Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

acer' érable maple Ahorn кленъ klon

acera + + maple + + of a maple
aceracoj + + maple family + +
acerba + + acerbic + + acid acrid harsh
acerbe + + acridly + + harshly sourly
acerbeco + + acerbity + +
acerbigi + + to acerbate + + acidulate
acerbranĉo + + maple branch + + branch of a maple tree
acerfolia platano + + Platanus acerifolia + +
acero + + maple + + sycamore
acersiropo + + maple syrup + +
acersukero + + maple sugar + +

#acera #maple #aceracoj #maple family #acerba #acerbic #acerbe #acridly #acerbeco #acerbity #acerbigi #to acerbate #acerbranĉo #maple branch #acerfolia platano #Platanus acerifolia #acero #maple #acersiropo #maple syrup #acersukero #maple sugar

#acerarbo #枫树 #acero #枫树 #lacerto #蜥蜴