Beginner Level Advanced Level



(1) tombstone, stone, slab, stele
(2) target, bull’s eye
(3) beer
啤酒 pi2jiu3 beer (loanword); CL:杯bei1,瓶ping2,罐guan4,桶tong3,缸gang1 Bia

OXF3000: bia beer
OXF3000N rượu bia beer
OXF3000N bìa cứng các tông cardboard
OXF3000N bia mục tiêu đích target
OXF3000D: bia beer Bier

No, preferably a beer. Không, bia thì thích hơn. * 024
Is there a pub here? Ở đây có quán bia không? * 046
Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? Bạn đã được phép uống bia ở trong bệnh viện chưa? * 090
I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Tôi bực mình vì bạn uống nhiều bia quá. * 094
He is at the bar instead of going home. Anh ấy ngồi trong quán bia thay cho đi về nhà. * 098

like: Bia
a glass of foaming beer cốc bia nổi bọt
to open a beer (to drink it) khui bia uống
smell of beer and wine mùi bia rượu
nightclub with female entertainers quán bia ôm
to drink alcohol uống bia rượu
Serbien Serbia 塞尔维亚 Sài'ěrwéiyà
das Bier bia
die Brauerei nhà máy bia
die Hefe men bia, men
der Hopfen cây hoa bia, cây hublông
Serbien Serbia

Alkohol: Rotwein, Weißwein, Bier, trockener Champagner, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. Rượu: rượu vang đỏ, rượu vang trắng, bia, sâm-banh chua, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. (Lektion 14, Nr. 147)
Für mich ein Bier, bitte. Xin cho tôi một cốc bia. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2426)

620 Did you see Fabian yesterday? — No, I didn't. Hôm qua cậu có trông thấy Fabian không? - Không, tôi không
1022 I was born in Colombia in nineteeighty-nine (1989). Tôi sinh ra ở Colombia năm 1980.
1794 Fabian's happy today, but he wasn't yesterday. Hôm nay Fabian vui nhưng hôm qua anh ấy không vui.

low-alcohol beer alcohol
alcohol-free beer alcohol
She lay on the bed (= on top of the covers). bed
a barrel/bottle/glass of beer beer
beers brewed in Germany beer
a beer glass beer
Are you a beer drinker? beer
Shall we have a beer? beer
hardback/paperback books book
a wine/beer/milk bottle bottle
a beer/paint can can
a piece of cardboard cardboard
a model made out of cardboard cardboard
a novel with superficial cardboard characters cardboard
a blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffees coffee
the front/back cover cover
Her face was on the cover (= the front cover) of every magazine. cover
He always reads the paper from cover to cover (= everything in it). cover
He drained the last drop of beer from the glass. drop
duty on sth: duty on wine and beer duty
a paperback/hardback edition edition
equal to sb/sth: One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer. equal
At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines. face
a beer festival festival
Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa formerly
They have an offer on beer at the moment. offer
He once lived in Zambia. once
order (sth): I ordered a beer and a sandwich. order
He drank his beer out of the bottle. out
a pint of beer/milk pint
the president of Columbia Pictures president
Draught beer is pumped out of the barrel under pressure. under pressure
stiff cardboard stiff
We stock six different beers at any one time. time