4 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** C ** C

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

hair, fur, feathers / coarse
writing brush / write / stroke

Phonetic KEY:
Brush shuā
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

bros' brosse brush Bürste щетка szczotka

arbetaĵaro + + brush + + brushwood
branĉfasko + + brushwood + + bundle of sticks
brosado + + brushing + +
broso + + brush + +
brostiro + + brushstroke + +
dornbranĉaro + + brushwood + +
ektuŝo + + brush + +
peniko + + brush + + paintbrush
penikotiro + + brushstroke + +
pentrotekniko + + brushwork + +

#arbetaĵaro #brush #branĉfasko #brushwood #brosado #brushing #broso #brush #brostiro #brushstroke #dornbranĉaro #brushwood #ektuŝo #brush #peniko #brush #penikotiro #brushstroke #pentrotekniko #brushwork

+ + + brush / clean with brush, scrub Knife 刷 (BÜRSTEN) shua1 +

3.39 Rau, Reibung Bürste + Brush + +
7.15 Farbe bepinseln + Brush + +
9.64 Rein bürsten + brush + +
14.5 Zeichnung, Malerei Pinsel + Brush + +