Beginner Level Advanced Level



动态 dong4tai4 movement; motion; development; trend; dynamic (science) Động

Haufen đống Umwelt
Messing đồng Materialien

OXF3000N hành động hành vi cử chỉ đối xử act
OXF3000N hành động hành vi tác động action
OXF3000N hành động take action
OXF3000N sự tích cực sự hoạt động sự hăng hái sự linh lợi activity
OXF3000N làm ảnh hưởng tác động đến affect
OXF3000N đồng ý tán thành agree
OXF3000N sự đồng ý tán thành hiệp định hợp đồng agreement
OXF3000N báo động báo nguy alarm
OXF3000N báo động alarmed
OXF3000N nước đồng minh liên minh liên kết kết thông gia ally
OXF3000N liên minh đồng minh thông gia allied
OXF3000N động vật thú vật animal
OXF3000N sự tán thành đồng ý sự chấp thuận approval
OXF3000N tán thành đồng ý chấp thuận approve of
OXF3000N tán thành đồng ý chấp thuận approving
OXF3000N tự động automatic
OXF3000N một cách tự động automatically
OXF3000N chiến dịch cuộc vận động campaign
OXF3000N đồng xu cent
OXF3000N điện thoại di động cellphone
OXF3000N đồng hồ clock
OXF3000N gần (mqh) thân thiết chặt chẽ đóng khép kết thúc close
OXF3000N bạn đồng nghiệp colleague
OXF3000N sự an ủi khuyên giải lời động viên sự an nhàn comfort
OXF3000N hội đồng ủy ban sự ủy nhiệm sự ủy thác commission
OXF3000N hợp đồng sự ký hợp đồng ký kết contract
OXF3000N đóng góp góp phần contribute
OXF3000N sự đóng góp sự góp phần contribution
OXF3000N hội đồng council
OXF3000N đám đông crowd
OXF3000N đông đúc crowded
OXF3000N bất đồng không đồng ý khác không giống không hợp disagree
OXF3000N sự bất đồng sự không đồng ý sự khác nhau disagreement
OXF3000N giải tán (quân đội đám đông) sa thải (người làm) dismiss
OXF3000N làm mất yên tĩnh làm náo động quấy rầy disturb
OXF3000N như kịch như đóng kịch thích hợp với sân khấu dramatic
OXF3000N đổ rác đống rác nơi đổ rác dump
OXF3000N hướng đông phía đông (thuộcđông ở phía đông east
OXF3000N đông eastern
OXF3000N sự xúc động sự cảm động mối xúc cảm emotion
OXF3000N cảm động xúc động xúc cảm dễ cảm động dễ xúc cảm emotional
OXF3000N xúc động emotionally
OXF3000N người lao động người làm công employee
OXF3000N chủ người sử dụng lao động employer
OXF3000N động viên ủng hộ giúp đỡ làm can đảm mạnh dạn encourage
OXF3000N niềm cổ vũ động viên khuyến khích sự làm can đảm encouragement
OXF3000N máy động cơ engine
OXF3000N tài sản di sản bất động sản estate
OXF3000N kích thích kích động excite
OXF3000N bị kích thích bị kích động excited
OXF3000N sự kích thích sự kích động excitement
OXF3000N công việc trồng trọt đồng áng farming
OXF3000N thiện ý sự quý mến sự đồng ý favour
OXF3000N anh chàng (đang yêu) đồng chí fellow
OXF3000N cánh đồng bãi chiến trường field
OXF3000N đóng gắn lắp sửa chữa sửa sang fix
OXF3000N đứng yên bất động fixed
OXF3000N đóng băng đông lạnh freeze
OXF3000N đóng băng đông lạnh freeze
OXF3000N sự đông lạnh sự giá lạnh làm đông làm đóng băng freeze
OXF3000N sự đông lạnh sự giá lạnh làm đông làm đóng băng freeze
OXF3000N chức năng họat động chạy (máy) function
OXF3000N cỏ bãi cỏ đồng cỏ grass
OXF3000N cá tính nét nhận dạng tính đồng nhất giống hệt identity
OXF3000N sự và chạm sự tác động ảnh hưởng impact
OXF3000N ghi khắc in sâu vào gây ấn tượng làm cảm động impress
OXF3000N ấn tượng cảm giác sự in đóng dấu impression
OXF3000N sự ảnh hưởng sự tác dụng ảnh hưởng tác động influence
OXF3000N lao động công việc labour
OXF3000N sống hoạt động live
OXF3000N sống sinh động lively
OXF3000N chuyển động di động mobile
OXF3000N sự chuyển động sự di động motion
OXF3000N động cơ mô tô motor
OXF3000N di chuyển chuyển động sự di chuyển sự chuyển động move
OXF3000N động hoạt động moving
OXF3000N sự chuyển động sự hoạt động cử động động tác movement
OXF3000N hoạt động điều khiển operate
OXF3000N sự hoạt động quá trình hoạt động operation
OXF3000N gói đồ bưu kiện đóng gói đóng kiện package
OXF3000N đồng xu số tiền penny
OXF3000N mảnh mẩu đồng tiền piece
OXF3000N cọc chồng đống pin đóng cọc chất chồng pile
OXF3000N chính sách cách xử sự điều khoản hợp đồng policy
OXF3000N họat động chính trị đời sống chính trị quan điểm chính trị politics
OXF3000N tài sản của cải đất đai nhà cửa bất động sản property
OXF3000N tác động trở lại phản ứng react
OXF3000N bào tải đóng bao bỏ vào bao sack
OXF3000N đóng góp tham gia chia sẻ phần đóng góp phần tham gia chia sẻ share
OXF3000N sự đụng chạm va chạm sự kích động sự choáng shock
OXF3000N gây ra căm phẫn tồi tệ gây kích động shocking
OXF3000N bị kích động bị va chạm bị sốc shocked
OXF3000N đóng khép đậy tính khép kín shut
OXF3000N bạc đồng bạc làm bằng bạc trắng như bạc silver
OXF3000N trượtc chuyển động nhẹ lướt qua slide
OXF3000N bắt đầu khởi động sự bắt đầu sự khởi đầu khởi hành start
OXF3000N người ra mồ hôi kẻ bóc lột lao động sweater
OXF3000N đồng cảm đáng mến dễ thương sympathetic
OXF3000N sự đồng cảm sự đồng ý sympathy
OXF3000N mở vòi đóng vồi vòi khóa tap
OXF3000N sự đi lại sự giao thông sự chuyển động traffic
OXF3000N đồng phục đều giống nhau đồng dạng uniform
OXF3000N đồng hồ nhìn theo dõi quan sát sự canh gác sự canh phòng watch
OXF3000N mùa đông winter
OXF3000N người lao động worker

the animal Động vật Animals 1
Which animal has the longest tail? Động vật nào có cái đuôi dài nhất? Animals 2

like: Động
geschlossen đóng cửa 关闭的 guānbì de
schwül đồng tính nam 闷热的 mènrè de
schließen đóng 关闭 guānbì
parallel song song, đồng thời 平行的 píng xíng de
frieren Đông lạnh 冻僵 dòng jiāng
bejahen Đồng ý 赞同 zàn tóng
bejahen Đồng ý 赞同 zàn tóng
zustimmen Đồng ý 同意 tōng yì
sich bewegen cử động 移动 yí dòng
funktionieren hoạt động 起作用 qǐ zuò yòng
bejahen Đồng ý 同意 tóng yì
bejahen Đồng ý 同意 tóng yì
zugleich cùng, đồng thời 同时 tóng shí
schütteln kích động 晃动 huàng dòng
widersprechen bất đồng quan điểm, không đồng ý 与 ...发生矛盾 yǔ ..... fā shēng máo dùn
friedlich hòa đồng 平和的 píng hé de
jemanden ermuntern etwas zu tun động viên, khuyến khích ai làm việc gì đó 鼓励某人做某事 gǔlì mǒurén zuò mǒushì
unüberlegt handeln hành động thiếu suy nghĩ 妄自行事, 鲁莽行事 wàngzì xíngshì, lǔmǎng xíngshì
jemanden zu etwas ermutigen động viên, khuyến khích ai làm việc gì đó 鼓励某人做某事 gǔlì mǒurén zuò mǒushì
mit jemandem übereinstimmen đồng ý, nhất trí với ai đó 与某人完全一致, 与某人取得共识 yǔ mǒurén wánquán yīzhì, yǔ mǒurén qǔdé gòngshí
ein Verb konjugieren chia động từ 一个动词变位 yī gè dòngcí biànwèi
einen Betrieb lahmlegen làm tê liệt hoạt động 使一家企业瘫痪 shǐ yī jiā qǐyè tānhuàn
jemanden beeinflussen gây ảnh hưởng, tác động lên ai đó 影响某人 yǐngxiǎng mǒurén
vier Zylinder (Motor) bốn trục lăng (động cơ) 四气缸 (发动机) sì qìgāng (fādòngjī)
eine Tierart ausrotten hủy diệt một loài động vật 一个动物种类的灭绝 yī gè dòngwù zhǒnglèi de mièjué
orientalisch thuộc phương đông 东方的 dōngfāng de
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn 歇斯底里的 xiēsīdǐlǐ de
jemanden trösten động viên ai đó 安慰某人 ānwèi mǒurén
mit jemandem Mitleid haben có đồng cảm với ai đó 同情某人 tóngqíng mǒurén
unbeweglich không cử động 不动的 búdòng de
homosexuell đồng tính 同性恋的 tóngxìngliàn de
lesbisch đồng tính nữ 女同性恋的 nǚ tóngxìngliàn de
schwul đồng tính nam 男同性恋的 nán tóngxìngliàn de
zufrieren đóng băng 结冰 jiébīng
stationiert sein đóng quân, đồn trú 驻扎 zhùzhā
die Uhr đồng hồ
der Geldautomat máy rút tiền tự động
geschlossen đóng cửa
schließen đóng
das Handy điện thoại di động
das Geräusch tiếng động
der Automat máy tự động
der Fahrkartenautomat máy bán vé tự động
der Winter mùa đông
der Auftrag giao phó, nhiệm vụ, hợp đồng
parallel song song, đồng thời
der Athlet vận động viên, lực sĩ
der Winter mùa đông
frieren Đông lạnh
der Osten phía đông
der Kollege nam đồng nghiệp
die Kollegin nữ đồng nghiệp
bejahen Đồng ý
der Vertrag hợp đồng
zustimmen Đồng ý
der Alarm báo động
sich bewegen cử động
die Motorhaube Động cơ
die Funktion bộ máy, sự hoạt động
funktionieren hoạt động
die Handlung hành động
das Erdbeben Động đất
bejahen Đồng ý
zugleich cùng, đồng thời
die Armbanduhr Đồng hồ đeo tay
der Zeiger einer Uhr kim đồng hồ
schütteln kích động
widersprechen bất đồng quan điểm, không đồng ý
friedlich hòa đồng
jemanden ermuntern etwas zu tun động viên, khuyến khích ai làm việc gì đó
unüberlegt handeln hành động thiếu suy nghĩ
jemanden zu etwas ermutigen động viên, khuyến khích ai làm việc gì đó
mit jemandem übereinstimmen đồng ý, nhất trí với ai đó
ein Verb konjugieren chia động từ
der Genosse bạn, đồng chí
die Werft xưởng đóng tàu
der Einfluss sự ảnh hưởng, sự tác động
der Stapel chồng chất, đống
einen Betrieb lahmlegen làm tê liệt hoạt động
jemanden beeinflussen gây ảnh hưởng, tác động lên ai đó
der Arbeitgeber nhà tuyển dụng, người sử dụng lao động
der Arbeitnehmer người lao động
die Kündigungsfrist thời hạn quy ước trước khi chấm dứt hợp đồng (lao động)
die Selbstbeteiligung sự tự tham gia, sự tự đóng góp
das Messing đồng thau
die Bronze đồng
das Kupfer đồng đỏ
die Auswirkung sự tác động, tác dụng, hiệu quả
die Menschenmenge đám đông
der Messbecher cốc đong, cốc đo
das Taximeter đồng hồ đo cước taxi
vier Zylinder (Motor) bốn trục lăng (động cơ)
die Automatikschaltung cài số tự động
der Antrieb động cơ
das Getriebe bộ phận truyền động
der Tachometer đồng hồ tốc độ
der Lenker ghi đông, tay lái
das Säugetier động vật có vú
die Pfote chân động vật
die Tatze chân động vật lớn
eine Tierart ausrotten hủy diệt một loài động vật
das Futter thức ăn (động vật)
die Tiere füttern cho động vật ăn
das Feld cánh đồng
der Fußball-Fan fan bóng đá, cổ động viên bóng đá
das Babyfon máy theo dõi tiếng động trẻ em
orientalisch thuộc phương đông
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn
jemanden trösten động viên ai đó
mit jemandem Mitleid haben có đồng cảm với ai đó
die Arterie động mạch
unbeweglich không cử động
homosexuell đồng tính
lesbisch đồng tính nữ
schwul đồng tính nam
das Beben động đất
der Weinberg đồi nho, cánh đồng nho
zufrieren đóng băng
die Almosen, die Spende tiền làm từ thiện, sự đóng góp, sự quyên góp
das Morgenland phương Đông, Á đông
stationiert sein đóng quân, đồn trú

Daher überlegt er, das Geld mit seiner Kreditkarte vom Geldautomaten zu holen. Vì vậy anh ấy cân nhắc việc rút tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng từ máy rút tiền tự động. (Lektion 5, Nr. 43)
Tri liebt es, Sport zu treiben. Er könnte ohne sportliche Aktivitäten nicht leben. Tri thích luyện tập thế thao. Anh ấy không thế sống nếu thiếu những hoạt động thế thao. (Lektion 13, Nr. 126)
Im Winter bieten wir auch Eishockey an. Vào mùa đông chúng tôi có cả môn hockey trên băng. (Lektion 13, Nr. 134)
Ich möchte diese Schuhe und ich brauche auch neue Strümpfe und Strumpfhosen für den Winter. Em muốn đôi giày này và em cũng cần đôi tất dài và quần tất mới cho mùa đông này. (Lektion 22, Nr. 268)
Können Sie bitte die Flasche schließen? Anh làm ơn đóng cái chai lại được không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 370)
Nach einer halben Stunde fanden sie schließlich Kreuzberg. Sau nửa tiếng đồng hồ, cuối cùng họ đã tìm thấy Kreuzberg. (Lektion 28, Nr. 379)
Jedesmal wenn ich mein Mobiltelefon benutzen möchte, ist die Karte leer! Cứ mỗi lần cô ấy muốn dùng điện thoại di động là thẻ hết tiền. (Lektion 31, Nr. 399)
Sie steckt ihre Telefonkarte hinein und hebt den Hörer ab, aber das Telefon funktioniert nicht. Cô ấy nhét thẻ điện thoại vào và nhấc ống nghe lên, nhưng điện thoại không hoạt động. (Lektion 31, Nr. 407)
Sie versucht eine andere Telefonzelle, aber jetzt kann sie nur auf den Anrufbeantworter sprechen. Cô ấy thử sang phòng điện thoại khác, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy chỉ có thế nói vào máy trả lời tự động thôi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 409)
Am Ticketschalter musst du sehr lange warten. Am besten benutzt du den Fahrscheinautomaten. Ở quầy bán vé anh phải đợi rất lâu. Tốt nhất là anh dùng máy bán vé tự động. (Lektion 37, Nr. 532)
Dort unterschreiben sie den neuen Mietvertrag. Ở đó họ ký một bản hợp đồng mới thuê nhà. (Lektion 43, Nr. 626)
Teile das Brett und zeichne parallel zueinander sechs Löcher auf. Hãy phân chia những tấm ván và đồng thời lược đồ theo sáu cái lỗ. (Lektion 46, Nr. 660)
Im Fußballstadion Sân bóng Trong sân vận động (Lektion 49, Nr. 690)
Im Stadion brüllt und pfeift die Mehrheit der Zuschauer extrem laut. Phần lớn khán giả trong sân vận động gào và la hét thật to. (Lektion 49, Nr. 698)
Du hast recht, ich friere auch schon. Em nói đúng, anh cũng đã đông lạnh rồi. (Lektion 54, Nr. 764)
Wie ihr auf der Rückseite der Postkarte seht, kann man hier im Winter auch Ski fahren. Như bố mẹ có thể thấy sau tấm bưu thiệp, ở đây vào mùa đông người ta có thể trượt tuyết nữa. (Lektion 55, Nr. 785)
Meine Kollegin wird sie Ihnen geben. Nữ đồng nghiệp của tôi sẽ đưa nó cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 827)
Der Handykauf Mua điện thoại di động (Lektion 59, Nr. 828)
Tris altes Handy ist defekt. Cái điện thoại di động cũ của Trí bị hỏng. (Lektion 59, Nr. 829)
Gleichzeitig möchte Tri den Anbieter wechseln und einen neuen Vertrag abschließen. Trí muốn đổi nhà cung cấp mới ngay và ký một hợp đồng mới. (Lektion 59, Nr. 833)
Da stimme ich dir zu, so mache ich es auch. Tôi đồng ý với bạn, vì tôi cũng làm thế. (Lektion 59, Nr. 840)
Der Richter ließ sich von dem Mann, der alles leugnete, aber nicht beeindrucken. Người đàn ông phủ nhận mọi việc, nhưng điều đó không làm cho thẩm phán lay động. (Lektion 63, Nr. 893)
Endlich angekommen, schließt Tri das Fenster und geht in sein Büro. Cuối cùng cũng đến nơi, Trí đóng cửa sổ và đi vào phòng làm việc của mình. (Lektion 67, Nr. 959)
Als Tri abends zurück zum Parkplatz kommt, bleibt er - unfähig sich zu bewegen - stehen: Khi Trí quay lại bãi đậu xe vào buổi tối, anh đứng sững lại- không thể cử động được: (Lektion 67, Nr. 960)
Als sie das Auto starten möchte, springt es nicht an. Khi cô khởi động, xe không nổ. (Lektion 68, Nr. 966)
Sie steigt wieder aus und schaut unter die Motorhaube. Cô lại xuống xe và nhìn xuống động cơ. (Lektion 68, Nr. 967)
Nein, denn die Beleuchtung funktioniert. Không, vì đèn vẫn hoạt động. (Lektion 68, Nr. 972)
Ich bin der Meinung, dass das Auto seinen Preis wert ist. Tôi đồng ý là cái giá cả nên tương xứng với chiếc xe ô tô này. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1002)
Die Menschen mussten fliehen und viele wurden von herabstürzenden Trümmern begraben. Mọi người phải bỏ chạy và nhiều người bị chôn vùi trong đống đổ nát. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1032)
Die Waage ist diplomatisch, freundlich und friedlich. Thiên bình có tài ngoại giao, thân thiện và hòa đồng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1141)
Trang wird in der Mittagspause von einem neuen Kollegen angesprochen. Một người đồng nghiệp mới nói chuyện với Trang trong giờ nghỉ trưa. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1148)
Mein Vertrag geht noch über zwei Jahre, ich bin sehr fleißig und werde oft gelobt. Hợp đồng của anh còn hơn hai năm nữa, anh rất chăm chỉ và thường được thưởng. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1165)
Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass du etwas ändern solltest. Em cũng đồng ý rằng anh nên đổi việc khác. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1167)
Oh ja, ich würde gerne eine neue Herausforderung annehmen und an meiner Karriere arbeiten. ồ được đó, anh rất muồn tiếp nhận thử thách mới và lao động vì sự nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1172)
Aber sie bekommen im Durchschnitt 12 Prozent weniger bezahlt als ihre männlichen Kollegen. Nhưng trung bình họ nhận được lương ít hơn 12 phần trăm so với những đồng nghiệp nam. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1186)
Kann ich bitte mit Ihrer Kollegin sprechen? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể nói chuyện với cô đồng nghiệp của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1221)
Einen Moment bitte, ich verbinde Sie mit meiner Kollegin. Làm ơn chờ một chút, tôi sẽ nối máy cho đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1250)
Darf ich Sie mit meiner Kollegin verbinden? Tôi sẽ nối máy cho anh / chị với đồng nghiệp của tôi được không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1251)
Mein Kollege ist im Moment nicht zu sprechen. Đồng nghiệp của tôi hiện đang bận. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1254)
Möchten Sie meiner Kollegin etwas ausrichten? Anh / Chị muốn nhắn lại gì cho đồng nghiệp của tôi không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1258)
Sie ist nur über ihr Handy zu erreichen. Cô ấy / Chị ấy hiện chỉ liên lạc được qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1262)
Das ist der Anrufbeantworter der Firma Muster. Đây là hộp tin nhắn điện thoại / máy trả lời tự động của công ty Muster. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1300)
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Thân gửi các anh / chị đồng nghiệp (Lektion 89, Nr. 1324)
Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an meine Kollegin. Nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi gì thêm nữa xin hãy liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1358)
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Các bạn đồng nghiệp thân mến (Lektion 91, Nr. 1368)
In dringenden Fällen, wenden Sie sich bitte an meinen Kollegen. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1389)
Kannst du das bitte an die Kollegin in Berlin faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi tài liệu này qua fax đến đồng nghiệp ở Berlin được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1413)
Kennen Sie schon meinen Kollegen? - Er arbeitet in der Münchner Niederlassung in der Buchhaltung. Anh / Chị đã biết đồng nghiệp của tôi chưa? – Anh ấy / Ông ấy làm việc tại phòng kế toán tại chi nhánh ở Munich. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1443)
Das ist mein Kollege. Er ist zu dieser Konferenz aus Deutschland angereist. Hân hạnh giới thiệu đồng nghiệp của tôi. Anh ấy / Ông ấy từ Đức tới để dự hội thảo. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1448)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Kollegin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu nữ đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1449)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Ich stand eine Stunde lang im Stau. Xin anh / chị thứ lỗi về sự chậm trễ. Tôi bị tắc đường một tiếng đồng hồ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1488)
Einverstanden, dieser Termin ist gut. Đồng ý, thời điểm ấy rất phù hợp. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1552)
Die Kollegin aus der Forschungsabteilung wird uns ihre Ergebnisse in einem Zwischenbericht vorstellen. Đồng nghiệp từ phòng nghiên cứu sẽ trình bày cho chúng ta kết quả nghiên cứu qua một báo cáo ngắn gọn. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1635)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
Ich bin dafür. Tôi nhất trí / đồng ý. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1661)
Mit diesem Vorschlag bin ich nicht einverstanden. Tôi không đồng ý với đề xuất này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1665)
Dieses Formular bekommen Sie von meiner Kollegin. Ihr Büro ist im 2. Stock. Quý vị có thể nhận được bản khai từ đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng hai. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1681)
Dieser Auftrag stellt uns vor ein großes logistisches Problem. Đối với hợp đồng này thì việc vận chuyển là một vấn đề lớn. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1704)
Wir könnten diesen Auftrag extern vergeben. Chúng ta có thể bàn giao hợp đồng này cho một đối tác bên ngoài. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1717)
Wir können einen Kollegen um Hilfe bitten. Chúng ta có thể nhờ một đồng nghiệp khác giúp đỡ. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1719)
Sie unterstützen die Kollegen in der internen Unternehmenskommunikation. Anh / Chị hỗ trợ các đồng nghiệp trong giao dịch nội bộ công ty. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1748)
Das Verhältnis mit den Kollegen war sehr gut. Wir haben auch in der Freizeit viel gemeinsam unternommen. Quan hệ với đồng nghiệp rất tốt. Chúng tôi cũng đi chơi cùng nhau nhiều trong thời gian rỗi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1765)
Ich habe mich problemlos in den Betrieb im Ausland integrieren können. Tôi đã có thể hòa nhập một cách nhanh chóng vào các hoạt động của công ty ở nước ngoài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1769)
Wir suchen neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Chúng tôi cần tìm đồng nghiệp mới. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1771)
Sie denken und handeln unternehmerisch. Anh / Chị nghĩ và hành động có tính doanh nghiệp. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1791)
Das Arbeitsverhältnis ist auf ein Jahr befristet. Hợp đồng làm việc này có thời hạn một năm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1799)
Ich habe Ihre Anzeige in einem Arbeitsmarkt-Portal im Internet gelesen. Tôi đã đọc mục tuyển nhân viên của ông / bà trên trang thị trường lao động trên Internet. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1807)
Mit Kollegen im Team zu arbeiten macht mir Spaß. Tôi thích làm việc cùng đồng nghiệp trong nhóm. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1824)
Ich arbeite seit Jahren mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen. Từ nhiều năm nay tôi làm việc cùng với các đồng nghiệp quốc tế. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1917)
Es motiviert mich andere Menschen für meine Ideen zu begeistern. Việc mọi người hưởng ứng các ý kiến của tôi tạo động lực cho tôi. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1934)
Ich denke und handle unternehmerisch. Tôi nghĩ và hành động có tính doanh nghiệp. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1937)
Wie können Sie zu unserem Erfolg beitragen? Anh / Chị có thể đóng góp vào sự thành công của chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1948)
Wie möchten Sie die Mitarbeiter in Ihrem Team motivieren? Anh / Chị khích lệ các đồng nghiệp trong nhóm thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1952)
Wir glauben, dass Sie zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens beitragen werden. Chúng tôi nghĩ rằng, anh / chị sẽ đóng góp vào sự thành công của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1981)
Wir schicken Ihnen den Arbeitsvertrag zu. Chúng tôi gửi anh / chị hợp đồng làm việc. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1982)
Ich werde die Kollegen aus der Marketingabteilung damit beauftragen. Tôi sẽ chuyển cho đồng nghiệp ở bộ phận marketing. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2014)
Das Büro von meinem Kollegen ist im 17. Stock. Er arbeitet in der Personalabteilung. Văn phòng đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng 17. Anh ấy làm việc ở bộ phận nhân sự. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2035)
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen. Tôi cám ơn sự hiện diện đông đảo của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2081)
Ich freue mich, auch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden zu diesem Vortrag begrüßen zu dürfen. Tôi rất vui có sự hiện diện của ngài chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị trong buổi diễn thuyết hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2083)
Ich beginne nun mit meinem Vortrag – auch wenn noch nicht alle Kollegen da sind. Mặc dù không có mặt tất cả các đồng nghiệp ở đây, tôi vẫn xin phép được bắt đầu bài thuyết trình của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2094)
In dieser Abbildung habe ich den Prozess systematisch dargestellt. Trong hình vẽ này tôi đã phác họa lại quy trình hoạt động một cách hệ thống. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2107)
Vielen Dank – auch im Namen aller Kollegen und Kolleginnen – für diese interessante Präsentation. Thay mặt tất cả các đồng nghiệp xin chân thành cám ơn bài diễn thuyết rất thú vị này. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2121)
Ich bin dafür. Tôi đồng ý. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2130)
Ich bin dagegen. Tôi không đồng ý. / Tôi phản đối. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2131)
Damit bin ich einverstanden. Tôi đồng ý với điều đó. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2132)
In diesem Fall stimme ich dir zu. Trong trường hợp này tôi đồng ý với ý kiến của anh / chị. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2150)
Mit dieser Lösung bin ich einverstanden. Với cách giải quyết này tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2153)
Ich bin mit diesem Vorschlag einverstanden. Tôi đồng ý với đề xuất này. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2154)
Ich finde die Idee der Kollegin sehr interessant. Tôi thấy ý kiến của nữ đồng nghiệp rất thú vị. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2155)
Bitte informieren Sie die Kollegen über alles, was wir heute besprechen. Xin quý vị hãy thông báo cho các đồng nghiệp về những điều chúng ta thảo luận hôm nay. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2196)
Wer ist dafür? Ai đồng ý? (Lektion 117, Nr. 2216)
Das Gerät reinigt sich automatisch. Chiếc máy này làm sạch một cách tự động. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2272)
Das Produkt funktioniert nicht. Sản phẩm này không hoạt động. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2277)
Funktioniert es jetzt? Bây giờ thì nó hoạt động phải không? (Lektion 119, Nr. 2283)
Ich werde Ihr Problem gerne an den zuständigen Kollegen weitergeben. Tôi sẽ chuyển vấn đề của quý khách sang cho đồng nghiệp có trách nhiệm. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2287)
Da kann Ihnen mein Kollege helfen. Đồng nghiệp của tôi có thể giúp quý khách điều này được. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2288)
Wann schließt das Messezentrum? Khi nào trung tâm hội chợ đóng cửa? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2324)
Können Sie mir bitte erklären, wie das funktioniert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi cái này hoạt động thế nào? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2343)
Reichen Sie Ihre Rede bis zum 15.02. bei der Jury ein. Xin quý vị hãy gửi bài phát biểu của mình tới hội đồng giám khảo đến ngày 15.2. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2357)
Sie erreichen mich über mein Handy. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2383)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)
Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có mang theo vật gì phải đóng thuế không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2389)
Das müssen Sie verzollen. Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà phải đóng thuế cái này. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2390)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt. Sản phẩm được đóng gói không cẩn thận. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2477)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)

accept sb: It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community. accept
it is accepted that...: It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success. accept
it is accepted to be, have, etc. sth: The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. accept
You have to accept the consequences of your actions. accept
to open/close an account account
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. account for sth
My watch is not very accurate. accurate
Scientists have found a more accurate way of dating cave paintings. accurate
He walked across the field. across
Don't take her seriously—it's all an act. act
You could tell she was just putting on an act. act
act of sth: an act of kindness act
act of sb: The murder was the act of a psychopath. act
Have you ever acted? act
Most of the cast act well. act
He acts all macho, but he's a real softie underneath. act
+ adv.: John's been acting very strangely lately. act
act like sb/sth: Stop acting like spoilt children! act
act as if/though...: She was acting as if she'd seen a ghost. act
It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests. act
The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly. act
He claims he acted in self-defence. act
I like films with plenty of action. action
New York is where the action is. action
military action action
soldiers killed in action action
A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article. action
He is considering taking legal action against the hospital. action
The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive. action
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
What is the best course of action in the circumstances? action
She began to explain her plan of action to the group. action
Her quick action saved the child's life. action
Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions. action
Just press the button to see your favourite character in action. in action
I've yet to see all the players in action. in action
The new plan for traffic control is being put into action on an experimental basis. into action
sexually active teenagers active
animals that are active only at night active
The virus is still active in the blood. active
an active volcano (= likely to erupt ) active
They were both politically active. active
The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget. active
Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active. active
Before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle. active
economic activity activity
Muscles contract and relax during physical activity. activity
leisure/outdoor/classroom activities activity
The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash. activity
illegal/criminal activities activity
admire sb for doing sth: I don't agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles. admire
be admitted that...: It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly. admit
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
Why can't you two act like civilized adults? adult
advance on/towards sb/sth: The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily. advance
She closed the door firmly and advanced towards the desk. advance
Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action. advise
Shut the door after you. after
agree on sth: Can we agree on a date? agree
agree sth: They met at the agreed time. agree
Can we agree a price? agree
agree to do sth: We agreed to meet on Thursday. agree
agree what, where, etc...: We couldn't agree what to do. agree
I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. agree
agree to sth: Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? agree
agree (that)...: She agreed (that) I could go early. agree
agree to do sth: She agreed to let me go early. agree
When he said that, I had to agree. agree
+ speech: 'That's true', she agreed. agree
agree (with sb) (about/on sth): He agreed with them about the need for change. agree
agree with sth: I agree with her analysis of the situation. agree
agree (that)...: We agreed (that) the proposal was a good one. agree
'It's terrible.' 'I couldn't agree more!' (= I completely agree) agree
be agreed (on/about sth): Are we all agreed on this? agree
be agreed (that...): It was agreed (that) we should hold another meeting. agree
You'll have to get your parents' agreement if you want to go on the trip. agreement
The act lays down a minimum standard for air quality. air
I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night. alarm
The doctor said there was no cause for alarm. alarm
She decided to sound the alarm (= warn people that the situation was dangerous). alarm
I hammered on all the doors to raise the alarm. alarm
By the time the alarm was raised the intruders had escaped. alarm
The cat set off the alarm (= made it start ringing). alarm
The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers. alarm
an alarming increase in crime alarming
The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. alarming
He was buried alive in the earthquake. alive
All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. all
I invited some of my colleagues but not all. all
Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915. allied
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing. allied
allied forces/troops allied
The crowd parted to allow her through. allow
our European/NATO allies ally
a loyal ally of the United States ally
a close ally and friend of the prime minister ally
His sister was his ally against their grandparents. ally
The assassin said he had acted alone. alone
She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others. along with sb/sth
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
I don't altogether agree with you. altogether
They strolled among the crowds. among
The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders. angry
the animals and birds of South America animal
Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats. animal
the animal kingdom animal
This product has not been tested on animals. animal
Humans are the only animals to have developed speech. animal
antifreeze anti-
I forbid anyone to touch that clock. anyone
Many of these animals are not found anywhere else. anywhere
appeal (to sb) (for sth): to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
appeal to sb to do sth: Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. appeal
When did mammals appear on the earth? appear
Winter is approaching. approach
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval. approval
The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it). approval
approval (for sth) (from sb): They required/received approval for the proposal from the shareholders. approval
He gave me an approving nod. approving
You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me. ashamed
assist sb to do sth: a course to assist adults to return to the labour market assist
activities that will assist the decision-making process assist
My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. assistant
a proven association between passive smoking and cancer association
to launch an all-out attack on poverty/unemployment attack
to launch/make/mount an attack attack
attempt to do sth: Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. attempt
attend sth: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. attend
We acted under the authority of the UN. authority
automatic doors automatic
a fully automatic driverless train automatic
automatic transmission (= in a car, etc.) automatic
an automatic rifle (= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed) automatic
Breathing is an automatic function of the body. automatic
My reaction was automatic. automatic
A fine for this offence is automatic. automatic
The heating switches off automatically. automatically
I turned left automatically without thinking. automatically
You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18. automatically
His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities. awake
The barriers kept the crowd back. back
Athletes need a good sense of balance. balance
balance sth (on sth): The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books. balance
Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. ball
It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar. bar
The crowd had to stand behind barriers. barrier
The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east. barrier
battery-powered/-operated battery
How much is a thousand pounds in euros? be
begin sth at/with sth: He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. begin
They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers. on behalf of sb, on sb's behalf
studying human and animal behaviour behaviour
She acted in the belief that she was doing good. belief
She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral. believe
Who does this watch belong to? belong to sb
The temperatures remained below freezing all day. below
They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. beneath
I did it for a bet (= because sb had agreed to pay me money if I did). bet
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
A French firm will be bidding for the contract. bid
The company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital. bid
the biology of marine animals biology
The development was bitterly opposed by the local community. bitterly
A cold wind blew from the east. blow
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
members of the board board
the academic board (= for example, of a British university) board
a diving board board
a pile of books book
a book about/on wildlife book
born (out) of sth: She acted with a courage born (out) of desperation. born
I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). bother
I found some coins at the bottom of my bag. bottom
a device to measure brain activity during sleep brain
to break an agreement/a contract/a promise/your word break
My watch has broken. break
a pile of bricks brick
the broad plains of the American West broad
Broadly speaking, I agree with you. broadly
The music builds up to a rousing climax. build up (to sth)
Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. bury
It is the business of the police to protect the community. business
If we close down for repairs, we'll lose business. business
By my watch it is two o'clock. by
We only sell it by the metre. by
I camped overnight in a field. camp
Today police launched (= began) a campaign to reduce road accidents. campaign
The stadium can be emptied in four minutes. can
It can be quite cold here in winter. can
The US has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million. cancel
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
Troops are stationed in and around the capital. capital
Captain Jones and his co-pilot captain
capture sb: Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers. capture
That will be a good career move (= something that will help your career). career
a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) case
The museum needs to find ways of raising cash. cash
Mark walked in and caught them at it (= in the act of doing sth wrong). catch
thieves caught in the act catch
Animal welfare campaigners raised £70 000 for their cause last year. cause
The donation is the biggest private gift to a humanitarian cause. cause
cease sth: They voted to cease strike action immediately. cease
cell phone users cell phone
I talked to her on my cell phone. cell phone
The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. cell phone
Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. central
There will be rain later in central and eastern parts of the country. central
a shopping/sports/leisure/community centre centre
certain (that)...: It is certain that they will agree. certain
They are certain to agree. certain
Certain people might disagree with this. certain
to set in motion a chain of events chain
the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school) chairman
The members left the council chamber. chamber
The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success. chance
change sth into sth: to change dollars into yen change
change sth for/into sth: to change a dollar bill for four quarters change
a dollar in change (= coins that together are worth one dollar) change
I didn't have any small change (= coins of low value) to leave as a tip. change
The police pointed out the illegal character of the protest action. character
Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity. charity
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
Anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified from the examination. cheat
Stockholders took it on the chin yesterday as markets fell sharply. take sth on the chin
Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel. choice
The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances. circumstance
the working/middle/upper class class
classroom activities classroom
Cats are very clean animals. clean
The door closed with a click. click
to act on behalf of a client client
It was ten past six by the kitchen clock. clock
The clock struck twelve/midnight. clock
The clock is fast/slow. clock
The clock has stopped. clock
the clock face (= the front part of a clock with the numbers on) clock
The hands of the clock crept slowly around. clock
Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall. clock
The offer closes at the end of the week. close
close sth: to close a meeting/debate close
to close a case/an investigation close
to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) close
The subject is now closed (= we will not discuss it again). close
close sth (for sth): The museum has been closed for renovation. close
close sth (to sb/sth): The road was closed to traffic for two days. close
close (for sth): What time does the bank close? close
We close for lunch between twelve and two. close
The club was closed by the police. close
The hospital closed at the end of last year. close
The play closed after just three nights. close
to close a book/an umbrella close
Would anyone mind if I closed the window? close
She closed the gate behind her. close
It's dark now—let's close the curtains. close
The doors open and close automatically. close
The total was close to 20% of the workforce. close
We are close to signing the agreement. close
Keep the door closed. closed
The museum is closed on Mondays. closed
This road is closed to traffic. closed
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
closet gays closet
a long winter coat coat
animals in their winter coats (= grown long for extra warmth) coat
In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear. code
a euro coin coin
the collapse of share prices/the dollar/the market collapse
a colleague of mine from the office colleague
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years. colleague
the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues colleague
At last winter came to an end. come
come to do sth: This design came to be known as the Oriental style. come
(+ adv./prep.): He came into the room and shut the door. come
The time has come (= now is the moment) to act. come
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. command
What is the startup command for the program? command
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. committee
It is, by common consent, Scotland's prettiest coast (= everyone agrees that it is). common
The local community was shocked by the murders. community
health workers based in the community (= working with people in a local area) community
the international community (= the countries of the world as a group) community
good community relations with the police community
the Polish community in London community
ethnic communities community
the farming community community
There is a strong sense of community in this town. community
community spirit community
compete (with/against sb) (for sth): Several companies are competing for the contract. compete
We are in competition with four other companies for the contract. competition
We won the contract in the face of stiff competition. competition
We were in complete agreement. complete
conclude (that)...: The report concluded (that) the cheapest option was to close the laboratory. conclude
They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (= only if) we returned it before the weekend. condition
They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with promptly. condition
They have agreed to the ceasefire provided their conditions are met. condition
delegates to the Labour Party's annual conference conference
The new contracts have undermined the confidence of employees. confidence
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. confined
Confronted by an angry crowd, the police retreated. confront
A faulty connection caused the machine to stop. connection
a conscious act of cruelty conscious
to suffer/face/take the consequences of your actions consequence
These workers are considered (as) a high-risk group. consider
You should consider other people before you act. consider
consult with sb (about/on sth): I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals. consult
We have good contacts with the local community. contact
a contract of employment contract
a research contract contract
contract with sb: to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier contract
contract between A and B: These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller. contract
contract for sth: a contract for the supply of vehicles contract
contract to do sth: to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school contract
a contract worker (= one employed on a contract for a fixed period of time) contract
I was on a three-year contract that expired last week. contract
Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. contract
She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major American computer firm. contract
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed). contract
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract). contract
Glass contracts as it cools. contract
The universe is expanding rather than contracting. contract
a contracting market contract
contract sth to sth: 'I will' and 'I shall' are usually contracted to 'I'll' (= made shorter). contract
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. contrast
Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply. contrast
contribute sth (to/towards sth): We contributed £5 000 to the earthquake fund. contribute
contribute (to/towards sth): Would you like to contribute to our collection? contribute
Do you wish to contribute? contribute
contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. contribute
contribute sth to sth: This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. contribute
contribute sth (to sth): She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. contribute
contribute (to sth): He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'. contribute
We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion. contribute
contribution (to sth): to make a contribution to charity contribution
a substantial contribution contribution
All contributions will be gratefully received. contribution
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): valuable contributions towards the upkeep of the cathedral contribution
monthly contributions to the pension scheme contribution
National Insurance contributions contribution
contribution (to sth): He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project. contribution
a significant contribution to scientific knowledge contribution
the car's contribution to the greenhouse effect contribution
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. contribution
an important contribution to the debate contribution
All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday. contribution
The co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed. control
The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election. control
social conventions convention
He felt a sudden alarm at the turn the conversation was taking. conversation
What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros? convert
Glass contracts as it cools. cool
The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down. cost
running/operating/labour costs cost
cost sth: The closure of the factory is likely to cost 1 000 jobs. cost
a city/county/borough/district council council
She's on the local council. council
a council member/meeting council
council workers/services council
It's the thought that counts (= used about a small but kind action or gift). count
They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract. court
She can't pay her tax and is facing court action. court
The survey covers all aspects of the business. cover
a covered area of the stadium with seats covered
crash sth + adj.: She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her. crash
The crowd went crazy when the band came on stage. crazy
Scientists disagree about how the universe was created. create
The company is trying to create a young energetic image. create
a credit agreement credit
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. crisis
The Labour Party was facing an identity crisis. crisis
The main criterion is value for money. criterion
The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. critical
He pushed his way through the crowd. crowd
A small crowd had gathered outside the church. crowd
Police had to break up the crowd. crowd
Crowds of people poured into the street. crowd
I want to get there early to avoid the crowds. crowd
crowd control crowd
crowd trouble crowd
A whole crowd of us are going to the ball (= a lot of us). crowd
He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists. crowd
crowded streets crowded
a crowded bar crowded
In the spring the place is crowded with skiers. crowded
London was very crowded. crowded
a room crowded with books crowded
We have a very crowded schedule. crowded
crucial to/for sth: Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company. crucial
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. crucial
I can't stand people who are cruel to animals. cruel
cultural differences between the two communities cultural
working-class culture culture
to draw/pull/close the curtains (= to pull them across the window so they cover it) curtain
It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn (= closed). curtain
The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $6 million. damage
animals in danger of extinction danger
animals that can see in the dark dark
Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. day
a dead person/animal dead
to make/sign/conclude/close a deal (with sb) deal
It's a deal! (= I agree to your terms) deal
Listen. This is the deal (= this is what we have agreed and are going to do). deal
As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney. deal
a heated/wide-ranging/lively debate debate
decide against sth: They decided against taking legal action. decide
declare that...: The court declared that strike action was illegal. declare
declare sth + adj.: The contract was declared void. declare
The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed. decline
Donations have decreased significantly over the past few years. decrease
Dignity and pride run deep in this community. go/run deep
Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32°F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0°C). degree
I agree with you to a certain degree. degree
a deliberate act of vandalism deliberate
the delicate mechanisms of a clock delicate
The delicate surgical operation took five hours. delicate
demonstrate that...: These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. demonstrate
demonstrate (to sb) how, what, etc...: Let me demonstrate to you how it works. demonstrate
There's no denying (the fact) that quicker action could have saved them. deny
The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival. depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth)
Starting salary varies from £26 000 to £30 500, depending on experience. depending on
in the depths of winter (= when it is coldest) depth
Jim was described by his colleagues as 'unusual'. describe
We need more time to see how things develop before we take action. develop
The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop. develop
develop (from sth) (into sth): The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort. develop
electrical labour-saving devices around the home device
He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. difference
His death was a direct result of your action. direct
She prefers to act rather than direct. direct
When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions. direction
Even friends disagree sometimes. disagree
No, I disagree. I don't think it would be the right thing to do. disagree
disagree (with sb) (about/on/over sth): He disagreed with his parents on most things. disagree
Some people disagree with this argument. disagree
disagree that...: Few would disagree that students learn best when they are interested in the topic. disagree
I disagree with violent protests. disagree with sth/with doing sth
disagreement (about/on/over/as to sth): Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show. disagreement
disagreement on the method to be used disagreement
There's no room for disagreement on this point. disagreement
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment. disagreement
We are in total disagreement as to how to proceed. disagreement
disagreement (between A and B): It was a source of disagreement between the two states. disagreement
disagreement (among...): There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture. disagreement
disagreement (with sb): They have had several disagreements with their neighbours. disagreement
Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. disappear
The discovery of a child's body in the river has shocked the community. discovery
A lively discussion followed about whether he should be allowed to join the club. discussion
I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital. disgusting
The power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals. distinguish
distribute sth to sb/sth: The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims. distribute
district councils district
it disturbs sb to do sth: It disturbed her to realize that she was alone. disturb
division of sth between A and B: the division of labour between the sexes division
They have agreed to get a divorce. divorce
Save the document before closing. document
Do you have a dollar? dollar
a dollar bill dollar
to open/shut/close/slam/lock/bolt the door door
Shut the door! door
Close the door behind you, please. door
The door closed behind him. door
The business was on a downward path, finally closing in 2008. downward
to draft a constitution/contract/bill draft
The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices. dramatic
I had a vivid dream about my old school. dream
Who was the driving force (= the person with the strongest influence) in the band? driving
He has dropped out of active politics. drop out (of sth)
There are extra flights to Colorado during the winter. during
Local councillors have a duty to serve the community. duty
Which way is east? east
A gale was blowing from the east. east
a town to the east of (= further east than) Chicago east
I was born in the East, but now live in San Francisco. east
They live on the east coast. east
The house faces east. east
eastern Spain eastern
Eastern Europe eastern
the eastern slopes of the mountain eastern
Eastern cookery eastern
I'll agree to anything for an easy life. easy
Buy the large economy pack (= the one that gives you better value for money). economy
Stand the coin on its edge. edge
educate sb to do sth: The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. educate
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
'I'm feeling really depressed.' 'The winter here has that effect sometimes.' effect
The overall effect of the painting is overwhelming. effect
elect sb/sth: an elected assembly/leader/representative elect
an electric motor electric
an electrical fault in the engine electrical
Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere. elsewhere
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
The government had to take emergency action. emergency
The pilot made an emergency landing in a field. emergency
The house had been standing empty (= without people living in it) for some time. empty
an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds empty
enable sth: a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium enable
Her words were a great encouragement to them. encouragement
The debate ended in uproar. end in sth
verb endings ending
a diesel/petrol engine engine
My car had to have a new engine. engine
I switched/turned the engine off. engine
enquiry into sth: a public enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road enquiry
I entirely agree with you. entirely
There have been some impressive entries in the wildlife photography section (= impressive photographs). entry
the entry of women into the workforce entry
the environmental impact of pollution environmental
escape sth: They were glad to have escaped the clutches of winter for another year. escape
The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out. essential
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. establish
Police estimate the crowd at 30 000. estimate
We talked about the contract, pay, etc. etc.
the value of the euro against the dollar euro
It was cold there even in summer (= so it must have been very cold in winter). even
the even distribution of food even
the long winter evenings evening
They were watching her every movement. every
The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement. evidence
evil deeds evil
His words had exactly the opposite effect. exactly
excited (by sth): Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. excited
An excited crowd of people gathered around her. excited
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement excitement
The expectation is that property prices will rise. expectation
experienced in sth/in doing sth: He's very experienced in looking after animals. experienced
Many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals. experiment
Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong. experiment
Can you explain how the email system works? explain
+ speech: 'It works like this,' she explained. explain
For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5. explanation
90% of the engines are exported to Europe. export
Then the fruit is packaged for export. export
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. extend
He's been granted an extension of the contract for another year. extension
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. to... extent
We don't charge extra for the activities—everything is included in the admission fee. extra
to close/open your eyes eye
The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. factor
The cause of the crash was given as engine failure. failure
They are fair and decent employers. fair
crowds of football fans fan
a farm worker/labourer farm
a farming community farming
The window wouldn't fasten. fasten
The suggestion to close the road has found favour with (= been supported by) local people. favour
an athlete who fell from favour after a drugs scandal favour
feature sb/sth: The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. feature
fellow members/citizens/workers fellow
my fellow passengers on the train fellow
People were working in the fields. field
a ploughed field field
a field of wheat field
We camped in a field near the village. field
Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory. fight
his final act as party leader final
The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. finance
a finely tuned engine finely
Most animals are afraid of fire. fire
fire on sb/sth: Soldiers fired on the crowd. fire
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
frozen/smoked/fresh fish fish
fit sth + adv./prep.: They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. fit
fit sth with sth: The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms. fit
Top athletes have to be very fit. fit
flash sth: The guide flashed a light into the cave. flash
Tigers are flesh-eating animals. flesh
flooded fields flooded
the ocean/valley/cave/forest floor floor
a pile of neatly folded clothes fold
frozen foods food
Daniel was shifting anxiously from foot to foot. foot
a foot pump (= operated using your foot, not your hand) foot
a football match/team/stadium football
'What does Naomi think about the move?' 'She's all for it.' for
She gave me a watch for my birthday. for
A large proportion of the labour force (= all the people who work in a particular company, area, etc.) is unskilled. force
Ron is the driving force (= the person who has the most influence) behind the project. force
force sth + adv./prep.: She forced her way through the crowd of reporters. force
forgive me for doing sth: Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that. forgive
forgive my doing sth: Forgive my interrupting but I really don't agree with that. forgive
form sth: These hills were formed by glaciation. form
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
my former boss/colleague/wife former
He made a fortune in real estate. fortune
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
The door opened, blocking his forward movement. forward
The photograph had been framed. frame
Her blonde hair framed her face. frame
He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky. frame
Three people were freed from the wreckage. free
The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages. free
freedom (of sth): freedom of action/choice freedom
Prices are higher than they would be if market forces were allowed to operate freely. freely
Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive. freely
Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake. freely
I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. freeze
The smile froze on her lips. freeze
Can you freeze this cake? freeze
These meals are ideal for home freezing. freeze
Some fruits freeze better than others. freeze
Every time she opens the window we all freeze. freeze
freeze sb: Two men were frozen to death on the mountain. freeze
It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside. freeze
freeze (up): The pipes have frozen, so we've got no water. freeze
freeze sth (up): Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car. freeze
Water freezes at 0°C. freeze
It's so cold that even the river has frozen. freeze
freeze sth: The cold weather had frozen the ground. freeze
an animal's front legs front
frozen peas frozen
I'm absolutely frozen! frozen
You look frozen stiff. frozen
The ground was frozen solid. frozen
animals pumped full of antibiotics full
I fully understand your motives. fully
She's very lively and full of fun. fun
I need money to be able to function as an artist. function as sb/sth
a dance festival funded by the Arts Council fund
The engine's making a very funny noise. funny
a fur farm (= where animals are bred and killed for their fur) fur
We have decided to take no further action. further
The museum is closed until further notice (= until we say that it is open again). further
The party had a net gain of nine seats on the local council. gain
gamble sth (on sth): He's gambling his reputation on this deal. gamble
A crowd gathered at the factory gates. gate
A crowd soon gathered. gather
A large crowd was gathered outside the studio. gather
I check the bookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan. general
I know how it works in general terms. general
the general belief/consensus general
She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion. gentle
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. genuine
The watch was a gift from my mother. gift
give sth to sb: She'd given the bug to all her colleagues. give
He was given a new heart in a five-hour operation. give
give sth to sb: He gives Italian lessons to his colleagues. give
The operation gave him back the use of his legs. give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
This clock doesn't go. go
The bomb went off in a crowded street. go off
go doing sth: It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. go around/round
She decided not to go through with (= not to have) the operation. go through with sth
Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat). good
good (about sth): I had to take a week off work but my colleagues were very good about it. good
Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills. goodbye
the board of governors of the college governor
I can't decide. I'll have to ask the governor (= the man in charge, who employs sb). governor
A great crowd had gathered. great
The great majority of (= most) people seem to agree with this view. great
There was a great big pile of books on the table. great
green fields/hills green
Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age. ground
The residents formed a community action group. group
a group activity (= done by a number of people working together) group
The watch is still under guarantee. guarantee
I'm half inclined to agree. half
The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air) in dismay. hand
I handed the watch in to the police. hand sth in (to sb)
She resigned and handed over to one of her younger colleagues. hand over (to sb), hand sth over (to sb)
They had put in hours of hard graft. hard
She nodded her head in agreement. head
health and safety regulations (= laws that protect the health of people at work) health
a healthy child/animal/tree healthy
a chance to hear the first movement again hear
The heat wasn't on and the house was freezing. heat
The money raised will help towards (= partly provide) the cost of organizing the championships. help
The college will no longer have to close, thanks to the help of private investment. help
helpful in doing sth: Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills. helpful
the grasslands of the high prairies high
Highway patrol officers closed the road. highway
a hill start (= the act of starting a vehicle on a slope) hill
a hip replacement operation hip
The meeting will be held in the community centre. hold
The police were unable to hold back the crowd. hold sb/sth back
We hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour). hour
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). hour
I've been waiting for hours. hour
the housing market (= the activity of buying and selling houses, etc.) housing
the council's housing policy housing
How does it work? how
a huge crowd huge
human anatomy/activity/behaviour/experience human
a hundred-year lease hundred
hurry sb: I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. hurry
Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls. image
a vivid/fertile imagination imagination
to take immediate action immediate
an immoral act/life/person immoral
the environmental impact of tourism impact
The report assesses the impact of AIDS on the gay community. impact
Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession. impact
social support to cushion the impact of unemployment impact
craters made by meteorite impacts impact
The impact of the blow knocked ******** balance. impact
They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions. implication
Money played an important role in his life. important
in spring/summer/autumn/winter in
to be in uniform in
to act in a play in
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. including
'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.' indeed
the indirect effects of the war indirect
We interviewed each individual member of the community. individual
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) individual
Initially, the system worked well. initially
My contract is initially for three years. initially
It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations. initiative
The group has just inked a $10 million deal. ink
Inside the box was a gold watch. inside
brass/stringed, etc. instruments instrument
The crowd were shouting insults at the police. insult
These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. interest
the internal workings of government internal
The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. interval
The runners started at 5-minute intervals. at (...) intervals
to give an interview (= to agree to answer questions) interview
Who invented the steam engine? invent
I wish mobile phones had never been invented! invent
invest (in sth): Now is a good time to invest in the property market. invest
When the factory closes, it will mean 500 people losing their jobs. it
This clock is a collector's item (= because it is rare and valuable). item
Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy. join
Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have). The phone's not working. just
The clock struck six just as I arrived. just
There is just one method that might work. just
a keen sportsman keen
I kept a weekly account of my workload and activities. keep
There's a special key for winding up this clock. key
She played a key role in the dispute. key
His contribution could be key. key
a kind action/gesture/comment kind
kind (to sb/sth): kind to animals kind
Would you be kind enough to close the window? kind
He has kindly agreed to help. kindly
'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' know
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
a shortage of labour labour
Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour. labour
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers) labour
manual labour (= work using your hands) labour
The price will include the labour and materials. labour
The company wants to keep down labour costs. labour
The workers voted to withdraw their labour (= to stop work as a means of protest). labour
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
The land rose to the east. land
During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy. land
The elephant is the largest living land animal. land
the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape landscape
to launch an appeal/an inquiry/an investigation/a campaign launch
to launch an attack/invasion launch
a party to launch his latest novel launch
The Navy is to launch a new warship today. launch
to launch a communications satellite launch
The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field. lead
The polls have given Labour a five-point lead. lead
She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. leading
He played a leading part in the negotiations. leading
It works, at least I think it does. at least
The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. not least
leave to sb: The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer. leave
These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. lie
They could see that the company had a limited life (= it was going to close). life
plant/animal life life
Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. light
She acts like she owns the place. like
This animal's intelligence is very limited. limited
the East Coast line line
a car with a 3.5 litre engine litre
live animals live
an intelligent and lively young woman lively
a lively and enquiring mind lively
He showed a lively interest in politics. lively
Her eyes were bright and lively. lively
a lively bar lively
a living faith living
During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings. loose
a lorry load of frozen fish lorry
She lost her husband in the crowd. lose
The closure of the factory will lead to a number of job losses. loss
We made a loss on (= lost money on) the deal. loss
We are now operating at a loss. loss
Machines have replaced human labour in many industries. machine
How does this machine work? machine
I left a message on her answering machine. machine
a clock with all its machinery hanging out machinery
The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. mad
A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic. magic
to play a major role in sth major
A hundred cents make one euro. make
a male nurse/model/colleague male
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
The management is/are considering closing the factory. management
Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease. management
Many of those present disagreed. many
the property/job market (= the number and type of houses, jobs, etc. that are available) market
I struggled through the mass of people to the exit. mass
workmates/teammates/playmates/classmates mate
I see what you mean (= I understand although I may not agree), but I still think it's worth trying. mean
See what I mean (= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it)? She never agrees to anything I suggest. mean
measure how much, how long, etc...: A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine. measure
The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion. measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
meat-eating animals meat
a meeting of the United Nations Security Council meeting
I have vivid memories of my grandparents. memory
They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it. merely
She heard the clock strike midnight. midnight
the mildest winter since records began mild
We may have to take military action. military
Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby. mind
She had a lively and enquiring mind. mind
I've no idea how her mind works! mind
a copper/diamond mine mine
As an absolute minimum, you should spend two hours in the evening studying. minimum
Women played a relatively minor role in the organization. minor
minority shareholders in the bank minority
a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country minority
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
British athletes had mixed fortunes in yesterday's competition. mixed
a mixed community mixed
mobile equipment mobile
a mobile shop/library (= one inside a vehicle) mobile
Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. mobile phone
a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine model
I agreed in a moment of weakness. moment
a six-month contract month
to act morally morally
There are thousands of verbs in English and most (of them) are regular. most
Newton's laws of motion motion
The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick. motion
Rub the cream in with a circular motion. motion
an electric motor motor
He started the motor. motor
He mounted the platform and addressed the crowd. mount
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition mount
move sb: We were deeply moved by her plight. move
You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays (= because it is so crowded). move
Her new job is just a sideways move. move
Every move was painful. move
She felt he was watching her every move. move
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
The management have made no move to settle the strike. move
hand/eye movements movement
She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed. movement
Power comes from the forward movement of the entire body. movement
Troy watched her every movement. movement
There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth. movement
a moving story/speech moving
the moving parts of a machine moving
fast-moving water moving
He didn't move a muscle (= stood completely still). muscle
I myself do not agree. myself
A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals. mysterious
Their motives remain a mystery. mystery
She hammered the nail in. nail
the diesel engine, named after its inventor Rudolf Diesel name
the natural world (= of trees, rivers, animals and birds) natural
wildlife in its natural habitat natural
a naturally gifted athlete naturally
Neither the TV nor the video actually work/works. neither
'It's not very good, is it?' 'No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).' no
a rattling noise noise
noisy children/traffic/crowds noisy
The engine is very noisy at high speed. noisy
Not everybody agrees. not
note (that)...: Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday. note
The bar is closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again). notice
notice how, what, etc...: Did you notice how Rachel kept looking at her watch? notice
Huge numbers of (= very many) animals have died. number
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. observation
observe that...: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied. observe
He agreed with obvious pleasure. obvious
He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement. occasion
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
a crowd of people of
We haven't yet been told officially about the closure. officially
All too often the animals die through neglect. often
engine oil oil
She tested us on irregular verbs. on
We lived on an estate. on
I agreed, but only because I was frightened. only
Troops opened fire on (= started shooting) the crowds. open
The doors of the bus open automatically. open
operate (on sb) (for sth): We will have to operate on his eyes. operate
to operate for suspected acute appendicitis operate
A new late-night service is now operating. operate
The regulation operates in favour of married couples. operate
operate sth: The airline operates flights to 25 countries. operate
Most domestic freezers operate at below −18 °C. operate
Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. operate
Some people can only operate well under pressure. operate
Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine. operation
Operation of the device is extremely simple. operation
The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds. operation
a huge multinational operation operation
the firm's banking operations overseas operation
a security operation operation
The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. operation
the UN peacekeeping operations operation
Will I need to have an operation? operation
He underwent a three-hour heart operation. operation
operation (on sb/sth) (to do sth): an operation on her lung to remove a tumour operation
operation (on sb/sth) (for sth): Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. operation
There is a difference of opinion (= people disagree) as to the merits of the plan. opinion
Opinion is divided (= people disagree) on the issue. opinion
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support. opportunity
They intend to close the school at the earliest opportunity (= as soon as possible). opportunity
We found ourselves in opposition to several colleagues on this issue. in opposition to sb/sth
Last orders at the bar now please! (= because the bar is going to close) order
The report studies the organization of labour within the company. organization
an organized body of workers organized
At the end of the lease, the land will be returned to the original owner. original
Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here. otherwise
She shook the bag and some coins fell out. out
a statue made out of bronze out
outdoor clothing/activities outdoor
I'm not really the outdoor type (= I prefer indoor activities). outdoor
The lake was frozen over. over
a disagreement over the best way to proceed over
The runners have noticeably quickened their pace. pace
fish packed in ice pack
The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper. pack
pack sth: I haven't packed my suitcase yet. pack
He packed a bag with a few things and was off. pack
He packed a few things into a bag. pack
The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US. pack
I carefully packed up the gifts. pack
He found a part-time job packing eggs. pack
Are you packing up already? It's only 4 o'clock. pack up, pack sth up
We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments. pack up, pack sth up
package sth: packaged food/goods package
package sth up: The orders were already packaged up, ready to be sent. package
a panel of experts panel
a wildlife park park
The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. for the most part
She belongs to the Labour Party. party
It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife. patience
He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £50. payment
The two communities live together in peace. peace
He had a few pennies in his pocket. penny
The TV works perfectly now. perfectly
She performs an important role in our organization. perform
This operation has never been performed in this country. perform
The engine seems to be performing well. perform
The company has been performing poorly over the past year. perform
He criticized the recent poor performance of the company. performance
Profits continue to grow, with strong performances in South America and the Far East. performance
The factory will be closed down over a 2-year period/a period of two years. period
He's no longer personally involved in the day-to-day running of the company. personally
a pet shop (= where animals are sold as pets) pet
a wildlife/fashion/portrait photographer photographer
the physical properties (= the colour, weight, shape, etc.) of copper physical
The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or physical condition. physical
Try to be as physically active as possible. physically
I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small. picture
He took the clock to pieces. piece
a pile of books/clothes/bricks pile
She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. pile
a pile of sand pile
piles of dirty washing pile
I have got piles of work to do. pile
He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him. pile
pile sth: She piled the boxes one on top of the other. pile
pile sth up: Snow was piled up against the door. pile
He piled his plate with as much food as he could. pile
pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) pill
Copper pipe is sold in lengths. pipe
Insulation may reduce the danger of pipes bursting in winter. pipe
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit) plain
covers in plain or printed cotton plain
plan (for sth): Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace. plan
a plan of action/campaign plan
the animal and plant life of the area plant
a pile of dirty plates plate
The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett. play
She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
politically motivated crimes politically
This put him and his colleagues in a difficult position. position
The athlete tested positive for steroids. positive
It will require positive action by all in the industry. positive
to make a positive contribution to a discussion positive
Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. positive
You cannot legally take possession of the property (= start using it after buying it) until three weeks after the contract is signed. possession
It was possibly their worst performance ever. possibly
a pound coin pound
engine power power
an allied/enemy power power
a powerful engine powerful
a powerful athlete powerful
small, precise movements precise
predict sth: a reliable method of predicting earthquakes predict
No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate preparation. preparation
It is essential that we present a united front (= show that we all agree). present
present sb with sth: On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. present
Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale. press
press sth + adj.: He pressed the lid firmly shut. press
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd. pressure
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. in principle
This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent. prior
to launch a research programme programme
Prompt action was required as the fire spread. prompt
His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. prompt
The television isn't working properly. properly
You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first. properly
The price of property has risen enormously. property
property prices property
a property developer property
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm. prospect
Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health. public
Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest (= useful to ordinary people)? public
Pull the lever to start the motor. pull
pull sth + adj.: Pull the door shut. pull
to pursue legal action pursue
We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn't move. push
Try and push your way through the crowd. push
qualify sb (for sth): Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. qualify
Her quick hands suddenly stopped moving. quick
a quieter, more efficient engine quiet
I quite agree. quite
'I almost think she prefers animals to people.' 'Quite right too,' said Bill. quite
quote (sb) (as doing sth): The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision. quote
a race between the two best runners of the club race
motor/yacht/greyhound, etc. racing racing
These missiles have a range of 300 miles. range
There is a full range of activities for children. range
It was a rare (= very great) honour to be made a fellow of the college. rare
a rare book/coin/stamp rare
We rarely agree on what to do. rarely
The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate. rate
Local businesses are closing at a/the rate of three a year. rate
They rated him highly as a colleague. rate
Meter readings are taken every three months. reading
Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes. ready
ready to do sth: The contract will be ready to sign in two weeks. ready
pictures of animals, both real and mythological real
I don't really agree with that. really
reason (why...): There is no reason why we should agree to this. reason
He'll be famous one day. What do you reckon (= do you agree)? reckon
the automatic recognition of handwriting and printed text by computer recognition
She was recommended for the post by a colleague. recommend
recover sth from sb/sth: Six bodies were recovered from the wreckage. recover
He's still recovering from his operation. recover
Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. reflect
reflect on/upon sth: She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision. reflect
one of the most densely populated regions of North America region
regional councils/elections/newspapers regional
The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale. register
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks. relax
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
Despite threats of strike action, the management remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached. remain
He will remain (as) manager of the club until the end of his contract. remain
Only about half of the original workforce remains. remain
be remarked on: The similarities between the two have often been remarked on. remark
He still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before. remember
She agreed to rent the room to me. rent
rent sb sth: She agreed to rent me the room. rent
an operation to replace both hips replace
a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) reply
report sth (to sb): The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble. report
a project representing all that is good in the community represent
This contract represents 20% of the company's annual revenue. represent
A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation. rescue
a rescue attempt/operation rescue
Research on animals has led to some important medical advances. research
a wildlife reserve reserve
Eric couldn't resist a smile when she finally agreed. resist
Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed. resort
We agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth). resource
The news provoked an angry response. response
The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly. responsible
He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions. responsible
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
The long skirt restricted her movements. restrict
The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. restriction
The coin has the queen's head stamped on the reverse. reverse
The terms of the contract are under review. review
Staff performance is reviewed annually. review
The area is rich in wildlife. rich
He's on the right of the Labour Party. right
The sun rises in the east. rise
a cave with striking rock formations (= shapes made naturally from rock) rock
The media play a major role in influencing people's opinions. role
This watch is not designed for rough treatment. rough
A large crowd had gathered round to watch. round
The earth moves round the sun. round
rub against sth: Animals had been rubbing against the trees. rub
This explains the rules under which the library operates. rule
We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock. rule
The murderer was given three life sentences, to run concurrently. run
The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow. run
run sth: Could you run the engine for a moment? run
The shareholders want more say in how the company is run. run
a badly run company run
the day-to-day running of a business running
It will be a sad day for all of us if the theatre is forced to close. sad
This one works in exactly the same way as the other. same
say sth: The clock said three o'clock. say
say sth: Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer. say
Act I, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth' scene
after-school activities school
Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken. seal
a seat on the city council/in Parliament/in Congress seat
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
I agreed to speak second. second
secondary to sth: Raising animals was only secondary to other forms of farming. secondary
the brass section of an orchestra section
That section of the road is still closed. section
see sb/sth as sth: His colleagues see him as a future director. see
see (sb/sth): She looked for him but couldn't see him in the crowd. see
seem (that)...: It would seem that we all agree. seem
She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors. senior
serve sth: I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community. serve
serve sb/sth: The centre will serve the whole community. serve
After retiring, she became involved in voluntary service in the local community. service
a session of the UN General Assembly session
She set the camera on automatic. set
I set my watch by (= make it show the same time as) the TV. set
He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. set
The company has agreed to settle out of court (= come to an agreement without going to court). settle
a severe winter (= one during which the weather conditions are extremely bad) severe
a pile of sewing sewing
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
gay sex sex
the sex act sex
sexual orientation (= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual ) sexual
The disease is a threat to anyone who is sexually active. sexually
The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. shade
shake sb: He was badly shaken by the news of her death. shake
share in sth: I didn't really share in her love of animals. share
shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. shift
I shifted uneasily under his gaze. shift
shift (from...) (to...): The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London. shift
Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources. shine
Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. ship
The roads should be less crowded today. should
shout at sb to do sth: She shouted at him to shut the gate. shout
shout sth (at/to sb): to shout abuse/encouragement/orders shout
The clock showed midnight. show
wintry showers (= of snow) shower
Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him. shut
I can't shut my suitcase—it's too full. shut
He shut his book and looked up. shut
The window won't shut. shut
The doors open and shut automatically. shut
The bank shuts at 4. shut
We left the hotel only to discover that the whole city shuts at 10.30. shut
The theatre shut down after more than half a century. shut down
The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. shut sth down
She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue. shut sb/yourself in (sth)
The door was shut. shut
She slammed the door shut. shut
Keep your eyes shut. shut
Unfortunately the bank is shut now. shut
a sideways move sideways
a dollar/pound sign ($/£) sign
to make the sign of the cross (= an act of moving one hand in the shape of a cross, done by Christians to show respect for God or by a priest to bless sb/sth) sign
At an agreed signal they left the room. signal
hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) signal
I couldn't get a signal on my cell phone. signal
They nodded in silent agreement. silent
a simple sentence (= one with only one verb) simple
the European single currency, the euro single
a shortage of skilled labour (= people who have had training in a skill) skilled
He slept solidly for ten hours. sleep
slide (sth) + adj.: The automatic doors slid open. slide
He is, without the slightest doubt, the greatest living novelist. slight
He never had the slightest intention of agreeing to it. slight
the eastern slopes of the Andes slope
He spends all winter on the slopes (= skiing ). slope
It was no small achievement getting her to agree to the deal. small
'I don't agree,' he said in a small (= quiet) voice. small
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. smooth
The engine was running smoothly. smoothly
Team sports help to develop a child's social skills (= the ability to talk easily to other people and do things in a group). social
social mobility (= the movement of people from one social class to another) social
Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. socially
The stores are packed solid (= very full and crowded) at this time of year. solid
It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid. solid
I'm sorry, I don't agree. I'm sorry
There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite. sort
When I saw the smoke, I tried to sound the alarm. sound
birds flying to the south for the winter south
crowded together in a confined space space
to get the spare out of the boot/trunk spare
Speed is his greatest asset as a tennis player. speed
spin sth (round/around): to spin a ball/coin/wheel spin
There's not much community spirit around here. spirit
In spite of his age, he still leads an active life. in spite of sth
English became the official language for business in spite of the fact that the population was largely Chinese. in spite of sth
Shut doors to delay the spread of fire. spread
He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. spring
stamp A (with B): The box was stamped with the maker's name. stamp
Wait here to have your passport stamped. stamp
The maker's name was stamped in gold on the box. stamp
He stamped the snow off his boots. stamp
After the earthquake, only a few houses were left standing. stand
The police ordered the crowd to stand back. stand back (from sth)
She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. stand out (from/against sth)
standard issue uniforms (= given to everyone) standard
She acts well but she hasn't got star quality. star
She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'. star
Start the engines! start
Start up the engines! start up, start sth up
sth is stated to be/have sth: The contract was stated to be invalid. state
a bronze/marble statue statue
a steam train/engine steam
Closing the factory would be a retrograde step. step
a pile of stones stone
Why has the engine stopped? stop
What time is it? My watch has stopped. stop
Can you stop the printer once it's started? stop
animals storing up food for the winter store
Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see. stretch
They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. strike
Half the workforce are now (out) on strike. strike
The train drivers have voted to take strike action. strike
The euro is getting stronger against the dollar. strong
a detailed study of how animals adapt to their environment study
Physiology is the study of how living things work. study
successful (in sth/in doing sth): They were successful in winning the contract. successful
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
I hate to see animals suffering. suffer
suggestion (for/about/on sth): I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. suggestion
suggestion (that...): He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date. suggestion
to pack/unpack a suitcase suitcase
sum what...: Can I just sum up what we've agreed so far? sum up, sum sth up
The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid. supply
a contract for the supply of timber supply
Labour supporters supporter
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree (= I'm sure that he won't). suppose
The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to. be supposed to do/be sth
sure (that)...: I'm pretty sure (that) he'll agree. sure
an uneven road surface surface
surprised (at/by sb/sth): I was surprised at how quickly she agreed. surprised
Surprisingly, he agreed straight away. surprisingly
Not surprisingly on such a hot day, the beach was crowded. surprisingly
Many birds didn't survive the severe winter. survive
I was suspicious of his motives. suspicious
He swept the leaves up into a pile. sweep
Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour. swing
What is the chemical symbol for copper? symbol
a sympathetic response sympathetic
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions. take
Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding. take sth down
There was a sign telling motorists to slow down. tell
It tends to get very cold here in the winter. tend
test (on sth): a test on irregular verbs test
test sth on sb/sth: Our beauty products are not tested on animals. test
Two athletes tested positive for steroids. test
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. that
I'm not going in there—it's freezing! there
The main thing to remember is to switch off the burglar alarm. thing
Shall I help you pack your things? thing
Are animals able to think? think
When war threatens, people act irrationally. threaten
The doctor pushed his way through the crowd. through
The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout. throughout
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. tight
a tightly packed crowd of tourists tightly
At no time did I give my consent to the plan. time
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
My watch keeps perfect time (= always shows the correct time). time
You have to be firm, but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic. at the same time
She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' (= the role of Carmen in that opera ). title
The meadows lead down to the river. to
She nailed the two boards together. together
Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable. tomorrow
There are three main types of contract(s). type
Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property. under
underground passages/caves/streams underground
We understand each other, even if we don't always agree. understand
She packed one change of underwear. underwear
The unfortunate animal was locked inside the house for a week. unfortunate
a military/police/nurse's uniform uniform
The hat is part of the school uniform. uniform
Do you have to wear uniform? uniform
The walls were a uniform grey. uniform
uniform lines of terraced houses (= they all looked the same) uniform
The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds. unique
The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe. unique
Medical units were operating in the disaster area. unit
We should present a united front (= an appearance of being in agreement with each other). united
Start number 13 proved unlucky for the Swiss skier. unlucky
They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. unnecessary
She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation. unsteady
an unusually cold winter unusually
She agreed to their conditions, albeit unwillingly. unwillingly
use sth to do sth: Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. use
The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless. useless
Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. variation
a vast crowd vast
accident/earthquake/famine, etc. victims victim
The crowd suddenly turned violent. violent
The crowd reacted violently. violently
The police play a vital role in our society. vital
your active vocabulary (= the words that you use) vocabulary
your passive vocabulary (= the words that you understand but don't use) vocabulary
vote in favour of sth: Over 60% of members voted in favour of (= for) the motion. vote
The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze (= a situation in which wages are not increased for a time). wage
The President agreed to speak to the waiting journalists. wait
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
They were touched by the warmth of the welcome. warmth
The union failed to heed warnings that strike action would lead to the closure of the factory. warning
a pile of dirty washing washing
They believe the statue is a waste of taxpayers' money. waste
watch sth for sth: He watched the house for signs of activity. watch
watch (for sth): He watched for signs of activity in the house. watch
She kept looking anxiously at her watch. watch
My watch is fast/slow. watch
A wave of panic spread through the crowd. wave
wave sth: Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering. wave
Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way. way
a weak currency weak
the weakness of the dollar against the pound weakness
The inscription on the coin had worn away. wear away, wear sth away
The office is closed at the weekend. weekend
The office is closed on the weekend. weekend
We go skiing most weekends in winter. weekend
Take whatever action is needed. whatever
The crowd booed and whistled as the player came onto the field. whistle
The crowd went wild. wild
wild animals/flowers wild
Interest rates have been fluctuating wildly. wildly
Engines won't run without lubricants. will
She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours. will
win sth from sb: The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election. win
The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools. win
a north/south/east/west wind wind
The river winds its way between two meadows. wind
wind sth (up): He had forgotten to wind his watch. wind
to open/close the window window
a mild/severe/hard winter winter
Our house can be very cold in (the) winter. winter
They worked on the building all through the winter. winter
We went to New Zealand last winter. winter
the winter months winter
a winter coat winter
Many British birds winter in Africa. winter
a coil of copper wire wire
The wisest course of action is just to say nothing. wise
She acted with a touring company for three years. with
withdraw sth: Workers have threatened to withdraw their labour (= go on strike). withdraw
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. work
The phone isn't working. work
It works by electricity. work
Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? work
Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose. worker
a hard/fast/quick/slow worker worker
the working population working
the animal/plant/insect world world
the natural world (= animals, plants, minerals, etc.) world
campaigning for world peace world
an act/a place of worship worship
Worst of all, I lost the watch my father had given me. worst
wrap A (up) in B: Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it. wrap
He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. wrist
a written contract written
wrong (to do sth): We were wrong to assume that she'd agree. wrong
My watch keeps going wrong. go wrong
They knew they had acted wrongly. wrongly
'It's an excellent hotel.' 'Yes, but (= I don't completely agree) it's too expensive.' yes
We have yet to decide what action to take (= We have not decided what action to take). yet
an earthquake/danger, etc. zone zone