Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

klimat' climat climate, clime Klima климатъ klimat

klimaksa + + climactic + +
klimaksi + + to climax + +
klimakso + + climax + +
klimaktera + + climacteric + +
klimakteriko + + climacteric + +
klimaktero + + climacteric + +
klimata + + climatic + +
klimatizado + + air-conditioning + +
klimatizi + + to air-condition + +
klimatizilo + + air conditioner + + air conditioning
klimatizita + + air conditioned + +
klimatizo + + air conditioning + +
klimato + + climate + +
klimatologio + + climatology + +
klimatologo + + climatologist + +

#klimaksa #climactic #klimaksi #to climax #klimakso #climax #klimaktera #climacteric #klimakteriko #climacteric #klimaktero #climacteric #klimata #climatic #klimatizado #air-conditioning #klimatizi #to air-condition #klimatizilo #air conditioner #klimatizita #air conditioned #klimatizo #air conditioning #klimato #climate #klimatologio #climatology #klimatologo #climatologist

#klimato #气候