Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

baston' bâton stick Stock палка kij, laska

bastona diagramo + + bar chart + + bar graph
bastonadi + + to beat + + beat up flog thrash
bastonbato + + blow with a stick + +
bastone + + with a stick + +
bastonego + + bludgeon + + club thick stick cudgel
bastoneto + + stick + + little stick chopstick
bastoni + + to club + +
bastonmarŝado + + Nordic Walking + +
bastono + + baton + + cane staff stick

#bastona diagramo #bar chart #bastonadi #to beat #bastonbato #blow with a stick #bastone #with a stick #bastonego #bludgeon #bastoneto #stick #bastoni #to club #bastonmarŝado #Nordic Walking #bastono #baton

#bastono #拐杖