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OXF3000N khă năng triển vọng possibility
OXF3000N viễn cảnh toàn cảnh triển vọng mong chờ prospect

like: triển vọng

excited (at sth): I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad. excited
an exciting prospect/possibility exciting
The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. offer
a job with excellent promotion prospects promotion
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): There is no immediate prospect of peace. prospect
A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen). prospect
prospect (that...): There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid. prospect
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm. prospect
good job/employment/career prospects prospect
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. prospect
prospect for sth: Long-term prospects for the economy have improved. prospect
prospect of sth: What are the prospects of promotion in this job? prospect
The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects. as such
I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. talk