Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

rib' grosille currant Johannisbeere смородина porzeczka
ribel' se révolter revolt, rebel aufstehen, sich empören возставать powstawać, rokoszować

ribeko + + rebec + + rebeck (bowed string musical instrument)
ribela + + mutinous + + rebellious riotous
ribelanto + + insurgent + + mutineer rebel
ribelema + + insubordinate + + rebellious
ribelemulo + + Person inclined to rebel or revolt + +
ribeletoado + + insubordination + +
ribeli + + to rebel + +
ribeligi + + to incite to rebel + + stir up
ribelo + + insurrection + + mutiny rebellion revolt
ribeloado + + rebellion + +
ribelulo + + rebel + +
ribgelateno + + currant-jelly + +
ribĝino + + black currant gin + +
ribmarmelado + + currant jam + +
ribo + + currant + +
ribobero + + currant + +
riboflavino + + riboflavin + +
ribofolio + + currant leaf + +
ribokremaĵo + + currant custard + +
ribokustardo + + currant custard + +
ribonuklea acido + + ribonucleic acid + +
ribosomo + + ribosome + +
ribsuko + + currant juice + +
ribujo + + currant (bush) + +

#ribeko #rebec #ribela #mutinous #ribelanto #insurgent #ribelema #insubordinate #ribelemulo #Person inclined to rebel or revolt #ribeletoado #insubordination #ribeli #to rebel #ribeligi #to incite to rebel #ribelo #insurrection #ribeloado #rebellion #ribelulo #rebel #ribgelateno #currant-jelly #ribĝino #black currant gin #ribmarmelado #currant jam #ribo #currant #ribobero #currant #riboflavino #riboflavin #ribofolio #currant leaf #ribokremaĵo #currant custard #ribokustardo #currant custard #ribonuklea acido #ribonucleic acid #ribosomo #ribosome #ribsuko #currant juice #ribujo #currant (bush)

#araba skribo #阿拉伯文 #deoksiribonuklea acido #脱氧核糖核酸 去氧核糖核酸 #enskribi #注册 #globskribilo #圆珠笔 #kontribui #贡献 #korea skribo #韩文 #la nagaria skribo #天城文 #la Pakto Ribbentrop-Molotov #苏德互不侵犯条约 #priskribi #形容 #ribonukleata acido #核糖核酸 #ribosomo #核糖体 #skribi #写字 #skribmaŝino #打字机 #skribo # #skribotablo #写字台 书桌 #skribtablo #书桌 #subskribi #签名 #subskribi packontrakton #签和约 #taja skribo #泰文 #tibeta skribo #藏文 #tribo #部落