12 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A 衬衣 ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C 穿 ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

clothes, clothing / cover, skin
clothes / skirt / beautiful

Phonetic KEY:
Clothes yī Phonetic KEY:
Cloth bù Phonetic KEY:
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

tuk' mouchoir cloth Tuch (Hals-, Schnupf- etc.) платокъ chustka
vest' vêtir, habiller clothe ankleiden одѣвать odziewać, ubierać
vest'o habit clothes Kleid платье ubiór, odzież

drapo + + cloth + + woolen cloth sheet
lavaĵpinĉilo + + clothes peg + + clothespin
pendigŝnuro + + clothesline + +
ŝtofo + + cloth + + material matter stuff
tineo + + clothes moth + + moth
tolo + + cloth + + linen sheeting
tuko + + cloth (material) + +
vestaĵo + + clothes + + article of dress garment attire
vestarko + + clothes-hanger + +
vestobutiko + + clothing store + +
vestoj + + clothes + + clothing

#drapo #cloth #lavaĵpinĉilo #clothes peg #pendigŝnuro #clothesline #ŝtofo #cloth #tineo #clothes moth #tolo #cloth #tuko #cloth (material) #vestaĵo #clothes #vestarko #clothes-hanger #vestobutiko #clothing store #vestoj #clothes

+ + + clothes / wear, dress Moon 服 (EINE_PERSON_BÄNDIGEN) 【◎Fix:◎fu2;◎fu4】 +
+ + + clothes / skirt / beautiful Clothes 尚 (WILDBIRNE) 【◎Fix:◎shang;◎chang2】 +
+ + + clothes, clothing / cover, skin Clothes 衣 (KLEIDUNG) yi1 +

19.8 Webstoffe Tuch + Cloth + +
19.22 Rohstoffe, Werkstoffe Stoffballen + Cloth + +