0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

receive / continue / catch / connect
seed / race, breed / to plant

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof


C Die Gesundheit: der Arzt: Impfung + * +

BCG-Impfung (S) [ka3 jie4 miao2 jie1 zhong4] 卡介苗接种
der Impfpass (S, Med)der Impfausweis (S, Med) [mian3 yi4 jie1 zhong3 zheng4] 免疫接种证
Grippeschutzimpfung (S) [liu2 gan3 yi4 miao2 jie1 zhong4] 流感疫苗接种
Impfarzt (S) [niu2 dou4 jie1 zhong4 yuan2] 牛痘接种员
Impfarzt (S) [yu4 fang2 jie1 zhong4] 预防接种
Impfausweis (S) [jie1 zhong3 zheng4] 接种证
Impfschema (S) [jie1 zhong4 cheng2 xu4] 接种程序
Impfung (S)Vakzination (S)impfen, beimpfen (V) [jie1 zhong4] 接种
Impfung, Schutzimpfung, Vakzination (S, Med) [yi4 miao2 jie1 zhong4] 疫苗接种
Schweinegrippe-Impfung (S, Med) [zhu1 liu2 gan3 yi4 miao2 jie1 zhong4] 猪流感疫苗接种