ chức phi chính phủ. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2004)
Ehe ich Ihnen die Details vorstelle, möchte ich Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die wesentlichen Punkte geben. Trước khi đi vào nội dung chi tiết, tôi muốn cung cấp cho quy vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những điểm chính. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2096)
Ich habe den roten Faden verloren. Tôi không nắm được ý chính (của bài diễn thuyết). (Lektion 114, Nr. 2123)
Das ist die Ursache des Problems. Đây chính là nguyên nhân của vấn đề. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2143)
Das ist ein Vorteil. Đó chính là một ưu thế / ưu điểm. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2145)
Das ist ein Nachteil. Đó chính là một nhược điểm / hạn chế. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2146)
Für dieses Projekt fehlen uns die finanziellen Mittel. Chúng ta thiếu nguồn tài chính cho dự án này. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2178)
Das können wir uns nicht leisten. Chúng ta không đủ khả năng tài chính. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2179)
Dieses Gerät ist besonders gründlich. Chiếc máy này đặc biệt chính xác. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2262)
Das ist ein Original. Đây là sản phẩm chính gốc. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2268)
Was kostet die Miete für einen komplett eingerichteten Messestand mit 15 qm²? Tiền thuê một gian trưng bày 15 mét vuông được trang trí hoàn chỉnh là bao nhiêu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2308)

acceptable to sb: We want a political solution that is acceptable to all parties. acceptable
an accurate description/account/calculation accurate
accurate information/data accurate
Accurate records must be kept. accurate
The police are trying to obtain a more accurate picture of crime levels. accurate
a highly accurate electronic compass accurate
accurate to within 3 mm accurate
My watch is not very accurate. accurate
Scientists have found a more accurate way of dating cave paintings. accurate
The article accurately reflects public opinion. accurately
You need to hit the ball accurately. accurately
The report accurately reflects the current state of the industry. accurately
The government was accused of incompetence. accuse
Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions. action
They were both politically active. active
adapt sth: These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. adapt
last minute additions to the government's package of proposals addition
The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service. additional
adjust sth: Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly. adjust
This button is for adjusting the volume. adjust
The brakes need to be adjusted. adjust
adjust sth to sth: Adjust your language to the age of your audience. adjust
They'll be fine—they just need time to adjust. adjust
adjust to sth: After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark. adjust
adjust to doing sth: It took her a while to adjust to living alone. adjust
It can be difficult to adjust to being a parent. adjust
adjust yourself to sth: You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. adjust
My eyes were still trying to adjust themselves to the strong sunlight. adjust
be admitted that...: It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly. admit
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
She advises the government on environmental issues. advise
I looked after my father's financial affairs. affair
an expert on foreign affairs (= political events in other countries) affair
Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe. aim
aim at sth: The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. aim
political/literary/sporting ambitions ambition
Discuss it among yourselves (= with each other) first. among
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
announce sth: They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. announce
announce sth to sb: The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. announce
The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100. answer
It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems. apart from
apply sth: to apply economic sanctions/political pressure apply
appropriate for sth: Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval. approval
parliamentary/congressional/government approval approval
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
Finance is Mark's area. area
Her main argument was a moral one. argument
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will. arrange
financial assistance for people on low incomes assistance
He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education. associated
a scathing attack on the government's policies attack
for the attention of... (= written on the envelope of an official letter to say who should deal with it) attention
the government's attitude towards single parents attitude
The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden. attraction
I have to report this to the authorities. authority
The programme of economic reform is backed (= given financial support) by foreign aid. back
The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's policies. badly
The meetings are always in the main conference room. be
The government's main aim is to beat inflation. beat
This is the master bedroom (= the main bedroom of the house). bedroom
begin sth as sth: He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student). begin
religious/political beliefs belief
The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government. believe
Have you ever belonged to a political party? belong to sth
Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes? benefit
The government will have to take the blame for the riots. blame
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
You pay less for the supermarket's own brand. brand
The article brought her into conflict with the authorities. bring
The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues. broad
In broad terms, the paper argues that each country should develop its own policy. broad
She's built a new career for herself. build
burn yourself: I burned myself on the stove. burn
the main business of the meeting business
a busy main road busy
It isn't that he lied exactly, but he did tend to exaggerate. but
to cancel a policy/subscription cancel
a career in politics career
Don't be so careless about/with spelling. careless
the supporting cast (= not the main actors, but the others) cast
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. cause
with/without good cause (= with/without a good reason) cause
Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. central
the central committee (= of a political party) central
the Centre for Policy Studies centre
a change of government change
social/political/economic change change
a major/minor character in the book character
The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. characteristic
Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias. charge
The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200. cheap
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
a check for spelling mistakes check
the chief cause/problem/reason chief
one of the President's chief rivals chief
the chief financial officer of the company chief
All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. chip
This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. choice
The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. chop
changing social and political circumstances circumstance
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
He claimed political asylum. claim
You can make a claim on your insurance policy. claim
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
She gave me clear and precise directions. clear
Clear up your own mess! clear up, clear sth up
the Town Clerk clerk
the present political climate climate
In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear. code
the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues colleague
He got interested in politics when he was in college. college
the gossip/financial column column
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
the government's commitment to public services commitment
a common spelling mistake common
Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children. communicate
company policy company
a formal complaint complaint
a complete guide to events in Oxford complete
the complete works of Tolstoy complete
concepts such as 'civilization' and 'government' concept
One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information. concern
What are your main concerns as a writer? concern
The government's primary concern is to reduce crime. concern
No one can predict with complete/total confidence what will happen in the financial markets. confidence
a lack of confidence in the government confidence
The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts. conflict
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. conflict
The government found itself confronted by massive opposition. confront
A confused situation followed the military coup. confused
There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be. confusion
consult sb about/on sth: I expect to be consulted about major issues. consult
Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies. contain
Her poetry has a good deal of political content. content
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed). contract
government controls on trade and industry control
A military junta took control of the country. control
control sth: government attempts to control immigration control
The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election. conversation
They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. cool
Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. cope
Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. core
Do you have the correct time? correct
Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? correct
I think you've made the correct decision. correct
They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend. correctly
I spent all evening correcting essays. correct
'Can I have one of those pens?' 'Of course—help yourself.' of course
The cracks (= faults) in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show. crack
The main purpose of industry is to create wealth. create
The government plans to create more jobs for young people. create
Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar. credit
All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels. credit card
a political/financial crisis crisis
the government's latest economic crisis crisis
The main criterion is value for money. criterion
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
criticism that...: My only criticism of the house is that it is on a main road. criticism
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
The political cultures of the United States and Europe are very different. culture
A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. curb
curbs on government spending curb
Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. curiously
The fire badly damaged the town hall. damage
The allegations are likely to damage his political career. damage
danger that...: There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return. danger
In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician. dead
debate (sth): Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. debate
declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. declare
The government has declared war on (= officially stated its intention to stop) illiteracy. declare
declare yourself + adj./noun: She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support. declare
The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83. defeat
defend sb/yourself/sth from/against sb/sth: Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics. defend
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. deliberate
The word 'politics' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'city'. derive from sth, be derived from sth
The current political situation in Vietnam is described in chapter 8. describe
His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. desperate
Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later. detail
determine what, whether, etc...: We set out to determine exactly what happened that night. determine
a direct hit (= a hit that is accurate and does not touch sth else first) direct
direct sth to/towards sth/sb: There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to. direct
direct sth against sth/sb: Most of his anger was directed against himself. direct
What's the main disadvantage? disadvantage
disagreement (about/on/over/as to sth): Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show. disagreement
financial disaster disaster
The discovery of the disease among sheep spells financial disaster for farmers. disaster
This makes an excellent hot main dish. dish
a beautiful floral display outside the Town Hall display
the City of London's financial district district
The issue has divided the government. divide
He divides his energies between politics and business. divide
domestic affairs/politics domestic
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
fully dressed dressed
He has dropped out of active politics. drop out (of sth)
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. due
I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties. duty
social, economic and political issues economic
the government's economic policy economic
the sports/financial/fashion, etc. editor editor
She completed her formal education in 1995. education
She's an education major. education
the newly elected government elect
Cost was a key element in our decision. element
The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government. embarrassing
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
The government had to take emergency action. emergency
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
'I can assure you,' she added with emphasis, 'the figures are correct.' emphasis
He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government. employ
government employees employee
The government is aiming at full employment. employment
It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies. enemy
engaged (in sth): They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. engaged
'He's a politician, remember.' 'Enough said.' enough said
to enter politics enter
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
The sender of the first correct entry drawn will win a weekend for two in Venice. entry
the political environment environment
The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone). equal
Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians. equal
It was this campaign that established the paper's reputation. establish
official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade estimate
There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay. even so
The election was the main event of 2008. event
She gave an exact description of the attacker. exact
an exact copy/replica of the painting exact
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
What were his exact words? exact
She's in her mid-thirties—thirty-six to be exact. exact
The colours were an exact match. exact
The two men were exact contemporaries at university. exact
I know exactly how she felt. exactly
It happened almost exactly a year ago. exactly
It's exactly nine o'clock. exactly
You haven't changed at all—you still look exactly the same. exactly
It was a warm day, if not exactly hot. exactly
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
Exactly what are you trying to tell me? exactly
'You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?' 'Exactly.' exactly
It's not exactly beautiful, is it? (= it's ugly) not exactly
'So he told you you'd got the job?' 'Not exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.' not exactly
On closer examination it was found that the signature was not genuine. examination
She has an executive position in a finance company. executive
executive decisions/duties/jobs/positions executive
an executive lounge (= at an airport) executive
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
Against all expectations, she was enjoying herself. expectation
financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency expense
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. explain
the country's major exports export
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
a gradual extension of the powers of central government extension
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
The company is facing a financial crisis. face
If you're going to make accusations, you'd better get your facts right (= make sure your information is correct). fact
We've lost faith in the government's promises. faith
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
She is on the far right of the party (= holds extreme right-wing political views). far
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
fault (for doing sth): It's your own fault for being careless. fault
The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations. favour
Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. feature
I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). feel
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same).' feeling
a political figure figure
Finance for education comes from taxpayers. finance
The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. finance
the Minister of Finance finance
the finance director/department finance
a diploma in banking and finance finance
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
government/public/personal finances finance
It's about time you sorted out your finances. finance
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. finance
The firm's finances are basically sound. finance
The building project will be financed by the government. finance
financial services financial
to give financial advice financial
to be in financial difficulties financial
an independent financial adviser financial
Tokyo and New York are major financial centres. financial
a finely tuned engine finely
If the newspapers find out, he's finished in politics. finished
Fish forms the main part of their diet. fish
The government aims to make British industry leaner and fitter (= employing fewer people and with lower costs). fit
focus (on/upon sb/sth): The discussion focused on three main problems. focus
It was the main focus of attention at the meeting. focus
The main course was followed by fresh fruit. follow
The town is famous for its cathedral. for
rebel/government forces force
Television has become a major force in American political life. force
force yourself: 'I shouldn't really have any more.' 'Go on—force yourself!' force
force sth: Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position. force
foreign affairs/news/policy/trade foreign
Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever. forever
forget where, how, etc...: I've forgotten where they live exactly. forget
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. form
forms of transport/government/energy form
They hope to form the new government. form
a newly-formed political party form
formal evening dress formal
The dinner was a formal affair. formal
He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. formal
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
formal legal processes formal
to make a formal apology/complaint/request formal
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. formal
He has no formal teaching qualifications. formal
Young children are beginning their formal education sometimes as early as four years old. formal
'How do you do?' she said formally. formally
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for. free
By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed. free
The government is said to be taking a fresh look at the matter. fresh
From a financial point of view the project was a disaster. from
Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). front
government funds fund
a government-funded programme fund
Recent events throw doubt on the president's political future. future
These policies have resulted in great gains in public health. gain
It was the biggest gamble of his political career. gamble
Is the painting a genuine Picasso? genuine
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. genuine
Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum. genuine
He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. genuine
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans go ahead (with sth)
I have good reason to be suspicious. good
to lead/form a government government
the last Conservative government government
the government of the day government
Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision. government
She has resigned from the Government. government
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
government policies/officials/ministers government
a government department/agency/grant government
government expenditure/intervention government
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
central/federal government government
strong government government
The Democrats are now in government in the US. government
green politics green
policies aimed at sustaining economic growth growth
political leaders guarded by the police guard
to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) hand sth in (to sb)
hate sb/yourself: The two boys hated each other. hate
the heads of government/state head
They are both heavily involved in politics. heavily
You can adjust the height of the chair. height
to seek financial/legal/medical, etc. help help
She hurt herself. herself
Jane herself was at the meeting. herself
A high degree of accuracy is needed. high
The report highlights the major problems facing society today. highlight
It's him. him
Peter ought to be ashamed of himself. himself
social/economic/political history history
My application was held up by the postal strike. hold sb/sth up
the council's housing policy housing
We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. however
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
Did you hurt yourself? hurt
political ideals ideal
I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters. identify with sb
The new policies appear to have caught the imagination of the public (= they find them interesting and exciting). imagination
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. impose
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
Tourism is a major source of income for the area. income
a woman's financial independence independence
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. independent
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
What exactly is the influence of television on children? influence
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
I don't want to influence you. It must be your own decision. influence
A notice informed the guests that formal dress was required. inform
an informal arrangement/meeting/visit informal
Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. informal
The aim of the trip was to make informal contact with potential customers. informal
an informal expression informal
a government initiative to combat unemployment initiative
Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury (= hurt yourself). injury
an educational/financial, etc. institution institution
surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments instrument
intend sb/sth to do sth: The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character. intend
intend sth (by sth): What exactly did you intend by that remark? intend
Her main interests are music and tennis. interest
the internal workings of government internal
interview sb: The Prime Minister declined to be interviewed. interview
introduce sb to sth: The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. introduce
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
to be/become/get involved in politics involved
There's no need for the team to feel proud of itself. itself
It's just on six (= exactly six o'clock). just
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. justify
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
We'll have a duplicate key cut (= made). key
the key issue/factor/point key
I nearly killed myself carrying that suitcase all the way here. kill
I know exactly how you feel. know
We can expect changes in the political landscape. landscape
Is English an official language in your country? language
The official launch date is in May. launch
law (on sth): The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene. law
strict gun laws law
to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws) law
The government struggled to maintain law and order. law and order
I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue. lead
a political/spiritual, etc. leader leader
She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. leading
They seldom complained—officially at least. at least
It's an important case both legally and politically. legally
Other countries can teach us a lesson or two on industrial policy. lesson
Jill wants to travel and see life for herself. life
She enjoyed political life. life
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
This programme looks at the lighter side of politics. light
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
He showed a lively interest in politics. lively
They located their headquarters in Swindon. locate
The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. located
What is the exact location of the ship? location
The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic. logic
So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. as/so long as
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. look out for sb/sth
She has always remained loyal to her political principles. loyal
mail sth (to sb/sth): The virus mails itself forward to everyone in your address book. mail
Be careful crossing the main road. main
the main course (= of a meal) main
We have our main meal at lunchtime. main
Reception is in the main building. main
Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems. main
The main thing is to stay calm. main
a leaking gas main main
The service here is, in the main, reliable. in the main
In the main, the money raised goes to children's charities. in the main
a major road major
The government does not have an overall majority (= more members than all the other parties added together). majority
I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. manage
(+ adv./prep.): Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings. march
I got full marks (= the highest mark possible) in the spelling test. mark
The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency. matter
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
I always consulted him on matters of policy. matter
And that is the crux of the matter (= the most important thing about the situation). matter
Lunch is his main meal of the day. meal
mean (that)...: We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves. mean
The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft. measure
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
Accurate measurement is very important in science. measurement
The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84. measurement
traditional/conventional/orthodox medicine medicine
meet sb: The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. meet
He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. mental
The clear message coming from the government is that they are getting tough on crime. message
method (for sth/for doing sth): the best method for arriving at an accurate prediction of the costs method
His picture was right/bang (= exactly) in the middle of the front page. middle
a military coup military
Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days. minority
You're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what I'm saying. miss
Her essay is full of spelling mistakes. mistake
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. moral
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. mount
(+ adv./prep.): The government has not moved on this issue. move
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. as much as sb can do
I wrote a message to myself. myself
national and regional politics national
It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem. nature
financial needs need
Neither answer is correct. neither
'I told my boss exactly what I thought of her.' 'You never did!' (= 'Surely you didn't!') never
These protests have really made the government sit up and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation). notice
the main/primary/principal objective objective
You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself. objective
The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. objective
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
Administrative work occupies half of my time. occupy
When exactly did the incident occur? occur
There's a bathroom off the main bedroom. off
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
The present government took office in 2009. office
officers of state (= ministers in the government) officer
official responsibilities official
the Prime Minister's official residence official
This was her first official engagement. official
He made an official visit to Tokyo in March. official
an official announcement/decision/statement official
according to official statistics/figures official
the official biography of the President official
An official inquiry has been launched into the cause of the accident. official
The country's official language is Spanish. official
I intend to lodge an official complaint (= to complain to sb in authority). official
The news is not yet official. official
I only knew the official version of events. official
The official story has always been that they are just good friends. official
an official function/reception official
The official opening is planned for October. official
a bank/company/court/government official official
The library will be officially opened by the local MP. officially
We haven't yet been told officially about the closure. officially
The college is not an officially recognized English language school. officially
Many of those living on the streets are not officially homeless. officially
I'm not officially supposed to be here. officially
Officially, he resigned because of bad health. officially
open government open
He has laid himself wide open to political attack. open
the official opening of the new hospital opening
The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. operation
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
a political opponent opponent
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed. in order to do sth
order sth: The government has ordered an investigation into the accident. order
to work for a business/political/voluntary organization organization
This particular custom has its origins in Wales. origin
Send out the photocopies and keep the original. original
Our main export is rice. our
We'd like to see it for ourselves. ourselves
We want this government out. out
The book describes in outline the main findings of the research. outline
The accident happened through no fault of her own. own
She lives on her own. (all) on your own
The painting has been returned to its rightful owner. owner
the sports/financial pages of the newspaper page
We have two politicians on tonight's panel. panel
the party leader/manifesto/policy party
A dark narrow passage led to the main hall. passage
He makes only a passing reference to the theory in his book (= it is not the main subject of his book). passing
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people. people
No official permission has been given for the event to take place. permission
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself. photograph
She picked the best cake for herself. pick
a politician with a reputation for plain speaking plain
plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. plan
financial planning planning
The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government. plot
plot to do sth: They were plotting to overthrow the government. plot
Here are the main points of the news. point
The profession is policed by its own regulatory body. police
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
the present government's policy on education policy
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting. policy
We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality. policy
US foreign/domestic policy policy
They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. policy
a policy document policy
Check the terms of the policy before you sign. policy
a monarch without political power political
He was a political prisoner (= one who was put in prison because he was thought to be harmful to the state). political
a political debate/party/leader political
What are your political sympathies? political
a politically sensitive issue politically
politically motivated crimes politically
It makes sense politically as well as economically. politically
party politics politics
local politics politics
He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) politics
a major figure in British politics politics
I don't want to get involved in office politics. politics
the internal politics of the legal profession politics
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
His politics are extreme. politics
popular (with sb): These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters. popular
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
The company's financial position is not certain. position
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
an academic/government post post
She was offered a key post in the new government. post
Where's the main post office? post office
child care policy and practice practice
precise details/instructions/measurements precise
Can you give a more precise definition of the word? precise
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident. precise
We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment, she walked in. precise
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness. precise
a skilled and precise worker precise
small, precise movements precise
She's rather prim and precise. precise
They look precisely the same to me. precisely
That's precisely what I meant. precisely
It's not clear precisely how the accident happened. precisely
The meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely. precisely
to describe sth precisely precisely
She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely. precisely
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
The children are precisely the ones who will suffer if they get divorced. precisely
present sth/sb/yourself as sth: He likes to present himself as a radical politician. present
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
The government took steps to prevent a scandal. prevent
The problem is not primarily a financial one. primarily
The person primarily responsible is the project manager. primarily
The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English. primary
Our primary concern must be the children. primary
primary causes primary
Financial security was high on his list of priorities. priority
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
They are demanding the release of all political prisoners. prisoner
a politician's private life private
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail. privately
financial/practical/technical problems problem
You need a professional to sort out your finances. professional
promise sth: The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster. promise
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
policies to promote economic growth promote
This building is government property. property
propose sth: The government proposed changes to the voting system. propose
I certainly don't have anything to prove—my record speaks for itself. prove
Details of the government report have not yet been made public. public
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
The rail industry is no longer in public ownership (= controlled by the government). public
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
major purchases, such as a new car purchase
Our campaign's main purpose is to raise money. purpose
We intend to pursue this policy with determination. pursue
The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms. push ahead/forward (with sth)
He left school with no formal qualifications. qualification
The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. question
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
Quite apart from all the work, he had financial problems. quite
Don't quote me on this (= this is not an official statement), but I think he is going to resign. quote
+ adj.: I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration. rate
Politicians again failed to reach an agreement. reach
The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions. reader
The article is not exactly light reading (= it is not easy to read). reading
I had no real interest in politics. real
Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world. real
This decision reflects the realities of the political situation. reality
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
(+ adv./prep.): If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton. recall
recall what, when, etc...: Can you recall exactly what happened? recall
The proposals have been favourably received by most political commentators. receive
to seek international/official/formal recognition as a sovereign state recognition
The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics. recognition
The report criticizes the government's record on housing. record
record how, what, etc...: His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues. record
the recording of financial transactions recording
a reforming administration reform
a government committed to reform reform
The authorities refused permission for the new housing development. refuse
register sb + adj.: register (sb) as sth: She is officially registered (as) disabled. register
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages. release
The elections removed the government from power. remove
The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. repair
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
repeat yourself: Do say if I'm repeating myself (= if I have already said this). repeat
report sb (to sb) (for sth/for doing sth): She threatened to report him to the authorities for hunting without a licence. report
This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy. represent
our elected representatives in government representative
require sth of sb: What exactly is required of a receptionist (= what are they expected to do)? require
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
I did it on my own responsibility (= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong). responsibility
The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. restriction
result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. result in sth
This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory. retain
reveal yourself: She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. reveal
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
the government's review of its education policy review
The government will review the situation later in the year. review
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
revise sth: I'm revising Geography today. revise
Their educational policies are due for revision. revision
a financial reward reward
Have you got the right money (= the exact amount) for the bus fare? right
The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party. right
a rising young politician rise
a main/major/minor road road
Well, in round figures (= not giving the exact figures) we've spent twenty thousand so far. round
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin. ruin
majority rule (= government by the political party that most people have voted for) rule
She didn't feel safe on her own. safe
sail sth: She sails her own yacht. sail
All main courses come with salad or vegetables. salad
a side salad (= a small bowl of salad served with the main course of a meal) salad
He used the very same (= exactly the same) words. same
save sth on sth: The government is trying to save £1 million on defence. save
scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. scratch
a secondary colour (= made from mixing two primary colours) secondary
official/State secrets secret
financial security security
Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion). see
The way I see it, you have three main problems. see
be seen to do sth: The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something (= people must be aware that it is doing sth). see
Health care is a politically sensitive issue. sensitive
That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda. separately
serve sb/sth with sth: The town is well served with buses and major road links. serve
Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business. serve
Our main concern is to provide quality customer service. service
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
financial services service
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
a complete set of her novels set
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
She had a leading role in shaping party policy. shape
share sth with sb: People often share their political views with their parents. share
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters. show
The map shows the principal towns and rivers. show
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
A bicycle came into sight on the main road. sight
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
the present economic/financial/political, etc. situation situation
Try this one for size (= to see if it is the correct size). size
The glass can be cut to size (= cut to the exact measurements) for you. size
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power. smooth
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
policies that will benefit society as a whole society
What is their main source of income? source
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research. source
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. speed
a spelling mistake spelling
the differences between British and American spelling spelling
My spelling is terrible. spelling
spend itself: The storm had finally spent itself. spend
English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese. in spite of sth
The committee split over government subsidies. split
split (between A and B): There have been reports of a split between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. split
He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. spot
The hotel is just off the main square. square
The project has the government's stamp of approval. stamp
She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'. star
No one has yet been chosen for the starring role (= the main part). star
people who are financially dependent on the state state
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
The play makes a strong political statement. statement
a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement statement
A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. statement
The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change this afternoon. statement
The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. statement
He tuned to another station. station
the main station station
A political storm is brewing over the Prime Minister's comments. storm
Now for a summary of tonight's main news stories. story
I can't shoot straight (= accurately). straight
These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. strain
the government's economic strategy strategy
It was time to take the political struggle onto the streets (= by protesting in large groups in the streets of a city). street
Street sport is informal and based on whatever people want to play. street
The new weapon's strength lies in its accuracy. strength
Political power depends upon economic strength. strength
an unofficial/a one-day strike strike
strong support for the government strong
a strong leader/government strong
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem... sum up, sum sth up
a two-page summary of a government report summary
a summary financial statement summary
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
support sb/sth in sth: The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage. support
Local businesses have provided financial support. support
We could not be sure of financial support. sure
He is the prime suspect in the case. suspect
system of sth: a system of government system
a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) table
The government is determined to tackle inflation. tackle
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions. take
It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks. target
teach (sb) that...: My parents taught me that honesty was always the best policy. teach
international/racial/political tensions tension
'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language. term
I'm not terribly interested in politics. terribly
test sb (on sth): Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7, 11 and 14. test
That's exactly what I think. that
North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival. theme
There remains the problem of finance. there
The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm. thing
Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? thing
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
Both sides agreed to strengthen political ties. tie
the politician who promised 'peace in our time' time
This is hardly the time to discuss politics. time
The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time). time
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' (= the role of Carmen in that opera ). title
The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'. title
She set the tone for the meeting with a firm statement of company policy. tone
to tune a guitar tune
The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service. tune
His speech was tuned to what the audience wanted to hear. tune
When she started talking about her job, he just tuned out. tune out, tune sb/sth out
The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall. tune up, tune sth up
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
the twists and turns of his political career twist
There are three main types of contract(s). type
Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. unhappy
Nationalist parties united to oppose the government's plans. unite
The book gives readers an inside view of political life. view
to have strong political views view
He's a competent politician, but he lacks vision. vision
government inspectors visiting schools visit
vital (to sth): Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise. vital
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
Social and political problems led to the outbreak (= the beginning) of war. war
The government does not want to go to war (= start a war) unless all other alternatives have failed. war
The government has declared war on drug dealers. war
a government health warning warning
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch
Government troops were forced to withdraw. withdraw
The novel is based on an event that he himself had witnessed. witness
I can't remember her exact words. word
family/financial worries worry
It's exactly a year since I started working here. year
Have you hurt yourself? yourself
You yourself are one of the chief offenders. yourself
postal charges to countries in zone 2 zone