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mao1 cat; CL:只/只zhi1; (coll.) modem Cat

Sand cát Materialien

OXF3000N chôn cất mai táng bury
OXF3000N cắt chặt sự cắt cut
OXF3000N cất gánh nặng dỡ hàng unload
OXF3000N cát sand
OXF3000N sự chia cắt phân ly sự chia tay ly thân separation
OXF3000N miếng lát mỏng cắt ra thành miếng mỏng lát mỏng slice
OXF3000N tháo dỡ unload
OXF3000N cánh sự bay sự cất cánh wing

like: Cat
schneiden cắt qiē
zerreißen xé rách, cẩt đứt 撕烂 sī làn
sich beschränken cắt bớt 限制自己 xiàn zhì zì jǐ
destillieren cất (hóa học) 蒸馏 zhēngliú
etwas beschneiden cắt, xén, gọt gì đó 修剪某物 xiūjiǎn mǒuwù
etwas durchschneiden cắt ngang thứ gì đó 切断某物 qiēduàn mǒuwù
abschneiden cắt 切断 qiēduàn
amputieren cắt cụt 截肢 jiézhī
jemanden beerdigen chôn cất ai đó 安葬某人 ānzàng mǒurén
Katalonien xứ Catalan 加泰隆 Jiātàilóng
der Abflug sự cất cánh
schneiden cắt
die Düne cồn cát
der Sand cát
zerreißen xé rách, cẩt đứt
sich beschränken cắt bớt
die Gehaltskürzung cắt giảm lương
destillieren cất (hóa học)
etwas beschneiden cắt, xén, gọt gì đó
die Kerbe vết cắt hình chữ v
etwas durchschneiden cắt ngang thứ gì đó
abschneiden cắt
das Gras mähen cắt cỏ
amputieren cắt cụt
jemanden beerdigen chôn cất ai đó
Katalonien xứ Catalan

Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Wasche das Obst, schäle es und schneide es klein. Anh hãy rửa trái cây, gọt vỏ và cắt nhỏ chúng. (Lektion 48, Nr. 686)
wir hatten zwar weder Ozean noch Sandstrand, aber dafür ein angenehmes Klima. Chúng con không có đại dương cũng chẳng có bãi cát, nhưng có một khí hậu thật dễ chịu. (Lektion 55, Nr. 783)
Hast du dich jeden Tag mit dem Badetuch an den Strand gelegt? Hàng ngày anh có trải khăn tắm nằm trên cát không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 796)
Diesmal wird die Hochzeitstorte angeschnitten, ein mehrstöckiges Wunderwerk mit viel Sahne. Lúc này thì bánh cưới, một tác phẩm tuyệt vời nhiều tầng với nhiều kem tươi sẽ được cắt. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1125)
Vielen Mitarbeitern drohen Gehaltskürzungen oder Arbeitslosigkeit. Nhiều nhân công có nguy cơ bị cắt giảm lương hoặc bị thất nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1163)
Diesem Brief habe ich unseren aktuellen Produktkatalog beigelegt. Tôi gửi kèm trong thư quyển catalog giới thiệu sản phẩm mới nhất của chúng tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1354)
Leider ist der Artikel Nr. 3997 aus unserem Sommerkatalog nicht mehr lieferbar. Rất tiếc loại sản phẩm số 3997 từ catalog mùa hè không còn nữa. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1590)
Darf ich Sie kurz unterbrechen? Tôi xin phép được cắt ngang lời anh / chị / ông / bà? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2124)
Wir möchten in den Katalog der Messe aufgenommen werden. Chúng tôi muốn được có tên trong quyển giới thiệu / quyển catalog của hội chợ. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2307)

The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget. active
attempt to do sth: Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. attempt
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
a sandy/pebble/shingle beach beach
a chopping block (= for cutting food on) block
Blood was pouring out of a cut on her head. blood
The new cuts will be seen as a crippling blow for people on low incomes. blow
A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. body
budget cuts budget
Cathy did a rough calculation. calculation
catch (in/on sth): Her dress caught on a nail. catch
catch sb doing sth: I caught her smoking in the bathroom. catch
catch sb + adv./prep.: He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home. catch
a cheese knife (= a knife with a special curved blade with two points on the end, used for cutting and picking up pieces of cheese) cheese
chop sth (up) (into sth): Chop the carrots up into small pieces. chop
Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off. chop sth off (sth)
Cut out two circles of paper. circle
to put on/take off your coat coat
Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. consumer
to cut/reduce costs cost
cover sb/sth with sth: The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand. cover
This scene was cut from the final version of the movie. cut
cut sth: to cut prices/taxes/spending/production cut
Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want. cut
cut sth by...: His salary has been cut by ten per cent. cut
cut sth (from...) (to...): Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words? cut
This knife won't cut. cut
cut sth: to cut your hair/nails cut
to cut the grass/lawn/hedge cut
cut sth + adj.: He's had his hair cut really short. cut
cut sth: Don't cut the string, untie the knots. cut
cut sth in/into sth: He cut the loaf into thick slices. cut
Now cut the tomatoes in half. cut
cut sth (from sth): He cut four thick slices from the loaf. cut
a bunch of cut flowers cut
cut sb sth: I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. cut
cut sth for sb: I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all. cut
cut sth: She cut her finger on a piece of glass. cut
cut yourself: He cut himself (= his face) shaving. cut
cut sth + adj.: She had fallen and cut her head open. cut
cut through sth: You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. cut
The canoe cut through the water. cut
I cut this article out of the newspaper. cut sth out (of sth)
I've been advised to cut sugar out of my diet. cut sth out (of sth)
She cut the dress out of some old material. cut sth out
He's cut out a niche for himself (= found a suitable job) in journalism. cut sth out
I would cut out the bit about working as a waitress. cut sth out
He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. cut sth off
The winner cut ten seconds off (= ran the distance ten seconds faster than) the world record. cut sth off
They cut off the enemy's retreat. cut sth off
The new factory cuts off our view of the hills. cut sth off
Our water supply has been cut off. cut sb/sth off
They were cut off for not paying their phone bill. cut sb/sth off
If we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production. cut sth back
We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words. cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
I won't have a cigarette, thanks—I'm trying to cut down (= smoke fewer). cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
She feels very cut off living in the country. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
He cut himself off from all human contact. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
He cut up the meat on his plate. cut sth up
Your hair could do with a cut (= it is too long). cut
a cut and blow-dry cut
price/tax/job cuts cut
They announced cuts in public spending. cut
Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. cut
cuts and bruises on the face cut
Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm. cut
Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed. dead
Did you cut a deal (= make one)? deal
a deep cut/wound deep
Further cuts in defence spending are being considered. defence
the depth of a cut/wound/crack depth
burning desert sands desert
We have not been directly affected by the cuts. directly
Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance. in/into the distance
a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences division
He drew a circle in the sand with a stick. draw
Store onions in a cool dry place. dry
educate sb to do sth: The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. educate
Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. expose
You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates. fat
Cathy was really feeling the heat. feel
shoals (= groups) of fish fish
The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. flesh
Blood flowed from a cut on her head. flow
a machine for slicing bread for
Cutting our costs is the only way forward. forward
They had to be cut free from their car after the accident. free
a dress that is generously cut (= uses plenty of material) generously
I must get my hair cut. get
I cut myself on a piece of broken glass. glass
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans go ahead (with sth)
Cuts have been made for the good of the company. good
a grain of salt/sand/sugar grain
to cut/mow the grass grass
He cut himself a great thick slice of cake. great
ancient burial grounds ground
I'm having my hair cut this afternoon. hair
You've had your hair cut! have
heal up: The cut healed up without leaving a scar. heal
heal sth: This will help to heal your cuts and scratches. heal
We'll have a duplicate key cut (= made). key
Cut the grass at least once a week in summer. at least
We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion. line
They ordered three truckloads of sand. load
The plane took off with a full load. load
During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings. loose
The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains. main
building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.) material
mind (that)...: Mind you don't cut yourself—that knife's very sharp. mind
I cut myself on a knife. myself
nail clippers nail
a newspaper cutting newspaper
He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts. occasion
Chop the onions finely. onion
order that...: They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted. order
They ordered that for every tree cut down two more should be planted. order
I like walking on the wet sand when the tide is out. out
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces. piece
I've got a piece of grit in my eye. piece
a pile of sand pile
The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett. play
The gemstones are cut and polished by master craftsmen. polish
Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay, sand and silt. proportion
beaches of pure white sand pure
When costs are cut product quality suffers. quality
Cut the apple into quarters. quarter
I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry). raise
remove sth: She has had the tumour removed. remove
Catalogues are available on request. request
resist doing sth: The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. resist
Trim rough edges with a sharp knife. rough
a grain of sand sand
Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement. sand
His hair was the colour of sand. sand
The children were playing in the sand (= for example, in a sandpit ). sand
We went for a walk along the sand. sand
children playing on the sand sand
miles of golden sands sand
Smith's Catering Services (= a company) offers the best value. service
She read out the list in sharp, clipped tones. sharp
Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. since
The glass can be cut to size (= cut to the exact measurements) for you. size
Cut the meat into thin slices. slice
Slice the cucumber thinly. slice
a sliced loaf slice
slice sth (+ adj.): The knife sliced his jacket. slice
He sliced the fruit open. slice
poor/dry/acid/sandy/fertile, etc. soil soil
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
I thought her name was Catherine, but it's Kathryn spelt with a 'K'. spell
C—A—T spells 'cat'. spell
state that...: He stated categorically that he knew nothing about the deal. state
I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment. sting
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
Cut the meat into strips. strip
He sucked the blood from a cut on his finger. suck
The electricity supply (= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off. supply
That cut is taking a long time to heal. take
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
tax increases/cuts tax
They cut my water off. they
thickly sliced bread thickly
Cut the vegetables into thin strips. thin
Their throats had been cut. throat
The sand ran through (= between) my fingers. through
Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church. tie
Mix the sand and cement together. together
speaking in hushed/low/clipped/measured, etc. tones tone
a cutting tool tool
Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending. victim
wage cuts wage
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
The telephone wires had been cut. wire
Cut it with a knife. with
In the spring, cut out the old wood and shorten the young stems (= of bushes, etc.). wood
Prices were cut yet again (= once more, after many other times). yet