Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ 【◎Fix:◎麼;◎么】 + + interrogative particle / repetition of a tune small / tender 丿 Leftstroke 么 (ME_SUFFIX) 【◎Fix:◎me;◎yao1】 +
+ + + ride, ascend / avail oneself of / numerary adjunct for vehicles 丿 Leftstroke 乘 (FAHREN) cheng2 +
+ + + lack / poor 丿 Leftstroke 乏 (FEHLEN) fa2 +
+ + + rebel / crafty, shrewd 丿 Leftstroke 千 (TAUSEND) guai1 +
+ + + interrogative or exclamatory final particle 丿 Leftstroke 乎 (RHETOR.FRAGE) hu1 +
+ + + long time (ago) / time passage, grow late 丿 Leftstroke 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
+ + + happy, glad / enjoyable / music 丿 Leftstroke 乐 (FRÖHLICH) le4 +
+ + + then / really, indeed / as it turned out, after all / namely 丿 Leftstroke 乃 (DARUM ) nai3 +
+ + + used with ping for ping pong 丿 Leftstroke 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) pang1 +
+ + + used with pong for ping pong 丿 Leftstroke 丘 (ERDHÜGEL ) ping1 +
+ + + tall, lofty / proud, stately 丿 Leftstroke 乔 (GROSS_HOCH_STOLZ) qiao2 +
+ + + to depend on, to entrust with 丿 Leftstroke 乇 (VON_ETWAS_ABHÄNGEN) tuo1 +
+ + + crow, rook, raven / black, dark 丿 Leftstroke 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
+ + + govern / oversee / director 丿 Leftstroke 尹 (REGIEREN) yin3 +
+ + + first time, for the first time 丿 Leftstroke 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zha4 +
+ + + marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase / it, him her, them / go to 丿 Leftstroke 之 (ZHI1_MODIFIZIERER) zhi1 +