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OXF3000N dưới ở dưới ở phía dưới về phía dưới under

like: ở dưới

Class sizes in the school are below the national average. average
I could still see the airport buildings far below. below
The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck ). below
I was always bottom of the class in math. bottom
I went to the school at the bottom of our street. bottom
There was a stream at the bottom of the garden. bottom
I found some coins at the bottom of my bag. bottom
I waited for them at the bottom of the hill. bottom
The book I want is right at the bottom (= of the pile). bottom
to go up a hill in bottom gear bottom
They clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff. rock
She took a deep breath and stayed under for more than a minute. under
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater