Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 勤 chuyên cần cần lao . . .
(1) to be urgent, pressing; to need (to), want; to care
(2) hard working, industrious
(3) rod, pole, staff
(4) celery
需要 xu1yao4 to need; to want; to demand; to require; requirement; need Cần
需求 xu1qiu2 requirement; (economics) demand Cần

OXF3000: cần must
OXF3000N sát cạnh kế bên dọc theo alongside
OXF3000N căn phòng căn buồng apartment
OXF3000N sự gắn vào vật gắn vào sự chuyên cần chuyên tâm application
OXF3000N cánh tay vũ trang trang bị (vũ khí) arm
OXF3000N cái cân làm cho cân bằng tương xứng balance
OXF3000N bên cạnh so với beside
OXF3000N cắn ngoạm sự cắn sự ngoạm bite
OXF3000N khối tảng (đá) làm ngăn cản ngăn chặn block
OXF3000N gan dạ can đảm brave
OXF3000N cẩn thận cẩn trọng biết giữ gìn careful
OXF3000N cẩn thận chu đáo carefully
OXF3000N cẩu thả bất cẩn carelessly
OXF3000N hoàn cảnh trường hợp tình huống circumstance
OXF3000N đua tranh ganh đua cạnh tranh compete
OXF3000N sự cạnh tranh cuộc thi cuộc thi đấu competition
OXF3000N cạnh tranh đua tranh competitive
OXF3000N điều kiện tình cảnh tình thế condition
OXF3000N cân nhắc xem xét để ý quan tâm lưu ý đến consider
OXF3000N sự cân nhắc sự xem xét sự để ý sự quan tâm consideration
OXF3000N văn cảnh khung cảnh phạm vi context
OXF3000N sự can đảm sự dũng cảm dũng khí courage
OXF3000N để trang hoàng để trang trí để làm cảnh decorative
OXF3000N sự chậm trễ sự trì hoãn sự cản trở làm chậm trễ delay
OXF3000N thận trọng có tính toán chủ tâm có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberate
OXF3000N thận trọng có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberately
OXF3000N cặn kẽ tỉ mỉ nhiều chi tiết detailed
OXF3000N sự khó khăn nỗi khó khăn điều cản trở difficulty
OXF3000N căn bệnh bệnh tật disease
OXF3000N khô cạn làm khô sấy khô dry
OXF3000N lưỡi cạnh sắc (dao) edge
OXF3000N động viên ủng hộ giúp đỡ làm can đảm mạnh dạn encourage
OXF3000N niềm cổ vũ động viên khuyến khích sự làm can đảm encouragement
OXF3000N môi trường hoàn cảnh xung quanh environment
OXF3000N bản chất thực chất cốt yếu yếu tố cần thiết essential
OXF3000N cánh đồng bãi chiến trường field
OXF3000N bằng phẳng bẹt nhẵn dãy phòng căn phòng mặt phẳng flat
OXF3000N cái chắn người bảo vệ bảo vệ gác canh giữ guard
OXF3000N sự lôi kéo sự liên can điều gợi ý implication
OXF3000N ở trong nội bộ thân cận inner
OXF3000N đất đất canh tác đất đai land
OXF3000N phong cảnh landscape
OXF3000N cần cần thiết thiết yếu necessary
OXF3000N không cần thiết không mong muốn unnecessary
OXF3000N không cần thiết không mong muốn unnecessary
OXF3000N cần đòi hỏi sự cần need
OXF3000N hàng xóm vùng lân cận khoảng chừng neighbourhood
OXF3000N khí lực thần kinh can đảm nerve
OXF3000N viên chức cảnh sát sĩ quan officer
OXF3000N gốc nguồn gốc căn nguyên origin
OXF3000N (thuộcgốc nguồn gốc căn nguyên nguyên bản original
OXF3000N cảnh sát công an police
OXF3000N cảng port
OXF3000N can bình lọ... pot
OXF3000N đúng chính xác cần thận precisely
OXF3000N ngăn cản ngăn chặn ngăn ngừa prevent
OXF3000N sự kiêu hãnh sự hãnh diện tính kiêu căng tự phụ pride
OXF3000N sự cân xứng sự cân đối proportion
OXF3000N viễn cảnh toàn cảnh triển vọng mong chờ prospect
OXF3000N làm giảm bớt căng thẳng relaxing
OXF3000N đối thủ địch thủ đối địch cạnh tranh rival
OXF3000N đi tàu thuyền nhổ neo buồm cánh buồm chuyến đi bằng thuyền buồm sail
OXF3000N cảnh phong cảnh scene
OXF3000N nông cạn shallow
OXF3000N cảnh đẹp sự nhìn sight
OXF3000N hoàn cảnh địa thế vị trí situation
OXF3000N xúp canh cháo soup
OXF3000N trải căng ra bày ra truyền bá spread
OXF3000N gậy quyền quyền trượng nhân viên cán bộ staff
OXF3000N đâm thọc chọc cắm dính cái gậy qua củi cán stick
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng sự căng strain
OXF3000N sự căng thẳng căng thẳng ép làm căng stress
OXF3000N bị căng thẳng bị ép bị căng stressed
OXF3000N căng ra duỗi ra kéo dài ra stretch
OXF3000N về thực chất về căn bản substantially
OXF3000N sưng phồng phình căng swollen
OXF3000N sự căng độ căng tình trạng căng tension
OXF3000N cẩn thận kỹ lưỡng thorough
OXF3000N không cần thiết không mong muốn unnecessary
OXF3000N không cần thiết không mong muốn unnecessary
OXF3000N (thuộcsự sống cần cho sự sống vital
OXF3000N báo cho biết cảnh báo warn
OXF3000N sự báo trước lời cảnh báo warning
OXF3000N đồng hồ nhìn theo dõi quan sát sự canh gác sự canh phòng watch
OXF3000N cân cân nặng weigh
OXF3000N cánh sự bay sự cất cánh wing
OXF3000D: cần must müssen

I do not need a man. ( # I do not bite a man.) Tôi không cần một người đàn ông. Verbs 1
How many coats do they need? Họ cần bao nhiêu áo khoác? Questions 2
necessary cần thiết Adjectives 1
The cat does not need a modern watch. Con mèo không cần một chiếc đồng hồ hiện đại. Adjectives 1
She needs to change. Cô ấy cần thay đổi. Verbs 2
I need twenty seconds. Tôi cần hai mươi giây. Dates and Time
I need sixty minutes while they need one hour. Tôi cần sáu mươi phút trong khi họ cần một giờ. Dates and Time
They need a person like you. Họ cần một người như bạn. Comparison
You do not need to compare Vietnamese with English. Bạn không cần so sánh tiếng Việt với tiếng Anh. Comparison
The engineers do not need us to help. Các kỹ sư không cần chúng tôi giúp đỡ. Jobs 1
The cook needs long spoons. Đầu bếp cần những chiếc muỗng dài. Jobs 1
We need a humble leader. Chúng tôi cần một nhà lãnh đạo khiêm tốn. Attributes
We need a lazy actor. Chúng tôi cần một diễn viên lười biếng. Attributes
I think I need to practice more. Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. Verbs 2.5
Anyway I do not need him. Dù sao tôi cũng không cần anh ấy. Adverbs
A leader needs to be a good person. Một nhà lãnh đạo cần phải là một người tốt. Modal Verbs
need cần phải Modal Verbs
Their family will need two bedrooms. Gia đình của họ sẽ cần hai phòng ngủ. Places
I need to go to the train station Tôi cần đi đến nhà ga. Places
They need to define it. Họ cần định nghĩa nó. Verbs 3
We need an example. Chúng tôi cần một ví dụ. Education
We need her report. Chúng tôi cần báo cáo của cô ấy. Education
Patience is really necessary. Sự kiên nhẫn thật sự cần thiết. Common Phrases 3
I need to overcome my disadvantages. Tôi cần khắc phục những bất lợi của mình. Verbs 4
I need to contact him to get the information. Tôi cần liên hệ anh ấy để lấy thông tin. Communication
I need someone to repair the network for me. Tôi cần một ai đó sửa mạng cho tôi. Communication
We need feedback from you. Chúng tôi cần những phản hồi từ các bạn. Communication
I do not believe you, I need specific evidence. Tôi không tin bạn, tôi cần những bằng chứng cụ thể. Adjectives 2
We need particular examples. Chúng tôi cần những ví dụ cụ thể. Adjectives 2
Why does the government need taxes? Tại sao chính phủ cần thuế? Politics
You need a smart strategy to study a language. Bạn cần một chiến lược thông minh để học một ngôn ngữ. Politics
Who needs military? Ai cần quân đội? Politics
Nobody needs an international election. Không ai cần một cuộc bầu cử quốc tế. Politics
Every citizen needs to vote. Mọi công dân cần bỏ phiếu. Politics
The children need to be educated. Những đứa trẻ cần được giáo dục. Politics
We need a goal Chúng tôi cần một bàn thắng. Sports
I need their effort. Tôi cần sự nỗ lực của họ. Abstract Objects 2
You need to make more efforts next time. Bạn cần có nhiều sự cố gắng hơn cho lần tới. Abstract Objects 2
This letter needs two signatures. Thư này cần hai chữ ký. Abstract Objects 2
I need an umbrella Tôi cần một cây dù. Classifiers 2
Do you need an interpreter? Bạn có cần một thông dịch viên không? Jobs 2
I think you need a special treatment. Tôi nghĩ bạn cần một sự điều trị đặc biệt. Medical
This profile needs analysis. Hồ sơ này cần sự phân tích. Science
Love does not need definition. Tình yêu không cần định nghĩa. Science
I need an insurance for my skirt. Tôi cần một bảo hiểm cho cái váy của tôi. Economics
Every organisation needs profit to exist and develop. Mọi tổ chức cần lợi nhuận để tồntại và phát triển. Economics
She does not need his cheque. Cô ấy không cần tấm séc của anh ấy. Economics
I need a new telescope. Tôi cần một cái kính viễn vọng mới. Astronomy
You need to solve this problem Bạn cần giải quyết vấn đề này. Verbs 5
You need to postpone this transaction. Bạn cần phải hoãn giao dịch này. Verbs 5
need cần phải Verbs 5
You need to be equipped with knowledge and patience. Bạn cần được trang bị kiến thức và sự kiên nhẫn. Verbs 5
Do I need to equip? Tôi có cần trang bị không? Verbs 5
The human race needs love or nuclear weapons or both. Loài người cần tình yêu hoặc vũ khí hạt nhân, hoặc cả hai. Military
This is the education we need. Đây là nền giáo dục chúng tôi cần. Classifier 3.1

We need bread and rice. Chúng ta cần bánh mì và cơm. * 017
We need fish and steaks. Chúng ta cần cá và thịt bít tết. * 017
We need pizza and spaghetti. Chúng ta cần bánh Pizza và mì Spaghetti. * 017
What else do we need? Chúng ta còn cần gì nữa? * 017
We need carrots and tomatoes for the soup. Chúng ta cần cà rốt và cà chua cho món xúp. * 017
Shall I cut the onions? Có cần tôi thái hành tây không? * 021
Shall I peel the potatoes? Có cần tôi gọt khoai tây không? * 021
Shall I rinse the lettuce? Có cần tôi rửa rau không? * 021
I need a taxi. Tôi cần một chiếc xe tắc xi. * 027
I need a city map. Tôi cần một cái bản đồ thành phố. * 027
I need a hotel. Tôi cần một khách sạn. * 027
I need a single room. Tôi cần một phòng đơn. * 029
I need a double room. Tôi cần một phòng đôi. * 029
I’m missing a fork. Tôi cần cái dĩa / nĩa. * 031
I’m missing a knife. Tôi cần con dao. * 031
I’m missing a spoon. Tôi cần cái thìa / muỗng. * 031
I’d like something that won’t take much time. Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * 032
I need a few litres / liters (am.) of diesel. Tôi cần vài lít dầu điêzen. * 041
I need a towing service. Tôi cần dịch vụ kéo xe. * 041
We need help. Chúng tôi cần sự giúp đỡ. * 041
You need a big suitcase! Bạn cần một cái va li to! * 049
You need shoes, sandals and boots. Bạn cần giày, dép và giày cao cổ. * 049
You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper. Bạn cần khăn tay, xà phòng và một kéo cắt móng tay. * 049
You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Bạn cần một cái lược, một bàn chải đánh răng và thuốc đánh răng. * 049
Yes, I need some exercise. Có, tôi cần phải vận động. * 051
I need envelopes and stationery. Tôi cần phong bì và giấy viết thư. * 054
I need pens and markers. Tôi cần bút bi và bút dạ. * 054
I need a cupboard and a chest of drawers. Tôi cần một cái tủ cao và một tủ ngăn kéo. * 054
I need a desk and a bookshelf. Tôi cần một bàn giấy và một cái giá sách. * 054
I need a doll and a teddy bear. Tôi cần một con búp bê và một con gấu bông. * 054
I need a football and a chess board. Tôi cần một quả bóng đá và một bộ cờ quốc tế / vua. * 054
I need a hammer and a pair of pliers. Tôi cần một cái búa và một cái kìm. * 054
I need a drill and a screwdriver. Tôi cần một cái máy khoan và một cái tuốc nơ vít / chìa vít. * 054
I need a chain and a bracelet. Tôi cần một dây chuyền và một vòng tay. * 054
I need a ring and earrings. Tôi cần một cái nhẫn và hoa tai. * 054
I need a couple of stamps. Tôi cần vài cái tem. * 061
I need US-Dollars. Tôi cần đô-la Mỹ. * 062
I need a bed. Tôi cần một cái giường. * 071
I need a lamp. Tôi cần một cái đèn. * 071
I need a telephone. Tôi cần điện thoại. * 071
I need a camera. Tôi cần máy ảnh. * 071
I need a computer. Tôi cần một cái máy tính. * 071
I need a pen. Tôi cần một cái bút bi. * 071
I need a new car. Tôi cần một chiếc xe mới. * 081
I need a fast car. Tôi cần một chiếc xe nhanh. * 081
I need a comfortable car. Tôi cần một chiếc xe thoải mái. * 081
I think he needs a doctor. Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy cần bác sĩ. * 094

like: Cần
necessary means, measures biện pháp cần thiết
does not need to chẳng cần phải
completely unnecessary chẳng cần thiết chút nào
that much will do chỉ cần bấy nhiêu
the attack was unnecessary cuộc tấn công không cần thiết
the most necessary thing, the thing one needs the most cái cần nhất
to have a lot of things to do có nhiều chuyện cần phải làm
it must also be pointed out here củng cần nhắc ở đây
working class giai cấp cần lao
to smoke pot hút cần sa
when needed, when necessary khi cần thiết
to not have to know, not need to know không cần biết
to not need, not be necessary không cần thiết
to not be worth mentioning khỏi cần nhắc đến
one has to say, it has to be said khỏi cần nói
(sth) is not necessary, (one) doesn’t have to be khỏi cần phải
when the time came that sth was needed lúc hữu sự cần đến
smell of marijuana mùi cần sa
something that needs to be done right away một việc cần làm ngay
marijuana stash mớ cần sa
addicted to marijuana nghiện cần sa
celery rau cần tây
much needs to be done rất nhiều việc cần phải làm
high on marijuana say cần sa
marijuana, pot thuốc cần sa
non-prescription, over the counter medicine thuốc không cần toa
dope addict, someone addicted to marijuana thằng nghiện cần sa
it should or must be repeated (that) tưởng cần nhắc lại
information điều cần biết
it must be remembered that điều cần ghi nhớ
necessary condition điều kiện cần thiết
One very important point is ~ điều rất cần là
to go without saying khỏi cần phải nói thêm
brauchen cần 需要 xūyào
neben bên cạnh 旁边的 pángbiān de
zunehmen tăng lên, tăng cân 增加 zēngjiā
vorsichtig cẩn thận 小心 xiǎoxīn
abnehmen giảm cân, giảm sút 减少 jiǎnshǎo
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch 戏剧性的 xìjùxìng de
sich überlegen cân nhắc, ngẫm nghĩ 考虑 kǎo lùe
wiegen cân chēng
anstrengend nhọc nhằn, căng thẳng, nghiêm khắc 费力的 fèi lì de
kurzsichtig thiển cận, cận thị 近视 jìn shì
beißen cắn yǎo
nebeneinander cạnh nhau 相邻的 xiāng lín de
sich einmischen can thiệp, xen vào 干涉 gāng shè
jemanden bei der Polizei anzeigen tố cáo với cảnh sát 向警察告发某人 xiàng jǐng chá gào fā mǒu rén
jemanden an etwas hindern cái gì cản trở ai 防碍某人干某事 fáng ài mǒu rén gàn mǒu shì
ein Kilogramm 1 cân (nv), 1 ký (sv) 一公斤 yì gōng jīn
warnen cảnh báo 警告 jǐng gào
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần 专心的 zhuān xīn de
nervös căng thẳng 紧张的 jǐn zhāng de
versperren ngăn, chặn, cản 封锁 fēng suǒ
wesentlich căn bản 根本上的 gēn běn shàng de
ermahnen cảnh cáo, khiển trách 规劝 guīquàn
sorgfältig cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng, chu đáo 仔细的 zǐxì de
konkurrenzfähig có khả năng cạnh tranh 有竞争力的 yǒu jìngzhēnglì de
überheblich ngạo mạn, kiêu căng 自大的 zìdà de
eifrig cần cù, siêng năng 勤奋的 qínfèn de
unentbehrlich rất cần thiết, không thể thiếu 必不可少的 bì bù kě shǎo de
ausgleichen cân bằng tài khoản 使 ... 均衡 shǐ ... jūnhéng
eckig có góc cạnh 有角的 yǒujiǎo de
einen Ast absägen chặt, cưa đứt một cành cây 锯掉一根树枝 jùdiào yī gēn shùzhī
etwas geht zur Neige thứ gì đó sắp hết, sắp cạn 某物快用完了 mǒuwù kuài yòng wán le
notlanden hạ cánh khẩn cấp 紧急迫降 jǐnjí pòjiàng
unaufmerksam không chú ý, bất cẩn 不专心的 bù zhuānxīn de
sich von Ast zu Ast schwingen leo từ cành này sang cành khác 从一个枝头荡到另一个枝头 cóng yī gè zhītóu dàng dào lìng yī gè zhītóu
flattern vẫy cánh 振动 zhèndòng
eine Wohnung einrichten bài trí căn hộ, bố trí căn hộ 布置一套住房 bùzhì yī tào zhùfáng
etwas dehnen làm căng gì đó 拉伸某部位 lāshēn mǒu bùwèi
zerfetzen xé nát, cắn nát 撕碎 sīsuì
kneifen cấu, cắn, véo niē
seitlich cạnh, về một phía 一侧的 yīcè de
das Zimmer cái phòng, căn buồng
brauchen cần
neben bên cạnh
die Wohnung căn hộ
das Apartment căn hộ
zunehmen tăng lên, tăng cân
der Abflug sự cất cánh
der Fensterplatz chỗ ngồi cạnh cửa số
vorsichtig cẩn thận
die Landschaft phong cảnh
abnehmen giảm cân, giảm sút
die Sehenswürdigkeit danh lam thắng cảnh
der Flügel cánh
dramatisch căng thắng, thuộc về kịch, có tính kịch
sich überlegen cân nhắc, ngẫm nghĩ
wiegen cân
anstrengend nhọc nhằn, căng thẳng, nghiêm khắc
kurzsichtig thiển cận, cận thị
der Biss vết cắn
beißen cắn
der Hafen bến cảng
nebeneinander cạnh nhau
sich einmischen can thiệp, xen vào
die Aussicht viễn cảnh
jemanden bei der Polizei anzeigen tố cáo với cảnh sát
die Angel cần câu
jemanden an etwas hindern cái gì cản trở ai
ein Kilogramm 1 cân (nv), 1 ký (sv)
die Warnung cảnh báo
warnen cảnh báo
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần
nervös căng thẳng
der Andrang cảnh chen chúc
der Skandal xì căng đan
versperren ngăn, chặn, cản
das Gleichgewicht sự cân bằng
wesentlich căn bản
ermahnen cảnh cáo, khiển trách
sorgfältig cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng, chu đáo
der Polizist cảnh sát
der Feuerwehrmann cảnh sát cứu hỏa
die Kantine căng tin
die Konkurrenz sự cạnh tranh
der Konkurrent đối thủ cạnh tranh
konkurrenzfähig có khả năng cạnh tranh
das Paket wiegen cân gói hàng
überheblich ngạo mạn, kiêu căng
eifrig cần cù, siêng năng
unentbehrlich rất cần thiết, không thể thiếu
die Mahnung sự cảnh báo, sự cảnh cáo
die Bilanz bảng cân đối tài chính
ausgleichen cân bằng tài khoản
die Kante thành, cạnh
eckig có góc cạnh
einen Ast absägen chặt, cưa đứt một cành cây
der Kran cần cẩu
die Polizeistreife đội cảnh sát
das Geländer lan can
die Waage cái cân
etwas geht zur Neige thứ gì đó sắp hết, sắp cạn
der Schöpflöffel muôi, muỗng múc canh
notlanden hạ cánh khẩn cấp
die Notlandung sự hạ cánh khẩn cấp
unaufmerksam không chú ý, bất cẩn
das Segel cánh buồm
der Käfer bọ cánh cứng
sich von Ast zu Ast schwingen leo từ cành này sang cành khác
der Wärter người gác, người canh gác
das Feld cánh đồng
flattern vẫy cánh
das gemütliche Wohnzimmer căn phòng khách tiện nghi
das Geländer lan can
die Wohnung einweihen khánh thành căn hộ, mở tiệc tân gia
eine Wohnung einrichten bài trí căn hộ, bố trí căn hộ
das Schienbein cẳng chân
etwas dehnen làm căng gì đó
zerfetzen xé nát, cắn nát
kneifen cấu, cắn, véo
der Weinberg đồi nho, cánh đồng nho
das seichte Wasser khu nước nông, cạn
seitlich cạnh, về một phía

Daher überlegt er, das Geld mit seiner Kreditkarte vom Geldautomaten zu holen. Vì vậy anh ấy cân nhắc việc rút tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng từ máy rút tiền tự động. (Lektion 5, Nr. 43)
Mit uns können Sie alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Với chúng tôi bạn sẽ tham quan những danh lam thắng cảnh nổi tiếng. (Lektion 7, Nr. 64)
Leute brauchen Sport, um gesund zu bleiben und sich fit zu fühlen. Mọi người cần luyện tập thế thao đế giữ gìn sức khoẻ và luôn khoẻ mạnh. (Lektion 13, Nr. 129)
Nein, danke. Ich werde das morgen tun. Không cần đâu. Mai anh sẽ làm. (Lektion 15, Nr. 166)
Das Apartment Căn phòng (Lektion 16, Nr. 167)
Tri und Trang sprechen über Tris Apartment. Tri và Trang nói chuyện về căn phòng của Tri. (Lektion 16, Nr. 168)
Danke. Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich diese Wohnung fand. Cám ơn. Anh rất may mắn khi tìm được căn nhà này. (Lektion 16, Nr. 171)
Ich würde auch eine Wohnung bevorzugen. Em thích một căn hộ hơn. (Lektion 16, Nr. 173)
Sie saß immer im Aufenthaltsraum und schrieb Geschichten über die Künstler. Cô hay ngồi trong căn phòng này và viết truyện về các nghệ sĩ. (Lektion 17, Nr. 186)
Ich könnte etwas Nützliches besuchen. Anh muốn đi đến những nơi cần thiết. (Lektion 17, Nr. 189)
Er weiß nicht, welchen Treibstoff sein Auto benötigt. Anh không biết là ô-tô cần loại xăng nào. (Lektion 19, Nr. 215)
Entschuldigung, welches Benzin brauche ich? Normal, Super oder Diesel? Xin lỗi, xe tôi cần loại xăng nào? Loại thường, đặc biệt hay là dầu Diesel? (Lektion 19, Nr. 217)
Lassen Sie mich den Tank sehen. Ich denke, Sie brauchen bleifreies Benzin. Đế tôi xem bình xăng. Chắc là anh cần loại xăng không chì. (Lektion 19, Nr. 218)
Es sieht wie ein Unfall aus, weil dort viele Krankenwagen sind und die Polizei dort ist. Có lẽ là một vụ tai nạn, có nhiều xe cứu thương và cảnh sát ở đó. (Lektion 19, Nr. 223)
So bald wie möglich. Càng sớm càng tốt. (Lektion 20, Nr. 236)
Sie brauchen keinen Anschlussflug. Anh không cần chuyến bay nối tiếp. (Lektion 20, Nr. 244)
Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Das Wetter wird sehr kalt und nass und Tri braucht neue Kleidung. Trời rất lạnh và ẩm ướt và Tri cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 247)
Ich denke, dass ich neue Kleidung benötige. Anh nghĩ, anh cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 250)
Sicher, ich hole dich an der spanischen Gaststätte ab. Tất nhiên rồi, em sẽ đón anh ở cạnh nhà nghỉ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 21, Nr. 252)
Ich benötige nur einige warme Pullover, Schuhe, Socken, einige Hosen und Jeans, aber nichts besonderes. Anh cần vài chiếc áo thun, giày, vài đôi vớ, vài cái quần tây và quần jeans, nhưng chắng có cái nào đặc biệt cả. (Lektion 22, Nr. 261)
Und du benötigst eine neue Brille, dann siehst du, dass dieses Hemd nichts für dich ist. Và anh cần một cặp kiếng mới. Anh xem đấy, cái áo này không hợp với anh. (Lektion 22, Nr. 262)
Ich möchte diese Schuhe und ich brauche auch neue Strümpfe und Strumpfhosen für den Winter. Em muốn đôi giày này và em cũng cần đôi tất dài và quần tất mới cho mùa đông này. (Lektion 22, Nr. 268)
Ich benötige ein paar neue Hosen. Anh cần vài cái quần mới. (Lektion 22, Nr. 270)
Ein Freund von mir isst es immer roh. Người bạn của anh ăn không cần gia vị. (Lektion 23, Nr. 282)
Mach einfach eine Liste mit dem, was du brauchst. Das wird dir helfen. Hãy lên danh sách những thứ anh cần. Nó sẽ giúp anh. (Lektion 24, Nr. 308)
Tri schrie sofort: Geben Sie den Ring zurück oder ich rufe die Polizei! Tri ngay lập tức la lên: Trả lại tôi chiếc nhẫn hoặc là tôi gọi cảnh sát. (Lektion 27, Nr. 345)
Das wäre wundervoll. Ich muss nach Kreuzberg. Thật tuyệt vời. Tôi cần đến Kreuzberg. (Lektion 28, Nr. 362)
Ich bin eine sichere Fahrerin. Sie müssen den Weg finden. Tôi là một người lái xe cẩn thận. Anh phải nhìn đường đó. (Lektion 28, Nr. 373)
Ich habe es auf deinem Tisch neben den Blumen vergessen. Em đã đế quên nó ở trên bàn cạnh bó hoa. (Lektion 31, Nr. 411)
Sie haben Sonnenbrand und brauchen Sonnencreme oder sie haben eine Allergie. Họ bị cháy nắng và cần kem chống nắng hoặc bị dị ứng. (Lektion 33, Nr. 453)
Aber warum brauchst du diese speziellen Skier? Nhưng tại sao em cần bộ ván trượt tuyết chuyên dụng này? (Lektion 36, Nr. 502)
Trang hat ein nettes Apartment in der Stadtmitte gefunden. Trang đã tìm thấy một căn hộ rất tốt ở giữa thành phố. (Lektion 37, Nr. 519)
Tri möchte sie in ihrer neuen Wohnung besuchen, aber er kennt den Weg nicht. Tri muốn thăm căn phòng mới của Trang, nhưng anh ấy không biết đường. (Lektion 37, Nr. 520)
Wenn du im richtigen Bus sitzt, kommst du an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei. Nếu anh ngồi đúng xe buýt, thì anh sẽ đi qua nhiều danh lam thắng cảnh. (Lektion 37, Nr. 524)
Nur wenn du Flügel hättest. Chỉ khi anh có cánh thôi. (Lektion 37, Nr. 530)
Eine ältere Person sitzt neben ihr. Một người đứng tuối ngồi cạnh cô ấy. (Lektion 41, Nr. 584)
Auf Wohnungssuche Tìm kiếm căn hộ (Lektion 43, Nr. 612)
Trang und Tri suchen eine Wohnung in der Vorstadt. Trang và Trí đang tìm một căn hộ ở ngoại ô. (Lektion 43, Nr. 613)
Wie gefällt dir eigentlich diese Wohnung? Thực sự em thấy căn hộ này thế nào? (Lektion 43, Nr. 616)
Zur Wohnung gehört eine Terrasse auf dem Dach. Căn hộ có một sân hiên trên mái nhà. (Lektion 43, Nr. 617)
Aber die Wohnung liegt an einer stark befahrenen Straße. Nhưng căn hộ nằm cạnh con đường có rất nhiều xe cộ đi lại. (Lektion 43, Nr. 619)
Sie schauen sich auch eine zweite Wohnung an. Họ cũng đi xem căn hộ thứ hai. (Lektion 43, Nr. 620)
Wie findest du diese Wohnung im Vergleich zur ersten? Em thấy căn hộ này như thế nào so với căn hộ thứ nhất? (Lektion 43, Nr. 621)
Stimmt, die Lage der Wohnung ist ideal. Đúng, vị trí của căn hộ này thật lý tưởng. (Lektion 43, Nr. 623)
Tri und Trang sind stolz auf ihre neue Wohnung. Trí và Trang tự hào về căn hộ mới của họ. (Lektion 44, Nr. 628)
Trang und Tri ziehen in ihr neues Apartment und möchten die Räume nun geschmackvoll einrichten. Trang và Trí dọn vào căn hộ mới của họ, và giờ đây họ muốn sắp xếp các phòng thật đẹp. (Lektion 45, Nr. 642)
Vor dem Umzug planen sie die Ausstattung der Zimmer und renovieren das Bad. Trước khi chuyển nhà họ lập kế hoạch cho việc trang hoàng những căn phòng và sữa chữa nhà tắm. (Lektion 45, Nr. 643)
Wenn wir die Lampe neben das Sofa und den Kerzenständer auf den Tisch stellen, dann gibt das ein romantisches Licht. Nếu chúng ta để cây đèn cạnh bộ sa lông và cái chân đèn cầy trên bàn, thì sẽ có một ánh sáng lãng mạn. (Lektion 45, Nr. 647)
Wofür brauche ich denn diese Einteilung? Vậy anh cần cái bản hướng dẫn này để làm gì? (Lektion 46, Nr. 661)
Meine Unterkunft lag direkt am Hafen auf einer Halbinsel. Nơi trú ngụ của anh nằm ngay cạnh bến cảng trên một bán đảo. (Lektion 56, Nr. 795)
Es ist eine Landschaftsdarstellung, die im Vordergrund vier kleine Kinder zeigt. Đó là một sự miêu tả phong cảnh, mà đằng trước có bốn em nhỏ. (Lektion 57, Nr. 807)
Im Hintergrund ist Natur zu sehen: eine umzäunte Wiese und ein Wald. Đằng sau có thể thấy thiên nhiên: Một bãi cỏ được rào quanh và một cánh rừng. (Lektion 57, Nr. 809)
Doch in der letzten Reihe sind noch zwei Plätze nebeneinander frei. Nhưng hàng ghế cuối còn hai chỗ trống cạnh nhau. (Lektion 58, Nr. 823)
Ich brauche ein neues Handy. Tôi cần một cái mới. (Lektion 59, Nr. 831)
Ihre Schwester ist alleine in ihrer Wohnung und fühlt sich einsam. Chị ở một mình trong căn hộ của mình và cảm thấy thật cô đơn. (Lektion 61, Nr. 860)
Wir konnten der Polizei nur einen Hinweis geben, in welche Richtung der Mann geflohen ist. Bọn anh chỉ có thể chỉ dẫn cho cảnh sát, anh ta chạy về hướng nào. (Lektion 62, Nr. 884)
Mein Chef hat Anzeige gegen Unbekannt bei der Polizei erstattet. Sếp của em đã tố cáo với cảnh sát về những kẻ lạ mặt. (Lektion 64, Nr. 916)
Von einer Umleitung wird Tri daran gehindert, auf dem schnellsten Weg zur Arbeit zu fahren. Bằng đường vòng đã cản trở Trí trên con đường nhanh nhất đi tới chỗ làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 954)
Ich hoffe, der Mechaniker wird sich bis morgen das Auto anschauen und alle nötigen Teile besorgen. Anh hy vọng, tới sáng mai người thợ cơ khí sẽ xem xét xe và chăm sóc tất cả các bộ phận cần thiết. (Lektion 68, Nr. 977)
Ohne Vorwarnung rollte sie auf die Küste zu. Không có sự cảnh báo trước những cơn sóng cuốn vào bờ. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1029)
Viele Häuser wurden zerstört. Nhiều căn nhà bị phá hủy. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1030)
Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Deine Idee finde ich gut, da müssen wir gar nichts mehr korrigieren. Anh thấy ý kiến của em thật hay, vì vậy chúng ta chẳng cần chữa gì nữa. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1078)
Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch die Gästeliste, damit wir die Einladungen verschicken können! Bây giờ chúng ta chỉ còn cần danh sách khách mời để chúng ta có thể gửi thiệp mời đi. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1079)
Du riechst so gut, du brauchst kein Parfum! Em thơm đến nỗi không cần nước hoa nữa đâu! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1088)
Der Stier ist charmant und bodenständig, kann gut mit Geld umgehen und ist ein Genießer. Kim ngưu thì duyên dáng và căn cơ, có thể quản lý tốt tiền bạc và là một người biết hưởng thụ. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1133)
Der Schütze sucht den Sinn des Lebens und braucht seinen persönlichen Freiraum. Nhân mã thì luôn tìm kiếm ý nghĩa của cuộc sống và cần không gian riêng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1143)
Aber das Klima in der Firma ist mittlerweile so schlecht, dass ich mich beruflich verändern möchte. Nhưng hoàn cảnh công ty lúc này quá tồi tệ đến nỗi anh muốn đổi công việc khác. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1166)
Sie werden am Telefon verlangt. Có người gọi điện cần nói chuyện với anh / chị . (Lektion 86, Nr. 1264)
Der Abteilungsleiter möchte Sie sprechen. Trưởng phòng cần gặp anh / chị có chút việc. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1266)
Bitte rufen Sie mich so schnell wie möglich zurück! Làm ơn gọi lại cho tôi càng sớm càng tốt. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1286)
Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu cần biết thêm thông tin xin anh / chị vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bất kì lúc nào. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1356)
Für Fragen stehen wir jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu anh / chị cần hỏi gì thêm nữa chúng tôi luôn luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1359)
Soll ich dir die E-Mail weiterleiten? Có cần tôi chuyển bức thư này tới anh / chị không? (Lektion 92, Nr. 1400)
Ich brauche mehr Informationen über die Finanzkrise in Frankreich. Tôi cần thêm thông tin về cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tại Pháp. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1615)
Ich habe keinen Zugang zu diesen Informationen. Tôi không tiếp cận được với những thông tin đó. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1636)
Ich soll mehr Informationen über diesen Fall suchen, aber ich komme mit meiner Recherche nicht weiter. Hast du einen guten Rat für mich? Tôi rất cần thêm thông tin về trường hợp này nhưng không biết tiếp tục tra cứu thế nào? Anh / Chị có lời khuyên hữu ích nào không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1638)
Ich habe euch zu dieser Besprechung eingeladen, weil wir ein dringendes Problem lösen müssen. Tôi mời quý vị tới dự buổi họp này vì chúng ta cần phải giải quyết một vấn đề cấp bách. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1648)
Brauchen Sie noch weitere Unterlagen von mir? Anh / Chị còn cần thêm giấy tờ gì của tôi nữa không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1688)
Dieses Problem muss schnell gelöst werden. Vấn đề này cần phải được giải quyết nhanh chóng. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1702)
Wir sollten nach der Ursache des Problems suchen. Chúng ta cần phải tìm ra nguyên nhân của vấn đề. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1722)
Neben meinem Studium möchte ich praktische Erfahrungen sammeln. Bên cạnh việc học đại học tôi cũng muốn thu thập thêm kinh nghiệm thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1731)
Wenn Sie uns bei diesem Projekt unterstützen möchten, sollten Sie über ein gutes Organisationstalent verfügen. Nếu anh / chị muốn hỗ trợ dự án này, anh / chị cần có một khả năng tổ chức tốt. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1744)
Ihr Betreuer wird Sie gründlich in Ihr Aufgabengebiet einarbeiten und Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Người hướng dẫn sẽ hướng dẫn anh / chị cẩn thận các công việc và luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ anh / chị. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1751)
Wir suchen neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Chúng tôi cần tìm đồng nghiệp mới. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1771)
Wir suchen zum 01.01. einen Projektmanager. Chúng tôi cần tìm một giám đốc dự án đến ngày 01.01. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1772)
Wir suchen erfahrene Mitarbeiter. Chúng tôi cần tìm một nhân viên có kinh nghiệm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1773)
Sie sollten ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaft vorweisen können. Anh / Chị cần phải chứng minh được việc tốt nghiệp đại học với chuyên ngành kinh tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1777)
Wir suchen eine engagierte und kreative Persönlichkeit. Chúng tôi cần tìm một người có tính trách nhiệm và sáng tạo. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1786)
Wir suchen eine verantwortungsbewusste Führungskraft. Chúng tôi cần tìm một người điều hành có trách nhiệm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1787)
Ich brauche eine neue Herausforderung. Tôi cần một sự thách thức mới. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1803)
Ich erfülle alle Anforderungen, die Sie in der Stellenbeschreibung an die Bewerber richten. Tôi đáp ứng các yêu cầu mà ông / bà đang cần tuyển. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1810)
Meine jetzige Aufgabe ist es, die Markteinführung neuer Produkte zu betreuen. Công việc hiện nay của tôi là tiếp cận thị trường cho sản phẩm mới. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1901)
Warum wird diese Position ausgeschrieben? Vì sao vị trí này cần được tuyển? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1959)
Mein Bildschirm ist zu klein. Ich brauche einen neuen – mit mindestens 26 Zoll. Màn hình của tôi quá nhỏ. Tôi cần một cái mới cỡ 26 inch. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2039)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
Am Tisch neben der Tür finden Sie den Ausdruck der Zusammenfassung meiner Präsentation. Das Dokument können Sie sich gerne mitnehmen. Trên bàn bên cạnh cửa, quý vị sẽ nhìn thấy bản in tóm tắt bài diễn thuyết của tôi. Tài liệu này quý vị có thể lấy theo ý muốn. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2119)
Dieses Produkt ist besser als die Produkte der Konkurrenz. Sản phẩm này tốt hơn sản phẩm của đối thủ cạnh tranh. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2247)
Hier müssen noch Kabel verlegt werden. Ở đây cần phải được lắp dây. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2309)
Wir brauchen einen Internetzugang und einen Beamer. Chúng tôi cần một kết nối internet và một máy chiếu. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2310)
Ich brauche einen Mietwagen in Wien. Ich werde den Wagen am Dienstag abholen und am Sonntag Abend zurückbringen. Tôi cần thuê một chiếc ôtô ở Viên. Tôi sẽ lấy chiếc xe vào thứ ba và trả lại vào tối chủ nhật. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2376)
Für die Reise nach China brauche ich ein Visum. Tôi cần có thị thực cho chuyến đi sang Trung Quốc. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2380)
Ich brauche eine Quittung für die Abrechnung meiner Reisekosten. Tôi cần một tờ hóa đơn cho việc thanh toán chi phí đi lại của tôi. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2394)
Brauchen Sie die Quittung? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có cần hóa đơn không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2463)
Ich brauche eine Quittung, bitte. Tôi cần một hóa đơn thanh toán. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2464)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt. Sản phẩm được đóng gói không cẩn thận. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2477)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)
Wir werden rechtliche Schritte einleiten. Chúng tôi sẽ nhờ đến sự can thiệp của pháp luật. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2495)
Bitte verschicken Sie diese Mahnung per Einschreiben. Làm ơn hãy gửi bảo đảm lá thư cảnh báo này. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2522)
Wenn Sie den Rechnungsbetrag nicht innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage an uns überweisen, müssen wir unsere Forderung gerichtlich geltend machen. Nếu ông / bà / quý vị không chuyển khoản cho chúng tôi số tiền trong vòng 10 ngày tới, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ đến sự can thiệp của luật pháp. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2542)

65 I'm from Canada. Tôi người Canada.
136 No, I'm Canadian. Không, tôi là người Canada.
388 Does your sister live in Canada? Em gái cậu có sống ở Canada không?
467 How much does it cost to send a package to Canada? Gửi hàng đi Canada tốn bao nhiêu tiền?
775 We've been to Canada, but we haven't been to Alaska. Chúng tôi từng đến Canada rồi, nhưng chúng tôi chưa từng đến Alaska.
846 Leonardo's lived in Canada since April. Leonardo đã sống ở Canada từ tháng tư.
857 Lucien has been in Canada for six (6) months. Lucien đã ở Canada được sáu tháng.
858 Lucien has been in Canada since January. Lucien đã ở Canada từ tháng một.
1013 Oranges are imported into Canada. Cam được nhập khẩu vào Canada.
1661 There's a lot of salt in this soup. Món canh này có nhiều muối.
1662 I don't like this soup. It's too salty. Tôi không thích món canh này. Canh mặn quá.
2224 There's a hair in my soup. Có một sợi tóc trong bát canh của tôi.
2305 The United States is between Canada and Mexico. Mĩ nằm giữa Canada và Mexico.
2848 Would you care for a hot drink or some hot soup? Cậu thích một thứ đồ uống nóng hay một chút canh nóng?

The police gained access through a broken window. access
You need a password to get access to the computer system. access
Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends). access
The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. accommodation
I must ask you to accompany me to the police station. accompany
The police are trying to obtain a more accurate picture of crime levels. accurate
You need to hit the ball accurately. accurately
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills? acquire
The company has just acquired new premises. acquire
He walked across the field. across
What is the best course of action in the circumstances? action
Just press the button to see your favourite character in action. in action
We're not American, actually. We're Canadian. actually
add sth to sth: A new wing was added to the building. add
Police found him at an address (= a house or flat/apartment) in West London. address
The brakes need to be adjusted. adjust
They'll be fine—they just need time to adjust. adjust
Let's just sit and admire the view. admire
All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. adopt
Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years. advance
companies seeking competitive advantage over their trading rivals advantage
advise sth: I'd advise extreme caution. advise
advise sb to do sth: Police are advising people to stay at home. advise
Children need lots of love and affection. affection
afford to do sth: We cannot afford to ignore this warning. afford
She needs more friends of her own age. age
If you're going to rent out your house while you're abroad, you'll need someone to act as your agent here. agent
A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market. aggressive
agree (with sb) (about/on sth): He agreed with them about the need for change. agree
I'll run ahead and warn them. ahead
You need to work hard to keep ahead. ahead
Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims. aim
I need to put some air in my tyres. air
I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night. alarm
She decided to sound the alarm (= warn people that the situation was dangerous). alarm
I hammered on all the doors to raise the alarm. alarm
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. alarmed
You need to allow three metres of fabric for the dress. allow
A ramp allows easy access for wheelchairs. allow
I looked along the shelves for the book I needed. along
I'll be along (= I'll join you) in a few minutes. along
A police car pulled up alongside us. alongside
a lifeboat moored alongside the yacht alongside
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level. alongside
Nick caught up with me and rode alongside. alongside
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
It was an altogether different situation. altogether
analyse what, how, etc...: We need to analyse what went wrong. analyse
Do it slowly and carefully. and
the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people anger
We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign. angle
We need another computer (= a new one). another
I don't like this room. I'm going to ask for another. another
to answer the door (= to open the door when sb knocks/rings) answer
anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
acute/intense/deep anxiety anxiety
anxious for sb to do sth: I'm anxious for her to do as little as possible. anxious
We need some more paint; there isn't any left. any
I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag? any
Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member. anybody
self-catering holiday apartments apartment
The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. appeal
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. appeal
It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges. apples and oranges
What's the best way of approaching this problem? approach
Few writers approach his richness of language. approach
approach sb: We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product. approach
I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach (= not easy to talk to in a friendly way). approach
approach sb for sth/about (doing) sth: She approached the bank for a loan. approach
We heard the sound of an approaching car/a car approaching. approach
approach sb/sth: As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left. approach
She hadn't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened. approach
the approach of spring approach
They felt apprehensive about the approach of war. approach
She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. approach
approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. approach
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate) (= cross out the options that do not apply). appropriate
The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it). approval
approximate sth: The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible. approximate
argue with sb: I don't want to argue with you—just do it! argue
argue that...: He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. argue
Children should be disciplined when the need arises (= when it is necessary). arise
The arms will need shortening. arm
He escaped with only a broken arm. arm
The officer grabbed him by the arm (= grabbed his arm). arm
She touched him gently on the arm. arm
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). arm
They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other). arm
He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). arm
He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm (= next to him and holding his arm). arm
The country was arming against the enemy. arm
Police were heavily armed. armed
Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms. arms
army barracks/bases army
The police made several arrests. arrest
The police arrived to arrest him. arrive
The articles found in the car helped the police to identify the body. article
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender artificial
Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker. artist
We'd like it as soon as possible. as
She may need some help as she's new. as
Stand aside and let these people pass. aside
Aside from a few scratches, I'm OK. aside from
The police found him asleep in a garage. asleep
The book aims to cover all aspects of city life. aspect
the most important aspect of the debate aspect
She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect. aspect
This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before. aspect
The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products. aspect
assist sb in/with sth: Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries (= are being questioned by the police). assist
it is assumed (that)...: It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. assume
a disease that attacks the brain attack
We'd like as many people as possible to attend. attend
She was in need of medical attention. attention
The roof needs attention (= needs to be repaired). attention
Please pay attention (= listen carefully) to what I am saying. attention
That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality. attractive
My aunt lives in Canada. aunt
400 people a year die of this disease on average. average
He stood with his back to the door. back
She turned her back on them when they needed her. turn your back on sb/sth
The barriers kept the crowd back. back
He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant talk to the press. background
The building is badly in need of repair. badly
Athletes need a good sense of balance. balance
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. balance
This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. balance
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. balance
His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind. balance
balance between A and B: Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. balance
balance out: The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out. balance
balance sth (out): This year's profits will balance our previous losses. balance
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
She tries to balance home life and career. balance
balance (on sth): How long can you balance on one leg? balance
balance sth (on sth): The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books. balance
She balanced the cup on her knee. balance
a white plate with a blue band around the edge band
I need to go to the bank (= the local office of a bank). bank
The crowd had to stand behind barriers. barrier
The car crashed into the safety barrier and burst into flames. barrier
the removal of trade barriers barrier
The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. barrier
barrier to sth: Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success. barrier
Cost should not be a barrier to the use of legal services. barrier
The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east. barrier
the language barrier (= when people cannot communicate because they do not speak the same language) barrier
barrier between A and B: There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. barrier
barrier against sth: Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation. barrier
a military/naval base base
an air base base
After the attack, they returned to base. base
I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base. base
You can use our apartment as a base in New York. base
How much is a thousand pounds in euros? be
You are to report this to the police. be
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
The sheer beauty of the scenery took my breath away. beauty
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
Before I made a decision, I thought carefully about it. before
well-/badly-behaved children behave
His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive. behaviour
The incident has shaken my belief (= made me have less confidence) in the police. belief
believe (that)...: Police believe (that) the man may be armed. believe
They need a leader they can believe in. believe in sb
Warning bells started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong. bell
A police sergeant is below an inspector. below
Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath. beneath
He sat beside her all night. beside
a mill beside a stream beside
Don't worry about the exam—just do your best. best
Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you. best
Her work is getting better and better. better
Fit people are better able to cope with stress. better
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. bit
I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. bit
Most European spiders don't bite. bite
bite sb: We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. bite
Does your dog bite? bite
Come here! I won't bite! (= you don't need to be afraid) bite
bite into/through sth: She bit into a ripe juicy pear. bite
bite sb/sth: She was bitten by the family dog. bite
Stop biting your nails! bite
bite off sth/sth off: He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. bite
Dog bites can get infected. bite
a mosquito/snake bite bite
She took a couple of bites of the sandwich. bite
The dog gave me a playful bite. bite
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
His apartment is three blocks away from the police station. block
a block of flats block
An ugly new building blocked the view from the window. block
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
blow sth + adj.: The wind blew the door shut. blow
The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser. blow
The tyres on my bike need blowing up. blow sth up
A police officer was killed when his car blew up. blow up
You need to bring the whole staff on board. on board
in the US, near the Canadian border border
born (out) of sth: She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. born
For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. both
it bothers sb to do sth: It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. bother
You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. brain
She climbed the tree and hid in the branches. branch
She fell off a ladder and broke her arm. break
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. breathe in
a bright room bright
a brightly lit room brightly
a broken leg/arm broken
build (sth): They have permission to build 200 new houses. build
All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress. build up (to sth)
It is the business of the police to protect the community. business
I should have got a better price for the car, but I'm not much of a businessman. businessman
Come and sit by me. by
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. by
Just drive by. Don't stop. by
calculate how much, what, etc.: You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. calculate
call (sth) out: He called out a warning from the kitchen. call
I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds. call
The police appealed for calm. calm
I camped overnight in a field. camp
Today police launched (= began) a campaign to reduce road accidents. campaign
I can take the car if necessary. can
The US has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million. cancel
She chose her words with care. care
Great care is needed when choosing a used car. care
Fragile—handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged) care
Celia takes care of the marketing side of things. take care of sb/sth/yourself
Be careful! careful
careful to do sth: He was careful to keep out of sight. careful
careful not to do sth: Be careful not to wake the baby. careful
careful when/what/how, etc.: You must be careful when handling chemicals. careful
Be careful what you say. careful
careful of/about/with sth: Be careful of the traffic. careful
Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them). careful
I'm very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I do it). careful
careful (that)...: Be careful you don't bump your head. careful
a careful piece of work careful
a careful examination of the facts careful
After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job. careful
Please listen carefully. carefully
She put the glass down carefully. carefully
Drive carefully. carefully
It was careless of me to leave the door open. careless
Don't be so careless about/with spelling. careless
a careless worker/driver careless
a careless mistake/error careless
The injured were carried away on stretchers. carry
Police in many countries carry guns. carry
If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. case
You probably won't need to call—but take my number, just in case. (just) in case (...)
The museum needs to find ways of raising cash. cash
He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him. catch
a large room with a high ceiling ceiling
The flat is very central—just five minutes from Princes Street. central
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
chain sb/sth: The doors were always locked and chained. chain
We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. chance
change out of sth: You need to change out of those wet things. change
That back tyre needs changing. change
Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene (= time in a different place) will do you good. change
Can you just listen for a change? change
The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action. character
After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. charge
Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias. charge
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
The thieves were caught by police after a short chase. chase
check sth: Hang on—I just need to check my email. check
The police ran a check on the registration number of the car. check
The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by police. check
I'll just have a quick check to see if the letter's arrived yet. check
It is vital to keep a check on your speed (= look at it regularly in order to control it). check
She gasped for breath, her chest heaving. chest
army/industry/police chiefs chief
Resources are finite, and choices have to be made between competing priorities and needs. choice
choose sth: Sarah chose her words carefully. choose
He chopped a branch off the tree. chop sth off (sth)
changing social and political circumstances circumstance
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death. circumstance
She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth. circumstance
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
family/domestic/personal circumstances circumstance
a clean police record clean
It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy. clean
I need to change and clean up. clean (yourself) up
You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. clear
Your meaning needs to be clear. clear
a clear warning of the risks clear
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
After the bomb warning, police cleared the streets. clear
He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. clear
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
To run a window, just double-click on the icon. click
We need to create a climate in which business can prosper. climate
The club was closed by the police. close
He is one of the prime minister's closest advisers. close
We keep in close touch with the police. close
I sat and watched everyone very closely (= carefully). closely
the club scene in Newcastle club
You're just coasting—it's time to work hard now. coast
coffee ice cream coffee
I'll just make the coffee. coffee
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
Dirt had collected in the corners of the room. collect
combine sth: We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities. combine
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. come in
His words were of little comfort in the circumstances. comfort
a warm comfortable house comfortable
The police arrived and took command of the situation. command
command that...: The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease. command
+ speech: 'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her. comment
She is developing the commercial side of the organization. commercial
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
All channels of communication need to be kept open. communication
Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. communication
good community relations with the police community
We compared the two reports carefully. compare
compare A with/to B: We carefully compared the first report with the second. compare
Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors. compare
compete (with/against sb) (for sth): Several companies are competing for the contract. compete
We can't compete with them on price. compete
Young children will usually compete for their mother's attention. compete
Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports. compete
compete to do sth: There are too many magazines competing to attract readers. compete
There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. competition
We are in competition with four other companies for the contract. competition
We won the contract in the face of stiff competition. competition
competitive games/sports competitive
Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. competitive
a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop) competitive
We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies. competitive
to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies competitive
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days. competitive
I can see no grounds for complaint. complaint
The project should be completed within a year. complete
I only need one more card to complete the set. complete
I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary. complicate
This chapter concerns itself with the historical background. concern
Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you. concern
Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management. concern
it is concluded that...: It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low. conclude
a necessary condition for economic growth condition
He is overweight and out of condition (= not physically fit). condition
Confronted by an angry crowd, the police retreated. confront
Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality. confuse
a confusion as to what to do next confusion
They have become increasingly health-conscious. conscious
music which is accessible to an audience with extremely conservative tastes conservative
He was considering an appeal. consider
a carefully considered response consider
consider doing sth: We're considering buying a new car. consider
consider how/what, etc...: We need to consider how the law might be reformed. consider
He was considering what to do next. consider
it is considered that...: It is considered that the proposed development would create much-needed jobs. consider
Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety. consideration
Time is another important consideration. consideration
Babies need constant attention. constant
consult with sb (about/on sth): I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals. consult
She blushed at the sudden contact of his hand against her arm. contact
Witnesses to the accident are asked to contact the police. contact
This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. context
His decision can only be understood in context. context
Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts. context
You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context. context
This quotation has been taken out of context (= repeated without giving the circumstances in which it was said). context
The co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed. control
There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now in control of the situation. be in control (of sth)
convince sb/yourself (of sth): You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. convince
cope with sth: He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. cope
There was a television in the far corner of the room. corner
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
Good food need not cost a fortune (= cost a lot of money). cost
magnificent views over open countryside countryside
Everyone should enjoy the right of access to the countryside. countryside
I'll be with you in a minute. There are a couple of things I have to do first. couple
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. take your courage in both hands
The survey covers all aspects of the business. cover
crack sth: He has cracked a bone in his arm. crack
crash sth + adj.: She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her. crash
Marie says he went crazy, and smashed the room up. crazy
His courage brought great credit to his regiment. credit
crop rotation/production/yield crop
Put a cross beside the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. cross
to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other) cross
Police had to break up the crowd. crowd
a room crowded with books crowded
He wasn't there at the crucial moment (= when he was needed most). crucial
He needs to learn to curb his temper. curb
TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. cure
This scene was cut from the final version of the movie. cut
cut through sth: You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. cut
We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words. cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm. cut
Police said the man was a danger to the public. danger
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun. dark
We need to fix a date for the next meeting. date
Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. date
Police are trying to establish the cause of death. death
I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country. debt
We need a decision on this by next week. decision
They decorated the room with flowers and balloons. decorate
decorate sth: We need to decorate the sitting room. decorate
The sitting room needs decorating. decorate
The decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home. decorative
I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. deep
to think deeply (= about all the aspects of sth) deeply
The harbour's sea defences are in poor condition. defence
define sth: We need to define the task ahead very clearly. define
Report it to the police without delay (= immediately). delay
the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest delicate
a river scene painted in delicate watercolours delicate
There's an increased demand for organic produce these days. demand
it is denied that...: It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. deny
It would depend on the circumstances. depend on/upon sth
depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. depend on/upon sth
a depressing sight/thought/experience depressing
Police have issued a description of the gunman. description
We need to design a new syllabus for the third year. design
The prisoners grew increasingly desperate. desperate
I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room. desperate
The children are in desperate need of love and attention. desperate
He fought the illness with courage and determination. determination
We need more time to see how things develop before we take action. develop
to have a healthy, balanced diet diet
I decided to go on a diet (= to lose weight) before my holiday. diet
I'll lend you £500 and you'll have to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). difference
I prefer a more direct approach. direct
A police officer was directing the traffic. direct
He was directed to a table beside the window. direct
direct sth to/towards sth/sb: There are three main issues that we need to direct our attention to. direct
When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions. direction
Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. disappear
The discovery of the disease among sheep spells financial disaster for farmers. disaster
discover sb/sth: Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house. discover
discuss when, what, etc...: We need to discuss when we should go. discuss
It is not known what causes the disease. disease
disgusted (at/by sb/sth): I was disgusted at/by the sight. disgusted
Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed. distribute
I have a number of things to do today. do
domestic service (= the work of a servant in a large house) domestic
to answer the door (= to go and open it because sb has knocked on it or rung the bell) door
The door closed behind him. door
Marc appeared through a door at the far end of the room. door
We need double the amount we already have. double
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV. dramatic
There's no need to dress up—come as you are. dress up
I need a stiff drink (= a very strong drink). drink
Her constant nagging drove him away. drive sb away
drop sth: Be careful not to drop that plate. drop
Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk). drunk
During the drought the river dried up. dry up
As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up. dry up
The play was going very well until one of the actors suddenly dried up. dry up
It is my duty to report it to the police. duty
Each day that passed he grew more and more desperate. each
Early booking is essential, as space is limited. early
I need a rest. I think I've earned it, don't you? earn
We need to make substantial economies. economy
She writes with a great economy of words (= using only the necessary words). economy
a big house on/at the edge of town edge
Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table. edge
I sat down at the water's edge. edge
Stand the coin on its edge. edge
She tore the page out roughly, leaving a ragged edge in the book. edge
Be careful—it has a sharp edge. edge
educate sb (in/on sth): Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking. educate
an alcohol education programme (= to warn of the dangers of alcohol) education
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
The stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene. effect
The company must reduce costs to compete effectively. effectively
We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time. effort
There's a door at either end of the corridor. either
We need to preserve the element of surprise. element
The pilot made an emergency landing in a field. emergency
emotional stress emotional
Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image. emphasis
it must/should be emphasized that...: It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation. emphasize
The police had to employ force to enter the building. employ
Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment. employment
Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area. employment
an empty house/room/bus empty
empty sth of sth: The room had been emptied of all furniture. empty
Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat. empty
encounter (with sb/sth): Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police. encounter
He needs all the support and encouragement he can get. encouragement
Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it). enquiry
The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population. entire
A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour. entrance
entry (to/into sth): Entry to the museum is free. entry
to be granted/refused entry into the country entry
There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight. escape
The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out. essential
This book is essential reading for all nature lovers. essential
essential to sth: Money is not essential to happiness. essential
essential for sth: Experience is essential for this job. essential
it is essential to do sth: It is essential to keep the two groups separate essential
it is essential that...: It is essential that you have some experience. essential
I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things). essential
The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water. essential
the essentials of English grammar essential
Essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change. essentially
establish sth: Police are still trying to establish the cause of the accident. establish
establish where, what, etc...: We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting. establish
I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. estimate
Police estimate the crowd at 30 000. estimate
You need an even surface to work on. even
The police have reconstructed the chain of events leading to the murder. event
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
The police questioned everyone in the room. everyone
The room bore evidence of a struggle. evidence
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
'You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?' 'Exactly.' exactly
A lot of students suffer from exam nerves. exam
Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination. examination
Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple. examination
The issue needs further examination. examination
examine how, what, etc...: It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out. examine
I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money. except
We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information. exchange
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
You don't have to make excuses for her (= try to think of reasons for her behaviour). excuse
The mind needs exercise as well as the body. exercise
exercise sth: Horses need to be exercised regularly. exercise
The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped apartment. existence
Where's the exit? exit
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
an exit visa (= a stamp in a passport giving sb permission to leave a particular country) exit
No expense was spared (= they spent as much money as was needed) to make the party a success. expense
a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress experience
We need some expert help. expert
I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you. explain yourself
You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone. expose
He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force. expose
Their frustration needs some form of expression. expression
Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. extend
I need to earn a bit extra this month. extra
You need to be extra careful not to make any mistakes. extra
extreme left-wing/right-wing views extreme
A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand. eye
The room fell silent as she came face to face with the man who had tried to kill her. face to face (with sb)
The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police. fact
Production has been hampered by mechanical failure. failure
We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road. faint
I give you fair warning, I'm not always this generous. fair
fair to do sth: It's only fair to add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute. fair
The room had fallen silent. fall
I had a bad fall and broke my arm. fall
I fancied a change of scene. fancy
Half an hour later Duncan was no farther in his quest. far
His parents supported him as far as they could. far
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
To answer that question we need to go further back in time. far
The farther north they went, the colder it became. far
organic farming farming
modern farming methods farming
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
Night was fast approaching. fast
The police said that they had reacted as fast as they could. fast
Cook the meat in shallow fat. fat
fault (for doing sth): It's your own fault for being careless. fault
I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us. fault
fear sth: She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst (= think that she is dead). fear
feel it to be sth: She felt it to be her duty to tell the police. feel
feel it + noun: She felt it her duty to tell the police. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself do sth: I felt something crawl up my arm. feel
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless. feeling
the Cannes film festival festival
I need a few things from the store. few
a ploughed field field
a field of wheat field
We camped in a field near the village. field
I saw a shadowy figure approaching. figure
secret police files file
Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl. file
I need to have two teeth filled (= to have fillings put in them). fill
The wind filled the sails. fill
The sails filled with wind. fill
The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. finance
Moving house put a severe strain on our finances. finance
find sth + noun: She finds it a strain to meet new people. find
The match was finely balanced throughout. finely
I need about an hour to finish off this report. finish sth off
The gunmen opened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. fire
Several youths had set fire to the police car (= had made it start burning). fire
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
She took a firm hold of my arm. firm
The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. first of all
He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind. fix
The flames were growing higher and higher. flame
flash sth (at sb): Red lights flashed a warning at them. flash
flash sb (sth): Red lights flashed them a warning. flash
the flashing blue lights of a police car flash
I'll need flash for this shot. flash
The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape. flat
I need a flat surface to write on. flat
Do you live in a flat or a house? flat
They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor. flat
a ground-floor flat flat
a new block of flats flat
Many large old houses have been converted into flats. flat
Children from the flats (= the block of flats) across the street were playing outside. flat
flight safety flight
Police have issued flood warnings for Nevada. flood
be flooded with sth: The room was flooded with evening light. flood
flooded fields flooded
The alterations should give us extra floor space. floor
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face. focus
What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way). focus
The bird folded its wings. fold
The lane follows the edge of a wood for about a mile. follow
I'm warning you for the last time—stop talking! for
There's no need for you to go. for
She spoke with force and deliberation. force
The shipping forecast gave warnings of gales. forecast
Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever. forever
forget to do sth: Take care, and don't forget to write. forget
Help arrived in the form of two police officers. form
We need to come to some form of agreement. form
The next scene takes the story forward five years. forward
The door opened, blocking his forward movement. forward
These exercises help free the body of tension. free
The police are determined to free the town of violent crime. free
A good kick finally freed the door. free
He managed to free his arms from their bonds. free
I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. freeze
The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun. freeze
I think it's time we tried a fresh approach. fresh
This is the opportunity he needs to make a fresh start (= to try sth new after not being successful at sth else). fresh
We soon became friendly with the couple next door. friendly
environmentally-friendly farming methods friendly
friendly rivalry friendly
You need a break from routine. from
I prefer to travel in the front of the car (= next to the driver). front
Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). front
She's really fun to be with. fun
I need money to be able to function as an artist. function as sb/sth
A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. fundamental
I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it. funny
The cat carefully licked its fur. fur
We need to buy some new furniture. furniture
The police decided to investigate further. further
We need to plan for the future. future
Please be more careful in future. in future
In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked. in future
I've gained weight recently. gain
gain sth: to gain entrance/entry/access to sth gain
Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain. gain
a game of cops and robbers game
garden flowers/plants garden
The kids were gathered together in one room. gather
Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. gear
We need someone to generate new ideas. generate
He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
He married the girl next door. girl
We need your help—please give generously. give
glad about sth: 'He doesn't need the pills any more.' 'I'm glad about that.' glad
She became more and more talkative as the evening went on. go on
Just go away! go away
You need to set yourself some long-term goals. goal
This book is no good to me: I need the new edition. good
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
government expenditure/intervention government
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
I'll grab a bite to eat in town. grab
I just took it for granted that he'd always be around. take it for granted (that...)
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted. take sb/sth for granted
I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. grateful
The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety. grave
As the great day approached, she grew more and more nervous. great
What were his grounds for wanting a divorce? ground
the hospital grounds ground
A growing child needs plenty of sleep. grow
There is growing opposition to the latest proposals. grow
Shortage of water is a growing problem. grow
guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. guarantee
a sentry on guard (= at his or her post, on duty) guard
The terrorist was kept under police guard. guard
The dog was guarding its owner's luggage. guard
political leaders guarded by the police guard
The prisoners were guarded by soldiers. guard
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. guilty
Should police officers carry guns? gun
The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). gun
You need to change your eating habits. habit
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. habit
I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment. habit
There's a hair in my soup. hair
We'll need to reduce the weight by half. half
Do you need a hand with those invoices? hand
I handed the watch in to the police. hand sth in (to sb)
They handed the weapons over to the police. hand sb/sth over (to sb)
The label on the box said: 'Fragile. Handle with care.' handle
He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him. hang
Just plug it in and see what happens. happen
They have a lot of courage. have
You don't have to knock—just walk in. have to
You simply have to get a new job. have to
He (= the man we are watching) went through that door. he
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
I can't work it out in my head—I need a calculator. head
a tension headache headache
Simmer the soup for 10 minutes then remove from the heat. heat
The oven takes a while to heat up. heat up
Just heat up the food in the microwave. heat sth up
heavily armed police (= carrying a lot of weapons) heavily
He tried to push the heavy door open. heavy
The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out. heel
Please state your height and weight. height
help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. help
help (sb) in doing sth: I need contacts that could help in finding a job. help
We need new measures to help (to) fight terrorism. help
He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Just shouting at him isn't going to be a lot of help. help
help (with sth): Do you need any help with that? help
I called the police but they weren't very helpful. helpful
hide sb/sth from sth: They hid me from the police in their attic. hide
We hid from our pursuers in an empty house. hide
A high degree of accuracy is needed. high
highly competitive/critical/sensitive highly
Highway patrol officers closed the road. highway
The house is built on the side of a hill overlooking the river. hill
Always take care when driving down steep hills. hill
You must place these events in their historical context. historical
There is a history of heart disease in my family. history
hold sb: Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid. hold
hold sth + adj.: I'll hold the door open for you. hold
The police were unable to hold back the crowd. hold sb/sth back
His hold on her arm tightened. hold
She came from a violent home. home
stray dogs needing new homes home
I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best. hope for the best
Be careful—the plates are hot. hot
However carefully I explained, she still didn't understand. however
hunt sb: Police are hunting an escaped criminal. hunt
Hurry up with the scissors. I need them. hurry up (with sth)
The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. identity
If necessary I can come at once. if
If he tries to start an argument, just ignore him. ignore
He entered the country illegally. illegally
in the immediate vicinity immediate
The impact of the blow knocked ******** balance. impact
She stressed the importance of careful preparation. importance
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress people. impress
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. impress
She was not lacking in courage. in
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. including
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
increase sth (from A) (to B): We need to increase productivity. increase
Homelessness is on the increase (= increasing). increase
increasingly difficult/important/popular increasingly
It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved. increasingly
Increasingly, training is taking place in the office rather than outside it. increasingly
The police force should be independent of direct government control. independent
We need to develop local industries. industry
The wound from the dog bite had become infected. infected
Have the police been informed? inform
Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest. information
Just write your initials. initial
Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative. initiative
I was driving in the inside lane (= the part nearest the edge, not the middle of the road). inside
I'll need some help installing the software. install
In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company. in the first instance
We just had soup instead of a full meal. instead of
Follow the instructions on the packet carefully. instruction
The crowd were shouting insults at the police. insult
Just out of interest, how much did it cost? interest
The police are waiting to interview the injured man. interview
Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). introduction
investigate sth: Police are investigating possible links between the murders. investigate
investigate what, how, etc...: Police are investigating what happened. investigate
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
a criminal/murder/police investigation investigation
investigation into sth: The police have completed their investigations into the accident. investigation
investment in sth: This country needs investment in education. investment
involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. involve
We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first. involved
her growing involvement with contemporary music involvement
cast/wrought/corrugated iron iron
iron gates/bars/railings iron
There are still a few details that need ironing out. iron sth out
She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. irritated
This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it. issue
You're just avoiding the issue. issue
The police have issued an appeal for witnesses. issue
Turn the box on its side. its
There's no need for the team to feel proud of itself. itself
+ speech: 'I cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked. joke
the sheer joy of being with her again joy
His horse fell as it jumped the last hurdle. jump
Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. just
I'm just finishing my book. just
I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I had to tell somebody. just
They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice. justice
You don't need to justify yourself to me. justify
You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going. keep going
'Caution' is the key word in this situation. key
Vandals had kicked the door down. kick
If the door won't open, give it a kick. kick
She needs a kick up the backside (= she needs to be strongly encouraged to do sth or to behave better). kick
We need a kinder, gentler society. kind
They stood in a doorway kissing (= kissing each other). kiss
knock sth (against/on sth): Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam. knock
These old houses are going to be knocked down. knock sth down
This man is known to the police (= as a criminal). know
We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date. label
fertile/arid/stony, etc. land land
agricultural/arable/industrial, etc. land land
I fell and landed heavily at the bottom of the stairs. land
A large stone landed right beside him. land
We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts. land
The pilot landed the plane safely. land
The plane landed safely. land
the bleak/rugged/dramatic, etc. landscape of the area landscape
the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape landscape
an urban/industrial landscape landscape
We can expect changes in the political landscape. landscape
an artist famous for his landscapes landscape
She specializes in landscapes. landscape
They fell in love in spite of the language barrier (= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages). language
As late as (= as recently as) the 1950s, tuberculosis was still a fatal illness. late
He laid a hand on my arm. lay
Which door leads to the yard? lead
The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field. lead
lean on sth: She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm. lean
This room is twice the length of the kitchen. length
He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people. even/much/still less
She was let off with a warning. let sb off (with sth)
She drew level with (= came beside) the police car. level
Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon). level
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
licence (to do sth): You need a licence to fish in this river. licence
They emigrated to start a new life in Canada. life
lift sb/sth (up) (+ adv./prep.): He stood there with his arms lifted above his head. lift
a room with good natural light light
This programme looks at the lighter side of politics. light
We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). light
You only need to apply light pressure. light
It was a light spacious apartment at the top of the building. light
to push/stretch/test sb/sth to the limit limit
I've limited myself to 1 000 calories a day to try and lose weight. limit
Just keep going in a straight line; you can't miss it. line
Be careful to stay out of the line of fire (= the direction sb is shooting in). line
There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it. line
Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road). line
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. link
to make a list of things to do list
I listened carefully to her story. listen
Tell him as little as possible. little
He lived in poverty most of his life. live
She needs to find somewhere to live. live
The plane took off with a full load. load
a logical thing to do in the circumstances logical
Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind. logical
If you look carefully you can just see our house from here. look
The implications of the new law will need to be looked at. look at sth
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
We'll be taking a close look at these proposals (= examining them carefully). look
lose sb sth: His carelessness lost him the job. lose
I've lost ten pounds since I started this diet. lose
The company has lost a lot of business to its competitors. lose
weight loss loss
'How many do you need?' 'A lot.' lot
Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost. love
Just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine). machine
Be careful crossing the main road. main
The shaver will run off batteries or mains. main
to maintain law and order/standards/a balance maintain
We need to think of ways to make money. make
We're making our attic into an extra bedroom. make sb/sth into sb/sth
We need people who are good at managing. manage
'Need any help?' 'No, thanks. I can manage.' manage
The management is/are considering closing the factory. management
What's the pass mark (= the mark you need in order to pass)? mark
a growing/declining market for second-hand cars market
The doors were painted blue to match the walls. match
changes in your material circumstances material
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
It's a matter for the police (= for them to deal with). matter
Let's get on with the matter in hand (= what we need to deal with now). matter
It should have been a simple matter to check. matter
And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me. matter
They don't last long no matter how careful you are. no matter who, what, where, etc.
It will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds. maybe
mean (that)...: We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves. mean
mean sb for sth/sb: I was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier). mean
Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners). mean
'Perhaps we should try another approach.' 'What do you mean? (= I don't understand what you are suggesting.)' mean
We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport. means
The load was lifted by means of a crane. by means of sth
The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible. meanwhile
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
weights and measures measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84. measurement
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
Mind your head! (= for example, be careful you don't hit it on a low ceiling) mind
Can you read that form carefully, if you wouldn't mind, and then sign it. if you don't mind, if you wouldn't mind
The class needs a minimum of six students to continue. minimum
I just have to finish this—I won't be a minute. minute
I'll be with you in a minute, Jo. minute
The minute she walked through the door I thought she looked different. the minute (that)...
a wing mirror (= on the side of a car) mirror
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
modern methods of farming modern
We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year. money
Be careful with that —it cost a lot of money. money
I counted the money carefully. money
a moon landing moon
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
More and more people are using the Internet. more and more
He read the letter more carefully the second time. more
I was becoming more and more irritated by his behaviour. more and more
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
The less said about the whole thing, the happier I'll be. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
to enjoy the mountain air/scenery mountain
move sb: We were deeply moved by her plight. move
move sb to sth: Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes. move
'Roger stole the money.' 'I thought as much.' as much
to pull/tear/strain a muscle muscle
She tried to relax her tense muscles. muscle
You simply must read this book. must
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
He died in mysterious circumstances. mysterious
A mysterious young woman is living next door. mysterious
Stop biting your nails! nail
Just let nature take its course. nature
The navy is/are considering buying six new warships. navy
'We're going to lose.' 'Not necessarily.' not necessarily
It may be necessary to buy a new one. necessary
Only use your car when absolutely necessary. necessary
If necessary, you can contact me at home. necessary
I'll make the necessary arrangements. necessary
Changes can easily be made where necessary. necessary
She has the qualities necessary to be a successful teacher. necessary
This is a necessary consequence of progress. necessary
need sth/sb: Do you need any help? need
It's here if you need it. need
Don't go—I might need you. need
They badly needed a change. need
What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. need
I don't need your comments, thank you. need
need to do sth: I need to get some sleep. need
He needs to win this game to stay in the match. need
You don't need to leave yet, do you? need
This shirt needs to be washed. need
need doing sth: This shirt needs washing. need
All you need to do is complete this form. need
I didn't need to go to the bank after all—Mary lent me the money. need
need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. need
I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous. need
If she wants anything, she need only ask. need
All you need bring are sheets. need
need (not) have done sth: You needn't have worried (= it was not necessary for you to worry, but you did) —it all turned out fine. need
Need you have paid so much? need
We will contact you again if the need arises. need
The house is in need of a thorough clean. need
need (for sb/sth) to do sth: There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow. need
I had no need to open the letter—I knew what it would say. need
There's no need to cry (= stop crying). need
She felt the need to talk to someone. need
I'm in need of some fresh air. need
She had no more need of me. need
He helped me in my hour of need. need
Our next-door neighbours are very noisy. neighbour
the neighbourhood police neighbourhood
Every nerve in her body was tense. nerve
I need something to calm/steady my nerves. nerve
Everyone's nerves were on edge (= everyone felt tense ). nerve
By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck. nervous
She was a thin, nervous girl. nervous
She was in a state of nervous exhaustion. nervous
sparrows building a nest of twigs and dry grass nest
We sat next to each other. next to
Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse. normal
Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'. normal
He warned me not to be late. not
Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening. note
it is noted that...: It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. note
The police officer noted down details of the burglary. note sth down
From now on I'll be more careful. now
Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers. number
He had always obeyed his parents without question. obey
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
observe sb/sth do sth: The police observed a man enter the bank. observe
People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning. ocean
the arrival of the police (= they arrive) of
criticism of the police (= they are criticized) of
I need some time off. off
You need to take the top off the bottle first! off
A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend. offend
I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway. offer
You can't just turn down offers of work like that. offer
Try to exercise as often as possible. often
We had more room in our old house. old
a one-bedroomed apartment one
It cost one hundred and fifty pounds. one
Our house is the one next to the school. one
You only have to look at her to see she doesn't eat enough. only
Only then did she realize the stress he was under. only
The hall of the old house was open to the sky. open
She had left the door wide open. open
The door flew open and the children rushed in. open
open sth: You need just one pound to open a bank account with us. open
The police have opened an investigation into the death. open
The road will be opened again in a few hours after police have cleared it. open
The door opened and Alan walked in. open
What skills are needed to operate this machinery? operate
The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. operation
Will I need to have an operation? operation
They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible). opportunity
a window of opportunity (= a period of time when the circumstances are right for doing sth) opportunity
Write your address opposite (= next to) your name. opposite
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds. or
The police are trying to restore public order. order
In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed. in order to do sth
The officer ordered them to fire. order
a carefully organized campaign organized
Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) out
Word always gets out (= people find out about things) no matter how careful you are. out
The rain prevented them from eating outdoors. outdoors
Come to Canada and enjoy the great outdoors. outdoors
The outside of the house needs painting. outside
the outstanding features of the landscape outstanding
This is my aunt who's over from Canada. over
I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. over
I need a room of my own. own
Most of the apartments are privately owned. own
To be a really good runner he needs to lengthen his pace a little. pace
The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper. pack
I carefully packed up the gifts. pack
Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package. package
a portrait/landscape painter painter
Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready. park
You need to be able to work as part of a team. part
We grew more anxious with every passing day. pass
pass sb/sth: to pass a barrier/sentry/checkpoint pass
We live in the house just past the church. past
pay for sb to do sth: Her parents paid for her to go to Canada. pay
pay sth for sth: She pays £200 a week for this apartment. pay
I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry). peace
What per cent of the population is/are overweight? per cent
It's perfectly good as it is (= it doesn't need changing). perfectly
He's just the person we need for the job. person
I had a letter from the people who used to live next door. person
There's no need to get personal! personal
I try not to let work interfere with my personal life. personal
There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group. personality
We need someone with lots of personality to head the project. personality
I need you to phone the story in before five. phone sth in
Make as many photocopies as you need. photocopy
They were physically prevented from entering the building. physically
Try to be as physically active as possible. physically
He picked his words carefully. pick
The police are trying to build up a picture of what happened. picture
Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. pig
He piled his plate with as much food as he could. pile
We'd better get a couple of extra pints (= of milk) tomorrow. pint
A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. pitch
The police searched the place. place
Carefully lay each slab in place. in place
We need to make plans for the future. plan
The plane landed at Geneva. plane
All plants need light and water. plant
She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. plate
a pleasantly cool room pleasantly
'Would you like some help?' 'Yes, please.' please
'Do we need more milk?' 'No, there's plenty in the fridge.' plenty
There's plenty more paper if you need it. plenty
Police uncovered a plot against the president. plot
I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. point
He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand. point
a tiny spider with a poisonous bite poisonous
A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning. police
Get out of the house or I'll call the police. police
Police suspect a local gang. police
a police car police
Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence. police
fishing ports port
Rotterdam is a major port. port
a naval port port
The ship spent four days in port. port
They reached port at last. port
port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country) port
My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. position
From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. position
He took up his position by the door. position
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. possession
We will get your order to you as soon as possible. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
Try to give as much detail as possible in your answer. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
a police/customs/military post post
First we need to identify actual and potential problems. potential
half a pound of butter pound
I've lost six and a half pounds since I started my diet. pound
a ten-pound note pound
Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some. pour
Pour away as much fat as possible from the roasting pan. pour
The powers of the police must be clearly defined. power
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release. powerful
You need to practise every day. practise
They were praised by police for reporting the theft. praise
Police were called to escort her off the premises. premises
Careful preparation for the exam is essential. preparation
prepare yourself (for sth): The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. prepare
present yourself + adv./prep.: You need to present yourself better. present
She has been harassed by the press, who desperately need a story. press
You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. pressure
The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. pressure
The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd. pressure
I'm going to have to find a new apartment pretty soon. pretty
The government took steps to prevent a scandal. prevent
Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice. prevent
prevent (sb/sth) doing sth: Nothing would prevent him/his speaking out against injustice. prevent
No previous experience is necessary for this job. previous
Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable. prior
Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal. prior
You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). priority
You need to get your priorities straight. priority
Ten prison officers and three inmates needed hospital treatment following the riot. prison
'Do we need the car?' 'Probably not.' probably
We need new product to sell (= a new range of products). product
If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. professional
You need a professional to sort out your finances. professional
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
prompt sb to do sth: The thought of her daughter's wedding day prompted her to lose some weight. prompt
How much money do we need to do the job properly? properly
You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first. properly
Be careful not to damage other people's property. property
The room is very long in proportion to (= relative to) its width. proportion
You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion. proportion
The head is out of proportion with the body. proportion
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
He asked to be put under police protection. protection
Their fears proved to be groundless. prove
He felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right). prove
Are you just doing this to prove a point? prove
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
She doesn't like to be seen in public without her make-up on. in public
Pull the lever to start the motor. pull
pull sth/yourself + adv./prep.: The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand. pull
The police car signalled to us to pull in. pull in (to sth)
I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened. pull
Hill threw a punch at the police officer. punch
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose. punch
There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones. punishment
Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. pure
Police pursued the car at high speed. pursue
push at sth: She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge. push
push sth + adj.: I pushed the door open. push
He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started. push
Her new job has put a great strain on her. put
Put your hand up if you need more paper. put
He put his fist through a glass door. put
She looks like she's put on weight. put sth on
I'm just going to put the car away (= in the garage). put sth away
Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job. qualification
The police found a quantity of drugs at his home. quantity
I hope the police don't ask any awkward questions. question
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
The question which needs to be addressed is one of funding. question
We need to make a quick decision. quick
We'll repair it as quickly as possible. quickly
quit (sth): Just quit it! quit
to hear a gale warning on/over the ship's radio radio
We need to raise public awareness of the issue. raise
You just don't rank (= you're not good enough). rank
This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to visit the private apartments. rare
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
He needs more help with his reading. reading
We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible. realistic
I don't really need to go, do I? really
The apartments are reasonably priced (= not too expensive). reasonably
receive sth from sb/sth: He received an award for bravery from the police service. receive
a growing recognition that older people have potential too recognition
recognize sth: They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. recognize
recover sth: The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recover
Before I decide, I need time to reflect. reflect
The law needs to be reformed. reform
regard for sb/sth: to do sth with scant/little/no regard for sb/sth regard
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. relate to sth/sb
a stress-related illness related
relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
Money problems have put a strain on their relationship. relationship
Just relax and enjoy the movie. relax
relax sth: The massage relaxed my tense back muscles. relax
He relaxed his grip on her arm. relax
Police have released no further details about the accident. release
Massage can bring some relief from tension. relief
It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. remain
Very little of the house remained after the fire. remain
remarkable for sth: The area is remarkable for its scenery. remarkable
it is remembered that...: It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home. remember
Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees. removal
the removal of trade barriers removal
The claims are, I repeat, totally unfounded. repeat
All the old carpets need replacing. replace
I replaced the cup carefully in the saucer. replace
report sth (to sb): Have you reported the accident to the police yet? report
report as doing sth: The President is reported as saying that he needs a break. report
a police/medical report report
The carvings represent a hunting scene. represent
This condition requires urgent treatment. require
require doing sth: Lentils do not require soaking before cooking. require
I just require a signature on the form. require
These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need). requirement
There were confrontations between local residents and the police. resident
resistance to sb/sth: The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police. resistance
The house has been lovingly restored to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built. restore
The door opened to reveal a cosy little room. reveal
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. reverse
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
a system in need of revision revision
It seems only right to warn you of the risk. right
He wouldn't apologize. He knew he was in the right (= had justice on his side). right
As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children. rightly
A diamond glittered on her ring finger (= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ring
ring for sb/sth: Just ring for the nurse (= attract the nurse's attention by ringing a bell) if you need her. ring
He rang up the police station. ring
Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment. risk
a rival bid/claim/offer rival
You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps. rival
Golf cannot rival football for excitement. rival
They have a house on the river (= beside it). river
romantic mountain scenery romantic
a three-roomed/three-room apartment room
I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room (= a different room). room
Trim rough edges with a sharp knife. rough
a surface with rounded edges rounded
She needed a break from routine. routine
There's no need to be rude! rude
Normal competition rules apply. rule
Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered. rule sb/sth out
rush sb: Don't rush me. I need time to think about it. rush
We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush. rush
The door blew open, letting in a rush of cold air. rush
The plane landed safely. safely
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
(+ adv./prep.): to sail into harbour sail
a ship under sail (= using sails) sail
in the days of sail (= when ships all used sails) sail
She moved away like a ship in full sail (= with all its sails spread out). sail
The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail (= sails). sail
Just do the same as me (= as I do). same
His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. same
satisfy sb of sth: People need to be satisfied of the need for a new system. satisfy
She needs to win the next two games to save the match. save
bathroom/kitchen/weighing scales scale
the scales of justice (= represented as the two pans on a balance (5)) scale
a scare story (= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary) scare
an exhibition of Parisian street scenes scene
a delightful rural scene scene
They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings). scene
The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment. scene
love/sex scenes scene
I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). scene
Act I, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth' scene
The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country. scene
She witnessed some very distressing scenes. scene
the scene of the accident/attack/crime scene
We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools. school
Be careful not to scratch the furniture. scratch
You need to screw all the parts together. screw
The bulb should just screw into the socket. screw
We left port and headed for the open sea (= far away from land). sea
Troops sealed off the site following a bomb alert. seal sth off
The road will remain sealed off until the police have completed their investigations. seal sth off
Police searched for clues in the area. search
search sth for sth/sb: Police searched the area for clues. search
a window/corner seat (= one near a window/in a corner) seat
They have a second home in Tuscany. second
I'll be with you in a second. second
That is just a secondary consideration. secondary
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. secretly
Careful planning is the secret of success. secret
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
the security forces/services (= the police, army, etc.) security
a security alert security
We'll have to get that door seen to (= repaired). see to sth
All our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide. select
separate sth into sth: Make a list of points and separate them into 'desirable' and 'essential'. separate
separate sb/sth: Police tried to separate the two men who were fighting. separate
separation (between A and B): the need for a clear separation between Church and State separation
We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs. serious
He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. set
The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. set sth up
It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. settle down, settle sb down
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
a shallow dish shallow
These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast. shallow
shallow roots (= that grow near the surface of the ground) shallow
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). sharp
The report was sharply critical of the police. sharply
Human beings need food, clothing and shelter. shelter
shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. shift
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
The night shift has/have just come off duty. shift
When the ship docked at Southampton he was rushed to hospital. ship
The police rarely shoot to kill (= try to kill the people they shoot at). shoot
The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape. shoot
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead and three wounded. shooting
There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York. shop
He should have been more careful. should
'She doesn't think she'll get a job.' 'She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry).' should
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. should
I heard her warning shout too late. shout
show sth: to show great courage show
Just shut up and listen! shut up
The door was shut. shut
It's good you can see the funny side of the situation. side
I'll take care of that side of things. side
A cube has six sides. side
Keep close to my side. side
Her husband stood at her side. side
She sat on the side of the bed. side
The player received treatment on the side of the pitch. side
Write your name on the side of the box. side
There's a scratch on the side of my car. side
The kitchen door is at the side of the house. side
a side door/entrance/window side
Now lay the jar on its side. side
A notice was stuck to the side of the filing cabinet. side
Keep on your side of the bed! side
The sofa will only go through the door sideways. sideways
It's a spectacular sight as the flamingos lift into the air. sight
The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain. sight
He was a sorry sight, soaked to the skin and shivering. sight
The bird is now a rare sight in this country. sight
He became a familiar sight on the streets of Oxford. sight
After ten days at sea, we had our first sight of land. sight
The disease has affected her sight. sight
sign (of sth/sb): Headaches may be a sign of stress. sign
Call the police at the first sign of trouble. sign
If I had noticed the warning signs, none of this would have happened. sign
a danger/warning/distress, etc. signal signal
Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems. signal
I need absolute silence when I'm working. silence
similar (in sth): The two houses are similar in size. similar
Give the necessary information but keep it simple. simple
Simply add hot water and stir. simply
The apartments are ideal for single people living alone. single
Just sit still! sit
He went and sat beside her. sit
I need a bigger/smaller size. size
We need people with practical skills like carpentry. skill
I need to get some sleep. sleep
You can slide the front seats forward if necessary. slide
The director never lets the tension slip. slip
The ship slipped into the harbour at night. slip
slip sb sth: They'd slipped the guards some money. slip
She was careful not to let her control slip. slip
It was a very old house with sloping walls. slope
The smells from the kitchen filled the room. smell
The plane made a smooth landing. smooth
There's no need to worry so. so
So, let's see. What do we need to take? so
a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) socially
She closed the door softly behind her. softly
The room was softly lit by a lamp. softly
Some people never seem to put on weight while others are always on a diet. some
It's quite something (= a thing that you should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days. something
Please send it as soon as possible. soon
The note said, 'Call Bill soonest' (= as soon as possible). soon
The cupboards need sorting out. sort sth out
the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies space
The brochure speaks of beautiful secluded grounds. speak
Some of the officials have special privileges. special
This type of wood needs special treatment. special
These teachers need special training. special
You need to see a specialist. specialist
spicy chicken wings spicy
My head is spinning (= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance). spin
My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again. spirit
a soup spoon spoon
She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. spread
The bird spread its wings. spread
a square room square
Just take hold of the tube and squeeze. squeeze
There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene. stage
The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage. stage
to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) stand
The police ordered the crowd to stand back. stand back (from sth)
a sheriff's star star
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. start
The building is in a bad state of repair (= needs to be repaired). state
state police/troopers state
There is no need to state the obvious (= to say sth that everyone already knows). state
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). statement
a police station station
I'll report you to the police if I catch you stealing again. steal
He steered the boat into the harbour. steer
He took her arm and steered her towards the door. steer
The ship steered into port. steer
Don't stick your arm out of the car window. stick out (of sth), stick sth out (of sth)
She sat down stiffly on a chair by the wall, aware that they were looking at her. stiffly
I was stung on the arm by a wasp. sting
Be careful of the nettles—they sting! sting
These words are carved on the stone beside his grave. stone
stop to do sth: We stopped to admire the scenery. stop
We need more laws to stop pollution. stop
There's no stopping us now (= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve). stop
stop sb/sth from doing sth: There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer. stop
stop sb/sth: He was stopped by the police for speeding. stop
The police didn't believe her story. story
It's a story of courage. story
Can you stretch your arms out straighter? straight
You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. strain
The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. strain
Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. strain
These repayments are putting a strain on our finances. strain
Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you). strain
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
That's strange—the front door's open. strange
We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation. stress
primary/secondary stress stress
In 'strategic' the stress falls on the second syllable stress
When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. stress
a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure) stress
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
to suffer from stress stress
coping with stress stress
She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. stress
stress-related illnesses stress
emotional/mental stress stress
stress management (= dealing with stress) stress
stress out: I try not to stress out when things go wrong. stress
it is stressed that...: It must be stressed that this disease is very rare. stress
stress how, what, etc...: I cannot stress too much how important this is. stress
He was feeling very stressed and tired. stressed
Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see. stretch
stretch sth: The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles. stretch
stretch sth: Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame. stretch
stretch sth + adj.: Make sure that the rope is stretched tight. stretch
Police fear that the killer may strike again. strike
He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. strike
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration. strong
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. strong
Your essay needs (a) structure. structure
struggle (with sb/sth): Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police. struggle
These proposals deserve careful study. study
study sth: We will study the report carefully before making a decision. study
Caution was not her style (= not the way she usually behaved). style
succeed in sth: She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business. succeed
The stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene. suggest
We need to get it there by four. Any suggestions? suggestion
This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast. suited
sum what...: Can I just sum up what we've agreed so far? sum up, sum sth up
This model is technically superior to its competitors. superior
Supplies of food are almost exhausted. supply
A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. supply
She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson. support
She held on to his arm for support. support
I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and make sure. make sure (of sth/that...)
We'll need a flat surface to play the game on. surface
You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry. surface
surround sb/sth: Police surrounded the building. surround
surround sb/sth with sb/sth: They've surrounded the building with police. surround
As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. suspect
suspect sb/sth: Whom do the police suspect? suspect
My suspicions were confirmed when police raided the property. suspicion
Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated. suspicion
They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police. suspicious
Police are not treating the fire as suspicious. suspicious
Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her. swell
swing sth + adv./prep.: He swung his legs over the side of the bed. swing
swing sth + adj.: She swung the door open. swing
His arms swung as he walked. swing
I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear (= sb to talk to about your problems). sympathetic
the tail wing tail
+ adv.: I need a shower—I won't take long. take
We need to take a different approach to the problem. take
to take a bite/drink/sip take
I need to have my blood pressure taken. take
He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire. take sth off
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
She took in the scene at a glance. take sth in
This situation can't go on. We need to talk. talk
arms/pay/peace, etc. talks talk
A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved. talk
We need to have a serious talk about money matters. talk
He's six feet tall and weighs 200 pounds. tall
a tap at/on the door tap
Police seized various books and tapes. tape
Just have a taste of this cheese. taste
Careful—the fabric tears very easily. tear
I need to make a telephone call. telephone
I was about to telephone the police. telephone
There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff. tendency
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
international/racial/political tensions tension
Family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence. tension
The incident has further increased tension between the two countries. tension
nervous tension tension
We laughed and that helped ease the tension. tension
Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension. tension
a tension headache tension
We'll need to perform a series of tests. test
Can you act out this scene without referring to the text? text
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
The less said about the whole thing, the happier I'll be. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
There's a room free in Bob's house next week but you can stay with us until then. then
The money's there if you need it. there
The atmosphere was thick with tension. thick
You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! thing
The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm. thing
Just think how nice it would be to see them again. think
think (sth): Just think—we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. think
We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think. think
The police carried out a thorough investigation. thorough
I've given the matter careful thought. thought
He received death threats from right-wing groups. threat
Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left. through
The onlookers stood aside to let the paramedics through. through
Just throw your bag down over there. throw
They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest. throw
I don't need that—you can throw it away. throw sth away
She still sucks her thumb when she's worried. thumb
She keeps her flat very tidy. tidy
The rope was stretched tight. tight
We need tighter security at the airport. tight
He held on tightly to her arm. tightly
Just wait till you see it. It's great. till
This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada. time
The bedroom needed three tins of paint (= in order to paint it). tin
I need to go to the toilet (= use the toilet). toilet
Do you need the toilet? toilet
Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet. toilet
There's no need to take that tone with me—it's not my fault we're late. tone
Some of them carried the guns which were the tools of their trade (= the things they needed to do their job). tool
The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment. turn out
A snake was twisting around his arm. twist
twist sth (+ adv./prep.): He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back. twist
They approached a twist in the path. twist
type sth (out/in/up): This letter will need to be typed (out) again. type
There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued. ugly
I've been feeling under stress lately. under
understand (that...): I quite understand that you need some time alone. understand
understand sb doing sth: I quite understand you needing some time alone. understand
Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. the unexpected
measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries unfair
Unfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside. unfortunately
unfriendly (to/towards sb): There's no need to be so unfriendly towards them. unfriendly
a military/police/nurse's uniform uniform
army/military/police units unit
We need to become a more united team. united
unnecessary expense unnecessary
They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. unnecessary
All this fuss is totally unnecessary. unnecessary
That last comment was a little unnecessary, wasn't it? unnecessary
The stream has dried up. up
The decision was based upon two considerations. upon
the upper arm upper
The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues. turn sth upside down
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. urge
The law is in urgent need of reform. urgent
It is urgent that the law be changed. urgent
use sth to do sth: Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. use
Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables. use sth up
Your knowledge of German may come in useful (= be useful in a particular situation). useful
a police van (= for carrying police officers or prisoners) van
We all need variety in our diet. variety
There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. view
The view from the top of the tower was spectacular. view
I'd like a room with a view. view
We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. view
What is needed is a frank exchange of views. view
You should view their offer with a great deal of caution. view
violence (against sb): He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. violence
Students were involved in violent clashes with the police. violent
a visible police presence visible
We had a visit from the police last night. visit
vital (for sth): the vitamins that are vital for health vital
The police play a vital role in our society. vital
I could hear voices in the next room. voice
She just walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager. walk up (to sb/sth)
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
want sth: We'll want more furniture for the new office. want
I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible. want
warn sb: I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. warn
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned—they take a lot of time and money. warn
warn (sb) about/against sb/sth: He warned us against pickpockets. warn
warn (sb) of sth: Police have warned of possible delays. warn
warn (sb) that...: She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job. warn
warn sb what, how, etc...: I had been warned what to expect. warn
warn (sb) + speech: 'Beware of pickpockets,' she warned (him). warn
warn (sb) against/about sth: The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. warn
warn sb (to do sth): He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter. warn
They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather. warn
'I'm warning you!' said James, losing his patience. warn
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. warning
to give sb fair/advance/adequate warning of sth warning
The bridge collapsed without (any) warning. warning
Let me give you a word of warning. warning
a government health warning warning
Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing. warning
The union failed to heed warnings that strike action would lead to the closure of the factory. warning
to give sb a verbal/written/final warning warning
wash sth/sb: These jeans need washing. wash
waste sth on sth: Why waste money on clothes you don't need? waste
I hate unnecessary waste. waste
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch
I have to watch every penny (= be careful what I spend). watch
Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way. way
The police still haven't found the murder weapon. weapon
Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. weapon
How much do you weigh (= how heavy are you)? weigh
He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. weigh
She weighed the stone in her hand (= estimated how heavy it was by holding it). weigh
The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights. weight
She is trying to lose weight (= become less heavy and less fat). weight
He's put on/gained weight (= become heavier and fatter) since he gave up smoking. weight
a welcome sight welcome
What you need is a good meal. what
'I need to see a doctor.' 'What for?' what for?
Take whatever action is needed. whatever
You can ask for help whenever you need it. whenever
Just where (= to what situation or final argument) is all this leading us? where
The people who called yesterday want to buy the house. who
a chill/cold/biting wind from the north wind
The swan flapped its wings noisily. wing
wing feathers wing
Be careful with the glasses. with
a house within a mile of the station within
Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. witness
She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed. witness
Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them. witness
A word of warning: read the instructions very carefully. word
The police and the public need to work together to combat crime. work
Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others)? work
The book is a detailed and thorough piece of work covering all aspects of the subject. work
Police work is mainly routine. work
A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. worry
The weather got worse during the day. worse
I've only broken my arm; other people are far worse off than me. be worse off (than sb/sth)
He had been wounded in the arm. wound
'Dad, can I borrow the car?' 'Yes, but be careful.' yes
I need a simple yes or no to my questions. yes
We don't need to start yet. yet
As yet little was known of the causes of the disease. as yet
Can I sit next to you? you