Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000N thu hút hấp thu lôi cuốn absorb
OXF3000N tích cực hăng hái nhanh nhẹn linh lợi actively
OXF3000N sự tích cực sự hoạt động sự hăng hái sự linh lợi activity
OXF3000N người lớn người trưởng thành trưởng thành adult
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N sự thuận lợi lợi ích lợi thế advantage
OXF3000N lời khuyên lời chỉ bảo advice
OXF3000N làm lo sợ làm hốt hoảng làm sợ hãi alarming
OXF3000N sự trả lời trả lời answer
OXF3000N mối lo âu sự lo lắng anxiety
OXF3000N lo âu lo lắng băn khoăn anxious
OXF3000N lo âu lo lắng băn khoăn anxiously
OXF3000N xin lỗi tạ lỗi apologize
OXF3000N sự kêu gọi lời kêu gọi kêu gọi cầu khẩn appeal
OXF3000N hút thu hút có duyên lôi cuốn attractive
OXF3000N nung nướng bằng lò bake
OXF3000N tốt đẹp đáng hài lòng beautifully
OXF3000N lợi lợi ích giúp ích làm lợi cho benefit
OXF3000N to lớn big
OXF3000N tấm ván lát ván lót ván board
OXF3000N chai lọ bottle
OXF3000N tỏa sáng rực rỡ chói lọi brilliant
OXF3000N hạng loại phạm trù category
OXF3000N lòng từ thiện lòng nhân đức sự bố thí charity
OXF3000N lanh lợi thông minh. tài giỏi khéo léo clever
OXF3000N tiền kim loại coin
OXF3000N sự an ủi khuyên giải lời động viên sự an nhàn comfort
OXF3000N bất tiện khó chịu không thoải mái uncomfortable
OXF3000N lời bình luận lời chú giải bình luận phê bình chú thích dẫn giải comment
OXF3000N làm lộn xộn xáo trộn confuse
OXF3000N sự lộn xộn sự rối loạn confusion
OXF3000N sự chúc mừng khen ngợi lời chúc mừng khen ngợi congratulations
OXF3000N đáng kể lớn lao nhiều considerably
OXF3000N kiên trì bền lòng constant
OXF3000N nội dung sự hài lòng content
OXF3000N tiện lợi thuận lợi thích hợp convenient
OXF3000N nòng cốt hạt nhân đáy lòng core
OXF3000N sinh vật loài vật creature
OXF3000N sự tin lòng tin danh tiếng tiền gửi ngân hàng credit
OXF3000N sự phê bình sự phê phán lời phê bình lời phê phán criticism
OXF3000N 1 loại tủ có ngăn cupboard
OXF3000N sự định nghĩa lời định nghĩa definition
OXF3000N vui mừng hài lòng delighted
OXF3000N chứng minh giải thích bày tỏ biểu lộ demonstrate
OXF3000N hiến cho dâng cho dành cho hết lòng nhiệt tình devoted
OXF3000N sự bất lợi sự thiệt hại disadvantage
OXF3000N phân bổ phân phối sắp xếp phân loại distribute
OXF3000N sự chia sự phân chia sự phân loại division
OXF3000N to lớn khổng lồ enormous
OXF3000N trốn thoát thoát khỏi sự trốn thoát lỗi thoát escape
OXF3000N sự trừ ra sự loại ra exception
OXF3000N ngăn chạn loại trừ exclude
OXF3000N lời xin lỗi bào chữa xin lỗi tha thứ tha lỗi excuse
OXF3000N diễn tả biểu lộ bày tỏ nhanh tốc hành express
OXF3000N sự diễn tả sự bày tỏ biểu lộ sự diễn đạt expression
OXF3000N giơ duỗi ra (tay chân) kéo dài (thời gian) dành cho gửi lời extend
OXF3000N sự giơ duỗi sự kéo dài sự dành cho gửi lời extension
OXF3000N điều kiện dễ dàng sự dễ dàng thuận lợi facility
OXF3000N hợp lý công bằng thuận lợi fair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N ngã lộn nhào bị đổ fall over
OXF3000N sự sợ hãi e sợ sợ lo ngại fear
OXF3000N loé sáng vụt sáng ánh sáng lóe lên đèn nháy flash
OXF3000N nổi trôi lơ lửng float
OXF3000N bộ da lông thú fur
OXF3000N lợi lợi ích giành được kiếm được đạt tới gain
OXF3000N đèo lỗ hổng kẽ hở chỗ trống gap
OXF3000N người khổng lồ người phi thường khổng lồ phi thường giant
OXF3000N vui lòng sung sướng glad
OXF3000N có lợi cho good for
OXF3000N điểm điểm số phân loại xếp loại grade
OXF3000N rộng lớn vĩ đại grand
OXF3000N to lớn vĩ đại great
OXF3000N sự lớn lên sự phát triển growth
OXF3000N có tội phạm tội tội lỗi guilty
OXF3000N ghét lòng căm ghét thù hận hate
OXF3000N đường quốc lộ highway
OXF3000N lỗ lỗ trống hang hole
OXF3000N danh dự thanh danh lòng kính trọng honour
OXF3000N để tỏ lòng tôn kính trân trọng đối với in honour of
OXF3000N to lớn khổng lồ huge
OXF3000N (thuộccon người loài người human
OXF3000N phớt lờ tỏ ra không biết đến ignore
OXF3000N nóng lòng sốt ruột impatiently
OXF3000N sự lôi kéo sự liên can điều gợi ý implication
OXF3000N đánh (thuế...) bắt gánh vác đánh tráo lợi dụng impose
OXF3000N sự chỉ sự biểu thị sự biểu lộ indication
OXF3000N chèn vào lồng vào insert
OXF3000N lăng mạ xỉ nhục lời lăng mạ sự xỉ nhục insult
OXF3000N làm gián đoạn ngắt lời interrupt
OXF3000N sự gián đoạn sự ngắt lời interruption
OXF3000N sự giới thiệu lời giới thiệu introduction
OXF3000N trò cười lời nói đùa nói đùa giễu cợt joke
OXF3000N loại giống tử tế có lòng tốt kind
OXF3000N sự tử tế lòng tốt kindness
OXF3000N rộng lớn to large
OXF3000N phong phú ở mức độ lớn largely
OXF3000N nói dối lời nói dối sự dối trá lie
OXF3000N chất lỏng lỏng êm ái du dương không vững liquid
OXF3000N hợp lý hợp logic logical
OXF3000N to inh ỏi ầm ĩ to lớn (nói) loud
OXF3000N chính chủ yếu phần lớn mainly
OXF3000N phần lớn đa số ưu thế majority
OXF3000N /'mænз/ cách lối kiểu dáng vẻ thái độ manner
OXF3000N to lớn đồ sộ massive
OXF3000N tình trạng bừa bộn tình trạng lộn xộn người nhếch nhác bẩn thỉu mess
OXF3000N kim loại metal
OXF3000N lỗi sai lầm lỗi lầm phạm lỗi phạm sai lầm mistake
OXF3000N lẫn lộn pha trộn mixed
OXF3000N hoảng sợ dễ bị kích thích hay lo lắng nervous
OXF3000N bồn chồn lo lắng nervously
OXF3000N lời ghi lời ghi chép ghi chú ghi chép note
OXF3000N vâng lời tuân theo tuân lệnh obey
OXF3000N khe hở lỗ sự bắt đầu sự khai mạc lễ khánh thành opening
OXF3000N quần lót đùi pants
OXF3000N bản tấm kim loại plate
OXF3000N làm vui lòng vừa lòng mong... vui lòng xin mời please
OXF3000N hài lòng pleased
OXF3000N can bình lọ... pot
OXF3000N sự ca ngợi sự tán dương lòng tôn kính tôn thờ khen ngợi tán dương praise
OXF3000N thuận lợi lợi ích lợi nhuận profit
OXF3000N hứa lời hứa promise
OXF3000N lôi kéo giật sự lôi kéo sự giật pull
OXF3000N dãy hàng loại phạm vi trình độ range
OXF3000N đáng tiếc hối tiếc lòng thương tiếc sự hối tiếc regret
OXF3000N không chấp nhận loại bỏ bác bỏ reject
OXF3000N sự trả lời sự hồi âm trả lời hồi âm reply
OXF3000N lời thỉnh cầu lời đề nghị yêu cầu thỉnh cầu request
OXF3000N hưởng ứng phản ứng lại trả lời respond
OXF3000N sự trả lời câu trả lời sự hưởng ứng sự đáp lại response
OXF3000N bộc lộ biểu lộ tiết lộ phát hiện khám phá reveal
OXF3000N buồn cười lố bịch lố lăng ridiculous
OXF3000N gồ ghề lởm chởm rough
OXF3000N gồ ghề lởm chởm roughly
OXF3000N đường đi lộ trình tuyến đường route
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rude
OXF3000N bất lịch sự thô lỗ thô sơ đơn giản rudely
OXF3000N tin đồn lời đồn rumour
OXF3000N làm thỏa mãn hài lòng trả (nợ) chuộc tội satisfy
OXF3000N cảm thấy hài lòng vừa ý thoả mãn satisfied
OXF3000N chọn lựa chọn lọc select
OXF3000N sự lựa chọn sự chọc lọc selection
OXF3000N tất ngắn miếng lót giày sock
OXF3000N xin lỗi lấy làm tiếc lấy làm buồn sorry
OXF3000N thứ hạng loại lựa chọn sắp xếp phân loại sort
OXF3000N sự nói khả năng nói lời nói cách nói bài nói speech
OXF3000N bếp lò lò sưởi stove
OXF3000N cởi lột (quần áo) sự cởi quần áo strip
OXF3000N phong cách kiểu mẫu loại style
OXF3000N thành công thắng lợi thành đạt successful
OXF3000N thành công thắng lợi thành đạt successfully
OXF3000N lời thề lời nguyền rủa lời thề hứa swearing
OXF3000N người ra mồ hôi kẻ bóc lột lao động sweater
OXF3000N bơi lội swim
OXF3000N sự bơi lội swimming
OXF3000N sự cảm ơn lời cảm ơn thanks
OXF3000N sự đe dọa lời đe dọa threat
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N làm mệt mỏi trở nên mệt nhọc lốp vỏ xe tire
OXF3000N đồ chơi đồ trang trí thể loại đồ chơi toy
OXF3000N theo truyền thống theo lối cổ traditional
OXF3000N điều lo lắng điều muộn phiền trouble
OXF3000N loại kiểu mẫu phân loại xếp loại type
OXF3000N bất tiện không tiện lợi uncomfortable
OXF3000N quần lót underwear
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfair
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N gian lận không công bằng bất lợi unfairly
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N không gọn gàng không ngăn nắp lộn xộn untidy
OXF3000N có giá trị lớn đáng giá valuable
OXF3000N khác nhau thuộc về nhiều loại various
OXF3000N thuộc nhiều loại khác nhau những vẻ đa dạng varied
OXF3000N rộng lớn mênh mông vast
OXF3000N sự báo trước lời cảnh báo warning
OXF3000N rộng rộng lớn wide
OXF3000N bằng lòng vui lòng muốn willing
OXF3000N sẵn lòng tự nguyện willingly
OXF3000N sự bằng lòng sự vui lòng willingness
OXF3000N đang dành thắng lợi thắng cuộc winning
OXF3000N dây (kim loại) wire
OXF3000N ước mong muốn sự mong ước lòng mong muốn wish
OXF3000N lo lắng suy nghĩ sự lo lắng suy nghĩ worry
OXF3000N gây lo lắng gây lo nghĩ worrying
OXF3000N bồn chồn lo nghĩ tỏ ra lo lắng worried
OXF3000N mắc lỗi sai lầm go wrong

like: lọ
groß to lớn
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam)
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam)
Entschuldigen Sie ... Xin lỗi ông bà 对不起 Duìbùqǐ ...
sich kümmern um chăm lo đến 照顾 zhàogù
nützlich tiện ích, lợi 实用的 shíyòng de
trennen phân loại 分开 fēnkāi
riesig rất to lớn 巨大的 jùdà de
riesig to lớn, vĩ đại, khổng lồ 巨大的 jùdà de
groß to lớn 大的 dà de
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam) 大的 dà de
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam) 大的 dà de
groß to lớn 大的 dà de
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam) 大的 dà de
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam) 大的 dà de
riesig rất to lớn 巨大的 jùdà de
riesig to lớn, vĩ đại, khổng lồ 巨大的 jùdà de
intensiv cường độ lớn, cấp tốc 紧凑的 jǐn còu de
antworten trả lời 答复 dá fù
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi 没有错误的 méi yǒu cuò wù de
Gern geschehen. rất vui lòng 不客气 bú kè qi
sich entschuldigen xin lỗi 道歉 dào qiàn
Arschloch! Đồ con lợn! 混蛋! hún dàn!
jemanden ausbeuten bóc lột ai 利用某人 lì yòng mǒu rén
gehorchen nghe lời 听从 tīng cóng
nützlich tiện ích, lợi 有用的 yǒu yòng de
sich lohnen Đáng, có lợi 值得 zhí dé
mündlich bằng lời nói 口头的 kǒu tóu de
zufrieden hài lòng 满意的 mǎn yì de
genial sáng chói, lỗi lạc 天才的 tiān cái de
ein Instrument spielen chơi một loại nhạc cụ 演奏一样乐器 yǎn zòu yí yàng yuè qì
sich kümmern um chăm lo đến 照顾 zhào gù
erscheinen xuất hiện, ló ra 出现 chū xiàn
sich irren lạc đường, lầm lối 弄错 nòng cuò
bestechlich Đút lót 可贿赂的 kě huì lù de
abschweifend antworten trả lời lạc đề, trả lời ngoài lề 跑题地回答, 东拉西扯地回答 pǎotí de huídá, dōnglā-xīchě de huídá
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó 被某人迷住 bèi mǒurén mízhù
jemandem schmeicheln xu nịnh, tán tỉnh, lấy lòng ai đó 讨好某人, 拍某人的马屁 tǎohǎo mǒurén, pāi mǒurén de mǎpì
ein Versprechen brechen không giữ lời hứa 违背一个诺言 wéibèi yī gè nuòyán
unbeholfen sein vụng về, lóng ngóng 笨手笨脚 bènshǒu-bènjiǎo
brav ngoan ngoãn, vâng lời 乖的 guāi de
etwas sortieren phân loại cái gì đó 分类整理某物 fēnlèi zhěnglǐ mǒuwù
sich plagen đánh vật, vật lộn, tự hành hạ 打拼, 辛劳地工作 dǎpīn, xīnláo de gōngzuò
etwas vermissen bỏ lỡ điều gì đó 遗失某物 yíshī mǒuwù
jemanden bestechen hối lộ, đút lót ai đó 贿赂某人 huìlù mǒurén
lukrativ, profitabel có lợi, sinh lợi 有利可图的 yǒulì-kětú de
verdünnen làm mỏng đi, làm loãng 稀释 xīshì
unterirdisch ngầm, dưới lòng đất 地下的 dìxià de
eine Lüge durchschauen nhận ra một lời nói dối 识破一个谎言 shípò yī gè huǎngyán
etwas enthüllen tiết lộ điều gì đó 揭露某事 jiēlù mǒushì
laut eines Augenzeugen... Theo lời một nhân chứng... 据一位目击者反映... jù yī wèi mùjīzhě fǎnyìng...
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt 错过了公共汽车 cuòguò le gōnggòngqìchē
eine Tierart ausrotten hủy diệt một loài động vật 一个动物种类的灭绝 yī gè dòngwù zhǒnglèi de mièjué
rupfen vặt lông jīu
ein Schaf scheren xén lông cừu 给一只绵羊剪毛 gěi yī zhī miányáng jiǎnmáo
glitzern lấp lánh, long lanh 闪闪发光 shǎnshǎn fāguāng
heulen khóc lóc, rên rỉ 哀号 āiháo
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn 歇斯底里的 xiēsīdǐlǐ de
behaart rậm râu, nhiều lông 有毛的 yǒumáo de
unbesorgt vô tư, không lo ngại 安心的 ānxīn de
matschig lầy lội, nhầy nhụa 泥泞的 nínìng de
flackern nhấp nháy, lập lòe, bập bùng 闪耀 shǎnyào
Entschuldigung! Xin lỗi!
der Rucksack ba lô
der Erwachsene người lớn
die Kathedrale nhà thờ lớn
groß to lớn
die Klasse hạng, lớp
Entschuldigen Sie ... Xin lỗi ông bà
der Hauptgang cống chính, lối đi chính
der Blumenkohl súp lơ
das Schweinefleisch thịt lợn, thịt heo (miền nam việt nam)
der Platz am Gang chỗ gần lối đi
die Unterhose quần lót
der BH áo nịt ngực, áo lót nữ
trennen phân loại
riesig rất to lớn
die ältere Person người lớn tuổi
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam)
das Schwein con lợn
groß to (miền bắc việt nam), lớn (miền nam việt nam)
riesig to lớn, vĩ đại, khổng lồ
der Ausdruck cách diễn đạt, lời lẽ, cách phát biểu
die gute Lage vị trí thuận lợi
der Vorteil có lợi
der Nachteil bất lợi
das Chaos sự lộn xộn
das Loch cái lỗ
die Schraube bù loong
intensiv cường độ lớn, cấp tốc
die Antwort trả lời, đối đáp
antworten trả lời
die Flüssigkeit chất lỏng
die Mehrheit phần lớn
die Laterne Đèn lồng
fehlerfrei chính xác, không có lỗi
Gern geschehen. rất vui lòng
sich entschuldigen xin lỗi
Arschloch! Đồ con lợn!
jemanden ausbeuten bóc lột ai
die Tierart chủng loại thú
das Fell bộ lông
gehorchen nghe lời
nützlich tiện ích, lợi
sich lohnen Đáng, có lợi
mündlich bằng lời nói
zufrieden hài lòng
genial sáng chói, lỗi lạc
das Cello Đàn vi ô lông xen
ein Instrument spielen chơi một loại nhạc cụ
sich kümmern um chăm lo đến
erscheinen xuất hiện, ló ra
die Sünde tội lỗi
sich irren lạc đường, lầm lối
die Menge số lượng lớn
bestechlich Đút lót
der Vorwurf lời quở trách, lời chỉ trích
abschweifend antworten trả lời lạc đề, trả lời ngoài lề
die Wortart từ loại
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó
jemandem schmeicheln xu nịnh, tán tỉnh, lấy lòng ai đó
ein Versprechen brechen không giữ lời hứa
unbeholfen sein vụng về, lóng ngóng
brav ngoan ngoãn, vâng lời
etwas sortieren phân loại cái gì đó
sich plagen đánh vật, vật lộn, tự hành hạ
etwas vermissen bỏ lỡ điều gì đó
die Bestechlichkeit tính dễ bị mua chuộc, sự đút lót
der Verräter kẻ phản bội, kẻ tiết lộ
der Eid lời tuyên thệ, lời thề
jemanden bestechen hối lộ, đút lót ai đó
lukrativ, profitabel có lợi, sinh lợi
verdünnen làm mỏng đi, làm loãng
der Draht dây kim loại
unterirdisch ngầm, dưới lòng đất
eine Lüge durchschauen nhận ra một lời nói dối
etwas enthüllen tiết lộ điều gì đó
Laut eines Augenzeugen... Theo lời một nhân chứng...
der Schneebesen dụng cụ đánh lòng trắng trứng
etwas sieben sàng, lọc thứ gì đó
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt
der Rußfilter thiết bị lọc muội
der Kilometerzähler bảng táp lô, bảng tính kilomét
das Wildschwein con lợn rừng
die Tatze chân động vật lớn
der Stachel gai, lông gai
eine Tierart ausrotten hủy diệt một loài động vật
rupfen vặt lông
der Bolzen bu lông
ein Schaf scheren xén lông cừu
glitzern lấp lánh, long lanh
die Wickelunterlage tấm đệm lót
der Adel tầng lớp quý tộc
das Organversagen chứng rồi loạn chức năng
heulen khóc lóc, rên rỉ
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn
die Eingeweide ruột, lòng
die Handfläche gan bàn tay, lòng bàn tay
behaart rậm râu, nhiều lông
die Schlinge dây thòng lọng
die Bestechung sự hối lộ
unbesorgt vô tư, không lo ngại
die Lawine tuyết lở
matschig lầy lội, nhầy nhụa
der Orkan bão, lốc
flackern nhấp nháy, lập lòe, bập bùng
der Rebell quân phiến loạn
die Massenvernichtungswaffen (Plural) vũ khí hủy diệt hàng loạt

Er hebt seinen Koffer, seine Reisetasche und seinen Rucksack auf einen Kofferkuli. Anh ấy nhấc va-li, túi du lịch và ba lô lên xe đẩy. (Lektion 3, Nr. 24)
Preise: Erwachsene 10 Euro, Kinder und Senioren die Hälfte. Giá tiền: người lớn 10 Euro, người già và trẻ em một nửa giá tiền. (Lektion 7, Nr. 67)
Entschuldigen Sie, können Sie mir bitte erklären, wo das Hotel Zentral ist? Xin lỗi, anh làm ơn chỉ cho tôi khách sạn Zentral ở đâu được không? (Lektion 11, Nr. 107)
Ja, weiß ich, er ist in der Nähe der Kathedrale. Có, tôi biết, nó ở gần nhà thờ lớn. (Lektion 11, Nr. 109)
In unserem Sportzentrum bieten wir die ganze Woche über eine Reihe von Sportarten an. ở trung tâm thể thao của chúng tôi có hàng loạt các loại hình thể thao suốt tuần. (Lektion 13, Nr. 130)
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, fragen Sie einfach einen unserer Trainer, er wird Ihnen jede Frage beantworten. Nếu quan tâm, xin liên hệ với huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi, anh ấy sẽ trả lời mọi câu hỏi của các bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 136)
Für die Fischsuppe: Garnelen, Lachs, Miesmuscheln, Thunfisch, Meeresfrüchte, Reis. Cho món súp cá: tôm, cá hồi, sò, cá thu, các loại hải sản, gạo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 144)
Tri wollte nie nach Hô Chí Minh, aber Trang ist dort aufgewachsen. Tri không bao giờ muốn đến thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, nhưng Trang đã lớn lên ở đó. (Lektion 17, Nr. 179)
Entschuldige, aber ich bevorzuge eine Besichtigungstour. Xin lỗi, nhưng em thích đi tham quan hơn. (Lektion 17, Nr. 192)
Was ist das dort für ein großes Gebäude? Khu nhà lớn đằng kia là gì vậy? (Lektion 17, Nr. 194)
Von dort muss er nur geradeaus über die Autobahn zum Flughafen fahren. Từ đó anh ấy chỉ việc đi thắng theo xa lộ để đến sân bay. (Lektion 19, Nr. 213)
Er weiß nicht, welchen Treibstoff sein Auto benötigt. Anh không biết là ô-tô cần loại xăng nào. (Lektion 19, Nr. 215)
Entschuldigung, welches Benzin brauche ich? Normal, Super oder Diesel? Xin lỗi, xe tôi cần loại xăng nào? Loại thường, đặc biệt hay là dầu Diesel? (Lektion 19, Nr. 217)
Lassen Sie mich den Tank sehen. Ich denke, Sie brauchen bleifreies Benzin. Đế tôi xem bình xăng. Chắc là anh cần loại xăng không chì. (Lektion 19, Nr. 218)
Entschuldigen Sie, wie komme ich am günstigsten nach Berlin? Xin lỗi, tôi đến Berlin thế nào thì rẻ nhất? (Lektion 20, Nr. 232)
Tri verlor die Kontrolle, bekam Panik. Tri mất kiểm soát, trở nên bấn loạn. (Lektion 27, Nr. 347)
Sie packte einen großen Kasten voller Essen aus. Cô ấy mở một thùng lớn toàn đồ ăn. (Lektion 28, Nr. 367)
In jedem Raum ist ein Müllbehälter für Papier, einer für Plastik, einer für Glas und einer für den Rest. Trong mỗi phòng có một thùng dành cho giấy, một thùng dành cho bao nilon, một thùng dành cho chai thủy tinh và một thùng dành cho các loại rác còn lại. (Lektion 30, Nr. 391)
Er hofft, dass die Kunden die Sachen trennen, die sie wegwerfen. Anh ấy hy vọng khách hàng sẽ phân loại rác khi họ vứt. (Lektion 30, Nr. 392)
Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die nächste Telefonzelle. Xin lỗi, tôi muốn tìm một trạm điện thoại ở gần đây. (Lektion 31, Nr. 402)
Sie versucht eine andere Telefonzelle, aber jetzt kann sie nur auf den Anrufbeantworter sprechen. Cô ấy thử sang phòng điện thoại khác, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy chỉ có thế nói vào máy trả lời tự động thôi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 409)
Sie verteilten sich im ganzen Haus, im Wohnzimmer, im Erdgeschoss, überall. Họ chạy toán loạn ở trong nhà, ở phòng khách, ở tầng trệt, khắp mọi nơi. (Lektion 32, Nr. 428)
Der Rest ist nach Krankheiten sortiert. Những ngăn còn lại được phân theo từng loại bệnh. (Lektion 33, Nr. 443)
Sie war sehr groß. Cô ấy rất cao lớn. (Lektion 34, Nr. 462)
Trang weiß genau, welche Skier sie möchte. Trang biết rõ cô ấy thích loại nào. (Lektion 36, Nr. 498)
Oh, das tut mir leid. Ồ, xin lỗi ông. (Lektion 41, Nr. 594)
Außerdem wäre es von Vorteil, wenn du die Höhe deines Gehalts angeben würdest. Ngoài ta sẽ có lợi, nếu anh ghi thêm mức lương của anh. (Lektion 44, Nr. 633)
Das wäre ein Nachteil. Đó sẽ thành bất lợi. (Lektion 44, Nr. 640)
Wenn wir die Lampe neben das Sofa und den Kerzenständer auf den Tisch stellen, dann gibt das ein romantisches Licht. Nếu chúng ta để cây đèn cạnh bộ sa lông và cái chân đèn cầy trên bàn, thì sẽ có một ánh sáng lãng mạn. (Lektion 45, Nr. 647)
Zuletzt legen wir Kissen, die zu den Vorhängen passen, auf das Sofa. Cuối cùng chúng ta sẽ đặt những cái gối mà hợp với rèm cửa lên bộ sa lông. (Lektion 45, Nr. 648)
In dem Paket sind ja nur Bretter und Schrauben! Trong kiện đồ chỉ còn toàn là những tấm ván và bù loong! (Lektion 46, Nr. 657)
Ich befürchte, das gibt ein Chaos. Anh lo ngại rằng, có sự lộn xộn rồi đây. (Lektion 46, Nr. 658)
Teile das Brett und zeichne parallel zueinander sechs Löcher auf. Hãy phân chia những tấm ván và đồng thời lược đồ theo sáu cái lỗ. (Lektion 46, Nr. 660)
Ja. Hier sieht es echt unordentlich aus. Vâng. Ở đây nhìn thật lộn xộn. (Lektion 46, Nr. 664)
Ich hoffe, Sie antworten mir möglichst bald. Tôi hy vọng, quí vị trả lời nhanh nhất như có thể. (Lektion 47, Nr. 676)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Im Stadion brüllt und pfeift die Mehrheit der Zuschauer extrem laut. Phần lớn khán giả trong sân vận động gào và la hét thật to. (Lektion 49, Nr. 698)
Ich schätze die Entfernung von zu Hause aus, dorthin auf neunzig Kilometer. Anh đoán khoảng cách từ nhà tới đó khoảng 90 Ki lô mét. (Lektion 50, Nr. 707)
Sie durchqueren eine Schlucht und kommen schließlich an einen großen Bauernhof. Họ đi qua một thung lũng và cuối cùng đến một nông trại lớn. (Lektion 52, Nr. 731)
Ein laut bellender Hund nähert sich den beiden. Có tiếng chó sủa lớn tiến gần đến chỗ hai người. (Lektion 52, Nr. 732)
Trang macht sich Sorgen, weil der Mann ihrer Schwester keine Rücksicht auf ihre Gefühle genommen hat. Trang lo lắng,vì chồng của chị gái đã không hề để ý đến cảm giác của chị. (Lektion 61, Nr. 859)
Er muss sich bei ihr für sein Verhalten entschuldigen. Anh ta phải xin lỗi chị về thái độ của mình. (Lektion 61, Nr. 861)
Sie muss sich ja nicht unbedingt an ihm rächen, aber sie sollte sich in Zukunft wirklich nicht mehr ausnutzen lassen. Chị cũng không nhất thiết phải trả thù anh ta, nhưng thực sự trong tương lai chị không nên để bị lợi dụng nữa. (Lektion 61, Nr. 866)
Heute Nacht sind Diebe in das Büro eingebrochen und haben systematisch alles durchsucht. Đêm hôm nay những kẻ trộm đã đột nhập vào văn phòng và lục lọi toàn bộ hệ thống. (Lektion 64, Nr. 905)
Es gibt viele unterschiedliche Arten zu sehen: Có thể thấy nhiều chủng loại khác nhau: (Lektion 65, Nr. 924)
In einem der Gehege kann man zahmen Hasen das Fell streicheln und Enten füttern. Trong một chuồng thú người ta có thể vuốt ve bộ lông những con thỏ đã được thuần hóa và cho những con vịt ăn. (Lektion 65, Nr. 925)
Verkehrschaos Tình trạng hỗn loạn giao thông (Lektion 67, Nr. 951)
Kilometerstand: 276 345 km; Kaufpreis: Verhandlungssache; Mức đã chạy: 276 345 Ki lô mét; Giá: theo thỏa thuận (Lektion 69, Nr. 990)
Ehrlich gesagt, das Auto gefällt mir. Thực lòng mà nói tôi thích chiếc xe ô tô này. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1000)
Tri rechnet sich aus, dass er trotzdem noch ein gutes Geschäft gemacht hat. Trí tính toán, mặc dù anh đã lợi nhuận. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1008)
Die Auswahl ist groß. Sự lựa chọn thật lớn. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1012)
Durch ein Gewitter und einen anschließenden Sturm auf hoher See wurde eine riesige Welle aufgetürmt. Trận sấm sét và tiếp theo là bão đã tạo nên những cơn sóng cực lớn trên biển. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1028)
Trangs Cousin will noch etwas auf dem Klavier vorspielen und meine Schwester wird uns ein Lied singen. Anh họ của Trang còn muốn chơi đàn vi ô lông và chị gái anh sẽ hát. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1114)
Dann muss ich mich nur noch um die Bühne kümmern, damit eurem großen Auftritt nichts mehr dazwischen kommen kann. Vậy là anh chỉ còn phải chăm lo đến sân khấu, để sự biểu diễn không có chuyện gì xảy ra giữa chừng. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1116)
Schau doch mal in den Schrank neben der Heizung! Anh xem lại trong tủ gần lò sưởi đó! (Lektion 84, Nr. 1198)
Ich kümmere mich noch um eine Unterkunft und die Flugtickets. Em còn phải chăm lo về một nơi cư trú và vé máy bay. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1202)
Hallo. Xin chào / A lô. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1208)
Hallo, wer spricht? A lô, ai đang gọi đấy ạ? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1209)
Kann ich bitte mit Frau ... sprechen? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể nói chuyện với cô / bà ... được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1220)
Kann ich bitte mit Ihrer Kollegin sprechen? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể nói chuyện với cô đồng nghiệp của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1221)
Entschuldigung, ich habe die falsche Telefonnummer gewählt. Xin lỗi tôi đã gọi nhầm số. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1276)
Leider habe ich Ihren Namen nicht verstanden. Könnten Sie ihn mir bitte nochmals sagen? Xin lỗi tôi không nghe rõ tên của anh / chị . Làm ơn nhắc lại tên của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1297)
Das ist der Anrufbeantworter der Firma Muster. Đây là hộp tin nhắn điện thoại / máy trả lời tự động của công ty Muster. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1300)
Vielen Dank für Ihre rasche Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1329)
Vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1330)
Ich erwarte Ihre baldige Antwort. Mong sớm nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1333)
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort. Tôi vui mừng chờ đợi câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1334)
Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf Ihre Antwort. Tôi hiện rất nóng lòng nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1335)
In Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Grüßen, Mong sớm nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . Chào trân trọng! (Lektion 89, Nr. 1338)
Ich schreibe Ihnen im Auftrag des Geschäftsführers. Thay mặt quản lí công ty tôi xin được trả lời anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1348)
Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu cần biết thêm thông tin xin anh / chị vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bất kì lúc nào. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1356)
Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie diesen Brief bekommen haben. Xin vui lòng xác nhận đã nhận được thư / thông báo này. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1361)
Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Xin cám ơn về câu trả lời nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1373)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass ich heute erst antworten kann. Xin lỗi vì hôm nay tôi mới có thể trả lời anh / chị được. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1375)
Bitte leiten Sie diese E-Mail an die Kollegen der Entwicklungsabteilung weiter. Anh / Chị vui lòng chuyển bức thư này đến nhân viên phòng phát triển. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1378)
Diese E-Mail ist eine interne Mitteilung. Sie darf nicht an Personen außerhalb des Unternehmens geschickt werden. Bức thư này mang tính nội bộ. Yêu cầu không tiết lộ cho người ngoài công ty. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1379)
In dringenden Fällen, wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1389)
Wenn Sie diese E-Mail versehentlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie, diese zu löschen. Nếu bức thư này bị gửi nhầm đến bạn, xin vui lòng xóa bức thư này. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1390)
Oh, diese Nachricht habe ich leider schon gelöscht! Ồ, tôi đã lỡ xóa bức thư đó rồi. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1402)
Bitte informieren Sie uns bei einer Fehlübertragung unter der Telefonnummer 171155. Nếu có trục trặc gì xin vui lòng liên hệ qua số: 171155. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1422)
Wie war Ihre Reise? Sind Sie gut angekommen? Chuyến đi của anh / chị thế nào? Anh / Chị đến nơi thuận lợi chứ? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1474)
Entschuldigung, sind Sie die neue Kollegin? Xin lỗi, anh / chị có phải là nhân viên mới không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1476)
Wie bitte? Das habe ich eben (akustisch) nicht verstanden. Xin lỗi tôi nghe không rõ lắm. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1477)
Verzeihung, darf ich Sie kurz stören? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể làm phiền anh / chị một chút được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1478)
Entschuldigung, darf ich hereinkommen? Xin lỗi, tôi vào được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1479)
Es tut mir leid, dass ich Sie unterbrechen muss. Tôi xin lỗi phải ngắt lời anh / chị một chút. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1480)
Entschuldigung. Xin lỗi. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1482)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Ich stand eine Stunde lang im Stau. Xin anh / chị thứ lỗi về sự chậm trễ. Tôi bị tắc đường một tiếng đồng hồ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1488)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1500)
Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit meiner Sekretärin. Anh / Chị vui lòng đặt lịch hẹn với thư kí của tôi. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1550)
Leider komme ich 30 Minuten später an als geplant. Rất xin lỗi tôi đến muộn hơn 30 phút so với dự định. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1562)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Rất xin lỗi các vị về sự chậm trễ của tôi. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1564)
Wir interessieren uns für Ihre neue Produktreihe. Chúng tôi rất quan tâm tới loạt sản phẩm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1565)
Gewähren Sie Mengenrabatt? Qúy vị có giảm giá cho số lượng lớn không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1579)
Haben Sie von Artikel 2256 noch 1.000 Stück auf Lager? Anh / Chị có sẵn trong kho 1000 cái loại sản phẩm 2256 không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1583)
Leider ist der Artikel Nr. 3997 aus unserem Sommerkatalog nicht mehr lieferbar. Rất tiếc loại sản phẩm số 3997 từ catalog mùa hè không còn nữa. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1590)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie den Fehler. Wir werden die Ware noch heute an Sie verschicken. Xin lỗi quý khách vì sai sót này. Chúng tôi sẽ gửi hàng cho quý khách ngay trong ngày hôm nay. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1596)
Leider kam Ihre Bestellung als unzustellbar an uns zurück. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre korrekte Lieferadresse mit. Rất tiếc hàng bị chuyển lại chỗ chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi địa chỉ giao hàng chính xác của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1597)
Bitte bestätigen Sie den Eingang meiner Bestellung. Xin vui lòng xác nhận đơn đặt hàng của tôi. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1604)
Bitte bezahlen Sie diese Rechnung innerhalb von 30 Tagen. Xin vui lòng thanh toán hóa đơn trong vòng 30 ngày. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1606)
Würden Sie mir einige Fragen zu diesem Thema beantworten? Anh / Chị có thể vui lòng trả lời vài câu hỏi về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1622)
Würden Sie mir ein Interview geben? Ông / Bà có thể vui lòng trả lời phỏng vấn được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1623)
Ich soll mehr Informationen über diesen Fall suchen, aber ich komme mit meiner Recherche nicht weiter. Hast du einen guten Rat für mich? Tôi rất cần thêm thông tin về trường hợp này nhưng không biết tiếp tục tra cứu thế nào? Anh / Chị có lời khuyên hữu ích nào không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1638)
Bitte lassen Sie mich aussprechen. Xin vui lòng để tôi nói hết đã. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1676)
Bitte füllen Sie dieses Formular aus. Xin vui lòng điền vào bản khai sau. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1678)
Dieser Auftrag stellt uns vor ein großes logistisches Problem. Đối với hợp đồng này thì việc vận chuyển là một vấn đề lớn. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1704)
Es ist sinnlos, sich gegenseitig die Schuld zuzuschieben. Tôi thấy việc đổ lỗi cho nhau không đem lại lợi ích gì cả. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1713)
Ich muss mich entschuldigen: Ich wollte Sie nicht beleidigen. Tôi xin lỗi về điều đó, tôi không có ý xúc phạm anh / chị. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1716)
Ich schlage vor, dieses große Problem in mehreren kleinen Schritten zu lösen. Tôi đề nghị chúng ta chia vấn đề lớn này thành nhiều bước nhỏ để giải quyết. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1725)
Wir bieten Ihnen die Mitarbeit bei spannenden Projekten in einer der größten Beratungsfirmen Europas an. Chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị tham gia các dự án hấp dẫn của một trong những công ty tư vấn lớn nhất Châu Âu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1754)
Es war interessant den Büro-Alltag in einer großen Firma kennenzulernen. Rất thú vị khi được làm quen với công việc văn phòng hàng ngày trong một công ty lớn. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1758)
Sie haben mehrjährige Erfahrungen in einem großen Unternehmen gesammelt. Anh / Chị đã thu thập được kinh nghiệm làm việc lâu năm trong một công ty lớn. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1790)
Wir bieten Ihnen eine unbefristete Stelle mit vielen Sozialleistungen. Chúng tôi hứa hẹn một vị trí làm việc vô thời hạn với nhiều lợi tức xã hội. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1796)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Mein Studium habe ich mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1811)
Ich habe mein Studium mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen und schon über sieben Jahre Berufserfahrung. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi và đã có trên bảy năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1812)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Xin gửi ông / bà lời chào trân trọng. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1834)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn lời mời của ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1860)
Ich bin zweisprachig aufgewachsen. Tôi lớn lên với hai ngôn ngữ. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1911)
Würden Sie sich über Regeln hinwegsetzen, wenn es Ihnen einen persönlichen Vorteil bringt? Anh / Chị sẽ không tuân theo nội quy nếu nội quy đó không mang lại lợi ích phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1921)
Was ist – aus Ihrer Sicht – die größte Herausforderung dieser Stelle? Theo ông / bà vị trí này có thách thức gì lớn nhất? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1962)
Ich habe nach meinem Vorstellungsgespräch noch nichts von Ihnen gehört und wollte mich jetzt erkunden, ob noch Fragen offen geblieben sind. Sau cuộc phỏng vấn tôi chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà và vì vậy tôi muốn hỏi, liệu còn có câu hỏi nào vẫn chưa được trả lời không? (Lektion 109, Nr. 1973)
Ich arbeite für ein Non-Profit-Unternehmen. Tôi làm việc cho một công ty phi lợi tức. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2005)
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem neuen Flachbildschirm. Tôi rất hài lòng với màn hình phẳng mới này. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2040)
Das ist eine Sicherheitslücke in dem Programm! Đây là lỗ hổng bảo mật trong chương trình. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2070)
Ich danke Ihnen für die Einladung und freue mich heute zu Ihnen sprechen zu können. Tôi cám ơn về lời mời và rất vui được phép tiếp chuyện với quý vị hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2084)
Bitte unterbrechen Sie mich, wenn Sie etwas nicht verstehen. Xin hãy ngắt lời tôi, nếu quý vị có điều gì chưa hiểu rõ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2100)
Bitte merken Sie sich Ihre Frage. Ich möchte sie gerne nach meiner Präsentation beantworten. Xin quý vị hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi của mình. Tôi sẽ trả lời sau bài giới thiệu của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2112)
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass wir mit der Entwicklung der Verkaufszahlen zufrieden sein können. Cuối cùng có thể nói rằng chúng tôi rất hài lòng với sự phát triển của doanh số bán hàng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2114)
Darf ich Sie kurz unterbrechen? Tôi xin phép được cắt ngang lời anh / chị / ông / bà? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2124)
Bitte unterbrechen Sie mich nicht. Xin quý vị đừng ngắt lời tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2142)
Mit diesem Projekt gehen wir ein großes Risiko ein. Với dự án này chúng ta chấp nhận một rủi ro lớn. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2181)
Das Projekt ist eine einzigartige Chance für uns. Dự án này là cơ hội lớn cho chúng ta. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2182)
Das ist eine Lösung, von der alle Parteien profitieren. Đây là hướng giải quyết mà tất cả các bên đều có lợi. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2203)
Diese Informationen dürfen nicht in die falschen Hände geraten. Những thông tin này không được phép lọt vào tay những người không liên quan. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2204)
Das Projekt ist ein voller Erfolg. Dự án này là một thành công lớn. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2235)
Wir haben viele zufriedene Kunden. Đa phần khách hàng của chúng tôi đều rất hài lòng. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2255)
An diesem Produkt werden Sie lange Freude haben. Với sản phẩm này quí vị sẽ cảm thấy rất hài lòng. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2260)
Ich bin mit dem Produkt nicht zufrieden. Tôi không hài lòng với sản phẩm này. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2274)
Ich bin mit Ihrer Leistung nicht zufrieden. Tôi không hài lòng với công việc của quý vị. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2279)
Entschuldigung, wie komme ich zu Halle 12? Xin lỗi, đi đến khu 12 thế nào? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2312)
Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Tagungen und Konferenzen. Kinh nghiệm lâu năm của chúng tôi trong việc lên kế hoạch, tổ chức và điều hành hội thảo, hội nghị sẽ đem lại cho quí vị nhiều lợi ích. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2359)
Diese Tagung lädt Experten aus dem Bereich Metallverarbeitung ein, ihr Wissen auszutauschen. Hội nghị này sẽ mời các chuyên gia từ lĩnh vực xử lý kim loại đến để trao đổi kiến thức. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2361)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Ich nehme sie gerne an. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. Tôi rất vui lòng nhận lời. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2407)
Ich würde diese Sache gerne bei einem Geschäftsessen besprechen. Tôi rất vui lòng được bàn luận thêm về điều này tại bữa ăn. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2410)
Entschuldigung, ist dieser Platz noch frei? Xin lỗi, chỗ này trống phải không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2419)
Ich bin allergisch gegen Nüsse. Sind Nüsse in diesem Gericht? Tôi bị dị ứng các loại hạt. Không có hạt nào trong món ăn này phải không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2446)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2447)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie das. Xin lỗi quý vị về việc này. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2500)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie unseren Fehler. Xin lỗi quý vị về sai sót của chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2501)
Das ist leider ein technischer Defekt. Rất tiếc đây là một lỗi kỹ thuật. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2509)

36 Brazil is a very big country. Brazil là một đất nước rất lớn.
176 You stepped on my foot. — I'm sorry. Cậu giẫm lên chân tôi. - Tôi xin lỗi.
267 I like big cities. Tôi thích những thành phố lớn.
288 They live in a very big house. Họ sống trong căn nhà rất lớn.
368 Where is he? — I'm sorry, I don't know. Anh ấy đâu? - Xin lỗi, tôi không biết.
414 Do you live in a big city? — No, I don't. Cậu có sống ở thành phố lớn không? - Không.
438 Do you want to know the answer? Cậu có muốn biết câu trả lời không?
448 Do you forget the answer? Cậu có quyên câu trả lời không?
461 Excuse me, do you speak English? Xin lỗi, cậu có nói tiếng Anh không?
474 Excuse me, but you're sitting in my seat. — I'm sorry. Xin lỗi nhưng cậu đang ngồi chỗ của tôi. - Tôi xin lỗi.
475 I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak more slowly? Tôi xin lỗi, tôi không hiểu. Cậu có thể nói chậm hơn không?
494 got? Cô ấy có xe hơi loại gì?
597 Last Tuesday, Vanessa ew from Los Angeles to Mexico City. Thứ ba vừa rồi Vanessa đã bay từ Los Angeles đến Thành phố Mexico.
679 The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Mặt trời đang toả nắng và bầy chim đang hót líu lo.
709 He stopped reading and answered the phone. Anh ấy dừng đọc sách và trả lời điện thoại.
849 Sorry I'm late. How long have you been waiting? Xin lỗi tôi đến muộn. Cậu đã đợi được bao lâu rồi?
994 been there. Đài Loan trông như thế nào? Nó có đẹp không? - Tôi không biết. Tôi chưa từng đến đó.
1058 I was born in London. Tôi sinh ra ở London.
1290 I'm sorry I was late this morning. It won't happagain. Cho tôi xin lỗi vì sáng nay tôi đã đi muộn. Chuyện này sẽ không tái diễn nữa.
1415 This isn't the Wilsons? I'm sorry. I must have the wrong number. Đây không phải nhà Wilson à? Xin lỗi, hẳn là tôi nhầm số mất rồi.
1435 This isn't the Karlsons? I must have the wrong number. Đây không phải nhà Karlson à? Xin lỗi, hẳn là tôi nhầm số mất
1517 We took a test yesterday. We had to answer six (6) questions out of t(10). Hôm qua chúng tôi làm một bài kiểm tra. Chúng tôi phải trả lời sáu trong mười câu hỏi.
1568 What kind of music do you like? Cậu thích loại âm nhạc nào?
1607 Where would you prefer to live: in a big city or a small town? Cậu thích sống ở đâu hơn: ở thành phố lớn hay thị trấn nhỏ?
1608 I'd rather live in a big city than a small town. Tôi thích ở thành phố lớn hơn ở thị trấn nhỏ.
1609 Which would you prefer to have: a small house or a big one? Cậu thích có cái nào hơn: một căn nhà nhỏ hay một căn lớn?
1610 I'd rather have a big house than a small one. Tôi thích có một căn nhà lớn hơn có một căn nhỏ.
1648 There's a big tree in the yard. Có một cái cây lớn ở trong sân.
1653 There are some big trees in the yard. Có vài cái cây lớn trong sân.
1667 How many students are there in the class? — Twenty. Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi.
1687 We're staying at a very big hotel. There are one thousand two hundred fty (1,250) rooms. Chúng tôi đang ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đây.
1688 hundred fty (1,250) rooms. Chúng tôi từng ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đó.
1703 There were some owers in a vase on the table. Từng có vài bông hoa trong một cái lọ để trên bàn.
1713 I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of tra c. Xin lỗi tôi đến muộn. Xe cộ đông quá.
1754 Please help me. — I'm sorry, I can't. Làm ơn giúp tôi. - Xin lỗi, tôi không giúp được.
1814 You're late. — I am? Sorry. Cậu bị muộn. - Tôi á? Xin lỗi.
1841 I've bought a new car. — You have? What kind is it? Tôi đà mua xe hơi mới rồi. Rồi à? Loại gì vậy?
1907 Lilianne was nervous about the situation, so I told her to relax and take it easy. Liliane lo lắng về tình hình nên tôi bảo cô ấy thư giãn và nghĩ thoáng hơn.
1952 The cashier is putting your groceries in a plastic bag. You say, "Excuse me, don't you have any paper bags?" Người tính tiền đang cho đồ ăn vào túi nhựa. Bạn nói: "Xin lỗi, cậu có túi giấy không?"
1960 He tried to avoid answering my question. Anh ấy cố tránh trả lời câu hỏi của tôi.
2006 Stan suggested I ask you for advice. Stan gợi ý cho tôi đi xin lời khuyên của cậu.
Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> 2017 Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> If you have a car, you're able to get around more easily. > Having a car enables you to get around more easily. Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> ☊ Nếu cậu có xe hơi thì cậu có thể đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn. > Có xe hơi cho phép cậu đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn.
2044 I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I can't help it. Tôi xin lỗi tôi lo lắng quá. Tôi không kìm được.
2050 Silvia likes living in London. Silvia thích sống ở London.
2053 I enjoy cleaning the kitchen. > I don't mind cleaning the kitchen. Tôi sẵn lòng dọn bếp. > Tôi không ngại dọn bếp.
2081 about yours. Tôi có vấn đề của riêng tôi đã đủ rồi không cần lo thêm việc của cậu nữa.
2094 I'm used to driving on the left because I grew up in England. Tôi quen với việc lái xe bên trái vì tôi lớn lên ở Anh.
2096 We used to live in a small town, but now we live in Los Angeles. Chúng tôi từng sống ở một thị trấn nhỏ nhưng giờ chúng tôi sống ở Los Angeles.
2098 You should apologize for what you said. Cậu nên xin lỗi vì những gì cậu đã nói.
2099 You should apologize for not telling the truth. Cậu nên xin lỗi vì không nói thật.
2115 Please excuse me for not returning your call. Xin tha lỗi cho tôi vì đã không gọi lại cho cậu.
2117 There's nothing you can do about the situation, so there's no use worrying about it. Cậu chẳng thể làm gì được với tình huống này nên lo lắng về nó cũng chẳng được gì.
2142 Leave early so that you won't miss the bus. Đi sớm đi thì cậu sẽ không lỡ xe bus.
2152 were impossible to answer. Không thể trả lời được các câu hỏi trong kì thi. > Họ không thể trả lời được các câu hỏi trong kì thi.
2154 This is a di cult question for me to answer. Đây là một câu hỏi khó để tôi trả lời.
2181 I'm sorry to call you so late, but I need to ask you something. Tôi xin lỗi vì gọi cậu muộn thế nhưng tôi cần hỏi cậu một số thứ.
I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> 2182 I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday. > I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday. I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> ☊ Tôi xin lỗi vì hôm qua đã quát cậu.
2214 Being a vegetarian, Mitsuko doesn't eat any kind of meat. Là người ăn chay, Mitsuko không ăn bất cứ loại thịt nào.
That's good advice.'> 2240 That's good advice.'> That's a good suggestion. > That's good advice. That's good advice.'> ☊ Đấy là một gợi ý hay. > Đấy là một lời khuyên hay.
2247 Can I talk to you? I need some advice. Tôi nói chuyện với cậu được không? Tôi cần ít lời khuyên.
2256 I'd like to give you some advice before you go o to college. Tôi muốn cho cậu ít lời khuyên trước khi rời đại học.
2260 country will be dry. Mau sẽ có mưa một số nơi nhưng phần lớn cả nước sẽ khô ráo.
2276 I was in class for ve (5) hours today. Hôm nay tôi ở lớp năm tiếng đồng hồ.
2277 Who's the youngest student in the class? Ai là học sinh ít tuổi nhất trong lớp?
2301 Asia is the largest continent in the world. Châu Á là châu lục lớn nhất thế giới.
2302 The Paci c is the largest ocean. Thái Bình Dương là đại dương lớn nhất.
2310 The Philippines is a group of islands near Taiwan. Philippines là một quần đảo gần Đài Loan.
2315 UCLA is in L.A. Đại học California Los Angeles nằm ở bang Los Angeles.
2344 It's not our fault. You can't blame us. Đấy không phải lỗi của chúng tôi. Cậu không thể đổ lỗi cho chúng tôi.
2345 It's our own fault. We should blame ourselves. Đấy là lỗi của riêng chúng ta. Chúng ta nên tự nhận lỗi.
2346 I feel nervous. I can't relax. Tôi thấy lo. Tôi không thư giãn được.
2376 Sorry I'm late. There was a lot of tra c. Xin lỗi, tôi đến muộn. Đường đông xe cộ quá.
2384 tra c. Họ sống trên một con phố lớn nên chắc chắn có nhiều tiếng ồn của xe cộ.
2393 If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to answer them. Nếu có ai có câu hỏi gì thi tôi rất sẵn lòng trả lời.
2395 I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. Tôi xin lỗi vì những rắc rối tôi đã gây ra.
2414 Kimiko has very few friends in London. Kimiko có rất ít bạn ở London.
2445 Either you apologize, or I'll never speak to you again. Một trong hai cậu xin lỗi không thì tôi sẽ không bao giờ nói chuyện với các cậu nữa.
2470 Write your answer to each question on a separate sheet of paper. Viết câu trả lời cho mỗi câu hỏi lên một tờ giấy riêng.
2476 Everything that happened was my fault. Mọi chuyện xảy ra là lỗi tại tôi.
2492 The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a month. > The woman he fell in love with left him after a month. Người phụ nữ mà anh ấy đem lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. > Người phụ nữ anh ấy đem lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng.
2509 Why do you blame me for everything that goes wrong? Tại sao cái gì hỏng cậu cũng đổ lỗi cho tôi?
2517 I recently went back to the town where I grew up. Tôi mới trở về thị trấn nơi tôi lớn lên.
2520 The reason I'm calling you is to ask your advice. Lí do tôi đang gọi cho cậu là muốn xin cậu lời khuyên.
2527 The population of London, which was once the largest city in the world, is now decreasing. Dân số của London, nơi từng là thành phố lớn nhất thế giới, ngày nay đang giảm xuống.
2532 Mr. Lopez, whom I spoke with at the meeting, is very interested in our plan. Ông Lopez, người tôi đã nói chuyện còng tại buổi họp, rất hứng thú với kế hoạch của cậu.
2542 I have a large bedroom overlooking the garden. Tôi có một cái giường lớn nhìn ra vườn.
2569 very uent. Cho dù Rosetta vẫn mắc lỗi nhưng tiếng Anh của cô ấy vẫn rất nhuần nhuyễn.
2579 Our new boss is not very popular. Hardly anyone likes her. Bà chủ mới của chúng ta không được lòng lắm. Gần như chẳng có ai ưa bà ấy.
They're not old enough to get married.'> 2591 They're not old enough to get married.'> They're too young to get married. > They're not old enough to get married. They're not old enough to get married.'> ☊ Họ còn qua trẻ để kết hôn. > Họ không đủ lớn để kết hôn.
2615 I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could. Xin lỗi tôi đến muộn. Tôi đã đến đây sớm nhất có thể.
2639 Have you written him yet? — Yes, and he still hasn't replied. Cậu đã viết cho anh ấy chưa? - Rồi và anh ấy vẫn chưa trả lời.
2696 there. Tôi sẽ ở London tuần tới, hi vọng sẽ gặp John khi tôi ở đó.
2721 EN There's somebody at the door, could you please answer it? Có ai đó ngoài cửa, cậu làm ơn trả lời được không?
2782 Since the accident was my fault, I had to pay for the damage to the other car. Vì vụ tai nạn là lỗi của tôi nên tôi phải trả tiền thiệt hại cho chiếc xe kia.
2783 getting lots of invitations TO wedding banquets. Nhiều bạn của tôi năm nay cưới. Tôi vẫn đang được nhận rất nhiều lời mời tới dự các đám cưới.
2805 I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up later. Tôi xin lỗi vì sự bừa bộn. Tôi sẽ dọn nó sau.
2806 you yesterday. — Thank you for apologizing to me. Tôi xin lỗi vì đã quát cậu hôm qua. > Tôi xin lỗi vì tôi đã quát cậu hôm qua. - Cảm ơn vì đã xin lỗi tôi.
2812 The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death! Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "The Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp!
2822 The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes. Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ.
2833 Have you responded to your boss's email? Cậu đã trả lời thư điện tử của ông chủ chưa?
2836 His lawyer refused to answer the policeman's question. Luật sư của anh ấy từ chối trả lời câu hỏi của viên cảnh sát.
2837 Don't worry, they think you're funny. They weren't laughing at you, they were laughing at your joke. Đừng lo, họ nghĩ cậu hài hước. Họ không cười cậu mà họ cười trò đùa của cậu.
2843 they hit the ground, they fell down a drain. Tôi đã bảo cô ấy ném cho tôi chùm chìa khoá qua cửa sổ nhưng khi nó rơi xuống đất thì nó đã lọt xuống cống.
2844 If you're worried about it, don't just sit there, do something about it. Nếu cậu lo lắng về nó thì đừng chỉ có ngồi đấy, hãy làm gì đó đi.
2851 worry about anything. Tôi sẽ lo tất cả các thủ tục đi lại nên cậu không cần phải lo gì cả.
2854 What kind of person have you dreamed of becoming? Cậu đã mơ trở thành loại người như thế nào?
2877 After doing a homestay in England, I thanked my hosts for their kind hospitality. Sau khi ở trọ với chủ nhà ở Anh, tôi đã cảm ơn chủ nhà vì lòng mến khách của họ.
2879 it doesn't bring the victims back. Dù một kẻ giết người có xin lỗi vì những gì hắn làm bao nhiêu đi chăng nữa, nó cũng không thể đưa nạn nhân trở về.
2880 Don't blame your behavior on your sister. You owe her an apology. Đừng đổ lỗi cư xử của cậu lên em gái cậu. > Cậu nợ cô ấy một lời xin lỗi.
2881 The misunderstanding was my fault, so I apologized. > I apologized for the misunderstanding. Sự hiểu lầm là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã xin lỗi. > Tôi đã xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm.
2882 She always says everything is my fault. > She always blames me for everything. Cô ấy luôn luôn nói mọi thứ là lỗi tại tôi. > Cô ấy luôn đổ lỗi cho tôi về mọi thứ.
2883 Do you blame the government for the economic crisis? > I think everybody wants to blame the government for the economic crisis. Cậu có đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế không? > Tôi nghĩ mọi người muốn đổ lỗi cho chính phủ về khủng hoảng kinh tế.
2885 blame the increase in violent crime on television. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng các vụ phạm tội bạo lực là lỗi của truyền hình. > Tôi đổ lỗi gia tăng các vụ phạm tội bạo lực cho truyền hình.
2886 EN I think the increase in suicides recently is to be blamed on the economy. Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần đây là lỗi tại kinh tế.
2890 Everybody relies on her because she always keeps her promises. Mọi người tin tưởng cô ấy vì cô ấy luôn giữ lời hứa.
2897 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the repairs. Vụ tai nạn là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã phải trả tiền sửa chữa.
2910 A truck collided with a bus on the highway this morning, causing a ve-car pile-up. Một chiếc xe tải đâm vào một chiếc xe bus trên quốc lộ sáng nay gây ra một vụ đâm chồng năm xe.
2911 Please ll this pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. Làm ơn đổ nước vào ấm và cho nó vào lò để đun sôi.
2925 You can tell Tomoko works out at the gym every day because she looks great. She jogs, takes a yoga class, does aerobics, and lifts weights. Cậu có thể nói Tomoko ngày nào cũng thực hiện tập thể hình vì cô ấy trông rất tuyệt. Cô ấy đi bộ, học lớp yoga, tập aerobic và cử tạ.
2931 I'm sorry, the book you're looking for isn't in stock. It's all sold out. Tôi xin lỗi, cuốn sách mà cậu đang tìm không có trong kho. Tất cả đã bán hết rồi.
2951 When Ichirou had just arrived in London, a man came up to him in the street and asked for money, so he gave him a few Japanese yen. Khi Ichirou vừa mới đến London, một người đàn ông đã tiến đến gần anh ấy trên phố và xin tiền nên anh ấy đã đưa cho ông ta một ít đồng yen Nhật.
2956 The police accidentally shot and killed a man. They tried to cover up what really happened, but it became a big scandal. Cảnh sát vô tình bắn chết một người đàn ông. Họ cố gắng che đậy chuyện thực tế xảy ra nhưng nó trở thành một vụ lùm xùm lớn.
2962 My parents were away on business when I was a child, so my grandparents brought me up. > My grandparents raised me. Bố mẹ tôi đi làm xa khi tôi còn bé nên ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. > Ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn.
2979 The two (2) brothers are identical twins, so everybody gets them mixed up. Hai anh em là cặp sinh đôi cùng trứng. Vậy nên mọi người thường lẫn lộn họ với nhau.
2981 When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up. Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực hiện một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ.
2990 In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát hiện ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ.

accept sth from sb: She won't accept advice from anyone. accept
accept sth: Please accept our sincere apologies. accept
accept sth from sb: He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. accept
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable. acceptable
strong winds accompanied by heavy rain accompany
The text is accompanied by a series of stunning photographs. accompany
What's your account number please? account
He was unable to account for the error. account for sth
They stand accused of crimes against humanity. accuse
act of sth: an act of kindness act
Before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle. active
leisure/outdoor/classroom activities activity
The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash. activity
A large organization can be slow to adapt to change. adapt
The plan has the added (= extra) advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. add
add A and B together: If you add all these amounts together you get a huge figure. add
Police found him at an address (= a house or flat/apartment) in West London. address
He didn't give an adequate answer to the question. adequate
admit sb/sth: Each ticket admits one adult. admit
He refused to admit his guilt. admit
+ speech: 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly. admit
Children must be accompanied by an adult. adult
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed. adult
major advances in the field of physics advance
We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow. advance
a big/great/definite advantage advantage
an unfair advantage (= sth that benefits you, but not your opponents) advantage
She had the advantage of a good education. advantage
You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. advantage
advantage over sb: Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players. advantage
companies seeking competitive advantage over their trading rivals advantage
A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run. advantage
One advantage of/One of the advantages of living in the country is the fresh air. advantage
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. take advantage of sth/sb
He took advantage of my generosity (= for example, by taking more than I had intended to give). take advantage of sth/sb
When you're a child, life is one big adventure. adventure
Follow your doctor's advice. advice
Let me give you a piece of advice. advice
A word of advice. Don't wear that dress. advice
Take my advice. Don't do it. advice
I chose it on his advice. advice
advise (sb) what, which, whether, etc...: The pharmacist will advise which medicines are safe to take. advise
Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said. afterwards
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). age
She went to London with the aim of finding a job. aim
aim for sth: We should aim for a bigger share of the market. aim
My criticism wasn't aimed at you. aim
I need to put some air in my tyres. air
The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers. alarm
All this mail must be answered. all
'I'm really sorry.' 'That's all right, don't worry.' all right
All right class, turn to page 20. all right
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level. alongside
Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle. alongside
'What am I going to do?' she wondered aloud. aloud
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. alter
alternative comedy/lifestyles/values alternative
The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. amount
At the meeting they presented a detailed analysis of twelve schools in a London borough. analysis
Miss another class and you'll fail. and
angry with/at sb: Please don't be angry with me. It wasn't my fault. angry
a small furry animal animal
+ speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. announce
it annoys sb when...: It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you. annoy
I rang the bell, but there was no answer. answer
a question and answer session answer
answer to sth: I can't easily give an answer to your question. answer
Have you had an answer to your letter? answer
As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us £10 000. answer
She had no answer to the accusations. answer
Write your answers on the sheet provided. answer
Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? answer
The answers are at the back of the book. answer
The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100. answer
There is no easy answer. answer
This could be the answer to all our problems. answer
The obvious answer would be to cancel the party. answer
I repeated the question, but she didn't answer. answer
He answered as truthfully as he could. answer
answer sth: You haven't answered my question. answer
to answer a letter/an advertisement answer
to answer the phone (= to pick up the phone when it rings) answer
to answer the door (= to open the door when sb knocks/rings) answer
My prayers have been answered (= I have got what I wanted). answer
He refused to answer the charges against him. answer
We are grateful to all those people who answered our call for help with fund-raising. answer
answer (sb): Come on, answer me! Where were you? answer
He answered me with a smile. answer
+ speech: 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered. answer
answer sb + speech: 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered him. answer
answer (sb) that...: She answered that she would prefer to walk. answer
answer sb sth: Answer me this: how did they know we were here? answer
anticipate sth: We don't anticipate any major problems. anticipate
anticipate doing sth: They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year. anticipate
acute/intense/deep anxiety anxiety
Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety. anxiety
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. anxiety
anxious (about sth): He seemed anxious about the meeting. anxious
anxious (for sb): Parents are naturally anxious for their children. anxious
There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game. anxious
an anxious look/face/expression anxious
anxious to do sth: She was anxious to finish school and get a job. anxious
He was anxious not to be misunderstood. anxious
anxious for sth: There are plenty of graduates anxious for work. anxious
anxious for sb to do sth: I'm anxious for her to do as little as possible. anxious
anxious that...: She was anxious that he should meet her father. anxious
to ask/look/wait anxiously anxiously
Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision. anxiously
He forbids any talking in class. any
If you remember anything at all, please let us know. anything
I'm afraid we can't come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. anyway
Many of these animals are not found anywhere else. anywhere
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. apart from
Why should I apologize? apologize
Go and apologize to her. apologize
We apologize for the late departure of this flight. apologize
It would appear that this was a major problem. appear
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate) (= cross out the options that do not apply). appropriate
The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs. area
There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight. area
John is the London area manager. area
Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area. area
argument (with sb) (about/over sth): We had an argument with the waiter about the bill. argument
We apologize for the late arrival of the train. arrival
an art teacher/student/college/class art
As she grew older she gained in confidence. as
ashamed of yourself: You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. ashamed
ashamed to be sth: The football riots made me ashamed to be English. ashamed
He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice. aside
Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits. aside
ask for sth: to ask for a job/a drink/an explanation ask
ask sth: Why don't you ask his advice? ask
ask sb for sth: Why don't you ask him for his advice? ask
The consultancy gives advice to manufacturers on the health and safety aspects of their products. aspect
Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. assist
assist sb to do sth: a course to assist adults to return to the labour market assist
assistance in doing sth/to do sth: The company provides advice and assistance in finding work. assistance
The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. association
At the roundabout take the third exit. at
I felt at a disadvantage. at
The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity. atmosphere
Please complete the attached application form. attached
a panic attack attack
a series of racist attacks attack
attempt to do sth: I will attempt to answer all your questions. attempt
Films with big stars always attract great attention. attention
Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. attraction
Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction. attraction
a big house with an attractive garden attractive
Class sizes in the school are below the national average. average
He lies awake at night worrying about his job. awake
Sorry, he's away. away
The awful thing is, it was my fault. awful
'I'm sorry,' he said awkwardly. awkwardly
Back at home, her parents were worried. back
Please give me my ball back. back
a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background background
The kids took the dog's death very badly (= they were very unhappy). badly
balance sth (out): This year's profits will balance our previous losses. balance
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
The sun was a huge ball of fire low on the horizon. ball
I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. bargain
a class-based society based
the cost of basic foods basic
Please run a bath for me (= fill the bath with water). bath
I tried phoning but there was no answer. be
He wants to be (= become) a pilot when he grows up. be
London is not England (= do not think that all of England is like London). be
beat sth + adv./prep.: She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). beat
beat sb + adv./prep.: An elderly man was found beaten to death. beat
several loud beats on the drum beat
Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. because
He lay in bed (= under the covers). bed
a joint/fillet of beef beef
What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot. begin
We missed the beginning of the movie. beginning
The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life. beginning
He's behind the rest of the class in reading. behind
This bag was left behind after the class. behind
She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral. believe
The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him. believe
believe sth: I believed his lies for years. believe
Don't believe a word of it (= don't believe any part of what sb is saying). believe
Her work was well below average for the class. below
I've had the benefit of a good education. benefit
The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. benefit
It will be to your benefit to arrive early. benefit
He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer. benefit
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work. benefit
With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently. benefit
For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. benefit
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week. for sb's benefit
Don't go to any trouble for my benefit! for sb's benefit
We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. benefit
Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes? benefit
Most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences. benefit
The best thing to do would be to apologize. best
Don't worry about the exam—just do your best. best
a big decision big
Tonight is the biggest match of his career. big
You are making a big mistake. big
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
You're a big girl now. big
a big man/house/increase big
This shirt isn't big enough. big
It's the world's biggest computer company. big
He had this great big grin on his face. big
The news came as a big blow. big
We ran up a massive hotel bill. bill
a species of bird bird
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy. birth
The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits. bit
Greg thought for a bit before answering. bit
bite off sth/sth off: He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. bite
She wept bitterly. bitterly
Two black coffees, please. black
If anyone's to blame, it's me. be to blame (for sth)
Which driver was to blame for the accident? be to blame (for sth)
Call her if you like, but don't blame me if she's angry. don't blame me
'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!' I don't blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth)
to lay/put the blame for sth on sb blame
The government will have to take the blame for the riots. blame
Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong? blame
I'm not interested in apportioning blame for the accident (= deciding how much each person involved was responsible for it). blame
Please fill in the blanks. blank
If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. blank
His way was blocked by two large bouncers. block
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. body
I'm sorry—we're fully booked. book
I have two sisters. Both of them live in London/They both live in London. both
Both (my) sisters live in London. both
'Shall I wait?' 'No, don't bother'. bother
'I'm sorry he was so rude to you.' 'It doesn't bother me.' bother
it bothers sb to do sth: It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house. bother
Sorry to bother you, but there's a call for you on line two. bother
I was always bottom of the class in math. bottom
The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door. bottom
You're bound to be nervous the first time (= it's easy to understand). bound
The older boys at school used to tease him. boy
Her eldest boy is at college. boy
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
to break an agreement/a contract/a promise/your word break
The ship was broken up for scrap metal. break sth up
We (= the car) broke down on the freeway. break down
a big/hearty/light breakfast breakfast
Labradors and other large breeds of dog breed
the brightest pupil in the class bright
Please bring back all library books by the end of the week. bring sb/sth back
a broad expanse of water broad
the broad plains of the American West broad
Computer viruses fall into three broad categories. broad
a broad street/avenue/river broad
a broad smile/grin (= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused) broad
a big-budget movie budget
I am anxious not to build up false hopes (= to encourage people to hope for too much). build sth up
There were bullet holes in the door. bullet
a bunch of keys bunch
burn sth: Sorry—I burnt the toast. burn
A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace. burn
The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet. burn
burn sb/sth + adj.: His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. burn
The sun burst through the clouds. burst
The words burst from her in an angry rush. burst
Victoria is one of London's busiest stations. busy
I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer. but
Excuse me, I can't get by. by
calculate that...: Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area. calculate
By my calculation(s), we made a profit of £20 000 last year. calculation
What do they call that new fabric? call
a call for help call
I'll take (= answer) the call upstairs. call
I left a message but he didn't return my call. call
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
He couldn't answer the question. can
Can you feed the cat, please? can
a can of beans can
a beer/paint can can
We drank a can of Coke each. can
Most skin cancers are completely curable. cancer
capacity for sth: She has an enormous capacity for hard work. capacity
Please write in capitals/in capital letters. capital
She chose her words with care. care
Great care is needed when choosing a used car. care
Don't worry about the travel arrangements. They're all being taken care of. take care of sb/sth/yourself
a careers adviser/officer (= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs) career
a careless mistake/error careless
to carry out a promise/a threat/a plan/an order carry sth out
carry doing sth: He carried on peeling the potatoes. carry on (with sth), carry sth on
a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) case
Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. catch
Students over 25 fall into a different category. category
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
There is no cause for concern. cause
Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. cause
The donation is the biggest private gift to a humanitarian cause. cause
Doctors say her condition is causing some concern. cause
Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job. cease
a large room with a high ceiling ceiling
major urban/industrial centres centre
The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career. challenge
This is your big chance (= opportunity for success). chance
Change at Reading (for London). change
This shirt I bought's too small—I'll have to change it for a bigger one. change
Of course we'll change it for a larger size, Madam. change
We changed the car for a bigger one. change
He puts his loose change in a money box for the children. change
The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. characteristic
charge sth: Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card). charge
Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity. charity
This particular fish chases off any other fish that enters its territory. chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc.
You're not allowed to look at the answers—that's cheating. cheat
Anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified from the examination. cheat
They cheated him out of his share of the profits. cheat sb (out) of sth
Please check in at least an hour before departure. check in (at...)
He checked into a top London clinic yesterday for an operation on his knee. check into...
I'm sorry, they aren't here. They checked out this morning. check out (of...)
Could you give the tyres a check? check
The drugs were found in their car during a routine check by police. check
a check for spelling mistakes check
a selection of French cheeses cheese
a hairy chest chest
I lived in London as a child. child
They have three grown-up children. child
a support group for adult children of alcoholics child
In this business, you have to learn to take criticism on the chin. take sth on the chin
one of the great successes of British cinema cinema
a major city city
claim sth: Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. claim
He always travels business class. class
There's a real touch of class about this team. class
It was good accommodation for a hotel of this class. class
different classes of drugs class
Dickens was in a different class from (= was much better than) most of his contemporaries. class
the working/middle/upper class class
The party tries to appeal to all classes of society. class
the professional classes class
the class system class
a society in which class is more important than ability class
We were in the same class at school. class
She is the youngest in her class. class
He came top of the class. class
The whole class was/were told to stay behind after school. class
I was late for a class. class
She works hard in class (= during the class). class
I have a history class at 9 o'clock. class
I've been taking classes in pottery. class
Are you still doing your French evening class? class
classroom activities classroom
the use of computers in the classroom classroom
Keep the jokes clean please! clean
a clear colourless liquid clear
His height gives him a clear advantage. clear
Please speak clearly after the tone. clearly
Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. client
a fur/leather coat coat
a dog with a smooth/shaggy coat coat
to give the walls a second coat of paint coat
In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear. code
There are three codes for London. code
Two strong black coffees, please. coffee
to stare/smile/reply coldly coldly
collect sth: We seem to have collected an enormous number of boxes (= without intending to). collect
Nelson's Column in London column
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
combine A and/with B: The hotel combines comfort with convenience. combine
The handle came loose. come
The rain stopped and the sun came out. come out
Set the oven to come on at six. come on
A button had come off my coat. come off (sth)
Much of our butter comes from New Zealand. come from sth
She comes from London. come from...
I tried to offer a few words of comfort. comfort
His words were of little comfort in the circumstances. comfort
Please make yourself comfortable while I get some coffee. comfortable
Please email us or leave a comment on our website. comment
What she said was fair comment (= a reasonable criticism). comment
commitment (to sb/sth): She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. commitment
Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. common
a common spelling mistake common
They share a common interest in photography. common
This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). common
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children. communicate
the Polish community in London community
the largest computer company in the world company
Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors. compare
The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with New York's skyscrapers. by/in comparison (with sb/sth)
He's hoping to compete in the London marathon. compete
to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies competitive
concept (of sth): the concept of social class concept
In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care. concern
concern (over sth/sb): The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment. concern
The President's health was giving serious cause for concern. concern
concerned (that)...: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. concerned
The pathway is formed from large pebbles set in concrete. concrete
He answered the questions with confidence. confidence
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. confirm
Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite). confirm
conflicting emotions/interests/loyalties conflict
People often confuse me and my twin sister. confuse
To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes. confusion
He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question. confusion
Sacha felt confusion sweeping over her as she read the letter. confusion
Fighting had broken out and all was chaos and confusion. confusion
to offer/send your congratulations to sb congratulation
I missed the connection by five minutes. connection
A faulty connection caused the machine to stop. connection
He was considering an appeal. consider
This award is considered (to be) a great honour. consider
Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success. take sth into consideration
a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice) consult
She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major American computer firm. contract
contrast (to sb/sth): The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier. contrast
contrast (in sth): A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture. contrast
Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. contrast
Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply. contrast
Don't worry—everything's under control! be under control
A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. convenient
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
a cookie jar cookie
the earth's core core
the core of a nuclear reactor core
The standards of housing and education are often lower in the older urban cores (= the centres of towns or cities). core
the core of the argument core
Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. core
the correct answer correct
Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. cost
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
It costs a fortune to fly first class. cost
Sorry, I couldn't get any more. could
Don't worry—they could have just forgotten to call. could
count for sth: The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. count
The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole. country
Taking her courage in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. take your courage in both hands
Much of the country is covered by forest. cover
Cover the chicken loosely with foil. cover
He laughed to cover (= hide) his nervousness. cover
a thick covering of snow on the ground covering
The cracks (= faults) in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show. crack
The tree fell with a great crash. crash
a cream cleaner cream
His courage brought great credit to his regiment. credit
The massacre was a crime against humanity. crime
The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters (= they did not trust it any longer). crisis
to offer sb constructive criticism (= that is meant to be helpful) criticism
I didn't mean it as a criticism. criticism
criticisms levelled at (= aimed at) journalists criticism
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
Sugar is an important crop on the island. crop
We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one). crop
Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong. cross
Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage. cry
working-class culture culture
A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. curb
The baby had dark eyes and dark curls. curl
There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down (= the play ended). curtain
The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. customs
cut through sth: You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. cut
a cycle route/track cycle
a dance class/routine dance
danger that...: There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return. danger
She dared not breathe a word of it to anybody. dare
These days kids grow up so quickly. these days
She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job. deal with sb
As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney. deal
The decay of the wood will spread if it is not removed. decay
a big (= an important) decision decision
The company reported a small decline in its profits. decline
decrease in sth: This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year. decrease
He's in deep trouble. deep
a place of great power and of deep significance deep
a deep hole/well/river deep
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues. degree
We apologize for the delay in answering your letter. delay
She's been deliberately ignoring him all day. deliberately
Please pay for goods on delivery (= when you receive them). delivery
Flying makes enormous demands on pilots. demand
demand sth: She demanded an immediate explanation. demand
His sudden departure threw the office into chaos. departure
Does the quality of teaching depend on class size? depend on/upon sth
Her paintings reveal hidden depths (= unknown and interesting things about her character). depth
a personal pain that goes beyond description (= is too great to express in words) description
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
weapons of mass destruction destruction
Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. detail
'We had a terrible time—' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).' detail
He fought the illness with courage and determination. determination
A new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed. develop
The words died on my lips (= I stopped speaking). die
to receive advice on diet diet
Changing schools made a big difference to my life. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
She offered us five different kinds of cake. different
He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued. difficulty
dig sth: to dig a ditch/grave/hole/tunnel dig
a direct answer/question direct
We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work. direct
She now directs a large choir. direct
Was that remark directed at me? direct
I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking. direction
First remove any grease or dirt from the surface. dirt
disadvantage (of sth): One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport. disadvantage
disadvantage (to sth): There are disadvantages to the plan. disadvantage
What's the main disadvantage? disadvantage
I was at a disadvantage compared to the younger members of the team. disadvantage
The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage. disadvantage
I hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage. disadvantage
The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages. disadvantage
Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. disadvantage
Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage. disappear
To our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip. disappointment
a bitter/major disappointment disappointment
That new restaurant was a big disappointment. disappointment
He's suffered a whole string of disappointments this week. disappointment
She keeps good discipline in class. discipline
discover sb/sth: Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house. discover
In 1974 Hawking made the discovery (= he discovered) that black holes give off radiation. discovery
disgusted (with sb/sth/yourself): I was disgusted with myself for eating so much. disgusted
They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta. dish
The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand (= without thinking about it). dismiss
dismiss sth: Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher. dismiss
She displayed her bruises for all to see. display
a breathtaking display of aerobatics display
What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? distinguish
The power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals. distinguish
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. distribution
the City of London's financial district district
I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment? disturb
a disturbing piece of news disturbing
social/class divisions division
She did well out of (= made a big profit from) the deal. do
domestic service (= the work of a servant in a large house) domestic
to open/shut/close/slam/lock/bolt the door door
to answer the door (= to go and open it because sb has knocked on it or rung the bell) door
the front/back door (= at the entrance at the front/back of a building) door
It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap. double
Please sit down. down
They arrived in dozens (= in large numbers). dozen
a dramatic victory dramatic
It's a three-hour drive to London. drive
The accident was the other driver's fault. driver
a dramatic/sharp drop in profits drop
a hard (= very harmful) drug such as heroin drug
a soft drug (= one that is not considered very harmful) drug
He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them). drug
The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs. drug
There was a great crash and then a long roll of drums. drum
Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk). drunk
When the paint is completely dry, apply another coat. dry
As she got older, offers of modelling work began to dry up. dry up
Most of the problems were due to human error. due
Each answer is worth 20 points. each
Each of the answers is worth 20 points. each
The answers are worth 20 points each. each
'Red or blue?' 'I'll take one of each, please.' each
She's had her ears pierced. ear
He was always there with a sympathetic ear (= a willingness to listen to people). ear
The earliest description of this species dates from 1703. early
It would ease my mind (= make me less worried) to know that she was settled. ease
I was too nervous to eat. eat
Buy the large economy pack (= the one that gives you better value for money). economy
to fly economy (class) (= by the cheapest class of air travel) economy
a big house on/at the edge of town edge
adult education classes education
the Department of Health, Education and Welfare education
the effect of heat on metal effect
the beneficial effects of exercise effect
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely. effect
As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories. efficient
There are two types of qualification—either is acceptable. either
an elderly couple elderly
The answer to the problem must be sought elsewhere. elsewhere
an embarrassing mistake/question/situation embarrassing
Much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing. embarrassment
emerge (from sth): The swimmer emerged from the lake. emerge
They expressed mixed emotions at the news. emotion
We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice. emphasis
it must/should be emphasized that...: It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation. emphasize
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones. emphasize
one of the largest employers in the area employer
an empty promise empty
an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds empty
a new programme to enable older people to study at college enable
encourage sb: We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public. encourage
a few words of encouragement encouragement
Her words were a great encouragement to them. encouragement
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them). enemy
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering. engineering
Do you get any enjoyment out of this type of work? enjoyment
an enormous house/dog enormous
an enormous amount of time enormous
enormous interest enormous
The problems facing the President are enormous. enormous
This house isn't big enough for us. enough
She's old enough to decide for herself. enough
It never entered my head (= I never thought) that she would tell him about me. enter
entertain sb: Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends. entertain
The aim of the series is both to entertain and inform. entertain
I'm not entirely happy about the proposal. entirely
the entrance to the museum/the museum entrance entrance
A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour. entrance
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class. equal
The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children. equally
The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment. equally
I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped). escape
She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. estate
estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. estimate
Even a child can understand it (= so adults certainly can). even
There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay. even so
His words had exactly the opposite effect. exactly
Your answer is exactly right. exactly
He wasn't exactly pleased to see us—in fact he refused to open the door. not exactly
Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple. examination
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
example (to sb): Her courage is an example to us all. example
The news caused great excitement among her friends. excitement
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
Try excluding fat from your diet. exclude
Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded. exclude
Women are still excluded from some London clubs. exclude
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
She felt excluded by the other girls (= they did not let her join in what they were doing). exclude
Late again! What's your excuse this time? excuse
It's late. I'm afraid I'll have to make my excuses (= say I'm sorry, give my reasons and leave). excuse
excuse sth: Please excuse the mess. excuse
excuse sb: You must excuse my father—he's not always that rude. excuse
excuse sb doing sth: Excuse my interrupting you. excuse
Excuse me, is this the way to the station? excuse me
Excuse me, could you let me through? excuse me
Guy sneezed loudly. 'Excuse me,' he said. excuse me
Excuse me, but I don't think that's true. excuse me
'Excuse me for a moment,' she said and left the room. excuse me
Oh, excuse me. I didn't see you there. excuse me
There is a fire exit on each floor of the building. exit
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
Leave the roundabout at the second exit. exit
Take the exit for Brno. exit
Metals expand when they are heated. expand
expand sth: In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs. expand
expect sth of sb/sth: That's not the sort of behaviour I expect of you! expect
it is expected that...: It is expected that the report will suggest some major reforms. expect
The garden was transformed at great expense. expense
She always travels first-class regardless of expense. expense
Running a car is a big expense. expense
Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? experience
My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage. experience
He seems to have had some sort of religious experience. experience
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
explanation (for doing sth): She didn't give an adequate explanation for being late. explanation
explanation (of sth): The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned. explanation
explanation (as to why...): an explanation as to why he had left early explanation
She left the room abruptly without explanation. explanation
For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5. explanation
explode sth: There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside. explode
There were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames. explosion
to expose yourself to ridicule expose
She was exposed as a liar and a fraud. expose
My job as a journalist is to expose the truth. expose
expose sth to sb: He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. expose
express how, what, etc...: Words cannot express how pleased I am. express
There was a worried expression on her face. expression
an extensive range of wines extensive
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
Now even bigger! Ten per cent extra! extra
an extra large T-shirt extra
Do you have this sweatshirt in an extra large size? extra
The president took the extraordinary step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour! extraordinary
I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her. extremely
If you're going to make accusations, you'd better get your facts right (= make sure your information is correct). fact
She was disqualified after failing a drugs test. fail
a fair-sized town fair
I think it is fair to say that they are pleased with this latest offer. fair
We've lost faith in the government's promises. faith
Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls. fall
a steep fall in profits fall
a big fall in unemployment fall
false teeth/eyelashes FALSE
The town's only claim to fame is that there was once a riot there. fame
They have a large family. family
'Everything's under control.' 'Famous last words!' famous last words
a big fan of Madonna fan
To answer that question we need to go further back in time. far
We'll go by train as far as London, and then take a bus. far
As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern. as far as I know, as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.
She's doing fine as far as French is concerned, it's her German I'm worried about. as/so far as sb/sth is concerned, as/so far as sb/sth goes
She lives in a very fashionable part of London. fashionable
Children grow up so fast these days. fast
The book's virtues far outweigh its faults. fault
The system, for all its faults, is the best available at the moment. fault
a major fault in the design fault
a structural fault fault
an electrical fault fault
He's proud of his children and blind to their faults. fault
I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them). fault
I think my worst fault is impatience. fault
Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault? fault
It's nobody's fault. fault
fault (that...): It was his fault that we were late. fault
fault (for doing sth): It's your own fault for being careless. fault
Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own. fault
I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us. fault
He believes that the product's poor image is partly the fault of the press. fault
The programme has lost favour with viewers recently. favour
Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? favour
I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to. favour
Don't worry, you have nothing to fear from us. fear
fear sth: She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst (= think that she is dead). fear
Never fear/Fear not (= Don't worry), I shall return. fear
They have a large family to feed. feed
I felt (that) I had to apologize. feel
This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake. feel
I was feeling guilty. feel
guilty feelings feeling
I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room. fellow
We've had a few replies. few
There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area. few
'How big was the bomb, if it did all that damage?' 'I don't know. Not my field' (= that is not one of the subjects I know about). field
the world's fifth-largest oil exporter fifth
Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically. figure
fill sth: Please fill this glass for me. fill
fill sth with sth: to fill a hole with earth/a bucket with water fill
television news film of the riots film
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
Tokyo and New York are major financial centres. financial
Don't worry. Your speech was fine. fine
You're a fine one to talk! (= you are not in a position to criticize, give advice, etc.) fine
finely chopped herbs finely
He finished off his drink with one large gulp. finish
The story was a lie from start to finish. finish
to apply extra coats of finish finish
furniture available in a range of finishes finish
a log/coal fire fire
We sat in front of a roaring fire. fire
There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world. fish
The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes. fish
fit into sth: His pictures don't fit into any category. fit
Lightning flashed in the distance. flash
Chapattis are a kind of flat Indian bread. flat
Many large old houses have been converted into flats. flat
We met on a flight from London to Paris. flight
The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country. flood
an appeal to help flood victims flood
flood sb with sth: The words flooded him with self-pity. flood
The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily. flood
There will be heavy rain with flooding in some areas. flooding
(+ adv./prep.): A large stone came flying in through the window. fly
They were on a plane flying from London to New York. fly
a pilot trained to fly large passenger planes fly
follow (sb): Sorry, I don't follow. follow
Sorry, I don't follow you. follow
They followed the teachings of Buddha. follow
Why didn't you follow my advice? follow
The first two classes are followed by a break of ten minutes. follow
Answer the following questions. following
The band has a huge following in Italy. following
Daniel was shifting anxiously from foot to foot. foot
I took her classes for her while she was sick. for
They are anxious for her safety. for
He didn't answer for fear of hurting her. for
She's tall for her age. for
That's too much responsibility for a child. for
A large proportion of the labour force (= all the people who work in a particular company, area, etc.) is unskilled. force
The rioters were taken away by force. force
forget (about sth): 'Why weren't you at the meeting?' 'Sorry—I forgot.' forget
forgive (sth): I can't forgive that type of behaviour. forgive
forgive me: Forgive me, but I don't see that any of this concerns me. forgive
forgive me for doing sth: Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that. forgive
The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops. form
The table was formed of two large slabs of stone. form
to make a formal apology/complaint/request formal
John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France formerly
The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. foundation
free samples/tickets/advice free
free to do sth: You are free to come and go as you please. free
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive. freely
a toothpaste that leaves a nice fresh taste in your mouth fresh
a fresh coat of paint fresh
From what I heard the company's in deep trouble. from
The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom. front
Their house is the one with the big garden in front. in front
A full refund will be given if the item is faulty. full
They sell a full range of hair and beauty products. full
The cat carefully licked its fur. fur
a fur coat fur
the fur trade fur
a fur farm (= where animals are bred and killed for their fur) fur
The animal is hunted for its fur. fur
fur-lined gloves fur
elegant ladies in furs fur
gain sth: to gain entrance/entry/access to sth gain
These policies have resulted in great gains in public health. gain
The party had a net gain of nine seats on the local council. gain
It was the biggest gamble of his political career. gamble
They're in training for the big game. game
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). gap
His death left an enormous gap in my life. gap
a gas cooker/fire/furnace/oven/ring/stove gas
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 (= a particular temperature of a gas oven) gas
A large crowd was gathered outside the studio. gather
books of general interest (= of interest to most people) general
The male is generally larger with a shorter beak. generally
to generate income/profit generate
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. generation
Please give generously. generously
He looks scary but he's really a gentle giant. gentle
genuinely sorry genuinely
Parents are always anxious for their children to get on. get on
She got herself into a real state (= became very anxious) before the interview. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
get doing sth: I hope to get around to answering your letter next week. get round/around to sth
He's a giant of a man. giant
a giant crab giant
a giant-size box of tissues giant
a giant step towards achieving independence giant
He turned to us and gave a big smile (= smiled broadly). give
He gave a loud cry (= cried out loudly) and fell to the floor. give
Her work has given pleasure to (= pleased) millions of readers. give
give sth to sb: She'd given the bug to all her colleagues. give
We need your help—please give generously. give
She was given a huge bunch of flowers. give
I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. give
Don't give me any of that backchat (= don't be rude). give
She gave away state secrets to the enemy. give sth/sb away
I give up—tell me the answer. give up
The vegetables are grown under glass (= in a greenhouse ). glass
to go for a walk/drive/swim/run go
good for sb: Can we change our meeting? Monday isn't good (= convenient) for me. good
It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then. good
'How are you?' 'I'm good.' (= used as a general reply to a greeting) good
Did you have a good time in London? good
Sorry, my English is not very good. good
Cuts have been made for the good of the company. good
I'm only telling you this for your own good. good
Was his advice ever any good? be no good, not be any/much good
She didn't even say goodbye to her mother . goodbye
Say goodbye to Mary for me. goodbye
We've already said our goodbyes. goodbye
Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills. goodbye
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
She's still only on a secretarial grade. grade
70% of pupils got Grade C or above. grade
Sam is in (the) second grade. grade
grade sth/sb (by/according to sth): The containers are graded according to size. grade
grade sth/sb from... to...: Eggs are graded from small to extra large. grade
Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied). grade
grade sb/sth: I spent all weekend grading papers. grade
The wedding was a very grand occasion. grand
a grand design/plan/strategy grand
New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale. grand
As the great day approached, she grew more and more nervous. great
One great advantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust. great
This represents a great achievement. great
A great crowd had gathered. great
People were arriving in great numbers. great
There was a great big pile of books on the table. great
Her death was a great shock to us all. great
We are all to a great extent the products of our culture. great
Try to adopt a greener lifestyle. green
We had to go over the same ground (= talk about the same things again) in class the next day. ground
Most of the monkeys' food is found at ground level. ground
A growing child needs plenty of sleep. grow
She grew up in Boston (= lived there as a child). grow up
Their children have all grown up and left home now. grow up
grow to do sth: He grew up to become a famous pianist. grow up
Why don't you grow up? grow up
It's time you grew up. grow up
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
guess sth: She guessed the answer straight away. guess
I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. guilty
John had a guilty look on his face. guilty
I had a guilty conscience and could not sleep. guilty
a big/nice/tough guy guy
body/facial/pubic hair hair
The rug was covered with cat hairs. hair
Put your hand up if you know the answer. hand
Could you hand these books out, please? hand sth out (to sb)
He's always handing out advice to people. hand sth out (to sb)
We hung her portrait above the fireplace. hang
He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him. hang
Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her)? happen to sb/sth
happy (with sb/sth): Are you happy with that arrangement? happy
I'm not happy with his work this term. happy
happy (about sb/sth): If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. happy
You are hard to please, aren't you? hard
Hardly anyone has bothered to reply. hardly
Can I have the bill, please? have
Sorry, I've got to go. have to
First, you have to think logically about your fears. have to
The thought never entered my head. head
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
a healthy diet/climate/lifestyle healthy
a shampoo that keeps hair looking healthy healthy
Set the oven to a low/high/moderate heat. heat
Just heat up the food in the microwave. heat sth up
What type of heating do you have? heating
Avoid heavy foods that are difficult to digest. heavy
heavy curtains heavy
big, dark rooms full of heavy furniture heavy
the noise of heavy traffic heavy
She was struggling with a heavy suitcase. heavy
She worries about her height (= that she is too tall). height
Please state your height and weight. height
I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Sorry I can't be more helpful. helpful
Please give her my regards. her
She hesitated before replying. hesitate
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. hesitate
The tree blew over in the high winds. high
A high proportion of our staff are female. high
an interstate highway highway
a turning point in human history history
A tornado hit on Tuesday night. hit
We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses. hit
Her hobbies include swimming and gardening. hobby
She was holding a large box. hold
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
It's very windy—you'd better hold on to your hat. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
a rabbit/mouse, etc. hole hole
to drill/bore/punch/kick a hole in sth hole
There were holes in the knees of his trousers. hole
The children climbed through a hole in the fence. hole
a bullet hole hole
He dug a deep hole in the garden. hole
The bomb blew a huge hole in the ground. hole
Water had collected in the holes in the road. hole
While travelling she missed the comforts of home. home
an honest answer honest
I didn't tell anyone, honestly! honestly
I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best. hope for the best
'Nobody blames you.' 'I should hope not!' I should hope so/not, so I should hope
She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider. horror
Cook in a very hot oven. hot
Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours. hour
We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. however
a huge crowd huge
huge debts huge
huge amounts of data huge
The sums of money involved are potentially huge. huge
The party was a huge success. huge
This is going to be a huge problem for us. huge
We must allow for human error. human
She ignored his feeble attempt at humour. humour
She hurried away without saying goodbye. hurry
She hurried after Gary to apologize to him. hurry
Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now—I'm in a hurry. in a hurry
My daughter is in such a hurry to grow up. in a hurry to do sth
What really hurt was that he never answered my letter. hurt
hurt sb/sth: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. hurt
The lake was covered with a sheet of ice. ice
If metal gets hot it expands. if
I am sorry if I disturbed you. if
We cannot afford to ignore their advice. ignore
She ignored him and carried on with her work. ignore
I missed a lot of school through illness last year. illness
In the Bible it states that humans were created in the image of God. image
Use your imagination! (= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) imagination
imagine sb/sth to be/do sth: I had imagined her to be older than that. imagine
She answered almost immediately. immediately
They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions. implication
imply sth: I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. imply
it is implied that...: It was implied that we were at fault. imply
She was sitting importantly behind a big desk. importantly
A new tax was imposed on fuel. impose
a big impression impression
My words made no impression on her. impression
My first impression of him was favourable. impression
an impressive building with a huge tower impressive
He spoke in a loud voice. in
include doing sth: Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. include
increase with sth: Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to be disabled). increase
She went to a lawyer for some independent advice. independent
indicate sth: Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy. indicate
The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain. indirect
There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state. indirect
Many herbs can be grown indoors. indoors
the Madonna industry (= the large number of people involved in making Madonna successful) industry
His first music teacher was a major influence in his life. influence
influence how, whether, etc...: The wording of questions can influence how people answer. influence
inform sb (of/about sth): Please inform us of any changes of address. inform
Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. ingredient
inner London inner
There must be an innocent explanation for her behaviour. innocent
He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. instead
insult to sb/sth: His comments were seen as an insult to the president. insult
insulting remarks insulting
The subject is of no interest to me at all. interest
These documents are of great historical interest. interest
Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you. interrupt
interrupt (sb) + speech: 'I have a question,' she interrupted. interrupt
He ignored her interruptions. interruption
The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. interval
to give an interview (= to agree to answer questions) interview
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
introduce sth: The company is introducing a new range of products this year. introduce
Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow. introduction
to issue/extend an invitation invitation
to accept/turn down/decline an invitation invitation
invitation to sth: an invitation to the party invitation
invitation to do sth: I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan. invitation
A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor. invitation
Admission is by invitation only. invitation
Have you ordered the wedding invitations yet? invitation
involve doing sth: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. involve
involved (in sth/sb): I was so involved in my book I didn't hear you knock. involved
iron tablets (= containing iron prepared as a medicine) iron
Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach. irritate
She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. irritated
Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me. issue
If you have any issues, please call this number. issue
This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it. issue
The computer was my largest single item of expenditure. item
I've joined an aerobics class. join
To his great joy, she accepted. joy
As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame. judge
judge sb/sth + noun: The tour was judged a great success. judge
judge sb/sth to be/do sth: The concert was judged to have been a great success. judge
judge that...: He judged that the risk was too great. judge
it is judged that...: It was judged that the risk was too great. judge
The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot. judgement
Two orange juices, please. juice
The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London. jump
Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. just
justify (sb/sth) doing sth: How can they justify paying such huge salaries? justify
She kept her promise to visit them. keep
keep sb/sth doing sth: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. keep
Check your answers in the key at the back of the book. key
a bunch of keys key
You're making progress of a kind. of a kind
They're two of a kind—both workaholics! of a kind
I like him, kind of. kind of
'I was terrible!' 'You were nothing of the kind.' nothing of the kind/sort
'He's resigning.' 'I'd suspected something of the kind.' something of the/that kind
a kind action/gesture/comment kind
kind (to sb/sth): kind to animals kind
Thank you for your kind invitation. kind
Would you be kind enough to close the window? kind
Kindly leave me alone! kindly
Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book. kindly
to treat sb with kindness and consideration kindness
The knives are out for the chancellor. the knives are out (for sb)
knock sth: The criticism had knocked (= damaged) her self-esteem. knock
These old houses are going to be knocked down. knock sth down
know (that)...: I know (that) people's handwriting changes as they get older. know
it is known that...: It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. know
know (of/about sth): 'You've got a flat tyre.' 'I know.' know
'What's the answer?' 'I don't know.' know
'What a ridiculous situation!' 'I know.' I know
We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces (= those marked with the name of the shop/store where they are sold). label
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
a wine lake (= a large supply of wine that is not being used) lake
The elephant is the largest living land animal. land
A large stone landed right beside him. land
We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts. land
winding country lanes lane
We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse. lane
bad/foul/strong language (= words that people may consider offensive) language
a large area/family/house/car/appetite large
a large number of people large
very large sums of money large
He's a very large child for his age. large
A large proportion of old people live alone. large
Women usually do the larger share of the housework. large
Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee. large
Who's the rather large (= fat) lady in the hat? large
small, medium, large large
a large and complex issue large
Some drugs are being used on a much larger scale than previously. large
If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight. large
the manager who is largely responsible for the team's victory largely
It was largely a matter of trial and error. largely
Sorry I'm late—am I the last? last
I'm sorry I'm late. late
We apologize for the late arrival of this train. late
The big stores are open later on Thursdays. late
Much later on, she realized what he had meant. later on
He presented two solutions. The latter seems much better. latter
The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s. latter
to laugh loudly/aloud/out loud laugh
She laughed to cover her nervousness. laugh
I told him I was worried but he laughed scornfully. laugh
His first joke got the biggest laugh of the night. laugh
to launch a missile/rocket/torpedo launch
After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order. law and order
A thin layer of dust covered everything. layer
How many layers of clothing are you wearing? layer
There were too many layers of management in the company. layer
the layers of meaning in the poem layer
major league baseball league
leave sb/sth (+ adj.): Leave the door open, please. leave
leave sb with sth: She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job. leave
Leave me out of this quarrel, please. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
to attend a series of lectures on Jane Austen lecture
a trouser/pant leg leg
Each class is 45 minutes in length. length
No explanation was offered, still less an apology. even/much/still less
Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon). level
the worries of everyday life life
In London life can be hard. life
The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop. life
The floods caused a massive loss of life (= many people were killed). life
lift (up): Her eyebrows lifted. 'Apologize? Why?' lift
The little girl was as light as a feather. light
like doing sth: She's never liked swimming. like
We would like to apologize for the delay. like
Violent crime is not limited to big cities. limit sth to sb/sth
Just keep going in a straight line; you can't miss it. line
The town is in a direct line between London and the coast. line
Please move; you're right in my line of vision (= the direction I am looking in). line
She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink. liquid
the transition from liquid to vapour liquid
liquid soap liquid
liquid nitrogen liquid
The detergent comes in powder or liquid form. liquid
a liquid lunch (= alcoholic drinks, rather than food) liquid
Sorry, I wasn't really listening. listen
She felt tired and more than a little worried. little
Her words have lived with me all my life. live
We used to live in London. live
These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load. load
load (up): load (up with sth): We finished loading and set off. load
The mechanic located the fault immediately. locate
I fail to see the logic behind his argument. logic
The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic. logic
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
a strategy based on sound commercial logic logic
There is no logic to/in any of their claims. logic
the rules of logic logic
a logical argument logical
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. as/so long as
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. for (so) long
Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. look out for sb/sth
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
She had a worried look on her face. look
a fabric with a loose weave loose
a loose button/tooth loose
Check that the plug has not come loose. loose
She usually wears her hair loose. loose
The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. loose
Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb. loosely
to use a term loosely loosely
Economic growth can be loosely defined as an increase in GDP. loosely
The two problems are only loosely related. loosely
The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million. loss
We made a loss on (= lost money on) the deal. loss
The loss of his wife was a great blow to him. loss
Her departure is a big loss to the school. loss
She will be a great loss to the school. loss
We always get lost in London. lost
He regretted the lost (= wasted) opportunity to apologize to her. lost
She still has an awful lot (= a very large amount) to learn. lot
loud laughter loud
a deafeningly loud bang loud
That music's too loud—please turn it down. loud
The message is coming through loud and clear. loud and clear
I laughed out loud. out loud
Please read the letter out loud. out loud
the lower classes of society low
She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) lung
I left a message on her answering machine. machine
She's completely power-mad. mad
The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. mad
hate mail (= letters containing insults and threats) mail
mail sb: Please mail us at the following email address. mail
major international companies major
We have encountered major problems. major
There were calls for major changes to the welfare system. major
The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. majority
The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking . majority
a clear (= large) majority majority
majority (over sb): They had a large majority over their nearest rivals. majority
to make a profit/loss make
make sb/sth + adj.: You've made my nose too big (= for example in a drawing). make
The holes in the cloth were made by moths. make
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. make up for sth
I'm sorry I won't be able to make it (= for example, to a party) on Saturday. make it
The male of the species has a white tail. male
The report blames bad management. management
classroom management management
She answered in a businesslike manner. manner
Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers. manufacturer
She marched over to me and demanded an apology. march
A large purple scar marked his cheek. mark
the property/job market (= the number and type of houses, jobs, etc. that are available) market
I guess I'm not the marrying kind (= the kind of person who wants to get married). marry
I began sifting through the mass of evidence. mass
I struggled through the mass of people to the exit. mass
Don't give me any more. I've eaten masses! mass
mass unemployment/production mass
weapons of mass destruction mass
a massive rock massive
the massive walls of the castle massive
The explosion made a massive hole in the ground. massive
a massive increase in spending massive
workmates/teammates/playmates/classmates mate
Sorry mate, you'll have to wait. mate
It was a matter of some concern to most of those present (= something they were worried about). matter
'I'm afraid I forgot that book again.' 'It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).' matter
a maximum of 30 children in a class maximum
He may have (= perhaps he has) missed his train. may
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids. may
the Lord Mayor of London mayor
Excuse me! me
Your friendship means a great deal to me. mean
mean sth as sth: Don't be upset—I'm sure she meant it as a compliment. mean
I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. mean
mean (that)...: Did he mean (that) he was dissatisfied with our service? mean
What is meant by 'batch processing'? mean
several layers of meaning meaning
We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport. means
liquid/dry measure measure
There are three sizes—small, medium and large. medium
Choose medium to large tomatoes. medium
At our first meeting I was nervous. meeting
characteristics common to all members of the species member
The experience caused her huge amounts of mental suffering. mental
a mental disorder/illness/hospital mental
The analysis of dreams can reveal details of a person's mental state. mental
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
It is not merely a job, but a way of life. merely
The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place. mess
Jenny's not here at the moment. Can I take a message? message
a piece of metal metal
a metal pipe/bar/box metal
The frame is made of metal. metal
Use a soap that is mild on the skin. mild
The military was/were called in to deal with the riot. military
Sorry—your name has gone right out of my mind. mind
She was in a disturbed state of mind. mind
Mind your language! (= don't speak in a rude or offensive way) mind
mind how, where, etc...: Mind how you go! (= often used when you say goodbye to sb) mind
mind doing sth: Would you mind explaining that again, please? mind
miss (sb/sth) doing sth: I don't miss getting up at six every morning! miss
Sorry I'm late—have I missed anything? miss
'Is Ann there?' 'You've just missed her (= she has just left).' miss
You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training. miss
to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game) miss
The sale prices were too good to miss. miss
She hasn't missed a game all year. miss
You missed a good party last night (= because you did not go). miss
'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' miss
I think I must have missed something because none of this makes any sense. miss
The hotel is the only white building on the road—you can't miss it. miss
Don't miss next week's issue! miss
Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much. miss
When you painted your bedroom, you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window. miss
miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss
The bullet missed her by about six inches. miss
She threw a plate at him and only narrowly missed. miss
I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. miss sb/sth out
Don't worry, we all make mistakes. mistake
Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. mistake
It was a big mistake on my part to have trusted her. mistake
a great/serious/terrible mistake mistake
Her essay is full of spelling mistakes. mistake
mix sth: With this range of paints, you can mix your own colours. mix
The weather has been very mixed recently. mixed
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
the most modern, well-equipped hospital in London modern
Could you wait a moment, please? moment
One moment, please (= Please wait a short time). moment
He thought for a moment before replying. moment
Her anxiety mounted month by month (= as each month passed). month
Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. moral
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
I like most vegetables. most
The sauce is mostly cream. mostly
move sb to sth: Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes. move
Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. movement
A lot of mums and dads have the same worries. mum
The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians. murder
He wrote the music but I don't know who wrote the words. music
Cars must not park in front of the entrance (= it is not allowed). must
I'm sorry, she's not here. She must have left already (= that must be the explanation). must
The prisoners were stripped naked. naked
What is/was the name, please? (= a polite way of asking sb's name) name
Please write your full name and address below. name
He had a narrow escape when his car skidded on the ice. narrow
narrow interests narrow
It's only natural to worry about your children. natural
Most birds are naturally timid. naturally
need (not) have done sth: You needn't have worried (= it was not necessary for you to worry, but you did) —it all turned out fine. need
the eye (= hole) of a needle needle
We grew up in the same neighbourhood. neighbourhood
Neither answer is correct. neither
Their house is neither big nor small. neither
He lives on his nerves (= is always worried). nerve
nervous (about/of sth): Consumers are very nervous about the future. nervous
The horse may be nervous of cars. nervous
nervous (about/of doing sth): He had been nervous about inviting us. nervous
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
He's not the nervous type. nervous
She was of a nervous disposition. nervous
a nervous condition/disorder/disease nervous
She smiled nervously. nervously
the four big US television networks network
Never fear (= Do not worry), everything will be all right. never
I should tell you, I'm completely new to this kind of work. new
nice (to do sth): Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the first time) nice
It would be nice if he moved to London. nice
I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply. nine times out of ten
Sorry, the answer's no. no
a noisy classroom noisy
non-profit-making non-
She was looking none too pleased. none
Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense. nonsense
She seemed neither surprised nor worried. nor
Stop picking your nose! (= removing dirt from it with your finger) nose
Please make a note of the dates. note
I had nothing like enough time to answer all the questions. nothing like
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. notice
It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some major changes in the company. notice
I am now ready to answer your questions. now
A large number of people have applied for the job. number
Huge numbers of (= very many) animals have died. number
Sheer weight of numbers (= the large number of soldiers) secured them the victory. number
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). number
What is your account number, please? number
'Sit down!' Meekly, she obeyed. obey
Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves. object
These figures give a reliable and objective indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles. objective
to obtain advice/information/permission obtain
occupied (with sth/with doing sth): Only half her time is occupied with politics. occupied
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
occupy sb/sth/yourself (in) doing sth: She occupied herself doing routine office tasks. occupy
People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning. ocean
It was kind of you to offer. of
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
an offence against society/humanity/the state offence
She managed to offend her boyfriend's parents as soon as she opened her mouth. offend
He played offense for the Chicago Bulls. offense
offensive to sb: His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers. offensive
He offered some useful advice. offer
He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour. offer
offer (of sth): Thank you for your kind offer of help. offer
a customs/prison/welfare officer officer
an oil lamp/heater oil
OK, so I was wrong. I'm sorry. OK
He always gives the same old excuses. old
She was a woman grown old before her time (= who looked older than she was). old
a class for five-year-olds (= children who are five) old
She's much older than me. old
She wants to be an old-fashioned mother, staying at home and looking after the children. old-fashioned
Please report to reception on arrival. on
On their advice I applied for the job. on
Please send the letter on to my new address. on
I'm sorry we can't come—we've got a lot on. on
One more, please! one
The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. one
His only answer was a grunt. only
Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult. only
Don't blame me, I'm only the messenger! only
I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes. open
We could see the stars through an opening in the roof. opening
The regulation operates in favour of married couples. operate
a huge multinational operation operation
operation (on sb/sth) (to do sth): an operation on her lung to remove a tumour operation
I'd like a second opinion (= advice from another person) before I make a decision. opinion
The offer was too good an opportunity to miss. opportunity
He is rude to me at every opportunity (= whenever possible). opportunity
Answers are given on the opposite page. opposite
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
Is your sister older or younger than you? or
May I take your order? order
Last orders at the bar now please! (= because the bar is going to close) order
Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order. order
It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos. order
order sb + adv./prep.: They were ordered out of the class for fighting. order
He's the president of a large international organization. organization
organized religion (= traditional religion followed by large numbers of people who obey a fixed set of rules) organized
organized crime (= committed by professional criminals working in large groups) organized
They ought to apologize. ought to
'Ought I to write to say thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought (to).' ought to
They ought to have apologized (= but they didn't). ought to
Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger. ours
We shouldn't blame ourselves for what happened. ourselves
I'm not really the outdoor type (= I prefer indoor activities). outdoor
the outer layers of the skin outer
Outer London/Mongolia outer
They saw the huge building outlined against the sky. outline
It's the biggest theme park outside the United States. outside
I'm seeing a patient—please wait outside. outside
Take the cake out of the oven. oven
a gas/an electric oven oven
Open a window, it's like an oven in here! oven
Please change the wheels over (= for example, put the front wheels at the back). over
They held a large umbrella over her. over
I think you owe us an explanation. owe
I think we're owed an apology. owe
Our children are grown up and have children of their own. own
The accident happened through no fault of her own. own
Does anyone own this coat? It was left in a classroom. own
Would the owner of the black Mercedes parked in front of the gates please report to reception. owner
A large package has arrived for you. package
You get more aches and pains as you get older. pain
The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint. paint
Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class. pair
a large stainless steel pan pan
paper losses/profits (= that are shown in accounts but which may not exist in reality) paper
a plant that grows in many parts of the world part
Part of me feels sorry for him (= I feel partly, but not entirely, sorry for him). part
The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. for the most part
Is there a particular type of book he enjoys? particular
Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. partly
We grew more anxious with every passing day. pass
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers. pass sth on (to sb)
Read the following passage and answer the questions below. passage
a secret underground passage passage
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
Honestly, I'm past caring what happens (= I can no longer be bothered to care). past
She paused the DVD and went to answer the phone. pause
There was a long pause before she answered. pause
We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness. payment
I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry). peace
snow-capped/jagged peaks peak
That will be 45 pence, please. penny
Everyone blamed me as per usual. as per normal/usual
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect (= used when sb has criticized you). perfect
to perform somersaults/magic tricks perform
a series of performances by the Kirov Ballet performance
permission (for sth): You must ask permission for all major expenditure. permission
Permit me to offer you some advice. permit
He had to pick up his welfare cheque in person. in person
She's always worrying about her personal appearance. personal
All letters will be answered personally. personally
His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase. phase
The phone rang and Pat answered it. phone
I seem to have spent most of the day photocopying. photocopy
a piece of advice/information/news piece
a large piece of land piece
He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him. fall to pieces
a pig farmer pig
The accident was caused by pilot error. pilot
Excuse me, I seem to have lost my place. place
The paint was peeling off the wall in places. place
Great emphasis is placed on education. place
a plain, straightforward sort of man plain
She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. plate
two large plates of pasta plate
Please sit down. please
Quiet please! please
Please could I leave early today? please
Please, please don't forget. please
Please, I don't understand what I have to do. please
'Coffee?' 'Please.' please
You can't please everybody. please
There's just no pleasing some people (= some people are impossible to please). please
I did it to please my parents. please
pleased (with sb/sth): She was very pleased with her exam results. pleased
The boss should be pleased with you. pleased
pleased (that...): I'm really pleased that you're feeling better. pleased
pleased (to hear, know, etc. sth): I'm pleased to hear about your news. pleased
You're coming? I'm so pleased. pleased
He did not look too pleased when I told him. pleased
We are always pleased to be able to help. pleased
Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept. pleased
pleasing to sb/sth: The new building was pleasing to the eye. pleasing
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker. pleasure
Swimming is one of my greatest pleasures. pleasure
'May I sit here?' 'Yes, with pleasure.' with pleasure
It's rude to point! point
Thousands are at risk of being poisoned by fumes from faulty heaters. poison
Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories. poison
The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle. poisonous
a poor swimmer poor
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. pop
the adult/working/rural, etc. population of the country population
Rotterdam is a major port. port
He held a senior position in a large company. position
On the positive side, profits have increased. positive
On her father's death, she came into possession of (= received) a vast fortune. possession
possibility (of sth/of doing sth): He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase. possibility
to explore/consider/investigate a wide range of possibilities possibility
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills. possibility
Career possibilities for women are much greater than they were fifty years ago. possibility
Try to give as much detail as possible in your answer. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly (= you may be right), but the damage has been done.' possibly
to catch/miss the post post
the potential benefits of European integration potential
She has great potential as an artist. potential
A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available. powder
Cool, loose-fitting clothes are practical in a hot climate. practical
The team is practicing for their big game on Friday. practice
His latest movie has won high praise from the critics. praise
We have nothing but praise for the way they handled the investigation. praise
She left with their praises ringing in her ears. praise
They always sing his praises (= praise him very highly). praise
praise sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: He praised his team for their performance. praise
to say your prayers prayer
He arrived at that very moment, as if in answer to her prayer. prayer
Their prayers were answered and the child was found safe and well. prayer
It was a prayer she had learnt as a child. prayer
We believe in the power of prayer. prayer
The party is predicting a majority of 20 seats. predict
The company is looking for larger premises. premises
The third book in the series is currently in preparation. preparation
The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. preparation
No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate preparation. preparation
prepare for sth: The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams. prepare
I'm sorry he's out at present (= now). present
The press presents this as a kind of victory. present
He was anxious to preserve his reputation. preserve
The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. preserve
Check the tyre pressure (= the amount of air in a tyre) regularly. pressure
a pressure gauge (= an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a liquid or a gas) pressure
price (for sth/for doing sth): Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age. price
in large/small/bold print print
This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent. prior
Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal. prior
The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research. priority
Ten prison officers and three inmates needed hospital treatment following the riot. prison
They are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom. prisoner
Win a car in our grand prize draw! prize
big/major/serious problems problem
It's a nice table! The only problem is (that) it's too big for our room. problem
Stop worrying about their marriage—it isn't your problem. problem
the magazine's problem page (= containing letters about readers' problems and advice about how to solve them) problem
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way. process
Libya is a major oil producer. producer
We need new product to sell (= a new range of products). product
If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. professional
You need a professional to sort out your finances. professional
a rise/an increase/a drop/a fall in profits profit
profit (on sth): The company made a healthy profit on the deal. profit
profit (from sth): Profit from exports rose 7.3% profit
The sale generated record profits. profit
The agency is voluntary and not run for profit. profit
There isn't much profit in running a restaurant these days. profit
In this class, students will learn how to program. program
Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language. programme
We have made great progress in controlling inflation. progress
to make/keep/break a promise promise
promise (to do sth): She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly. promise
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
promise (that...): Do I have your promise that you won't tell anyone about this? promise
You haven't gone back on your promise, have you? promise
He simply broke every single promise he ever made me. promise
Her work shows great promise. promise
He failed to fulfil his early promise. promise
We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines. promotion
Water covers a large proportion of the earth's surface. proportion
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. protect
She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest. under protest
The report was not expected to provide any answers. provide
Please answer questions in the space provided. provide
a public apology public
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest (= useful to ordinary people)? public
He later publicly apologized for his comments. publicly
good/bad/adverse publicity publicity
The editors published a full apology in the following edition. publish
He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose. punch
punish sb for sth/for doing sth: He was punished for refusing to answer their questions. punish
If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. purchase
One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment. pure
She had never tried to put this feeling into words. put
personal qualities such as honesty and generosity quality
a large/small quantity of sth quantity
enormous/vast/huge quantities of food quantity
a product that is cheap to produce in large quantities quantity
to ask/answer a question question
The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. question
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
question whether, what, etc...: He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. question
There isn't a quick answer to this problem. quick
He replied to my letter very quickly. quickly
This story is too big to be kept quiet. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
quite big/good/cold/warm/interesting quite
Quite frankly, I don't blame you. quite
'I'm sorry to be so difficult.' 'That's quite all right.' quite
'You've no intention of coming back?' 'I'm quite sorry, but no, I have not.' quite
+ speech: 'The man who is tired of London is tired of life,' he quoted. quote
He's already in training for the big race against Bailey. race
This town got a lot bigger when the railroad came in the 1860s. railroad
raise sb/sth: They were both raised in the South. raise
kids raised on a diet of hamburgers raise
I was born and raised a city boy. raise
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. range
There is a full range of activities for children. range
This material is available in a huge range of colours. range
rank as sth: It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win. rank
This must rank with (= be as good as) the greatest movies ever made. rank
It was a rare (= very great) honour to be made a fellow of the college. rare
The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty grey. rather
to have an allergic reaction to a drug reaction
a series of reading books for children reading
Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous. in reality
In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time. in reality
Only later did she realize her mistake. realize
I'm really sorry. really
A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear. rear
to be open to reason (= to be willing to accept sensible advice) reason
Can I have a receipt, please? receipt
receive sth + adv./prep.: The play was well received by the critics. receive
There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults. reduction
Please quote your reference number when making an enquiry. reference
The book is full of references to growing up in India. reference
refusal (of sth): the refusal of a request/an invitation/an offer refusal
I politely refused their invitation. refuse
the conflict between regional and national interests regional
The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week. register
regret that...: I regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. regret
Please reject the following candidates... reject
to reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion reject
All our suggestions were rejected out of hand. reject
Many adults can't relate to children. relate to sth/sb
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
She's had a series of miserable relationships. relationship
The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks. relax
Police have released no further details about the accident. release
remember (sth): I'm sorry—I can't remember your name. remember
it is remembered that...: It should be remembered that the majority of accidents happen in the home. remember
Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees. removal
Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families. removal
remove sth/sb: Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. remove
to remove problems/obstacles/objections remove
remove sth from sb/sth: The news removed any doubts about the company's future. remove
It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. remove
The elections removed the government from power. remove
repeat sth to sb: I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone. repeat
to repeat the class/year/grade (= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again) repeat
I'm sorry—could you repeat that? repeat
The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation. repeat
Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. replace
reply (to sb/sth) (with sth): to reply to a question/an advertisement reply
He never replied to any of my letters. reply
She only replied with a smile. reply
+ speech: 'I won't let you down,' he replied confidently. reply
reply that...: The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment. reply
We had over 100 replies to our advertisement. reply
I asked her what her name was but she made no reply. reply
I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March. reply
Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. reply
The company is expected to report record profits this year. report
These results represent a major breakthrough in AIDS research. represent
The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists. represent
Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. reproduce
She is, by reputation, very difficult to please. reputation
large oil and gas reserves reserve
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist. resist
I have the greatest respect for your brother. respect
respond (to sb/sth) (with sth): She never responded to my letter. respond
More than fifty people responded to the advertisement. respond
+ speech: 'I'm not sure,' she responded. respond
respond that...: When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. respond
How did they respond to the news? respond
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
She made no response. response
We sent out over 1 000 letters but the response rate has been low (= few people replied). response
The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake. responsibility
Don't blame Alex. He's human, like the rest of us. rest
I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home. rest
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
Order was quickly restored after the riots. restore
We restrict the number of students per class to 10. restrict
He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. result
return sb/sth to sb/sth: We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. return
Write your return address (= the address that a reply should be sent to) on the back of the envelope. return
reveal sth (to sb): to reveal a secret reveal
Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper. reveal
The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. reveal
Salted peanuts were recently revealed as the nation's favourite snack. reveal
Her expression revealed nothing. reveal
reveal (that)...: The report reveals (that) the company made a loss of £20 million last year. reveal
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
reveal how, what, etc...: Officers could not reveal how he died. reveal
reveal sb/sth to be/have sth: Salted peanuts were recently revealed to be the nation's favourite snack. reveal
reveal sth: He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth. reveal
The door opened to reveal a cosy little room. reveal
reveal yourself: She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. reveal
brown rice (= without its outer covering removed) rice
The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste. get rid of sb/sth
It was ridiculous that this should be so difficult to say. ridiculous
Take a right turn at the intersection. right
Did you get the answer right? right
He wouldn't apologize. He knew he was in the right (= had justice on his side). right
Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern. rightly
As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children. rightly
He said he was ringing from London. ring
Will you answer the telephone if it rings? ring
He gave a couple of loud rings on the doorbell. ring
He criticized the huge pay rises awarded to industry bosses. rise
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
a major health/fire risk risk
The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals. rival
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. rock
the role of the teacher in the classroom role
It is one of the greatest roles she has played. role
a thatched/slate, etc. roof roof
The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked. roof
We had a rough passage across to the island. rough
rough kids rough
A large crowd had gathered round to watch. round
The vegetables were planted in neat rows. row
a rude comment rude
rude (to sb) (about sb/sth): The man was downright rude to us. rude
Why are you so rude to your mother? rude
She was very rude about my driving. rude
rude (to do sth): It's rude to speak when you're eating. rude
How rude of me not to offer you something to drink! rude
There's no need to be rude! rude
I don't wish to be rude, but I have another appointment in five minutes. rude
A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution. ruin
The family ruled London's gangland in the sixties. rule
Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth. rule
She once ruled over a vast empire. rule
Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered. rule sb/sth out
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
Trains between London and Brighton run throughout the day. run
a rural way of life rural
The words came out in a rush. rush
Shoppers made a rush for the exits. rush
Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart. sadly
She will be sadly missed. sadly
It is with great sadness that we report the death of James Banks yesterday. sadness
I'm worried about the safety of the treatment. safety
a salad bowl (= a large bowl for serving salad in) salad
I'm sorry, it's not for sale. for sale
I bought the same car as yours (= another car of that type). same
'I'll have coffee.' 'Same for me, please (= I will have one too).' same
Same again, please! (the) same again
a look/smile of satisfaction satisfaction
She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. satisfaction
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller. satisfaction
She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. satisfaction
The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. satisfaction
a satisfied smile satisfied
a satisfied customer satisfied
satisfied with sb/sth: She's never satisfied with what she's got. satisfied
I'm satisfied that they are telling the truth. satisfied
The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone. satisfy
satisfy sb: Her explanation did not satisfy the teacher. satisfy
save sb/sth (from sth): to save a rare species (from extinction) save
say (that)...: I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right). say
That's not to say it's a bad movie (= it is good but it is not without faults). say
to say a prayer say
I didn't believe a word she said. say
They entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests). scale
Here was corruption on a grand scale. scale
a scare story (= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary) scare
to cause a major scare scare
I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). scene
scream out (in/with sth): People ran for the exits, screaming out in terror. scream
He drove off with a scream of tyres. scream
One of the screws is loose. screw
a jar with a rubber seal in the lid seal
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? (= on a plane) seat
Osaka is Japan's second-largest city. second
For several seconds he did not reply. second
a secret passage leading to the beach secret
She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. secret
Please contact my secretary to make an appointment. secretary
an issue that will affect large sections of the population section
The library has a large biology section. section
Which type of investment offers the greatest security? security
see (that)...: Can't you see (that) he's taking advantage of you? see
Don't worry—I'll see to it. see to sth
These vegetables can be grown from seed. seed
Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products. sell
sell (sth) (at sth): They sold the business at a profit/loss (= they gained/lost money when they sold it). sell
send sth to sb: What sort of message is that sending to young people? send
send sb sth: He sent me word to come. send
The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. send
In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified. sense
There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy. sense
You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered. sense
There's no sense in (= it is not sensible) worrying about it now. sense
I had the sense that he was worried about something. sense
She's a sensible sort of person. sensible
The eyes of some fish are acutely sensitive to light. sensitive
sensitive to sth: She's very sensitive to criticism. sensitive
separate sth: Separate the eggs (= separate the yolk from the white). separate
Prolonged separations of this kind are damaging to very young children. separation
The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen. series
the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society series
The movie consisted of a series of flashbacks. series
We take threats of this kind very seriously. take sb/sth seriously
Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business. serve
the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business) service
The novel is set in London in the 1960s. set
We set off for London just after ten. set off
It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. settle down, settle sb down
They said goodbye and went their several ways. several
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it). sex
The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. shade
I said that I should be pleased to help. shall
It would be a crying shame (= a great shame) not to take them up on the offer. shame
a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow shaped
share sth (with sb): Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. share
share sth: They shared a common interest in botany. share
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market. share
I've done my share of worrying for one day! share
In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky. sharp
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. sharply
sheet metal (= metal that has been made into thin sheets) sheet
Place the dough on a baking sheet (= for cooking sth in an oven). sheet
Start each answer on a fresh sheet. sheet
shift (from...) (to...): The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London. shift
He was the type of person who would give you the shirt off his back. the shirt off sb's back
You should stop worrying about it should
Should I call him and apologize? should
'She doesn't think she'll get a job.' 'She should worry, with all her qualifications (= she does not need to worry).' should
He asked me what time he should come. (= His words were: 'What time shall I come?') should
I said (that) I should be glad to help. should
show how, what, etc...: She tried not to show how disappointed she was. show
She's very shy with adults. shy
These poems reveal her gentle side. side
There are faults on both sides. side
They crossed from one side of London to the other. side
There is a large window on either side of the front door. side
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print. at first sight
Sign here, please. sign
sign sth: Sign your name here, please. sign
signal sth: The referee signalled a foul. signal
Can you witness my signature on my will, please? signature
They huddled together in silent groups. silent
He's the strong silent type. silent
a silent prayer/protest silent
Why worry about a silly thing like that? silly
The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans. similarly
The answer is really quite simple. simple
It was the first time I'd had visitors since I'd moved to London. since
She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived. since
a sincere apology sincere
a single sheet (= large enough for a single bed) single
a battleship sunk by a torpedo sink
a big/little/kid sister sister
Please sit down. sit down, sit yourself down
I'm in a no-win situation (= whatever I do will be bad for me). situation
The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium and large. size
I need a bigger/smaller size. size
'Are you worried?' 'Only slightly.' slightly
He's the slowest in the class. slow
I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one (= the one that stops at all the stations). slow
She noticed several small errors in his work. small
Don't worry. It's only a small problem. small
small, medium, large small
This is too big—have you got a small one? small
smash sth + adv./prep.: They had to smash holes in the ice. smash
He was smoking a large cigar. smoke
a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish smooth
There's no need to worry so. so
a call for social and economic change social
social class/background social
social mobility (= the movement of people from one social class to another) social
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) socially
policies that will benefit society as a whole society
Racism exists at all levels of society. society
soft feather pillows soft
liquids and solids solid
She taught us the words of a French song. song
Please send it as soon as possible. soon
sorry (that)...: I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. sorry
sorry (about sth): No one is sorrier than I am about what happened. sorry
sorry (about sth): We're very sorry about the damage to your car. sorry
sorry (for sth/doing sth): He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking. sorry
sorry (that)...: She was sorry that she'd lost her temper. sorry
If you say you're sorry we'll forgive you. sorry
sorry (that)...: She was sorry that she'd lost contact with Mary. sorry
You'll be sorry if I catch you! sorry
sorry to do sth: I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college. sorry
I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry
Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted? I'm sorry
I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow. I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I don't agree. I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'd rather you didn't go. I'm sorry
I'm sorry to have to tell you you've failed. I'm sorry
Sorry I'm late! sorry
Sorry to bother you, but could I speak to you for a moment? sorry
Sorry, we don't allow dogs in the house. sorry
He didn't even say sorry. sorry
Take the first turning, sorry, the third turning on the right. sorry
'What sort of music do you like?' 'Oh, all sorts.' sort
For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort (= you are not sure what kind). sort
Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year. sort
There were snacks—peanuts, olives, that sort of thing. sort
There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite. sort
What sort of price did you want to pay? (= approximately how much) sort
What sort of time do you call this? (= I'm very angry that you have come so late.) sort
'Do you understand?' 'Sort of.' sort of
They're a sort of greenish-blue colour. a sort of sth
The cupboards need sorting out. sort sth out
a large/small/narrow/wide space space
a spare key/tyre spare
Witnesses spoke of a great ball of flame. speak
a CD player and radio with two ultra-slim speakers speaker
liquid vitamins specifically designed for children specifically
I seemed to have lost the power of speech. speech
speech sounds speech
Speed is his greatest asset as a tennis player. speed
a spelling mistake spelling
common spices such as ginger and cinnamon spice
She stared in horror at the hairy black spider. spider
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit. spirit
We're concerned about your spiritual welfare. spiritual
English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese. in spite of sth
split (sth) open: The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. split
split sth (into sth): She split the class into groups of four. split
split sth between sb/sth: His time is split between the London and Paris offices. split
There's a big split in the tent. split
He demanded a 50-50 split in the profits. split
teenagers worried about their spots spot
spread sth (out) (over sth): A series of five interviews will be spread over two days. spread
There's more room to spread out in first class. spread out, spread yourself out
bed springs spring
The springs in the sofa have gone (= they no longer return to their original position). spring
She's full of energy, like a coiled spring. spring
Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through. stage
Could I have three first-class stamps, please? stamp
to stand on your head/hands (= to be upside down, balancing on your head/hands) stand
She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. stand out (from/against sth)
He's so good—I'm sure he'll be a big star. star
I've put a star by the names of the girls in the class. star
There was a big moon and hundreds of stars were shining overhead. star
The answer was staring us in the face. be staring sb in the face
She started a yoga class at work. start
When does the class start? start
If we don't hurry, we'll miss the start of the game. start
This could be the start of something big. start
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
The bridge is reinforced with huge steel girders. steel
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease. step
This was a big step up (= to a better position) in his career. step
Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage. stick
He promised to help us and he stuck to his word (= he did as he had promised). stick to sth
The old lady leant on her stick as she talked. stick
'Thank you,' she replied stiffly. stiffly
I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. still
He smiled at her, trying to take the sting out of his words (= trying to make the situation less painful or difficult). sting
We don't carry a large stock of pine furniture. stock
She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years. stock
stop sb/sth from doing sth: There's nothing to stop you from accepting the offer. stop
a big department store store
It's a story of courage. story
I'm going to the library straight after the class. straight
long straight hair (= without curls) straight
The ground here cannot take the strain of a large building. strain
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. strain
Sorry, I don't know where the bank is. I'm a stranger here myself. stranger
It was time to take the political struggle onto the streets (= by protesting in large groups in the streets of a city). street
Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage. strength
Beyond the mountains stretches a vast desert. stretch
strip sth (off): Strip off all the existing paint. strip
After the guests had gone, I stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them). strip
strip down to sth: She stripped down to her underwear. strip
strip sb + adj.: He was stripped naked and left in a cell. strip
a face with strong features (= large and noticeable) strong
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. strong
She wasn't a strong swimmer (= she could not swim well). strong
a strong drug strong
She struggled for 10 years to achieve success as an actress. struggle
She works for a major Hollywood studio. studio
The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff. stuff
I'm surprised he rides a motorbike—I'd have thought big cars were more his style (= what suited him). style
substitute for sb/sth: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. substitute
The party was a big success. success
Wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare. such as
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
a sugar plantation/refinery/bowl sugar
suggest sth (to sb): May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? suggest
We are open to suggestions (= willing to listen to ideas from other people). suggestion
a large sum of money sum
Huge sums have been invested in this project. sum
I was driving westwards and I had the sun in my eyes (= the sun was shining in my eyes). sun
Several major companies are supporting the project. support
'Can I borrow the car?' 'I suppose so ' (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it). suppose
They scored another goal and made sure of victory. make sure (of sth/that...)
Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel. surface
You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry. surface
It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises. surprise
As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness. surround
Don't worry, it's only a scratch—you'll survive. survive
Many birds didn't survive the severe winter. survive
A shoal of fish swam past. swim
to throw a switch (= to move a large switch) switch
Please switch the lights off as you leave. switch off/on, switch sth off/on
Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. sympathetic
I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault. sympathy
A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). table
The male has beautiful tail feathers. tail
take sth (as sth): She took what he said as a compliment. take
How am I supposed to take that remark? take
She was accused of taking bribes. take
Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes? take
If you take my advice you'll have nothing more to do with him. take
Did you take notes in the class? take
Free newspapers: please take one. take
to take in lodgers take sb in
Reporters took down every word of his speech. take sth down
Two burgers to take away, please. take sth away
talk (to/with sb) (about sth): Talk to your doctor if you're still worried. talk
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with her. talk
She looked worried so we had a talk. talk
target of sth: He's become the target of a lot of criticism recently. target
Two teas, please. tea
the teachings of Lenin teaching
I tore another sheet from the pad. tear
I tore a hole in my jeans. tear
The telephone rang and Pat answered it. telephone
Please write or telephone for details. telephone
What did I tell you? (= you should have listened to my advice) tell
Heat the oven to a temperature of 200°C (= degrees centigrade ). temperature
When I'm tired, I tend to make mistakes. tend
tendency (for sb/sth) (to do sth): I have a tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous. tendency
Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension. tension
The room was in a terrible mess. terrible
I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you? terribly
I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing. test
We'll need to perform a series of tests. test
a good grade on the test test
test (sth): We test your English before deciding which class to put you in. test
Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. text
I'm older than her. than
There was more whisky in it than soda. than
'Thank goodness for that!' she said with a sigh of relief. thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)
It was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work. thanks to sb/sth
The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support. thank you
She took the money without so much as a thank you. thank you
The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant. that
She grew up in Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia as it then was. then
If you miss that train then you'll have to get a taxi. then
Suddenly there was a loud bang. there
Hello, is Bob there please? (= used when calling sb on the phone) there
There you are—that'll be £3.80, please. there you are
This breed of cattle has a very thick coat. thick
His eyebrows were thick and bushy. thick
Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust. thick
The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil. thin
The best thing to do is to apologize. thing
I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week. the thing is
Let me think (= give me time before I answer). think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. though
All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. thought
Drugs pose a major threat to our society. threat
Her knees had gone through (= made holes in) her jeans. through
The accident happened through no fault of mine. through
Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through. through
The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach. throw
She still sucks her thumb when she's worried. thumb
There's a hole in the thumb. thumb
We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it. thus
Please pay at the till. till
He spends most of his time working. time
Sorry, I can't spare the time. time
Time's up—have you worked out the answer yet? time
We stock six different beers at any one time. time
We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school). timetable
He gave the waiter a generous tip. tip
tip (on/for sth): useful tips on how to save money tip
tip sth (+ adv./prep.): She tipped her head back and laughed loudly. tip
Pace yourself or you'll tire yourself out in the first half of the race. tire sb/yourself out
a front tire tire
to pump up a tire tire
a flat/burst/punctured tire tire
bald/worn tires tire
to check your tire pressure tire
He drove off with a screech of tires. tire
The vegetables were cooked to perfection. to
a drop in profits from $105 million to around $75 million to
I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae. to
I'm sorry to hear that. to
the big/little toe (= the largest/smallest toe) toe
We grew up together. together
He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. together
Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (= for example by telling a rude joke). tone
There's no need to take that tone with me—it's not my fault we're late. tone
This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me. too
She answered through clenched teeth (= opening her mouth only a little because of anger). tooth
Don't worry about the letter—I'm sure it'll turn up. turn up
Why did she turn down your invitation? turn sb/sth down
to turn on the heating turn sth on
Please wait your turn. turn
After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal. twisted
You can't put all the blame on him. It takes two to make a marriage. it takes two to do sth
different racial types type
a rare blood type type
There are three main types of contract(s). type
Bungalows are a type of house. type
She mixes with all types of people. type
I love this type of book. type
I love these types of books. type
I love these type of books. type
What do you charge for this type of work? type
What do you charge for work of this type? type
It is the first car of its type to have this design feature. type
Mothers typically worry about their children. typically
a front tyre tyre
to pump up a tyre tyre
a flat/burst/punctured tyre tyre
bald/worn tyres tyre
He drove off with a screech of tyres. tyre
There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued. ugly
toxic waste buried deep underground underground
a network of pipelines running underground underground
No one is answering the phone—I can't understand it. understand
She packed one change of underwear. underwear
an unexpectedly large bill unexpectedly
They had been given an unfair advantage. unfair
The tests discriminate unfairly against older people. unfairly
to be/look/seem/sound unhappy unhappy
I didn't realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time. unhappy
They were unhappy with their accommodation. unhappy
Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. unhappy
a species of insect previously unknown to science unknown
In the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager. unlikely
She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour. unlikely
They moved here in 2009. Until then they'd always been in the London area. until
You can stay on the bus until London (= until you reach London). until
She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly. up
They've had the road up (= with the surface broken or removed) to lay some pipes. up
Do your coat up; it's cold. up
a member of the upper middle class upper
it upsets sb to do sth: It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house. upset
She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. upset
The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues. turn sth upside down
His sudden death turned her world upside down. turn sth upside down
The painting looks like it's upside down to me. upside down
Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards. upwards
urban development (= the process of building towns and cities or making them larger) urban
I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). use
What's the use of worrying about it? it's no use (doing sth), what's the use (of doing sth)?
I used to live in London. used to
useless (doing sth): It's useless worrying about it. useless
She made all the usual excuses. usual
The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries. value
Larger sizes give the best value for money. value
This great value-for-money offer is only available to society members. value
I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer. variety
a rare variety of orchid variety
different varieties of English variety
vary according to sth: Prices vary according to the type of room you require. vary
vary (between A and B): Class numbers vary between 25 and 30. vary
a vast area of forest vast
a vast crowd vast
a vast amount of information vast
At dusk bats appear in vast numbers. vast
His business empire was vast. vast
In the vast majority of cases, this should not be a problem. vast
Your help made a vast difference. vast
We've hired a marquee at vast expense. vast
a vegetable garden/patch/plot vegetable
the sheer volume (= large amount) of business volume
There are extra benefits for people on low wages. wage
It wants a special sort of person for that job. want
She's always wanted a large family. want
Please send her my warmest congratulations. warm
The animals huddled together for warmth. warmth
Let me give you a word of warning. warning
to give sb a verbal/written/final warning warning
a gentle shampoo for frequent washing washing
waste sth (in) doing sth: She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (= she rejected it immediately). waste
waste disposal (= the process of getting rid of waste) waste
She kept looking anxiously at her watch. watch
Huge waves were breaking on the shore. wave
wave sth: Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering. wave
Don't worry, if she seems quiet—it's just her way. way
way of doing sth: I'm not happy with this way of working. way
We lost our way in the dark. lose your way
She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home. all the way
There's no way we could afford that sort of money. (there is) no way
I guessed that there would be a hundred people there, but I was way out (= wrong by a large amount). way
That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic. weak
Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. weapon
I've worn holes in all my socks. wear
For current prices please visit our website. website
He staggered a little under the weight of his backpack. weight
I'd welcome any suggestions. welcome
These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness). well
What kind of music do you like? what
Don't you know it's rude to whisper? whisper
He whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan. whistle
The referee whistled for a foul. whistle
Two white coffees, please. white
We offer a whole variety of weekend breaks. whole
The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply. whom
a wide range/choice/variety of goods wide
The festival attracts people from a wide area. wide
He made a wild guess at the answer. wild
The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers. wild
Will you send this letter for me, please? will
Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn. willingness
Many British birds winter in Africa. winter
I was grateful for her wise counsel. wise
I don't wish (= I don't mean) to be rude, but could you be a little quieter? wish
We all send our best wishes for the future. wish
Give my good wishes to the family. wish
Are you pleased with the result? with
withdraw (from sth): There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU. withdraw
without doing sth: He left without saying goodbye. without
furniture made of a variety of different woods wood
a large wood wood
I give you my word of honour (= my sincere promise) ... word
to keep your word (= do what you promised) word
He promised to help and was as good as his word (= did what he promised). word
I trusted her not to go back on her word (= break her promise). word
Have a word with Pat and see what she thinks. word
words of love word
I'd like to say a few words about future plans. word
There are no words to say how sorry we are. word
I can't remember her exact words. word
I can never put my feelings into words. word
She repeated their conversation word for word to me. word for word
The pills the doctor gave me aren't working. work
to work out the answer work sth out
What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do)? work
She spent most of her working life as a teacher. working
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
Which is the largest city in the world? world
You had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to resign! you had me worried
Don't worry. We have plenty of time. worry
worry about sb/sth: Don't worry about me. I'll be all right. worry
He's always worrying about his weight. worry
worry over sb/sth: There's no point in worrying over things you can't change. worry
worry (that)...: I worry that I won't get into college. worry
worry sb/yourself (about sb/sth): What worries me is how I am going to get another job. worry
worry sb/yourself + adj. (about sb/sth): He's worried himself sick (= become extremely anxious) about his daughter. worry
it worries sb that...: It worries me that he hasn't come home yet. worry
it worries sb to do sth: It worried me to think what might happen. worry
worry sb: The noise never seems to worry her. worry
worry sb with sth: Don't keep worrying him with a lot of silly questions. worry
The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. worry
A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. worry
to be frantic with worry worry
worry (about/over sth): worries about the future worry
worry (for/to sb): Mugging is a real worry for many old people. worry
The news of his release from prison added further to her worries. worry
Students should discuss any problems or worries they have with their course tutors. worry
a worrying development worrying
It must be worrying for you not to know where he is. worrying
It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge. worrying
It's been a worrying time for us all. worrying
The most worrying thing is that she won't let us help. worrying
If you answer this question correctly, it's worth five points. worth
He said he would be here at eight o'clock (= His words were: 'I will be there at eight o'clock.'). would
Hurry up! It would be a shame to miss the beginning of the play. would
Would you open the door for me, please? would
The teacher wrote the answers on the board. write
a messy writer writer
a written apology written
Is anything wrong? You look worried. wrong
I got all the answers wrong. wrong
Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number. wrong
'Sorry I'm late—the bus didn't come.' 'Oh yes?' yes
a young wine young
Excuse me, is this your seat? your
His youth gives him an advantage over the other runners. youth