2 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** C

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

no, not / un- / negative prefix
a picture, image, figure / to resemble
speech, talk, language / dialect

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof


C Die Menschen: das Gesicht: Pore + * +

Plazenta; Spore; leiblich [bao1]
anstacheln, ansporen, antreiben (V) [bian1 ce4] 鞭茦
empören (V)empört (Adj) [shou4 dao4 ling2 ru3] 受到凌辱
Empörer (S) [bao4 dong4 zhe3] 暴动者
Empörer (S) [qi3 yi4 zhe3] 起义者
Empörer (S) [zao4 fan3 zhe3] 造反者
Empörer (S)Verschwörer (S) [fan3 pan4 zhe3] 反叛者
empört, zornig, entrüstetsich aufregen, sich empören (V) [ji1 nu4] 激怒
ex tempore („aus dem Stegreif“, Stilmittel im Theater) (S) [ji2 xi2] 即席
Government of Singapore Investment Corporation [xin1 jia1 po1 zheng4 fu3 tou2 zi1 gong1 si1] 新加坡政府投资公司
himmelschreiend, empörend, schockierend, ungeheuerlich (Adj) [bu4 xiang4 hua4] 不像话
Lauch, Poree [qing1 suan4] 青蒜
Leporellofalz (V) [zhe2 zi3 shi4 zhe2 ye4] 折子式折页
Leporellofalz (V) [zhi1 zi4 xing2 zhe2 ye4] 之字形折页
Leporelloprospekt (S, Tech) [zhe2 zi3 shi4 yang4 ben3] 折子式样本
Luftloch, Pore (S) [qi4 kong3] 气孔
National University of Singapore [xin1 jia1 po1 guo2 li4 da4 xue2] 新加坡国立大学
Pore (S) [mao2 kong3] 毛孔
Pore (S) [mao2 xi4 kong3] 毛细孔
Pore (S) [shen1 ru4 si1 kao3] 深入思考
Pore (S, Astron) [xiao3 hei1 dian3] 小黑点
Pore (S, Geol) [kong3 xi4] 孔隙
Porenpilze [duo1 kong3 jun4 mu4] 多孔菌目
Präsident Pro Tempore des Senats (Pol) [can1 yi4 yuan4 lin2 shi2 yi4 zhang3] 参议院临时议长
Prime Minister of Singapore (Eig, Pers) [xin1 jia1 po1 zong3 li3] 新加坡总理
schändlich, empörend [ling4 ren2 fa3 zhi3] 令人发指
Singapore (Eig, Geo) [xing1 dao3] 星岛
Singapore Airlines (Eig, Wirtsch) [xin1 jia1 po1 hang2 kong1] 新加坡航空
Singapore Airlines (Eig, Wirtsch) [xin1 jia1 po1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] 新加坡航空公司
Singapore Computer Systems Ltd (CSC) (Eig, Wirtsch) [xin1 bo1 dian4 nao3] 新波电脑
Singapore Exchange [xin1 jia1 po1 jiao1 yi4 suo3] 新加坡交易所
Singapore Management University (Wirtsch) [xin1 jia1 po1 guan3 li3 da4 xue2] 新加坡管理大学
Singapore River (Geo) [xin1 jia1 po1 he2] 新加坡河
Spore [bao1 zi3] 孢子
Spore [ya2 bao1] 芽孢
Spore (S) [ya2 bao1] 芽胞
Sporn, Stachel, Dorn ( zum Antreiben des Pferdes ) (S, Tech)ansporen, anstacheln (V) [ce4]
widerlich, zu wider, sehr unangenehm, empörend (Adj) [tao3 ren2 xian2] 讨人嫌

3.43 Offen, Öffnung Pore + Pore + +