Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

trompi + + to cheat + + deceive mislead con
trompiĝi + + to be deceived + + be mistaken
trompiĝo + + disappointment + +
trompistino + + con-woman + +
trompisto + + con man + + swindler phisher
trompita + + cheated + + deceived
trompito + + deceived person + + deceived one

#trompi #to cheat #trompiĝi #to be deceived #trompiĝo #disappointment #trompistino #con-woman #trompisto #con man #trompita #cheated #trompito #deceived person

#trompi #欺骗