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家具 jia1ju4 furniture; CL:件jian4,套tao4 Đồ nội thất

like: Đồ nội thất
die Möbel đồ nội thất
das Möbelgeschäft cửa hàng bán đồ nội thất, cửa hàng đồ gỗ

Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting. attractive
You've changed all the furniture around. change sth around/round
The room looks different without the furniture. different
empty sth of sth: The room had been emptied of all furniture. empty
fashionable clothes/furniture/ideas fashionable
a beautifully finished piece of furniture finish
furniture available in a range of finishes finish
The furniture and floor coverings date from the 1920s. floor
a piece of furniture furniture
We need to buy some new furniture. furniture
Knocks and scratches will lower the value of valuable furniture. knock
The room had a minimum of furniture. minimum
furniture/floor/shoe/silver polish polish
We got rid of all the old furniture. get rid of sb/sth
How can we make room for all the furniture? room
They've moved all the furniture round. round
Be careful not to scratch the furniture. scratch
shift sth: Could you help me shift some furniture? shift
furniture to suit your style of living style
All the furniture was made of wood. wood
furniture made of a variety of different woods wood