Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

fore + + afar + + afield far far away
foreco + + remoteness + +
foresi + + to be absent + +
foresta + + absent + +
forestanta + + absent + +
forestantado + + absenteeism + +
forestanteco + + absenteeism + +
forestantismo + + absenteeism + +
forestantlisto + + attendance register + +
forestanto + + absentee + +
foreste + + in one’s absence + +
foreste de + + in the absence of + +
foresteco + + absence + + non-attendance
foresti + + to be absent + + be missing be away
forestigi + + to remove + + send away make absent
foresto + + absence + +
forestoado + + absence + +

#fore #afar #foreco #remoteness #foresi #to be absent #foresta #absent #forestanta #absent #forestantado #absenteeism #forestanteco #absenteeism #forestantismo #absenteeism #forestantlisto #attendance register #forestanto #absentee #foreste #in one’s absence #foreste de #in the absence of #foresteco #absence #foresti #to be absent #forestigi #to remove #foresto #absence #forestoado #absence
