Beginner Level Advanced Level



to attempt the life of, harm, murder, assassinate ám hại

OXF3000N thiệt hại tổn hao làm hại gây thiệt hại harm
OXF3000N làm tổn thương làm hại xúc phạm injure
OXF3000N sự làm tổn thương làm hại điều hại điều tổn hại injury

like: ám hại

Customs officers have the right to check all luggage going through customs. check
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
Smoking seriously damages your health. damage
an empty gesture aimed at pleasing the crowds empty
You are hard to please, aren't you? hard
Forget it, Dave, no harm done. no harm done
He would never harm anyone. harm
intend sb sth: He intended her no harm (= it was not his plan to harm her). intend
You can't please everybody. please
There's just no pleasing some people (= some people are impossible to please). please
pleasing to sb/sth: The new building was pleasing to the eye. pleasing
She is, by reputation, very difficult to please. reputation
The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone. satisfy
satisfy sb: Her explanation did not satisfy the teacher. satisfy
the use of environmentally unfriendly products (= that harm the environment) unfriendly
wish sb sth: She could not believe that he wished her harm. wish