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ENDE: axis Achse
ENDE: axle Achse

like: Achse
der Erwachsene người lớn
erwachsen sein trưởng thành
wachsen lớn lên
die Achse trục xe
die Achselhöhle nách
Sachsen bang Saxons

Erwachsene 成人 chéngrén
erwachsen sein 成人 chéng rén
wachsen 成长 chéng zhǎng
Achse zhóu
Achselhöhle 腋窝 yèwō
Sachsen 萨克森 Sàkèsēn

Preise: Erwachsene 10 Euro, Kinder und Senioren die Hälfte. Giá tiền: người lớn 10 Euro, người già và trẻ em một nửa giá tiền. (Lektion 7, Nr. 67)
Tri wollte nie nach Hô Chí Minh, aber Trang ist dort aufgewachsen. Tri không bao giờ muốn đến thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhưng Trang đã lớn lên ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 179)
Er ist in einem anderen Land aufgewachsen und hat viele Fragen: Anh ta trưởng thành trên một nước khác và có nhiều thắc mắc: (Lektion 81, Nr. 1149)
Ich bin zweisprachig aufgewachsen. Tôi lớn lên với hai ngôn ngữ. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1911)

admit sb/sth: Each ticket admits one adult. admit
Children must be accompanied by an adult. adult
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed. adult
preparing young people for adult life adult
the adult population adult
adult monkeys adult
Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years. advance
I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night. alarm
the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people anger
assist sb to do sth: a course to assist adults to return to the labour market assist
The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity. atmosphere
He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. beard
'Is Mary in the office?' 'Just a moment. I'll go and check.' check
I'll just have a quick check to see if the letter's arrived yet. check
They have three grown-up children. child
a support group for adult children of alcoholics child
The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions. condition
They have three grown-up daughters. daughter
These days kids grow up so quickly. these days
the growing problem of domestic violence (= violence between members of the same family) domestic
Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s. economy
The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children. equally
Even a child can understand it (= so adults certainly can). even
As a family we grew farther and farther apart. farther
Children grow up so fast these days. fast
It is difficult to make long-term forecasts for a fast-growing industry. forecast
The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. foundation
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. generation
give sth: She gave a shrug of her shoulders (= she shrugged ). give
I've decided to let my hair grow. grow
grow sth: I've decided to grow my hair. grow
These roses grow to a height of 6 feet. grow
Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight. grow
You've grown since the last time I saw you! grow
Nick's grown almost an inch in the last month. grow
The puppies grow quickly during the first six months. grow
A growing child needs plenty of sleep. grow
Shortage of water is a growing problem. grow
grow in sth: The family has grown in size recently. grow
She grew up in Boston (= lived there as a child). grow up
Their children have all grown up and left home now. grow up
Why don't you grow up? grow up
It's time you grew up. grow up
growth hormones (= designed to make sb/sth grow faster) growth
My daughter is in such a hurry to grow up. in a hurry to do sth
Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me. issue
'Shall we check it again?' 'Yes, let's.' let
in early/adult life life
a growing/declining market for second-hand cars market
move sb to sth: Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes. move
plants that grow naturally in poor soils naturally
We grew up in the same neighbourhood. neighbourhood
Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult. only
Our children are grown up and have children of their own. own
Profits continue to grow, with strong performances in South America and the Far East. performance
She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. pile
the adult/working/rural, etc. population of the country population
raise sb/sth: They were both raised in the South. raise
a rapidly growing economy rapidly
The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. real
a growing recognition that older people have potential too recognition
There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults. reduction
The book is full of references to growing up in India. reference
Many adults can't relate to children. relate to sth/sb
As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children. rightly
Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart. sadly
save doing sth: He's grown a beard to save shaving. save
'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' see
shallow roots (= that grow near the surface of the ground) shallow
She's very shy with adults. shy
Unemployment is the single most important factor in the growing crime rates. single
They have three grown-up sons. son
Babies do not grow at a steady rate but in stops and starts. stop
Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church. tie
We grew up together. together
the vertical axis of the graph vertical
He was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys. way
The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers. wild