Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 改 cải cách cải chính . . .
(1) to change, reform, tap
(2) cabbage

OXF3000N bảng chữ cái bước đầu điều cơ bản alphabet
OXF3000N thuộc bảng chứ cái alphabetical
OXF3000N mang khoác lấy (cái vẻ tính chất…) assume
OXF3000N cái cân làm cho cân bằng tương xứng balance
OXF3000N cơ sở cơ bản nền móng đặt tên đặt cơ sở trên cái gì base
OXF3000N vẻ đẹp cái đẹp người đẹp beauty
OXF3000N cái giường bed
OXF3000N cái chuông tiếng chuông bell
OXF3000N cái bát bowl
OXF3000N cái cầu bridge
OXF3000N cái nút cái khuy cúc button
OXF3000N cái đựng chứa công te nơ container
OXF3000N con bò cái cow
OXF3000N sự chết cái chết death
OXF3000N cuộc tranh luận cuộc tranh cãi tranh luận bàn cãi debate
OXF3000N cái để bảo vệ vật để chống đỡ sự che chở defence
OXF3000N đôi hai kép cái gấp đôi lượng gấp đôi double
OXF3000N cái trống tiếng trống drum
OXF3000N thưởng thức thích thú cái gì được hưởng có được enjoy
OXF3000N ủng hộ cái gì in favour of
OXF3000N thuộc giống cái giống cái female
OXF3000N đốt cháy cái gì set fire to
OXF3000N cái nĩa fork
OXF3000N kính thủy tinh cái cốc ly glass
OXF3000N của cải tài sản hàng hóa goods
OXF3000N cai trị thống trị cầm quyền govern
OXF3000N chính phủ nội các sự cai trị government
OXF3000N cái chắn người bảo vệ bảo vệ gác canh giữ guard
OXF3000N cái đầu (người thú) chỉ huy lãnh đại dẫn đầu head
OXF3000N cái móc bản lề hook
OXF3000N chủ nhà chủ tiệc dẫn (c.trình) đăng cai tổ chức (hội nghị) host
OXF3000N cải thiện cái tiến mở mang improve
OXF3000N sự cái thiện sự cải tiến sự mở mang improvement
OXF3000N cái nơ điểm nút điểm trung tâm knot
OXF3000N thư chữ cái mẫu tự letter
OXF3000N nhìn cái nhìn look
OXF3000N cục tảng miếng cái bướu lump
OXF3000N của cải tài sản phương tiện means
OXF3000N cái kim mũi nhọn needle
OXF3000N nợ hàm ơn có được (cái gì) owe
OXF3000N sự thích hơn sự ưa hơn cái được ưa thích hơn preference
OXF3000N tài sản của cải đất đai nhà cửa bất động sản property
OXF3000N cải cách cải thiện cải tạo sự cải cách sự cải thiện cải tạo reform
OXF3000N nhìn đánh giá cái nhìn sự quan tâm sự chú ý (lời chúc tụng cuối thư) regard
OXF3000N có liên quan có quan hệ với ai cái gì related to
OXF3000N đồ thừa cái còn lại remains
OXF3000N chịu trách nhiệm về chịu trách nhiệm trước ai cái gì responsible
OXF3000N vật cái còn lại những người cái khác the rest
OXF3000N quy tắc điều lệ luật lệ cai trị chỉ huy điều khiển rule
OXF3000N người cai trị người trị vì thước kẻ ruler
OXF3000N prođều đều đơn điệu cũng như thế vẫn cái đó same
OXF3000N cái kéo scissors
OXF3000N promột điều gì đó một việc gì đó một cái gì đó something
OXF3000N cái thìa spoon
OXF3000N đâm thọc chọc cắm dính cái gậy qua củi cán stick
OXF3000N đòi đạt được cái gì stick out for
OXF3000N cú đánh cú đòn cái vuốt ve sự vuốt ve stroke
OXF3000N cái bàn table
OXF3000N cởi bỏ cái gì lấy đi cái gì take sth off
OXF3000N cởi bỏ cái gì lấy đi cái gì take sth over
OXF3000N tiếp quản kế tục cái gì chở, chuyển cái gì
OXF3000N cái con người ấy này duy nhất that
OXF3000N cái con người ấy này duy nhất the
OXF3000N cái đồ vật thing
OXF3000N procái này điều này việc này this
OXF3000N ngón tay cái thumb
OXF3000N sử dụng cái gì sử dụng để làm cái gì used to sth
OXF3000N cái ví wallet

All players are being improved. Các cầu thủ đang được cải thiện. Verbs 5
improve cải thiện Verbs 5
use and improve Sử dụng và cải thiện. Verbs 5
improve cải thiện Verbs 5

Do you also like to eat sauerkraut? Bạn cũng thích ăn món dưa bắp cải à? * 034

like: Cải
to deny emphatically cực lực cải chính
modern theatre, modernized theatre hát cải lương
to study reeducation (euphemism for being in a reeducation camp) học tập cải tạo
(words of) denial lời cải chính
reform party phe cải cách
improvement sự cải thiện
re-education center trung tâm cải huấn
reeducation camp trại cải tạo
reorganization việc cải tổ
improved cart xe cải tiến
dieser cái này 这个 zhègè
andere cái khác 其它的 qítā de
etwas hinstellen sắp đặt cái gì 摆放 bǎi fàng
etwas hinlegen Đặt cái gì ở đâu 放下 fàng xià
etwas ausbessern sữa chữa cái gì, làm cho cái gì tốt hơn 修理 xiū lǐ
über etwas nachdenken nghĩ về cái gì 考虑某事 kǎo lùe mǒu shì
etwas auswendig lernen học thuộc cái gì 记住 jì zhù
etwas unternehmen làm cái gì, nhận làm cái gì 做某事 zuò mǒu shì
jemandem etwas versprechen hứa với ai cái gì 向某人承诺某事 xiàng mǒu rén chéng nuò mǒu shì
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay 把某物拿在手里 bǎ mǒu wù ná zài shǒu lǐ
sich schützen vor che chở trước cái gì hoặc trước ai 保护不受 ... 的伤害 bǎo hù bú shòu ..... de shāng hài
etwas einstecken trộm đi cái gì 带走某物 dài zǒu mǒu wù
etwas beschädigen hỏng cái gì 损坏某物 sǔn huài mǒu wù
jemanden an etwas hindern cái gì cản trở ai 防碍某人干某事 fáng ài mǒu rén gàn mǒu shì
sich interessieren für quan tâm đến cái gì 对 ... 感兴趣 duì ..... gǎn xìng qù
etwas gemeinsam haben có chung cái gì 有共同点 yǒu gòng tóng diǎn
welche, welcher, welches cái nào 哪个 nǎ gè
etwas auswählen lựa chọn cái gì 选出 xuǎn chū
sich etwas ausleihen mượn cái gì jiè
verbessern làm cho tốt hơn, cải thiện 改进 gǎi jìn
etwas genießen thưởng thức cái gì 享受某事 xiǎng shòu mǒu shì
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì 从 ... 引开 cóng ..... yǐn kāi
etwas einüben luyện tập cái gì đó 练习某事 liànxí mǒushì
etwas biegen uốn cong cái gì đó 使某物弯曲 shǐ mǒuwù wānqū
etwas sortieren phân loại cái gì đó 分类整理某物 fēnlèi zhěnglǐ mǒuwù
etwas steigern cái gì đó tăng lên, tăng thêm 对某物出价 duì mǒuwù chūjià
etwas erweitern mở rộng cái gì đó 开拓某事 kāituò mǒushì
installieren cài đặt 安装 ānzhuāng
etwas schleifen mài cái gì đó 打磨某物 dǎmó mǒuwù
etwas schmieren phết lên, trét lên cái gì đó 润滑某物 rùnhuá mǒuwù
etwas heranziehen kéo cái gì đó lại gần 拉近某物 lājìn mǒuwù
verkleidet cải trang 化了装的 huà le zhuāng de
sich vermummen cải trang 伪装 wěizhuāng
einen Streit schlichten hòa giải một cuộc tranh cãi 调和一个争执 tiáohé yī gè zhēngzhí
etwas umrühren khuấy cái gì đó 搅拌某物 jiǎobàn mǒuwù
ein Glas ausspülen rửa một cái cốc (ly) 冲洗一个玻璃杯 chōngxǐ yī gè bōlíbēi
den Mantel zuknöpfen cài cúc áo choàng 扣上大衣 kòushàng dàyī
streitsüchtig hay gây gổ, thích tranh cãi 好争吵的 hào zhēngchǎo de
unbestreitbar không thể chối cãi 无可争辩的 wú kě zhēngbiàn de
reformieren cải cách 改革 gǎigé
das Zimmer cái phòng, căn buồng
dieser cái này
die Tasse cái cốc có quai
der Löffel cái muỗng (miền nam việt nam), cái thìa(miền bắc việt nam)
der Turm cái tháp
die Tür cái cửa
der Stuhl cái ghế
das Bett cái giường
das Zelt cái lều
das Kopfkissen cái gối
der Schläger cái vợt
der Kohl bắp cải
andere cái khác
die Brille cái kính
die Schere cái kéo
der Hut cái mũ
die Schüssel cái bát (miền bắc việt nam), cái chén (miền nam việt nam)
die Pfanne cái chảo
der Regenschirm cái dú (miền nam việt nam), cái ô (miền bắc việt nam)
der Kamm cái lược
der Baum cái cây
der Mund cái miệng
der Daumen ngón cái
die Kiste cái hòm, cái sọt
der Balken cái dầm
etwas hinstellen sắp đặt cái gì
etwas hinlegen Đặt cái gì ở đâu
der Schrank cái tủ
das Regal cái giá
das Bücherregal cái giá sách
das Loch cái lỗ
die Säge câí cưa
die Schachtel cái hộp
etwas ausbessern sữa chữa cái gì, làm cho cái gì tốt hơn
über etwas nachdenken nghĩ về cái gì
der Korkenzieher cái rút nút chai
etwas auswendig lernen học thuộc cái gì
die Hütte cái nhà gỗ
der Anker cái neo
etwas unternehmen làm cái gì, nhận làm cái gì
jemandem etwas versprechen hứa với ai cái gì
die Bremse cái phanh
der Teich cái đầm, cái ao
der Besen cái chổi
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay
der Streit cãi vã
sich schützen vor che chở trước cái gì hoặc trước ai
etwas einstecken trộm đi cái gì
etwas beschädigen hỏng cái gì
jemanden an etwas hindern cái gì cản trở ai
sich interessieren für quan tâm đến cái gì
etwas gemeinsam haben có chung cái gì
welche, welcher, welches cái nào
die Nadel cái kim
etwas auswählen lựa chọn cái gì
sich etwas ausleihen mượn cái gì
der Schatten cái bóng
der Tod cái chết
die Verbesserung cải thiện
verbessern làm cho tốt hơn, cải thiện
etwas genießen thưởng thức cái gì
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì
etwas einüben luyện tập cái gì đó
etwas biegen uốn cong cái gì đó
etwas sortieren phân loại cái gì đó
etwas steigern cái gì đó tăng lên, tăng thêm
etwas erweitern mở rộng cái gì đó
installieren cài đặt
etwas schleifen mài cái gì đó
der Schraubenzieher cái vặn vít, cái vặn đinh ốc
etwas schmieren phết lên, trét lên cái gì đó
etwas heranziehen kéo cái gì đó lại gần
die Schaufel cái xẻng
der Untergrund tầng đất cái
die Handschellen cái còng tay
verkleidet cải trang
sich vermummen cải trang
einen Streit schlichten hòa giải một cuộc tranh cãi
die Falle cái bẫy, cạm bẫy
die Harke cái cào
etwas umrühren khuấy cái gì đó
ein Glas ausspülen rửa một cái cốc (ly)
die Reibe cái nạo
die Tube cái ống
der Trichter cái phễu
das Sieb cái sàng, cái rổ
die Waage cái cân
die Kanne cái ấm, bình
der Deckel cái nắp
der Topf cái nồi
der Becher cái ly, cốc
das Tuch cái khăn
der Lappen cái giẻ lau
das Sauerkraut dưa cải chua
die rote Beete củ cải đường
der Meerrettich củ cải ngựa
die Hupe cái còi
die Automatikschaltung cài số tự động
der Kotflügel cái chắn bùn
der Wagenheber cái kích, tay đòn, đòn bẫy
die Speiche tay quay, cái nan hoa
der Bug cái mui
der Raps cây cải dầu
der Rettich củ cải
das Nest cái ổ
der Speer cái lao
das Floß cái bè, cái phao
der Schal cái khăn
das Lätzchen cái yếm
den Mantel zuknöpfen cài cúc áo choàng
der Stöpsel cái nút, cái chốt
streitsüchtig hay gây gổ, thích tranh cãi
unbestreitbar không thể chối cãi
die Wiege (des Babys) cái nôi
der Schnuller cái ti giả, cái vú giả
der Streit in der Familie vụ cãi vã trong gia đình
reformieren cải cách

Ich glaube, dass du das nicht kannst, aber es gibt eine nette Gaststätte, nicht weit von hier. Anh nghĩ là không, nhưng mā có một cái quán ăn ngon ở gần đây. (Lektion 9, Nr. 89)
Ich mag die Art, wie du deine Wohnung eingerichtet hast. Em thích cái cách anh trang trí nhà. (Lektion 16, Nr. 169)
Ich hasse die kleine schmutzige Küche und den grauen Keller des Wohnheims, aber das macht nichts. Em không thích cái bếp nhỏ bẩn thỉu và cái hầm tối của khu tập thế, nhưng không sao. (Lektion 16, Nr. 175)
Sie möchte dort ein Kleid anprobieren, das sie auf einer Modenschau gesehen hat. Cô ấy muốn mặc thử một cái váy, cái mà cô ấy đã nhìn thấy trong chương trình biếu diễn thời trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 254)
Schau dir dieses Kleid an. Es ist fantastisch. Denkst du, es würde mir passen? Anh xem cái váy xem. Nó thật tuyệt. Anh thấy nó có hợp với em không? (Lektion 21, Nr. 255)
Dies ist bequem und reine Baumwolle. Ich mag es. Cái này thật vừa và bằng sợi cotton. Anh thích nó. (Lektion 22, Nr. 259)
Nein, es ist langweilig. Versuche dieses blaue Hemd, das wird dir stehen. Không, nó trông thường quá. Anh thử cái áo sơ mi xanh này đi, sẽ hợp với anh hơn. (Lektion 22, Nr. 260)
Ich benötige nur einige warme Pullover, Schuhe, Socken, einige Hosen und Jeans, aber nichts besonderes. Anh cần vài chiếc áo thun, giày, vài đôi vớ, vài cái quần tây và quần jeans, nhưng chắng có cái nào đặc biệt cả. (Lektion 22, Nr. 261)
Und du benötigst eine neue Brille, dann siehst du, dass dieses Hemd nichts für dich ist. Và anh cần một cặp kiếng mới. Anh xem đấy, cái áo này không hợp với anh. (Lektion 22, Nr. 262)
Sie würden zu meinem neuen Rock passen. Nó thật hợp với cái váy ngắn mới của em. (Lektion 22, Nr. 266)
Ich benötige ein paar neue Hosen. Anh cần vài cái quần mới. (Lektion 22, Nr. 270)
Hast du eine Schüssel? Em có cái tô nào không? (Lektion 23, Nr. 288)
Ich bin für einen Regenschirm und eine warme Jacke. Anh nên mang một cái theo ô và một cái áo ấm. (Lektion 24, Nr. 301)
Meine Großmutter hat einen sehr wertvollen Ring aus Spanien. Bà em có một cái nhẫn rất quý từ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 25, Nr. 319)
Er hob vorsichtig seinen Daumen und wartete auf einen Fahrer. Anh ấy giơ ngón tay cái lên và chờ một tài xế. (Lektion 28, Nr. 359)
Können Sie bitte die Flasche schließen? Anh làm ơn đóng cái chai lại được không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 370)
Sie schaut sich nach einer Telefonzelle um, aber es ist keine hier. Cô ấy nhìn quanh tìm một máy trạm điện thoại, nhưng ở đây không có cái nào. (Lektion 31, Nr. 400)
Ich möchte wissen, was in all diesen Fächern ist. Anh muốn biết, có cái gì ở trong các ngăn này. (Lektion 33, Nr. 439)
Trang bringt Lan das Alphabet bei: Trang dạy Lan bảng chữ cái. (Lektion 35, Nr. 493)
Tri steht unter einem riesigen Baum, damit er nicht so nass wird. Tri đứng dưới một cái cây to đế không bị ướt. (Lektion 39, Nr. 560)
Seine Tante backte immer diese schrecklichen Kekse. Dì của anh luôn làm những cái bánh quy kinh khủng. (Lektion 40, Nr. 571)
Seine Eltern, Großeltern, Brüder und Schwestern und alle Onkel und deren Söhne und Töchter. Bố mẹ, ông bà, anh chị em, tất cả các cô các chú và con cái của họ. (Lektion 40, Nr. 580)
Über eine Treppe kann man vom Innenhof in den Keller gehen. Lên trên một cái cầu thang người ta có thể đi qua cái sân trong để đến hầm chứa đồ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 618)
Der ist für mich unverzichtbar. Cái này với anh không thể từ chối được. (Lektion 44, Nr. 637)
Du solltest den Kredit aber nicht zu oft beanspruchen. Nhưng anh không nên quá thường xuyên lạm dụng cái thẻ tín dụng này. (Lektion 44, Nr. 638)
Und den Spiegel würde ich gerne in einem blauen Rahmen an die Wand hängen. Và em rất muốn treo gương trong một cái khung màu xanh lên tường. (Lektion 45, Nr. 645)
Wenn wir die Lampe neben das Sofa und den Kerzenständer auf den Tisch stellen, dann gibt das ein romantisches Licht. Nếu chúng ta để cây đèn cạnh bộ sa lông và cái chân đèn cầy trên bàn, thì sẽ có một ánh sáng lãng mạn. (Lektion 45, Nr. 647)
Zuletzt legen wir Kissen, die zu den Vorhängen passen, auf das Sofa. Cuối cùng chúng ta sẽ đặt những cái gối mà hợp với rèm cửa lên bộ sa lông. (Lektion 45, Nr. 648)
Da der schmale Schrank allmählich zu klein für Trang wurde, hat Tri ein neues Regal dazu gekauft. Vì cái tủ hẹp dần dần trở nên quá nhỏ đối với Trang, nên Trí đã mua thêm một cái giá mới. (Lektion 46, Nr. 653)
Teile das Brett und zeichne parallel zueinander sechs Löcher auf. Hãy phân chia những tấm ván và đồng thời lược đồ theo sáu cái lỗ. (Lektion 46, Nr. 660)
Wofür brauche ich denn diese Einteilung? Vậy anh cần cái bản hướng dẫn này để làm gì? (Lektion 46, Nr. 661)
Okay, dann hebe ich alle Nägel vom Boden auf, sammle sie in einer Schachtel und klebe ein Schild darauf. Tốt thôi, vậy anh nhặt những cái đinh dưới nền nhà lên, tập hợp chúng lại trong một cái hộp và dán tấm biển lên trên. (Lektion 46, Nr. 663)
Tri bekommt ein Paket in dem sein neuer Fernseher ist. Trí nhận được một kiện phẩm, trong đó có cái TiVi mới. (Lektion 47, Nr. 666)
Aber es fehlt die Fernbedienung. Nhưng thiếu cái điều khiển từ xa. (Lektion 47, Nr. 667)
Jetzt möchte er sich per E-Mail beim Verkäufer, der den Fernseher verschickt hat, beschweren. Giờ anh muốn viết E-mail để than phiền tới người bán hàng, người mà đã gửi cái TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 668)
Mit dem Knopf am Fernseher kann ich ihn nur einschalten und ausschalten. Tôi chỉ có thể bật và tắt bằng cái nút bấm trên TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 671)
Ohne Fernbedienung aber kann ich keine Programme einstellen. Nhưng tôi không thể điều chỉnh các chương trình mà không có cái điều khiển từ xa. (Lektion 47, Nr. 672)
Obwohl die Fernbedienung auf dem Lieferschein steht, ist sie nicht im Paket enthalten. Mặc dù trong giấy giao hàng ghi là có cái điều khiển từ xa, nhưng mà nó không hề có trong kiện phẩm. (Lektion 47, Nr. 673)
Ich habe eine Hütte gefunden, die ganz in der Nähe eines kleinen Sees liegt. Anh đã phát hiện ra một cái nhà gỗ, nó nằm rất gần cái hồ nhỏ. (Lektion 50, Nr. 706)
Gute Idee! Dort hinten an dem Teich können wir Rast machen. Ý kiến hay! Ở đằng kia sau cái đầm chúng ta có thể nghỉ. (Lektion 52, Nr. 735)
Die Matratze ist zu hart und die Bettdecke ist zu kurz! Cái nệm quá cứng và cái chăn thì quá ngắn! (Lektion 54, Nr. 770)
Wenn du dich weiter über mich lustig machst, kannst du heute auf der Luftmatratze übernachten. Nếu anh tiếp tục chế nhạo em, hôm nay anh có thể qua đêm trên cái nệm không khí. (Lektion 54, Nr. 774)
Ein Bildmotiv gefällt Trang besonders gut. Trang đặc biệt thích cái mô típ của một bức ảnh. (Lektion 57, Nr. 806)
Tris altes Handy ist defekt. Cái điện thoại di động cũ của Trí bị hỏng. (Lektion 59, Nr. 829)
Er möchte ein neues Gerät und lässt sich dabei von Trang beraten. Anh muốn mua một cái máy mới và để cho Trang tư vấn. (Lektion 59, Nr. 830)
Ich brauche ein neues Handy. Tôi cần một cái mới. (Lektion 59, Nr. 831)
Auf meinem alten Gerät lassen sich die Tasten nicht mehr drücken. Cái máy cũ của tôi không thể bấm được nữa. (Lektion 59, Nr. 832)
Selbstverständlich nehme ich das gleiche Netz wie du. Đương nhiên tôi lấy cái mạng điện thoại giống bạn. (Lektion 59, Nr. 836)
Komm schnell und hör dir das im Radio an! Nhanh lên em và nghe cái này trên đài nè! (Lektion 63, Nr. 886)
Ja, aber selbst die wurden aufgebrochen. Đúng, nhưng những cái tủ cũng bị cạy. (Lektion 64, Nr. 907)
Und was machen sie dabei mit ihrem langen Hals? Và chúng làm gì với cái cổ dài? (Lektion 65, Nr. 931)
Schon lange wollte er sich eigentlich einen neueren, besseren Wagen kaufen und den alten verkaufen. Thực sự là lâu rồi anh đã muốn mua cái xe mới, tốt hơn và bán cái xe cũ đi. (Lektion 69, Nr. 983)
Ich bin der Meinung, dass das Auto seinen Preis wert ist. Tôi đồng ý là cái giá cả nên tương xứng với chiếc xe ô tô này. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1002)
Es ist schwer, etwas Passendes zu finden. Thật khó mà tìm cái gì phù hợp. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1014)
Das muss ich dir vorlesen! Anh phải đọc cho em nghe cái này! (Lektion 72, Nr. 1026)
Ich werde schnell noch mein schickes Hemd bügeln! Anh còn là nốt cái áo sơ mi! (Lektion 73, Nr. 1042)
Wo ist das Bügeleisen? Cái bàn là ở đâu rồi? (Lektion 73, Nr. 1043)
Die Kinder spielen Fangen zwischen den Hochzeitsgästen und bestaunen den Tisch mit den vielen Geschenken. Trẻ con thì chơi đuổi bắt giữa những khách cưới và ngắm nghía cái bàn với nhiều quà tặng. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1127)
Schau, was ich entdeckt habe. Hãy coi em khám phá ra cái gì này. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1180)
Spannend! Was steht denn hier? Hấp dẫn! Vậy còn cái gì đây? (Lektion 83, Nr. 1182)
Wie schreibt man das? Cái này viết như thế nào? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1272)
Wie schreibt man das? Cái này viết như thế nào? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1298)
Haben Sie von Artikel 2256 noch 1.000 Stück auf Lager? Anh / Chị có sẵn trong kho 1000 cái loại sản phẩm 2256 không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1583)
Kannst du das bitte im Wörterbuch nachschlagen? Anh / Chị có thể tra lại cái này trong từ điển được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1614)
In meinem kurzen Referat möchte ich Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere aktuellen Projekte geben. Từ bản thuyết trình ngắn này, tôi muốn gửi đến quý vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những dự án hiện nay của chúng ta. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1653)
Was heißt das auf Deutsch? Cái này tiếng Đức gọi là gì? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1690)
Können Sie das bitte für mich übersetzen? Anh / Chị có thể dịch hộ tôi cái này được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1691)
Ein Praktikum gibt mir Einblick in das Berufsfeld meines Studiums. Khóa thực tập cho tôi một cái nhìn về các nghề nghiệp trong ngành học của tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1741)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
Was motiviert Sie? Cái gì thúc đẩy anh / chị? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1924)
Worauf sind Sie in Ihrem Leben besonders stolz? Trong cuộc sống anh / chị tự hào đặc biệt về cái gì? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1930)
Kannst du bitte diese Unterlagen alphabetisch sortieren? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp tài liệu theo thứ tự chữ cái được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2020)
Ich arbeite in einem schönen Büro: Ich habe einen großen Schreibtisch und wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, kann ich über die ganze Stadt blicken. Tôi làm việc ở một văn phòng rất đẹp: Tôi có một cái bàn làm việc to và nếu nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ tôi có thể nhìn thấy toàn bộ thành phố. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2033)
Ich habe ein neues Notebook. Tôi có một cái laptop mới. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2036)
Mein Bildschirm ist zu klein. Ich brauche einen neuen – mit mindestens 26 Zoll. Màn hình của tôi quá nhỏ. Tôi cần một cái mới cỡ 26 inch. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2039)
Um dieses Programm installieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst unseren Lizenzbedingungen zustimmen. Để cài đặt chương trình này, anh / chị phải chấp thuận các điều kiện về bản quyền. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2041)
Bitte installieren Sie dieses Programm auf meinen Rechner. Xin hãy cài đặt chương trình này vào máy tính của tôi. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2051)
Bitte laden Sie ein Update des Programms herunter und installieren Sie es. Xin hãy tải chương trình mới xuống và cài đặt. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2053)
Du musst dieses Programm installieren. Anh / Chị phải cài đặt chương trình này. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2079)
Ehe ich Ihnen die Details vorstelle, möchte ich Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die wesentlichen Punkte geben. Trước khi đi vào nội dung chi tiết, tôi muốn cung cấp cho quy vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những điểm chính. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2096)
Was ist die Folge davon? Điều này sẽ dẫn đến cái gì? (Lektion 115, Nr. 2162)
Das müssen wir beantragen. Cái này chúng ta phải nộp đơn đề nghị. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2175)
Ich habe einen Verbesserungsvorschlag. Tôi có một đề xuất cải tiến. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2207)
Kann ich Ihnen etwas zeigen? Tôi có thể chỉ cho quý khách cái này được không? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2241)
Davon gibt es nur noch wenige Stück. Cái đó chỉ còn vài chiếc nữa. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2257)
Das können Sie ganz vielseitig benutzen. Cái này quý khách có thể sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích khác nhau. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2270)
Das ist sehr wertvoll. Cái này rất giá trị. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2271)
Darf ich Ihnen etwas zeigen? Tôi có thể chỉ cho quý khách xem cái này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2329)
Können Sie mir bitte erklären, wie das funktioniert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi cái này hoạt động thế nào? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2343)
Das müssen Sie verzollen. Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà phải đóng thuế cái này. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2390)

2297 Cairo's the capital of Egypt. Cairo là thủ đô Ai Cập.

a verdict of accidental death accidental
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
admit to doing sth: She admits to being strict with her children. admit
A word of advice. Don't wear that dress. advice
advise (sb) what, which, whether, etc...: The pharmacist will advise which medicines are safe to take. advise
Wine improves with age. age
agree what, where, etc...: We couldn't agree what to do. agree
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. alphabet
The names on the list are in alphabetical order. alphabetical
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
The books should be ordered alphabetically by subject. alphabetically
a table, two chairs and a desk and
Go and get me a pen please. and
'We talked for hours.' 'And what did you decide?' and
on the anniversary of his wife's death anniversary
+ speech: 'I've given up smoking,' she announced. announce
The room's too small. Let's see if they've got another one. another
anticipate what, how, that, etc...: Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask. anticipate
an anxious look/face/expression anxious
Would you like anything else? anything
a look of silent appeal appeal
My brothers are always arguing. argue
argue (with sb) (about/over sth): We're always arguing with each other about money. argue
After some heated argument a decision was finally taken. argument
The books are arranged alphabetically by author. arrange
a bow and arrow arrow
ask whether, what, etc...: I asked whether they could change my ticket. ask
ask sb whether, what, etc...: She asked me if I would give her English lessons. ask
ask where, what, etc...: He asked where I lived. ask
ask sb where, what, etc...: I had to ask the teacher what to do next. ask
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
Some newspapers have turned their backs on discussion and argument. turn your back on sb/sth
The programme of economic reform is backed (= given financial support) by foreign aid. back
The kids took the dog's death very badly (= they were very unhappy). badly
a shopping bag bag
a make-up bag bag
His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind. balance
the island's only licensed bar (= one that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) bar
a magnificent view across the bay bay
'How much is that dress?' 'Eighty dollars.' be
He likes to have a mug of cocoa before bed (= before going to bed). bed
Something ought to have been done before now. before
It may be many years before the situation improves. before
'What was it you didn't like?' 'Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.' to begin with
believe how, what, etc...: I can't believe how much better I feel. believe
believe sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: The vases are believed to be worth over $20 000 each. believe
He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer. benefit
We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. benefit
They've been best friends (= closest friends) since they were children. best
Which one do you like best? best
We all want the best for our children. best
Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet. between
The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall. between
the Education Reform Bill bill
a rubbish bin bin
His way was blocked by two large bouncers. block
a blue shirt blue
a blackboard board
+ adj.: She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left). boil
boil sth: boiled carrots/cabbage boil
I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight. book
a pillowcase with a lace border border
a washing-up bowl bowl
She kept all the letters in a box. box
The bag broke under the weight of the bottles inside it. break
a hairbrush brush
a dustpan and brush brush
buy sb sth: He bought me a new coat. buy
buy sth for sb: He bought a new coat for me. buy
The coroner's verdict was 'death by misadventure'. by
They're improving day by day. by
a birthday cake cake
a cake tin (= for cooking a cake in) cake
a cake pan cake
calculate how much, what, etc.: You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. calculate
calculate how much, what, etc.: It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life. calculate
the campaign for parliamentary reform campaign
Cairo is the capital of Egypt. capital
That will be a good career move (= something that will help your career). career
careful when/what/how, etc.: You must be careful when handling chemicals. careful
It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving. case
catch (in/on sth): Her dress caught on a nail. catch
catch sth (in/on sth): He caught his thumb in the door. catch
The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips. catch
cause sth: Do they know what caused the fire? cause
a long table in the centre of the room centre
The climbers face certain death if the rescue today is unsuccessful. certain
I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner. certain
a table and chairs chair
an outside chance (= a very small one) chance
The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character. character
He took charge of the farm after his father's death. charge
check (that)...: Go and check (that) I've locked the windows. check
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death. circumstance
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
The door closed with a click. click
to give sb a cold look/stare/welcome cold
a bad/heavy/slight cold cold
Don't stand outside in the cold. cold
come as sth: Her death came as a terrible shock to us. come
commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth): The President is committed to reforming health care. commit
communicate how/what, etc...: They failed to communicate what was happening and why. communicate
The new airport will improve communications between the islands. communication
Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago. compare
parents' concern for their children concern
a strike to improve pay and conditions condition
Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage. confine
confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a' confusion
consider how/what, etc...: We need to consider how the law might be reformed. consider
Stop smoking and you will see a continuous improvement in your health. continuous
He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). cool
a corner table/seat/cupboard corner
A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000. cost
the terrible cost of the war in death and suffering cost
She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life (= she died). cost
All these reforms will cost money (= be expensive). cost
The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole. country
a cushion cover cover
We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one). crop
A look of annoyance crossed her face. cross
Her father's death was a cruel blow. cruel
They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press. crush
curly cabbage leaves curly
It's time to face the final curtain (= the end; death). curtain
The driver lost control on a curve and the vehicle hit a tree. curve
The canoe cut through the water. cut
Her poems often deal with the subject of death. deal with sth
a sudden/violent/peaceful, etc. death death
the anniversary of his wife's death death
He died a slow and painful death. death
Police are trying to establish the cause of death. death
the death of all my plans death
the death of fascism death
The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated (= strongly argued about) by scientists. debate
debate whether, what, etc...: The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16. debate
The smell of death and decay hung over the town. decay
Feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep. go/run deep
The male ape defends his females from other males. defend
demonstrate how, what, etc...: His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. demonstrate
depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. depend on/upon sth
a tidal wave bringing death and destruction in its wake destruction
determine what, whether, etc...: We set out to determine exactly what happened that night. determine
die sth: to die a violent/painful/natural, etc. death die
His death was a direct result of your action. direct
He was directed to a table beside the window. direct
It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction. direction
They lived in a shack with a dirt floor. dirt
disapprove sth: A solid majority disapproves the way the president is handling the controversy. disapprove
a disapproving glance/tone/look disapproving
Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= something that is likely to go badly wrong). disaster
discuss when, what, etc...: We need to discuss when we should go. discuss
dismiss sb/sth as sth: Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks. dismiss
The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak. distinguish
the unfair distribution of wealth distribution
doubt whether, if, etc...: I doubt whether/if the new one will be any better. doubt
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. drag
He quickly dragged a comb through his hair. drag
a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement dramatic
the kitchen drawer (= the one in the kitchen) drawer
'Red or blue?' 'I'll take one of each, please.' each
She whispered something in his ear. ear
Would you like something to eat? eat
economic growth/cooperation/development/reform economic
The male sperm fertilizes the female egg. egg
emphasize how, what, etc...: He emphasized how little was known about the disease. emphasize
Is this an empty chair (= a chair that nobody else is using)? empty
He emptied his glass and asked for a refill. empty
encouragement (to sb) (to do sth): She was given every encouragement to try something new. encouragement
You've got something on the end of your nose. end
I can't come to dinner on Tuesday—I'm otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do something else). engaged
establish where, what, etc...: We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting. establish
Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. everything
You cannot pretend there's no evil in the world. evil
examine how, what, etc...: It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out. examine
Juliet and David exchanged glances (= they looked at each other). exchange
excuse (for sth/for doing sth): It's just an excuse for a party. excuse
it is expected that...: It is expected that the report will suggest some major reforms. expect
Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children. expectation
Can I give you something towards expenses? expense
The system was installed four years ago as an experiment. experiment
express how, what, etc...: Words cannot express how pleased I am. express
I have something in my eye. eye
You should have seen the look on her face when I told her! face
I know for a fact (= I am certain) that she's involved in something illegal. fact
fair that...: It seems only fair that they should give us something in return. fair
Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false. FALSE
He used a false name to get the job. FALSE
Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. familiar
the Royal Family (= the children and close relations of the king or queen) family
Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death. so far, thus far
They made for an empty table in the far corner. far
He fastened the papers together with a paper clip. fasten
This ham has too much fat on it. fat
He was a wonderful father to both his natural and adopted children. father
He's proud of his children and blind to their faults. fault
Which one's your favourite? favourite
She felt her mother's death very deeply. feel
feel how, what, etc...: Feel how rough this is. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself do sth: I felt something crawl up my arm. feel
My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one. feeling
a female cat female
Few will argue with this conclusion. few
Figures for April show a slight improvement on previous months figure
figure how, what, etc...: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? figure sb/sth out
find what, when, etc...: Can you find out what time the meeting starts? find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb)
a fine view fine
Hold the material between finger and thumb. finger
Something doesn't quite fit here. fit
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit's flesh. flesh
to improve traffic flow (= make it move faster) flow
We got a new table for the dining room. for
a machine for slicing bread for
I'll swap these two bottles for that one. for
forecast how, what, etc...: It is difficult to forecast how the markets will react. forecast
After her death, their lives changed forever. forever
Rearrange the letters to form a new word. form
a picture frame frame
The starting point for emancipation was the freeing of children of slaves born after a certain date. free
They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now. be/make friends (with sb)
The sofa also functions as a bed. function as sb/sth
I gained an insight into the work of a journalist. gain
His death left an enormous gap in my life. gap
He made a genuine attempt to improve conditions. genuine
get sb/sth: Quick—go and get a cloth! get
She opened the door wider to get a better look. get
Parents are always anxious for their children to get on. get on
give sb sth: You've given me your cold. give
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
Don't give me any of that backchat (= don't be rude). give
The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children. give
We can't go on like this—we seem to be always arguing. go on
The car skidded and went into a tree. go into sth
I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good (= improve your health). do good, do sb good
He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern. govern
Grab a cab and get over here. grab
The weather gradually improved. gradually
Her death was a great shock to us all. great
The performance improved as their confidence grew. grow
Their children have all grown up and left home now. grow up
guess what, where, etc...: You'll never guess what she told me. guess
John had a guilty look on his face. guilty
a gentle tap with a hammer hammer
He struck her on the head with a hammer. hammer
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
hang sth + adv./prep.: Hang your coat on the hook. hang
to put on/take off a hat hat
I hate the way she always criticizes me. hate
a look of hate hate
hate mail (= letters containing cruel comments) hate
a heavy cake heavy
a heavy coat heavy
Oh hell, I've burned the pan. hell
What the hell do you think you are doing? hell
I can't really afford it, but, what the hell (= it doesn't matter), I'll get it anyway. hell
Come and help me lift this box. help
I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
The tree blew over in the high winds. high
His death didn't really hit me at first. hit
hit sb/sth with sth: He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer. hit
They applied for a home improvement loan. home
a picture/curtain/coat hook hook
a fish hook hook
The situation is not good but we live in hope that it will improve. hope
They have high hopes for their children. hope
With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer. horror
a humorous look at the world of fashion humorous
His eyes had a wild hungry look in them. hungry
Hurry up with the scissors. I need them. hurry up (with sth)
a hurt look/expression hurt
identify what, which, etc...: They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. identify
If he improved his IT skills, he'd (= he would) easily get a job. if
Do you want that cake? If not, I'll have it. if not
illustrate how, what, etc...: Here's an example to illustrate what I mean. illustrate
The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image. image
I can't imagine life without the children now. imagine
imagine what, how, etc...: Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years? imagine
The bomb explodes on impact (= when it hits something). impact
We've certainly improved on last year's figures. improve on/upon sth
Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement. improvement
We expect to see further improvement over the coming year. improvement
improvement in/on/to sth: There is still room for improvement in your work. improvement
a significant/substantial/dramatic improvement improvement
a slight/steady improvement improvement
improvement in/on/to sth: an improvement in Anglo-German relations improvement
This is a great improvement on your previous work. improvement
improvements to the bus service improvement
He escaped death by an inch. inch
include doing sth: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. include
'What are they doing here?' he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway. indicate
indicate where, which, etc...: He indicated where the furniture was to go. indicate
indication (that...): There are clear indications that the economy is improving. indication
an injured look/tone injured
He's getting a phone installed tomorrow. install
The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system. install
I'll need some help installing the software. install
What excuse did he invent this time? invent
'What was that noise?' 'I'll go and investigate.' investigate
investigate what, how, etc...: Police are investigating what happened. investigate
investigate how, what, etc...: The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency. investigate
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
a key/sensitive/controversial issue issue
judge how, what, etc...: It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take. judge
judge how, what, etc...: It was hard to judge how great the risk was. judge
just what...: It's just what I wanted! just
'He's resigning.' 'I'd suspected something of the kind.' something of the/that kind
'Do have another.' 'That's very kind of you (= thank you).' kind
An award can be the kiss of death for a writer. the kiss of death
knit sb sth: She's knitting the baby a shawl. knit
She knows a bargain when she sees one. know
know (that)...: As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong. know
know what, how, etc...: I knew perfectly well what she meant. know
know where, what, etc...: I knew where he was hiding. know
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat. know
I feel there is something lacking in my life. lacking
The reforms have recently become law. law
lead sb (to sth): What led you to this conclusion? lead
lettuce/cabbage/oak leaves leaf
learn how, what, etc...: He's still learning how to dance. learn
learn who, what, etc...: We only learned who the new teacher was a few days ago. learn
Leave me out of this quarrel, please. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
'B' is the second letter of the alphabet. letter
Write your name in capital/block letters. letter
life and death life
The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line. line
Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically. list
His English is improving little by little. little by little
We saw a real live rattlesnake! live
These reforms are long overdue. long
look where, what, etc...: Can't you look where you're going? look
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). look
I don't like the look of that guy (= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance). look
a look of surprise look
He didn't like the look in her eyes. look
She had a worried look on her face. look
A doubtful look crossed his face. look
I've had a good look for it, but I can't find it. look
Make sure you get a good look at their faces. look
One look at his face and Jenny stopped laughing. look
A look passed between them (= they looked at each other). look
Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb. loosely
Poetry always loses something in translation. lose
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
a mother's love for her children love
a window set low in the wall low
a lucky charm lucky
Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. mad
hate mail (= letters containing insults and threats) mail
It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. make
make sth: to make a table/dress/cake make
You can't have one each. We haven't got many. many
'What material is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.' material
'We've bought a new TV.' 'What was the matter with the old one?' matter
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters. matter
After his death, nothing seemed to matter any more. matter
What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room. meaning
When they quarrel, I am often caught in the middle. middle
When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind. come/spring to mind
Have you broken it? Never mind, we can buy another one. never mind
I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised—they were always arguing. mind you
I think I must have missed something because none of this makes any sense. miss
There's room for another one if you move up a bit. move over
Rubella is just another name for German measles. name
She has a very narrow view of the world. narrow
It's only natural to worry about your children. natural
He had a neat methodical mind. neat
It may be necessary to buy a new one. necessary
She craned (= stretched) her neck to get a better view. neck
'Which do you like?' 'Neither. I think they're both ugly.' neither
I need something to calm/steady my nerves. nerve
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
new potatoes (= ones dug from the soil early in the season) new
a nice hot bath nice
'What's that in your pocket?' 'Oh, nothing.' nothing
She's always trying to get something for nothing. for nothing
notice how, what, etc...: Did you notice how Rachel kept looking at her watch? notice
a noticeable improvement noticeable
It's broken. Now I'll have to get a new one. now
observe how, what, etc...: They observed how the parts of the machine fitted together. observe
It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong. obvious
Hang your coat on that hook. on
What's on TV? on
I went through the items on the list one by one. one by one
Our car's always breaking down. But we're getting a new one soon. one
What made you choose the one rather than the other? one
an open quarrel open
The bag burst open and everything fell out. open
The police have opened an investigation into the death. open
He's a factory supervisor or something. or somebody/something/somewhere, somebody/something/somewhere or other
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
The names are listed in alphabetical order. order
'I like this one.' 'What about the other ones?' other
a gas/an electric oven oven
She put a blanket over the sleeping child. over
He wore an overcoat over his suit. over
There was a lamp hanging over the table. over
They had a wonderful view over the park. over
He ruled over a great empire. over
an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) overall
Our children are grown up and have children of their own. own
He packed a bag with a few things and was off. pack
a painful death painful
a pan of boiling water pan
People have lost patience with (= have become annoyed about) the slow pace of reform. patience
I'll get a pencil and paper. pencil
The new management techniques aim to improve performance. performance
photograph sb/sth doing sth: They were photographed playing with their children. photograph
She wrote something on a small piece of paper. piece
She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. pile
a look/feeling/surge of pity pity
plan how, what, etc...: I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day. plan
a plate of sandwiches plate
a tent pole pole
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. pop
the party's position on education reforms position
From his position on the cliff top, he had a good view of the harbour. position
On her father's death, she came into possession of (= received) a vast fortune. possession
Please make sure you have all your possessions with you when leaving the plane. possession
Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve. possibility
Please suggest possible ways in which you would improve the existing program. possible
They tried everything they possibly could to improve the situation. possibly
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales. presentation
the popular/tabloid press (= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people) press
a pretty name pretty
Our primary concern must be the children. primary
In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. in principle
Our first priority is to improve standards. priority
Their children were educated privately. privately
to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system process
a programme of economic reform programme
prospect for sth: Long-term prospects for the economy have improved. prospect
The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms. push ahead/forward (with sth)
The push for reform started in 2007. push
If you use something, put it back! put sth back
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
He put a question to the minister about the recent reforms. question
question whether, what, etc...: He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. question
She gave him a quick glance. quick
realize how, what, etc...: I don't think you realize how important this is to her. realize
recall what, when, etc...: Can you recall exactly what happened? recall
There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform. recognition
recognize how, what, etc...: Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was. recognize
record how, what, etc...: His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues. record
It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one. recover
He stammered something and went very red in the face. red
She went red as a beetroot. red
She went red as a beet. red
reflect how, what, etc...: She reflected how different it could have been. reflect
proposals to reform the social security system reform
The law needs to be reformed. reform
a reforming administration reform
He has promised to reform. reform
reform sb: She thought she could reform him. reform
a government committed to reform reform
economic/electoral/constitutional, etc. reform reform
the reform of the educational system reform
reforms in education reform
far-reaching/major/sweeping reforms reform
She would never refuse her kids anything. refuse
The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system. reject
relate how, what, etc...: She related how he had run away from home as a boy. relate
relation (between A and B): We seek to improve relations between our two countries. relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
Death released him from his suffering. release
report what, how, etc...: She failed to report what had occurred. report
reproduce itself: cells reproducing themselves (= making new ones) reproduce
research (into/in/on sth): They're researching into ways of improving people's diet. research
research how, what, etc...: We have to research how the product will actually be used. research
The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths. result in sth
I look ridiculous in this hat. ridiculous
He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell. ring
He had a scarf round his neck. round
How rude of me not to offer you something to drink! rude
under Communist/civilian/military, etc. rule rule
rule sth: At that time John ruled England. rule
The family ruled London's gangland in the sixties. rule
Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth. rule
rule (over sb/sth): Charles I ruled for eleven years. rule
She once ruled over a vast empire. rule
After the revolution, anarchy ruled. rule
The pursuit of money ruled his life. rule
The car ran off the road into a ditch. run
He got the sack for swearing. sack
It is with great sadness that we report the death of James Banks yesterday. sadness
a local campaign to improve road safety safety
I bought a coat in the sales. sale
Our children go to the same school as theirs. same
a look/smile of satisfaction satisfaction
The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. satisfaction
His angry glance said it all. say
say (what, how, etc...): It's hard to say what caused the accident. say
say (that)...: He said (that) his name was Sam. say
say (what, how, etc...): She finds it hard to say what she feels. say
a scared look scared
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
see (that)...: He could see (that) she had been crying. see
see what, how, etc...: Did you see what happened? see
select what, which, etc...: Select what you want from the options available. select
Say something sensible. sensible
Be serious for a moment; this is important. serious
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
shake sb: He was badly shaken by the news of her death. shake
a shaved head shave
Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke. keep your shirt on
We were all shocked at the news of his death. shock
show how, what, etc...: She tried not to show how disappointed she was. show
show (sb) how, what, etc...: This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. show
show how, what, etc...: He likes to show off how well he speaks French. show sb/sth off
The mere sight of him makes me want to scream. sight
It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). at first sight
We fell in love with the house at first sight. at first sight
Her work is showing some signs of improvement. sign
sign (of doing sth): The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. sign
signal which, what, etc...: You must signal which way you are going to turn. signal
Your work has shown a significant improvement. significant
Stir the paint with a piece of wood or something similar. similar
Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? sleep
a slow, lingering death slow
This is too big—have you got a small one? small
The car smashed into a tree. smash
The cup hit the floor with a smash. smash
smell sth doing sth: Can you smell something burning? smell
The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride. smooth
so ... (that)...: She spoke so quietly (that) I could hardly hear her. so
social issues/problems/reforms social
social advancement (= improving your position in society) social
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
to install/run a piece of software software
There is some hope that things will improve. some
Give me something to do. something
His name is Alan something (= I don't know his other name). something
She's a professor of something or other (= I'm not sure what) at Leeds. something
He's something in (= has a job connected with) television. something
The car hit a tree or something. something
There's something in (= some truth or some fact or opinion worth considering in) what he says. something
'We should finish by tomorrow.' 'That's something (= a good thing), anyway.' something
They pay six pounds an hour. Something like that. something
She found herself something of a (= to some degree a) celebrity. something
The programme's something to do with (= in some way about) the environment. something
Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted? I'm sorry
sort sth into sth: The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order. sort
She's full of energy, like a coiled spring. spring
This ladder doesn't seem very stable. stable
stand up: We stood up in order to get a better view. stand
'The book's by T.C. Smith.' 'What does the 'T.C.' stand for?' stand for sth
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? stand by
He fixed the interviewer with a penetrating stare. stare
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. start
This could be the start of something big. start
state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. state
She put a pan of water on the stove. stove
stress how, what, etc...: I cannot stress too much how important this is. stress
They were always very strict with their children. strict
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. struggle
study how, what, etc...: The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs. study
Where's all my stuff (= my possessions)? stuff
Substantial numbers of people support the reforms. substantial
Stop sucking your thumb! suck
Death finally brought an end to her suffering. suffering
suggest how, what, etc...: Can you suggest how I might contact him? suggest
a look of surprise surprise
surprise sb how, what, etc...: It's always surprised me how popular he is. surprise
a surprised look surprised
Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap. suspect
a suspicious look suspicious
Many were suspicious of reform. suspicious
I had a craving for something sweet. sweet
May we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife. sympathy
a kitchen table table
to take a look/glance take
I'd like to take my argument a stage further. take
Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now (= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). talk
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
a tap at/on the door tap
teach sb how, what, etc...: My father taught me how to ride a bike. teach
Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details. technical
Her technique has improved a lot over the past season. technique
tell which, what, etc...: The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which? tell
The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it. tell
tell sb what, when, etc...: Don't tell me what to do! tell
tell sb where, what, etc...: Tell me where you live. tell
tell sb (that)...: The sound of his breathing told her (that) he was asleep. tell
to pitch (= put up) a tent tent
No, the other one... that's it. that's it
There were three questions. The first two were relatively easy but the third one was hard. the
You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! thing
Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one? this
a robe embroidered with gold thread thread
He received death threats from right-wing groups. threat
The burglar got in through the window. through
throw sb sth: Can you throw me that towel? throw
That old chair should be thrown away. throw sth away
She still sucks her thumb when she's worried. thumb
There's a hole in the thumb. thumb
He left his dog tied up to a tree. tie sth up
The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere. tip up/over, tip sth up/over
the big/little toe (= the largest/smallest toe) toe
a toilet seat toilet
The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
She twisted a scarf around her head. twist
Mothers typically worry about their children. typically
The coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I (= when she was queen). under
understand why, what, etc...: I could never understand why she was fired. understand
Unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install. unlike
an untidy desk untidy
She has a very unusual name. unusual
I could tell something was up by the looks on their faces. up
His sudden death turned her world upside down. turn sth upside down
an upward gaze upward
urban renewal/regeneration (= the process of improving the buildings, etc. in the poor parts of a town or city) urban
The law is in urgent need of reform. urgent
You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. use
green vegetables (= for example cabbage ) vegetable
I didn't have a good view of the stage. view
He has an optimistic view of life. view
The book gives readers an inside view of political life. view
He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.). violent
He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision. vision
watch where, what, etc...: Hey, watch where you're going! watch
I hate the way she always criticizes me. way
She was wearing a new coat. wear
'I asked her to marry me.' 'You what? ' what?
whisper sth (to sb): She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. whisper
The whole country (= all the people in it) mourned her death. whole
He had a wild look in his eyes. wild
They governed according to the will of the people. will
a large wood wood
a wooden box wooden
a wool blanket wool
Work continues on renovating the hotel. work
She'd lost her job. Even worse, she'd lost her house and her children, too. worse
Worst of all, I lost the watch my father had given me. worst
wrap B round/around A: I wrapped a blanket around the baby. wrap