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OXF3000N xuống đi xuống downwards
OXF3000N xuống đi xuống downward

like: đi xuống

Her hair comes down to her waist. come down
The business was on a downward path, finally closing in 2008. downward
Subsidence is the downward movement of a site on which a building stands. downward
Most of the 'don't knows' in the opinion polls came down in favour of (= eventually chose to support) the Democrats. in favour (of sb/sth)
The hospital is further down the road. further
Oil is going down in price. go down
These new figures give the lie to the belief that unemployment is going down. give the lie to sth
He walked down the long corridor. long
The avalanche forced its way down the mountain, crushing everything in its path. path
They've gone down the pub for a drink. pub
We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs. serious
I'm just going down to the shops. Can I get you anything? shop
Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding. take sth down
We walked down to the water's edge. water