Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

tabak' tabac tobacco Tabak табакъ tytóń
taban' taon gad-fly Bremse (Fliege) слѣпень giez

taba + + tab + + tab-delimited
taba dosiero + + tab-delimited file + +
taba klavo + + tab (key) + +
taba ordo + + tab order + +
tabaka + + tobacco + +
tabakaĵbutiko + + tobacconist’s + +
tabakbutiko + + tobacco shop + +
tabakejo + + tobacco shop + +
tabakfabriko + + tobacco factory + +
tabakismo + + tobacco addiction + +
tabakisto + + tobacconist + +
tabakmaĉi + + to chew tobacco + +
tabako + + tobacco + +
tabakozo + + tobacosis + + tobacco lung
tabakskatolo + + tobacco box + +
tabakujo + + tobacco pouch + + tobacco box
tabanedoj + + Tabanidae + +
tabano + + gadfly + + horsefly
tabaro + + tab set + +

#taba #tab #taba dosiero #tab-delimited file #taba klavo #tab (key) #taba ordo #tab order #tabaka #tobacco #tabakaĵbutiko #tobacconist’s #tabakbutiko #tobacco shop #tabakejo #tobacco shop #tabakfabriko #tobacco factory #tabakismo #tobacco addiction #tabakisto #tobacconist #tabakmaĉi #to chew tobacco #tabako #tobacco #tabakozo #tobacosis #tabakskatolo #tobacco box #tabakujo #tobacco pouch #tabanedoj #Tabanidae #tabano #gadfly #tabaro #tab set

#tabako #烟草