Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

frat' frère brother Bruder братъ brat

frata + + brotherly + + fraternal
frataro + + brotherhood + + confraternity fraternity
frateca + + brotherly + + fraternal
frateco + + brotherhood + + fraternity
fratedzino + + brother's wife + + sister-in-law
frateraro + + brotherhood + + fellowship
fraterkulo + + puffin + +
frateto + + little brother + +
fratidino + + niece + +
fratido + + nephew + +
fratigi + + to unite + +
fratiĝi + + to fraternize + +
fratino + + sister + +
fratmortiga + + fratricidal + +
fratmortiginto + + fratricide + +
fratmortigo + + fratricide + +
fratmurda + + fratricidal + +
fratmurdinto + + fratricide + +
fratmurdo + + fratricide + +
frato + + brother + + sibling
fratrio + + phratry + +
fratula + + fraternal + +
fratuleco + + fellowship + +
fratulo + + friar + +

#frata #brotherly #frataro #brotherhood #frateca #brotherly #frateco #brotherhood #fratedzino #brother's wife #frateraro #brotherhood #fraterkulo #puffin #frateto #little brother #fratidino #niece #fratido #nephew #fratigi #to unite #fratiĝi #to fraternize #fratino #sister #fratmortiga #fratricidal #fratmortiginto #fratricide #fratmortigo #fratricide #fratmurda #fratricidal #fratmurdinto #fratricide #fratmurdo #fratricide #frato #brother #fratrio #phratry #fratula #fraternal #fratuleco #fellowship #fratulo #friar
