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überreden tranh luận

überreden 说服 shuō fú

I had an awful job persuading him to come (= it was very difficult). awful
I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. difficulty
I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect. effect
You'll never persuade him to stay—his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). make up your mind, make your mind up
persuade sb to do sth: Try to persuade him to come. persuade
persuade sb: Please try and persuade her. persuade
She's always easily persuaded. persuade
persuade sb into sth/into doing sth: I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. persuade
It wasn't easy to persuade her to come—quite the reverse. reverse
scare tactics (= ways of persuading people to do sth by frightening them) scare
I had a terrible job (= it was very difficult) to persuade her to come. terrible
It's no use—I can't persuade her. it's no use (doing sth), what's the use (of doing sth)?