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like: Ölung
die Wiederholung chiếu lại, sự nhắc lại, sự ôn lại

Wiederholung 重复 chóngfù

Oh, die Seifenoper ist eine Wiederholung von gestern. ồ, chương trình ca nhạc này phát lại của ngày hôm qua. (Lektion 38, Nr. 553)

arrangement for sth: I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. arrangement
The package is waiting to be collected. collect
The last collection from this postbox is at 5.15. collection
expectation (of sth): We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery. expectation
to repeat the class/year/grade (= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again) repeat
There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation. sport
Are you feeling stronger now after your rest? strong