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Bach con lạch Umwelt

ENDE: brook Bach
ENDE: rivulet Bach

like: Bach
beobachten quan sát
der Bach dòng suối

beobachten 观察 guānchá

Auch Tris Oma, die lächelnd das Brautpaar beim Tanzen beobachtet, wird fotografiert. Và bà của Trí cũng vậy, bà mỉm cười chăm chú nhìn cô dâu chú rể đang nhảy. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1123)

He sat watching her as she got ready. as
a mill beside a stream beside
There was a stream at the bottom of the garden. bottom
I sat and watched everyone very closely (= carefully). closely
We watched the sun come up. come up
conscious that...: I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched. conscious
These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up. data
I could sit and watch the river all day long. day
Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. disappear
a Bachelor of Education degree education
They were watching her every movement. every
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
We watched their ship moving gradually farther away. farther
fish for sth: You can fish for trout in this stream. fish
He had the strong impression that someone was watching him. have
He (= the man we are watching) went through that door. he
include sb/sth as sth: Representatives from the country were included as observers at the conference. include
She was watching with a politely interested expression on her face. interested
I put a lighted match to the letter and watched it burn. light
'You're wearing a tie!' 'Full marks for observation.' mark
He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her. merely
'What a mess!' she said, surveying the scene after the party. mess
She felt he was watching her every move. move
She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed. movement
Troy watched her every movement. movement
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. observation
results based on scientific observations observation
We managed to escape observation (= we were not seen). observation
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
She has outstanding powers of observation (= the ability to notice things around her). observation
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
She has some interesting observations on possible future developments. observation
observe sb/sth: Have you observed any changes lately? observe
All the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life). observe
observe sb/sth do sth: The police observed a man enter the bank. observe
observe sb/sth doing sth: They observed him entering the bank. observe
observe that...: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied. observe
be observed to do sth: He was observed to follow her closely. observe
observe (sb/sth): I felt he was observing everything I did. observe
The patients were observed over a period of several months. observe
He observes keenly, but says little. observe
observe how, what, etc...: They observed how the parts of the machine fitted together. observe
I watched the car until it was out of sight. out
Their efforts were painful to watch. painful
They performed pieces by Bach and Handel. piece
an observation post post
She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. rise
The child was watching it all with big round eyes (= showing interest). round
We watched the explosion from a safe distance. safe
We watched the lions from the safety of the car. safety
We sat and watched the sun setting. set
It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid. solid
mountain streams stream
We waded across a shallow stream. stream
She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. survey
underground passages/caves/streams underground
The stream has dried up. up
watch sth for sth: He watched the house for signs of activity. watch
watch (for sth): He watched for signs of activity in the house. watch
watch what, how, etc...: Watch what I do, then you try. watch
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch