Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

jurisdikcio + + jurisdiction + +
jurisprudenco + + jurisprudence + +
juristo + + jurist + + lawyer
ĵuri + + to affirm + + pledge swear take an oath
ĵurigi + + to swear (in) + +
ĵurigo + + administration of the oath + +
ĵurintaro + + jury + +
ĵurintino + + jurywoman + +
ĵurinto + + juror + + juryman
ĵurio + + jury + +

#ĵuri #to affirm #ĵurigi #to swear (in) #ĵurigo #administration of the oath #ĵurintaro #jury #ĵurintino #jurywoman #ĵurinto #juror #ĵurio #jury #jurisdikcio #jurisdiction #jurisprudenco #jurisprudence #juristo #jurist

#ĵurio #陪审团 #ĵuristo #陪审员