Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

veget' végéter vegetate vegetiren прозябать wegetować

vegetado + + growth + +
vegetaĵa + + vegetable + +
vegetaĵaro + + flora + + vegetation
vegetaĵo + + plant + + vegetation
vegetala + + plant + + vegetable
vegetala regno + + vegetable kingdom + +
vegetalaro + + flora + + vegetation
vegetalo + + plant + +
vegetara + + vegetarian + +
vegetaranismo + + vegetarianism + +
vegetarano + + vegetarian + +
vegetare + + vegetarian + +
vegetarismo + + vegetarianism + +
vegeti + + to vegetate + +
vegeto + + growth + +

#vegetado #growth #vegetaĵa #vegetable #vegetaĵaro #flora #vegetaĵo #plant #vegetala #plant #vegetala regno #vegetable kingdom #vegetalaro #flora #vegetalo #plant #vegetara #vegetarian #vegetaranismo #vegetarianism #vegetarano #vegetarian #vegetare #vegetarian #vegetarismo #vegetarianism #vegeti #to vegetate #vegeto #growth
