0 Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof


Benton County (Arkansas, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Indiana, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Iowa, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Minnesota, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Mississippi, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Missouri, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Oregon, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Tennessee, USA) (Eig, Geo)Benton County (Washington, USA) (Eig, Geo) [ben3 dun4 xian4] 本顿县
Lake County (California, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Colorado, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Illinois, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Indiana, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Michigan, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Minnesota, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Montana, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Ohio, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Oregon, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (South Dakota, USA) (Eig, Geo)Lake County (Tennessee, USA) (Eig, Geo) [lai2 ke4 xian4] 莱克县
Minnesota [ming2 ni2 su1 da2] 明尼苏达
Minnesota (Bundesstaat der USA) (Eig, Geo) [ming2 ni2 su1 da2 zhou1] 明尼苏达州
Minnesota Timberwolves (NBA-Basketballmannschaft aus Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) (Eig, Sport) [ming2 ni2 su1 da2 sen1 lin2 lang2 dui4] 明尼苏达森林狼队
Minnesota Twins (Geo) [ming2 ni2 su1 da2 shuang1 cheng2] 明尼苏达双城
Minnesota Vikings (Sport) [ming2 ni2 su1 da2 wei2 jing1 ren2] 明尼苏达维京人
Morrison County (Minnesota, USA) (Eig, Geo) [mo4 li3 sen1 xian4] 莫里森县
University of Minnesota System [ming2 ni2 su1 da2 da4 xue2] 明尼苏达大学