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EVP carve

IELTS: carve + : 雕刻
3000TH: แกะสลัก gaeL saL lakL to sculpt (carve)
5000FR: tailler to cut, carve, engrave, sharpen, trim
5000FR: découper to carve, cut,
WNS: (v.) [carve] cut up, cut to pieces

FN: carve v Create_representation
FN: carve v Cutting

Two men wear seventy-six scarves. Hai người đàn ông mang bảy mươi sáucái khăn quàng. Numbers

like: Carve

the elaborate decoration on the carved wooden door decoration
These words are carved on the stone beside his grave. stone

tailler le résultat fut une cote mal taillée
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