Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

homa + + human + +
homa lingvo + + natural language + +
homa scienco + + humanities (as a field of study) + +
homa-komputila + + human-to-computer + + human-computer
homa-komputila interfaco + + human-computer interface + +
homama + + benevolent + +
homamasiĝo + + affray + +
homamaso + + crowd + + mass multitude
homamo + + charity + + love of one’s neighbor
homaranismo + + Zamenhofan humanism + +
homaro + + human race + + mankind humanity
homaŭtomato + + android + +

#homa #human #homa lingvo #natural language #homa scienco #humanities (as a field of study) #homa-komputila #human-to-computer #homa-komputila interfaco #human-computer interface #homama #benevolent #homamasiĝo #affray #homamaso #crowd #homamo #charity #homaranismo #Zamenhofan humanism #homaro #human race #homaŭtomato #android

#homa korpo #人体 身躯 #homamaso #人群 #homaro #人类 #la Universala Deklaracio de Homaj Rajtoj #世界人权宣言