Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

ton' ton, son, tone, sound Ton тонъ tom
tond' tondre clip, shear scheeren стричь strzydz
tond'il' ciseaux scissors Scheere ножницы nożyce
tondr' tonner thunder donnern гремѣть grzmieć

tona + + tonal + + toned tonic
tonakcento + + pitch accent + + tonic accent
tonalo + + key + +
tonalsigno + + key signature + +
tonalto + + pitch + +
tonaltoregilo + + pitch control + +
tonda ebeno + + clipping plane + +
tonda regiono + + clipping region + +
tondado + + clipping + +
tondaĵo + + snip + +
tondejo + + clipboard + + paste buffer
tondeti + + to snip + + trim
tondetilo + + trimmer + +
tondi + + to clip + + cut shear
tondilo + + scissors + + shears
tondisto + + clipper + +
tondo + + cut + +
tondo-stirilo + + shear handle + +
tondostirilo + + shear handle + +
tondra + + thundering + + of thunder thunderous
tondrado + + thundering + +
tondraj aplaŭdoj + + thunderous applause + +
tondre + + thunderingly + +
tondri + + to thunder + +
tondro + + thunder + +
Tondrobirdo + + Thunderbird + +
tondrobruo + + (sound of) thunder + +
tondronubo + + thundercloud + +
tondujo + + clipboard + +
tonelaro + + tonnage + +
tonelo + + ton + + shipping measure (about 2.83 cubic meters)
tonfleksado + + pitchbend + +
tonfleksilo + + pitchbend control + +
tonforketo + + tuning fork + +
tonga + + Tonga (Malawi) + +
tongaa + + Tongan (Tonga) + +
tongano + + Tongan + +
Tongo + + Tonga + +
tonika + + tonic + +
toniko + + tonic (water) + +
tono + + note + + tone (music)
tonoscililo + + audio oscillator + +
tonsento + + pitch + +
tonsilo + + tonsil + +
tonsuri + + to tonsure + +
tonsuro + + tonsure + +
tonŝanĝigo + + toning + +
tontino + + tontine + +
tonuso + + tone + + tonus

#tona #tonal #tonakcento #pitch accent #tonalo #key #tonalsigno #key signature #tonalto #pitch #tonaltoregilo #pitch control #tonda ebeno #clipping plane #tonda regiono #clipping region #tondado #clipping #tondaĵo #snip #tondejo #clipboard #tondeti #to snip #tondetilo #trimmer #tondi #to clip #tondilo #scissors #tondisto #clipper #tondo #cut #tondo-stirilo #shear handle #tondostirilo #shear handle #tondra #thundering #tondrado #thundering #tondraj aplaŭdoj #thunderous applause #tondre #thunderingly #tondri #to thunder #tondro #thunder #Tondrobirdo #Thunderbird #tondrobruo #(sound of) thunder #tondronubo #thundercloud #tondujo #clipboard #tonelaro #tonnage #tonelo #ton #tonfleksado #pitchbend #tonfleksilo #pitchbend control #tonforketo #tuning fork #tonga #Tonga (Malawi) #tongaa #Tongan (Tonga) #tongano #Tongan #Tongo #Tonga #tonika #tonic #toniko #tonic (water) #tono #note #tonoscililo #audio oscillator #tonŝanĝigo #toning #tonsento #pitch #tonsilo #tonsil #tonsuri #to tonsure #tonsuro #tonsure #tontino #tontine #tonuso #tone

#antiprotono #反质子 #antonimo #反义词 反义字 #atenton #小心 #aŭtonoma nerva sistemo #自主神经系统 #aŭtonoma regiono #自治区 #bastono #拐杖 #butono #纽扣 电钮 #centono #百分之一 #diftongo #复合母音 双母音 复母音 双母音 #drattondilo #线材剪切机 线剪 #elektra butono #电钮 #estontaj generacioj #后代 #estonteco #未来 #estonto #未来 #fulmotondro #雷电 #Kantono #广州 #kartono #硬纸板 #kotonarbo #棉花 #kotono #棉花 棉布 #kriptono # #la estona #爱沙尼亚语 #la estona lingvo #爱沙尼亚语 #la kantona #广东话 #la kantona lingvo #广东话 粤语 广州话 #mentono #下巴 #monoftongo #单母音 #parolas esperanton #讲世界语 #paroli esperanton #说世界语 #plutonio # #Plutono #冥王星 普鲁托 #premi butonon #按电钮 按钮 #proton #质子 #saluton #你好 #ŝtonego #岩石 #ŝtonhakisto #石匠 #ŝtono #石头 #subskribi packontrakton #签和约 #tektonarbo #柚木树 #tektono #柚木树 #tondilo #剪刀 #tondro #雷声 #tondro kaj fulmo #雷电 #tonsiloj #扁桃腺 #Tritono #海卫一 #veturigi aŭton #开车