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OXF3000N sự trả lời câu trả lời sự hưởng ứng sự đáp lại response

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Vielen Dank für Ihre rasche Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1329)
Vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1330)
Ich erwarte Ihre baldige Antwort. Mong sớm nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1333)
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort. Tôi vui mừng chờ đợi câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1334)
Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf Ihre Antwort. Tôi hiện rất nóng lòng nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1335)
In Erwartung Ihrer baldigen Antwort verbleibe ich mit freundlichen Grüßen, Mong sớm nhận được câu trả lời của anh / chị . Chào trân trọng! (Lektion 89, Nr. 1338)
Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Xin cám ơn về câu trả lời nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1373)

I rang the bell, but there was no answer. answer
a question and answer session answer
answer to sth: I can't easily give an answer to your question. answer
Have you had an answer to your letter? answer
She had no answer to the accusations. answer
Write your answers on the sheet provided. answer
Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? answer
The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100. answer
There is no easy answer. answer
This could be the answer to all our problems. answer
I tried phoning but there was no answer. be
You're not allowed to look at the answers—that's cheating. cheat
Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong. cross
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
a direct answer/question direct
Each answer is worth 20 points. each
Each of the answers is worth 20 points. each
The answers are worth 20 points each. each
We've had a few replies. few
I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. give
I give up—tell me the answer. give up
Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied). grade
guess sth: She guessed the answer straight away. guess
Put your hand up if you know the answer. hand
an honest answer honest
Use your imagination! (= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) imagination
Check your answers in the key at the back of the book. key
Neither answer is correct. neither
Sorry, the answer's no. no
Try to give as much detail as possible in your answer. as quickly, much, soon, etc. as possible
The report was not expected to provide any answers. provide
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
There isn't a quick answer to this problem. quick
Did you get the answer right? right
Start each answer on a fresh sheet. sheet
Time's up—have you worked out the answer yet? time
He made a wild guess at the answer. wild
to work out the answer work sth out
The teacher wrote the answers on the board. write
I got all the answers wrong. wrong