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OXF3000D: chính sách policy Anstand

ENDE: decency Anstand
ENDE: decorum Anstand
ENDE: policy Anstand

like: Anstand
unanständig không lương thiện, không đứng đắn
anständig nghiêm chỉnh

unanständig 猥亵的 wěixiè de
anständig 体面的 tǐmiàn de

The food was excellent—I had no cause for complaint. cause
Complaints must be made through the proper channels. channel
It's only common decency to let her know what's happening (= people would expect it). common
I can see no grounds for complaint. complaint
They are fair and decent employers. fair
You have no grounds for complaint. ground
I haven't had a decent holiday for years. holiday
When will these kids learn to behave properly? properly