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tàu hỏa
train C +


the train station Nhà ga Alphabet Introduction 1
The glove is at the train station. Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. Alphabet Introduction 1
Train station, ferris wheel Nhà ga, đu quay Alphabet Introduction 1
The goat is at the train station. Con dê ở đu quay. Alphabet Introduction 1
My train station Nhà ga của tôi Possession
They are at the train station. Basics 2
I need to go to the train station Tôi cần đi đến nhà ga. Places
train station nhà ga Places
train tàu hoả Travel
This contract will constrain you. Hợp đồng này sẽ ràng buộc bạn. Verbs 5
constrain ràng buộc Verbs 5