0 Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Seattle (Geo) [xi1 ya3 tu2] 西雅图
Seattle Mariners (Geo) [xi1 ya3 tu2 shui3 shou3] 西雅图水手
Seattle Seahawks (Geo) [xi1 ya3 tu2 hai3 ying1] 西雅图海鹰
Seattle SuperSonics [xi1 ya3 tu2 chao1 yin1 su4] 西雅图超音速
Seattle SuperSonics (Sport) [xi1 ya3 tu2 chao1 yin1 su4 dui4] 西雅图超音速队
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport [xi1 ya3 tu2 guo2 ji4 ji1 chang3] 西雅图国际机场
University of Washington [xi1 ya3 tu2 hua2 sheng4 dun4 da4 xue2] 西雅图华盛顿大学