Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

Sati + + the faithful wife of Shiva + +
sati + + to be full + + have enough sate
satiga + + filling + +
satigi + + to glut + + satiate satisfy (hunger)
satiĝi + + to be satisfied + +
satio + + suttee + +
satira + + satirical + +
satira poemo + + satire + +
satire + + satirically + +
satiri + + to satirize + +
satiriazo + + satyriasis + +
satiristo + + satirist + +
satiro + + lampoon + + satire
satiruso + + satyr + +
satisfakcio + + satisfaction + +
ŝati + + to appreciate + + like prize value
ŝatinda + + likeable + + reputable

#Sati #the faithful wife of Shiva #sati #to be full #ŝati #to appreciate #satiga #filling #satigi #to glut #satiĝi #to be satisfied #ŝatinda #likeable #satio #suttee #satira #satirical #satira poemo #satire #satire #satirically #satiri #to satirize #satiriazo #satyriasis #satiristo #satirist #satiro #lampoon #satiruso #satyr #satisfakcio #satisfaction

#ŝati #喜欢 欣赏