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Sie ruft beim Theater an, um zwei Karten zu bestellen. Cô điện thoại tới nhà hát để đặt hai vé. (Lektion 58, Nr. 817)
Er ruft bei der einzigen Zeitung der Region an, um eine Anzeige aufzugeben. Anh điện thoại cho một vài tờ báo địa phương để đăng quảng cáo. (Lektion 69, Nr. 984)
Ihr Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Anfertigung unterschiedlicher Studien zur Qualitätsprüfung. Phạm vi công việc của anh / chị bao gồm soạn thảo các nghiên cứu khác nhau để đánh giá chất lượng. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1782)

adequate to do sth: training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry adequate
When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on. advert
agree to do sth: We agreed to meet on Thursday. agree
Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims. aim
As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us £10 000. answer
appoint sb to do sth: A lawyer was appointed to represent the child. appoint
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
Her main argument was a moral one. argument
to arrive at an agreement/a decision/a conclusion arrive at sth
Lie flat and let your knees bend. bend
brush sth: to brush your hair/teeth/shoes brush
I think there's a bus at 8 but you'd better call to make certain. make certain (that...)
We checked through the photographs to make sure there were none missing. check over/through sth
The subject came up in conversation. come up
to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies competitive
What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? criterion
to meet the demand for a product demand
to put sth on temporary/permanent display on display
The issue has divided the government. divide
Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil dry out. dry out, dry sth out
financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency expense
It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage. extent
to achieve/win instant fame fame
To order, fill in the coupon on p 54. fill sth in
Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake. freely
measures to achieve full employment full
It is too early to assess the full extent of the damage. full
to gain confidence/strength/experience gain
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 (= a particular temperature of a gas oven) gas
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. get round/around sth
a giant step towards achieving independence giant
to achieve/attain a goal goal
to give a guarantee of good behaviour guarantee
The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
the head boy/girl (= a student who is chosen to represent the school) head
invest (in sth): Now is a good time to invest in the property market. invest
To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed. judge
judge how, what, etc...: It was hard to judge how great the risk was. judge
Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it) judgement
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child. law
to lay the table lay
licence (to do sth): You need a licence to fish in this river. licence
Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. light
Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost. love
+ noun: They marched 20 miles to reach the capital. march
to put a match to sth (= set fire to sth) match
Matters were made worse by a fire in the warehouse. matter
Matters came to a head (= the situation became very difficult) with his resignation. matter
I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. miss sb/sth out
a moral issue/dilemma/question moral
to satisfy/meet/identify a need need
to fulfil an emotional need need
to meet children's special educational needs need
to meet/achieve your objectives objective
The matter was passed on to me, as your commanding officer. officer
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
Out you go! (= used to order sb to leave a room) out
to set off at a steady/gentle/leisurely pace pace
The issue was debated in Parliament. parliament
They are finding it difficult to meet the payments on their car. payment
to put the phone down phone
Problems were beginning to pile up. pile up
The task poses no special problems. pose
He arrived at that very moment, as if in answer to her prayer. prayer
The problem first arose in 2008. problem
to make progress progress
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise reach
ready to do sth: The contract will be ready to sign in two weeks. ready
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information that you provide is correct. reasonable
We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30. reception
She was recommended for the post by a colleague. recommend
to break the record (= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before) record
The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages. release
There remained one significant problem. remain
The artist uses doves to represent peace. represent
The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists. represent
a software package to meet your requirements requirement
to meet/fulfil/satisfy the requirements requirement
You can rely on him to respond to a challenge. respond
response to sb/sth: In response to your enquiry... response
response (to sb/sth): The product was developed in response to customer demand. response
responsibility (to do sth): It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced. responsibility
to reverse a procedure/process/trend reverse
to reverse a judgement reverse
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. rock
to gain/get/derive satisfaction from sth satisfaction
say (that)...: The instructions say (that) we should leave it to set for four hours. say
to evaluate performance on a scale from 1 to 10 scale
to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced) scale
They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch. scratch
I rely on you to set a good example. set
She gave him a shake to wake him. shake
In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. should
Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time. simply
Thanks to her skilful handling of the affair, the problem was averted. skilful
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. smooth
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event. stamp
They had no stomach for a fight. have no stomach for sth
You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal. strong
She struggled for 10 years to achieve success as an actress. struggle
sure of doing sth: England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the World Cup. sure
Our staff will do their best to make sure you enjoy your visit. make sure (of sth/that...)
system for doing sth: a new system for assessing personal tax bills system
to set the table (= to put the plates, knives, etc. on it for a meal) table
to lay the table table
to meet/achieve a target target
It was my task to wake everyone up in the morning. task
The matter is under investigation. under
It didn't take long to put the tent up. up
They've had the road up (= with the surface broken or removed) to lay some pipes. up
urge to do sth: I had a sudden urge to hit him. urge
The issue was put to the vote. vote
wake sb (up): Try not to wake the baby up. wake