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OXF3000N sự đối lập sự đối nhau sự chống lại sự phản đối opposition
OXF3000N sự chống lại sự phản đối sự kháng cự resistance

like: sự phản đối

All opposition to the plan has collapsed. collapse
The government found itself confronted by massive opposition. confront
declare sth: Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime. declare
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
There is growing opposition to the latest proposals. grow
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
object to doing sth/to sb doing sth: I really object to being charged for parking. object
Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. opposition
The army met with fierce opposition in every town. opposition
He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime. opposition
She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest. under protest
The new legislation faces a bumpy ride (= will meet with opposition and difficulties). ride
They are united in their opposition to the plan. united