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OXF3000D: nhấn mạnh stress Belastung

ENDE: encumbrance Belastung
ENDE: stress Belastung

like: Belastung

Ich bin engagiert und belastungsfähig. Tôi là người có trách nhiệm và có khả năng chịu áp lực. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1823)

emotional stress emotional
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. impose
I kept a weekly account of my workload and activities. keep
There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution. permit
to reduce levels of environmental pollution pollution
spread sth between sb/sth: We attempted to spread the workload between the departments. spread
His heart won't stand the strain much longer. stand
The rope broke under the strain. strain
The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. strain
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. strain
a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure) stress
She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. stress
The wall collapsed under the strain. under
unusually high levels of radiation unusually