Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

formik' fourmi ant Ameise муравей mrówka

formi + + to fashion + + form shape
formigo + + formation + +
formiĝi + + to form + + take shape
formiĝo + + formation + +
formikaro + + ant colony + + army of ants
formikejo + + ant hill + + ant mound
formikerinaco + + spiny ant-eater + +
formiki + + to have pins and needles + +
formikleono + + antlion + +
formikmanĝanto + + anteater + +
formikmanĝulo + + anteater + +
formiko + + ant + +
formikurso + + anteater + +
formilo + + mould (pattern for making something) + +
formingo + + phorminx + +

#formi #to fashion #formiĝi #to form #formigo #formation #formiĝo #formation #formikaro #ant colony #formikejo #ant hill #formikerinaco #spiny ant-eater #formiki #to have pins and needles #formikleono #antlion #formikmanĝanto #anteater #formikmanĝulo #anteater #formiko #ant #formikurso #anteater #formilo #mould (pattern for making something) #formingo #phorminx

#formiko #蚂蚁 #informi #报导